Research Article
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Year 2023, , 221 - 231, 30.09.2023


Objective: The aim of this study is to determine women's health perceptions and gynecological cancer awareness.
Methods: This descriptive study was conducted with 207 women. The data of the study were collected with the personal information form, the Perception of Health Scale (PHS), and the Gynecological Cancer Awareness Scale (GCAS). Descriptive statistics, Independent Sample-t test, ANOVA test, Mann-Whitney U test, Kruskal-Wallis test and Spearman correlation test were used in the analysis of the data. p<0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Results: The mean total score of women's PHS was 49.87±6.48, and the mean total score of GCAS was 153.71±18.79. A statistically significant positive correlation was found between the total score of the health perception scale and the total score of the gynecological cancer awareness scale (r=0.309, p<0.001). Women's marital status, education level, employment and economic status, frequency of going to gynecological examinations affect their health perceptions and awareness of gynecological cancer (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Early diagnosis of gynecological cancer reduces morbidity and mortality rates. For early diagnosis, women's awareness of gynecological cancer should be developed. As a result of the study, it was seen that as the health perceptions of women increased, their awareness of gynecological cancer also increased. It is recommended to raise awareness of health perceptions and gynecological cancer by informing women about gynecological cancer, early diagnosis, screening programs, and positive health behaviors.

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Project Number



Thank you to all the participants who participated in this research.


  • Acıksoz, S., Uzun, Ş., Arslan, F. (2013). Relationship between perceptions of health status and health promotion behaviors in nursing students. Gulhane Medical Journal, 55, 181-187.
  • Alp Dal, N., Ertem, G. (2017). Gynecological Cancer Awareness Scale Development Study. Jornal of the Human and Social Science Researches, 6(5), 2351-2367.
  • Aydın, M. (2019). Gynecological cancer awareness and healthy lifestyle behaviors of women in menopause period. Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Graduate Education Institute Master Thesis.
  • Boxell, E.M., Smith, S.G., Morris, M., Kummer, S., Rowlands, G., Waller, J. et al. (2012). Increasing awareness of gynecological cancer symptoms and reducing barriers to medical help seeking: does health literacy play a role? Journal of Health Communication, 17(3), 265-279.
  • Buyukkayacı Duman, N., Yuksel Kocak, D., Albayrak, S.A., Topuz, Ş., Yılmazel, G. (2015). Knowledge and practices breast and cervical cancer screening among womens over age of 40. Journal of Academic Research in Nursing (JAREN), 1(1), 30-38.
  • Cihangiroglu, Z., Deveci, S.E. (2011). Healthy life style behaviours and related ınfluencing factors of the students of Elazig High School of Health Sciences of Firat University. Fırat Medical Journal, 16(2), 78-83.
  • Diamond, J.J., Becker, J.A., Arenson, C.A., Chambers, C.V., Rosenthal, M.P. (2007). Development of a scale to measure adults’ perceptions of health: priliminary findings. Journal of Community Psychology, 35(5), 557-561.
  • Durmaz, S., Ozvurmaz, S., Adana, F., Kurt, F. (2021). Cross-Sectional evaluation of reltion between women's attitudes towards the diagnosis of cervical cancer and regular gynecological examination. Journal of Adnan Menderes University Health Sciences Faculty, 5(1), 26-36.
  • Efe Arslan, D., Tosun Guleroglu, F., Bahceli, A., Kocaoz, S. (2022). The risk level of breast cancer and health beliefs of health professionals. Journal of Health Science, 31(2), 210-218.
  • Ersin, F., Kıssal, A., Polat, P., Koca, B.D., Erdogan, M. (2016). Perception of female medical personnel toward cervical cancer and the affecting factors. Journal of Research and Development in Nursing, 18(2-3), 31-43.
  • Ferrer, R., Klein, W.M. (2015). Risk perceptions and health behavior. Curr Opin Psychol, October 1, 5, 85-89.
  • Gozuyesil, E., Arıoz Duzgun, A., Tas, F. (2020). Evaluation of gynecological cancer awareness of women’s applying for a family health center. Turkish Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 14(2), 177-185.
  • Kadıoglu, H., Yıldız, A. (2012). Validity and Reliability of Turkish Version of Perception of Health Scale. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences, 32(1), 47-53.
  • Karakoyunlu Sen, S., Kılıc Ozturk, Y. (2020). The relationship between health perception and cancer screening awareness. Turkish Journal of Family Medicine, 24(4), 175-183.
  • Kaya Senol, D., Polat, F., Dogan, M. (2021). Gynecological cancer awareness: reproductive age and postmenopausal women. Turkish Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 15(1), 56-62.
  • Kıyak, S., Burucu, R. (2022). Gynecological cancer awareness of university students and related factors. Sted, 31(3), 172-182.
  • Kolac, N., Balci, A.S., Sisman, F.N., Atacer, B.E., Dincer, S. (2018). Health perception and healthy lifestyle behaviors in factory workers. Bakirkoy Journal of Medicine, 14(3), 267-274.
  • Kulakcı Altıntas, H., Korkmaz Aslan, G. (2020). Evaluation of the health beliefs of women towards early diagnosis of breast and cervical cancer. Journal of Hacettepe University Faculty of Nursing, 7(3), 249-261.
  • Kucukberber, N., Ozdilli, K., Yorulmaz, H. (2011). Evaluation of factors affecting healthy life style behaviors and quality of life in patients with heart disease. Anatolian Journal of Cardiology, 11(7), 619-626.
  • Ledford, L.R.C., Lockwood, S. (2019). Scope and epidemiology of gynecologic cancers: an overview. Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 35(2), 147-150.
  • Leung, S.S., Leung, I. (2010). Cervical cancer screening: knowledge, health perception and attendance rate among Hong Kong Chinese women. International Journal of Women’s Health, 2, 221-228.
  • Ndejjo, R., Mukama, T., Kiguli, J., Musoke, D. (2017). Knowledge, facilitators and barriers to cervical cancer screening among women in Uganda: a qualitative study. BMJ Open, 7, e016282.
  • Ozcan, H., Demir Dogan, M. (2021). Gynecological cancer awareness among women. Indian Journal of Gynecologic Oncology, 19, 13.
  • Ozdelikara, A., Agaçdiken Alkan, S., Mumcu, N. (2018). Determination of health perception, health anxiety and effecting factors among nursing students. Bakirkoy Journal of Medicine, 14, 275-282.
  • Ozturk, Y., Gursoy, E. (2020). Obstacles preventing women from having pap smear screening test. Sted, 29(1), 61-68.
  • Rathbun, K.P., Loerzel, V., Edwards, J. (2020). Personal perception of health in urban women of low socioeconomic status: a qualitative study. Journal of Primary Care and Community Health, 11, 1-6.
  • Sahin, S. (2015). Early diagnosis and screening programs for cancer. Ege Journal of Medicine, 54, 41-45.
  • Sahin, D., Sayın, N.C. (2015). Knowledge, attı̇tude and behavior about gynecologı̇c cancers in women admı̇tted to and healthcare staff working at the state hospital in Kırklareli. Indian Journal of Applied Research, 5(3), 294-297.
  • Republic of Turkiye Ministry of Health General Directorate of Public Health Türkiye Cancer Control Program, Ankara, 2021.
  • Republic of Turkiye Ministry of Health General Directorate of Public Health Türkiye Cancer Statistics 2017, Ankara, 2021.
  • Teskereci, G., Oncel, S., Ozer Arslan, U. (2020). Evaluation of the women attending vocational courses in terms of risk factors and early warning signs related to gynaecological cancers. Sted, 29(4), 229-238.
  • Uysal, N., Unal Toprak, F. (2022). Determination of women's health perceptions and attitudes towards cancer screening and affecting factors. Journal of Adnan Menderes University Health Sciences Faculty, 6(1), 65-76.
  • Yagmur, Y., Duman, M. (2016). The relationship between the social support level perceived by patients with gynecologic cancer and mental adjustment to cancer. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 134(2), 208-211.


