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Is Tour Guiding Possible in Metaverse?

Year 2022, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 72 - 80, 30.12.2022


Researchers are wondering to what extent it is possible for professions to take place in the coming years in the Metaverse world, which has attracted more attention over time. In this context, it is aimed to discuss whether it is possible to practice the profession of tour guiding in Metaverse. The study is based on a conceptual research. Since the Metaverse is not a well-known and easy-to-understand concept, compilation studies that constitute conceptual and semantic integrity are needed before empirical studies on the subject. With the updating of the possibilities offered by the virtual universe over time, it is thought that tour guiding in the Metaverse, which seems impossible at the moment, may be possible in the future. Technological developments and forecasts for the future show this. Technology is one of the indispensable elements of human life. The basis of all kinds of materials used today is based on advanced technology. While developing technology paves the way for the formation of a new order in human life, it also provides a source for the emergence of different concepts within this order. One of these concepts is Metaverse. Metaverse, which is the basis of the intertwining of reality and virtual environment, constitutes the main subject of the research. The study is suitable for the "what awaits us in the future?" view on people due to the uncertainty of the Metaverse world, which is a result of the ever-developing advanced technology.

Project Number



  • Accenture. (2022). Accenture Technology Vision 2022: “Metaverse Continuum” Redefinin How the World Works, Operates and Interacts. Accessed: 12.08.2022
  • Aghaei, S., Nematbakhsh, M. A., & Farsani, H. K. (2012). Evolution Of The World Wide Web: From Web 1.0 to Web 4.0. International Journal of Web & Semantic Technology, 3(1), 1-10.
  • Aydın, İ. H. (2022). Beyin Sizsiniz 5.0 Metaverse Holistik Çağ. İstanbul: Girdap Kitap BBC News Türkçe. (2015). Japonya'da Robotların İşlettiği Ucuz Otel Hizmete Girdi. Accessed: 01.08.2022
  • BBC News. (2021). Metaverse Nedir, Teknoloji Şirketleri Neden Bu Kadar Çok Yatırım Yapıyor? Erişim Tarihi: 23.07.2022
  • Benito-Osorio, D., Peris-Ortiz, M., Armengot, C. R., ve Colino, A. (2013). Web 5.0: The Future Of Emotional Competences in Higher Education. Global Business Perspectives, 1(3), 274-287.
  • Berners-Lee, T. (1998). The World Wide Web: A Very Short Personal History, Accessed: 05.08.2022
  • Berners-Lee, T. (2007). Semantik Web’e Hoşgeldiniz. Çev. S. Özdemir, Elektrik Mühendisliği, 431, 45-46.
  • Bilton, N. (2021). The Metaverse Is About To Change Everything. Accessed: 27.07.2022
  • (t.y). Hakkında. Accessed: 08.08.2022
  • CNN Türk. (2019). İstanbul’da Robot Garsonlar İşe Başladı. Accessed: 01.08.2022
  • Çelik, R. (2022). Metaverse Nedir? Kavramsal Değerlendirme ve Genel Bakış. Balkan ve Yakın Doğu Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 8(1), 67-74.
  • Drath, R., & Horch, A. (2014). Industrie 4.0: Hit Or Hype. IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, 8(2), 56-58.
  • Ersöz, B. (2020). Yeni Nesil Web Paradigması-Web 4.0. Bilgisayar Bilimleri ve Teknolojileri Dergisi, 1(2), 58-65.
  • Getting, B. (2007). Basic Definitions: Web 1.0, Web. 2.0, Web 3.0 Accessed: 06.08.2022
  • Hatmaker, T. (2022). Second Life’s Creator Is Returning to Advise The Original Metaverse Company. Accessed: 27.07.2022
  • Jebara, T., Eyster, C., Weaver, J., Starner, T., & Pentland, A. (1997). Stochasticks: Augmenting The Billiards Experience With Probabilistic Vision and Wearable Computers. In Digest of Papers. First International Symposium on Wearable Computers (pp. 138-145). IEEE.
  • Kahraman, M. (2010). Sosyal Medya 101 2.0 Pazarlamacılar için Sosyal Medyaya Giriş. İstanbul: Mediacat
  • Kapan, K., & Üncel, R. (2020). Gelişen Web Teknolojilerinin (Web 1.0-Web 2.0-Web 3.0) Türkiye Turizmine Etkisi. Safran Kültür ve Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3(3), 276-289.
  • Köse, M. (2021). Metaverse Nedir ve Neden Çok Önemlidir? Yaşamlarımızı Dijital Bir Evrene Taşıyabilir Miyiz? Accessed: 25.07.2022
  • Lazar, V. (2022). Metaverse Investing Guide For Beginners: Top 5 Unique Strategies To Create Wealth In Metaverse. Why Metaverse Will Create More Millionaires Than Anything Else. Altcoins, Nft, Defi, Blockchain. İngiltere: ChaseCheck LTD.
  • Mcclain, J. (2022). Tourism in The Metaverse is Just Around The Corner. Accessed: 12.08.2022
  • Mystakidis, S. (2022). Metaverse. Encyclopedia, 2, 486–497. Accessed: 27.07.2022
  • Newzoo. (2021). Intro to the Metaverse Newzoo Trend Report 2021. Free_Metaverse_Report_Newzoo.pdf, Accessed: 26.07.2022
  • NTV. (2021). Irak'ın Musul Kentindeki Bir Restoranda Robot Garsonlar İşe Başladı.,VwGIaNxfcUaDgDC4mkLeVQ/jPC_wiFeLEWWTQg4W1MkMQ Accessed: 01.08.2022
  • Sipper, J. A. (2022). The Cyber Meta-Reality: Beyond The Metaverse. London: Lexington Books
  • SuperWorld. (t.y.). Make The World Yours. Accessed: 11.08.2022
  • Tavakoli, R., & Wijesinghe, S. N. (2019). The Evolution of the Web and Netnography In Tourism: A Systematic Review. Tourism Management Perspectives, 29, 48-55.
  • Tidy, J. (2021). Metaverse ve İkinci Yaşam'dan Alınacak Dersler. Accessed: 23.07.2022
  • Trejos, N. (2016). Introducing Connie, Hilton's New Robot Concierge. Accessed: 08.08.2022
  • TRT Haber. (2022). Metaverse Nedir, Nasıl Girilir? Metaverse’te Her Şey Yapmak Mümkün Mü? Accessed: 23.07.2022
  • Weiss, S. S. (2008). (IN)VISIBLE: Learning to Act in the Metaverse. Austria: Springer Vienna Architecture.
  • Winters, T. (2022). Metaverse -Sanal Dünyanın Devrimine Hazır Olun. M. Z. Çamoğlu (Çev.), İstanbul: Koblab
  • Yağcı, Y. (2009). Web Teknolojisinde Yeni Bilgi Fırtınası: Web 3.0. ÜNAK 2009 Bilgi Çağında Varoluş: “Fırsatlar ve Tehditler” Sempozyumu, 01-02 Ekim 2009, Yeditepe Üniversitesi, İstanbul- Türkiye, Bildiriler Kitabı
  • Yılmaz, M. (2010). Exploring Web 2.0: Second Generation Internet Tools-Blogs, Podcasts, Wikis, Networking, Virtual Worlds, and More, Ann BELL Katy Crossing Press, ISBN: 978-1441-4986-8.
  • Şengel, Ü. (2021). Chronology of the Interaction between the Industrial revolution and modern tourism flows. Journal of Tourism Intelligence and Smartness, 4(1), 19-30.

Is Tour Guiding Possible in Metaverse?

Year 2022, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 72 - 80, 30.12.2022


Researchers are wondering to what extent it is possible for professions to take place in the coming years in the Metaverse world, which has attracted more attention over time. In this context, it is aimed to discuss whether it is possible to practice the profession of tour guiding in Metaverse. The study is based on a conceptual research. Since the Metaverse is not a well-known and easy-to-understand concept, compilation studies that constitute conceptual and semantic integrity are needed before empirical studies on the subject. With the updating of the possibilities offered by the virtual universe over time, it is thought that tour guiding in the Metaverse, which seems impossible at the moment, may be possible in the future. Technological developments and forecasts for the future show this. Technology is one of the indispensable elements of human life. The basis of all kinds of materials used today is based on advanced technology. While developing technology paves the way for the formation of a new order in human life, it also provides a source for the emergence of different concepts within this order. One of these concepts is Metaverse. Metaverse, which is the basis of the intertwining of reality and virtual environment, constitutes the main subject of the research. The study is suitable for the "what awaits us in the future?" view on people due to the uncertainty of the Metaverse world, which is a result of the ever-developing advanced technology.

Supporting Institution


Project Number





  • Accenture. (2022). Accenture Technology Vision 2022: “Metaverse Continuum” Redefinin How the World Works, Operates and Interacts. Accessed: 12.08.2022
  • Aghaei, S., Nematbakhsh, M. A., & Farsani, H. K. (2012). Evolution Of The World Wide Web: From Web 1.0 to Web 4.0. International Journal of Web & Semantic Technology, 3(1), 1-10.
  • Aydın, İ. H. (2022). Beyin Sizsiniz 5.0 Metaverse Holistik Çağ. İstanbul: Girdap Kitap BBC News Türkçe. (2015). Japonya'da Robotların İşlettiği Ucuz Otel Hizmete Girdi. Accessed: 01.08.2022
  • BBC News. (2021). Metaverse Nedir, Teknoloji Şirketleri Neden Bu Kadar Çok Yatırım Yapıyor? Erişim Tarihi: 23.07.2022
  • Benito-Osorio, D., Peris-Ortiz, M., Armengot, C. R., ve Colino, A. (2013). Web 5.0: The Future Of Emotional Competences in Higher Education. Global Business Perspectives, 1(3), 274-287.
  • Berners-Lee, T. (1998). The World Wide Web: A Very Short Personal History, Accessed: 05.08.2022
  • Berners-Lee, T. (2007). Semantik Web’e Hoşgeldiniz. Çev. S. Özdemir, Elektrik Mühendisliği, 431, 45-46.
  • Bilton, N. (2021). The Metaverse Is About To Change Everything. Accessed: 27.07.2022
  • (t.y). Hakkında. Accessed: 08.08.2022
  • CNN Türk. (2019). İstanbul’da Robot Garsonlar İşe Başladı. Accessed: 01.08.2022
  • Çelik, R. (2022). Metaverse Nedir? Kavramsal Değerlendirme ve Genel Bakış. Balkan ve Yakın Doğu Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 8(1), 67-74.
  • Drath, R., & Horch, A. (2014). Industrie 4.0: Hit Or Hype. IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, 8(2), 56-58.
  • Ersöz, B. (2020). Yeni Nesil Web Paradigması-Web 4.0. Bilgisayar Bilimleri ve Teknolojileri Dergisi, 1(2), 58-65.
  • Getting, B. (2007). Basic Definitions: Web 1.0, Web. 2.0, Web 3.0 Accessed: 06.08.2022
  • Hatmaker, T. (2022). Second Life’s Creator Is Returning to Advise The Original Metaverse Company. Accessed: 27.07.2022
  • Jebara, T., Eyster, C., Weaver, J., Starner, T., & Pentland, A. (1997). Stochasticks: Augmenting The Billiards Experience With Probabilistic Vision and Wearable Computers. In Digest of Papers. First International Symposium on Wearable Computers (pp. 138-145). IEEE.
  • Kahraman, M. (2010). Sosyal Medya 101 2.0 Pazarlamacılar için Sosyal Medyaya Giriş. İstanbul: Mediacat
  • Kapan, K., & Üncel, R. (2020). Gelişen Web Teknolojilerinin (Web 1.0-Web 2.0-Web 3.0) Türkiye Turizmine Etkisi. Safran Kültür ve Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3(3), 276-289.
  • Köse, M. (2021). Metaverse Nedir ve Neden Çok Önemlidir? Yaşamlarımızı Dijital Bir Evrene Taşıyabilir Miyiz? Accessed: 25.07.2022
  • Lazar, V. (2022). Metaverse Investing Guide For Beginners: Top 5 Unique Strategies To Create Wealth In Metaverse. Why Metaverse Will Create More Millionaires Than Anything Else. Altcoins, Nft, Defi, Blockchain. İngiltere: ChaseCheck LTD.
  • Mcclain, J. (2022). Tourism in The Metaverse is Just Around The Corner. Accessed: 12.08.2022
  • Mystakidis, S. (2022). Metaverse. Encyclopedia, 2, 486–497. Accessed: 27.07.2022
  • Newzoo. (2021). Intro to the Metaverse Newzoo Trend Report 2021. Free_Metaverse_Report_Newzoo.pdf, Accessed: 26.07.2022
  • NTV. (2021). Irak'ın Musul Kentindeki Bir Restoranda Robot Garsonlar İşe Başladı.,VwGIaNxfcUaDgDC4mkLeVQ/jPC_wiFeLEWWTQg4W1MkMQ Accessed: 01.08.2022
  • Sipper, J. A. (2022). The Cyber Meta-Reality: Beyond The Metaverse. London: Lexington Books
  • SuperWorld. (t.y.). Make The World Yours. Accessed: 11.08.2022
  • Tavakoli, R., & Wijesinghe, S. N. (2019). The Evolution of the Web and Netnography In Tourism: A Systematic Review. Tourism Management Perspectives, 29, 48-55.
  • Tidy, J. (2021). Metaverse ve İkinci Yaşam'dan Alınacak Dersler. Accessed: 23.07.2022
  • Trejos, N. (2016). Introducing Connie, Hilton's New Robot Concierge. Accessed: 08.08.2022
  • TRT Haber. (2022). Metaverse Nedir, Nasıl Girilir? Metaverse’te Her Şey Yapmak Mümkün Mü? Accessed: 23.07.2022
  • Weiss, S. S. (2008). (IN)VISIBLE: Learning to Act in the Metaverse. Austria: Springer Vienna Architecture.
  • Winters, T. (2022). Metaverse -Sanal Dünyanın Devrimine Hazır Olun. M. Z. Çamoğlu (Çev.), İstanbul: Koblab
  • Yağcı, Y. (2009). Web Teknolojisinde Yeni Bilgi Fırtınası: Web 3.0. ÜNAK 2009 Bilgi Çağında Varoluş: “Fırsatlar ve Tehditler” Sempozyumu, 01-02 Ekim 2009, Yeditepe Üniversitesi, İstanbul- Türkiye, Bildiriler Kitabı
  • Yılmaz, M. (2010). Exploring Web 2.0: Second Generation Internet Tools-Blogs, Podcasts, Wikis, Networking, Virtual Worlds, and More, Ann BELL Katy Crossing Press, ISBN: 978-1441-4986-8.
  • Şengel, Ü. (2021). Chronology of the Interaction between the Industrial revolution and modern tourism flows. Journal of Tourism Intelligence and Smartness, 4(1), 19-30.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Makaleler

Ümit Şengel 0000-0003-1284-836X

İmran Özeskici 0000-0002-1075-0169

Project Number None
Publication Date December 30, 2022
Submission Date October 12, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 7 Issue: 2


APA Şengel, Ü., & Özeskici, İ. (2022). Is Tour Guiding Possible in Metaverse?. Uluslararası Türk Dünyası Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 7(2), 72-80.