Year 2023, , 221 - 231, 30.09.2023


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı kadınların sağlık algıları ile jinekolojik kanser farkındalıklarının belirlenmesidir.
Yöntem: Tanımlatıcı tipteki bu çalışma 207 kadın ile yürütülmüştür. Çalışmanın verileri kişisel bilgi formu, Sağlık Algısı Ölçeği (SAÖ) ve Jinekolojik Kanser Farkındalık Ölçeği (JİKFÖ) ile toplanmıştır. Verilerin analizinde tanımlayıcı iatatistikler, Independent Sample-t testi, ANOVA testi, Mann-Whitney U testi, Kruskal-Wallis testi ve Spearman korelasyon testi kullanılmıştır. p<0.05 istatistiksel olarak anlamlı kabul edilmiştir.
Bulgular: Kadınların SAÖ toplam puan ortalaması 49.87±6.48, JİKFÖ toplam puan ortalaması 153.71±18.79’dur. Sağlık algısı ölçeği toplam puan ile jinekolojik kanser farkındalık ölçeği toplam puanı arasında pozitif yönlü zayıf düzeyde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki tespit edilmiştir (r=0.309, p<0.001). Kadınların medeni durumu, eğitim düzeyi, çalışma ve ekonomik durumu, jinekolojik muayeneye gitme sıklığı sağlık algılarını ve jinekolojik kanser farkındalıklarını etkilemektedir (p<0.05).
Sonuç: Jinekolojik kanserin erken tanısı ile morbidite ve mortalite oranları düşmektedir. Erken tanılama için de kadınların jinekolojik kanser farkındalıklarının gelişmiş olması gerekir. Çalışma sonucunda kadınların sağlık algıları arttıkça, jinekolojik kanser farkındalıklarının da arttığı görülmüştür. Kadınlara jinekolojik kanser, erken tanı, tarama programları, olumlu sağlık davranışları hakkında bilgilendirme yapılarak, sağlık algılarının ve jinekolojik kanser farkındalıklarının yükseltilmesi önerilmektedir.

Project Number



  • Acıksoz, S., Uzun, Ş., Arslan, F. (2013). Relationship between perceptions of health status and health promotion behaviors in nursing students. Gulhane Medical Journal, 55, 181-187.
  • Alp Dal, N., Ertem, G. (2017). Gynecological Cancer Awareness Scale Development Study. Jornal of the Human and Social Science Researches, 6(5), 2351-2367.
  • Aydın, M. (2019). Gynecological cancer awareness and healthy lifestyle behaviors of women in menopause period. Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Graduate Education Institute Master Thesis.
  • Boxell, E.M., Smith, S.G., Morris, M., Kummer, S., Rowlands, G., Waller, J. et al. (2012). Increasing awareness of gynecological cancer symptoms and reducing barriers to medical help seeking: does health literacy play a role? Journal of Health Communication, 17(3), 265-279.
  • Buyukkayacı Duman, N., Yuksel Kocak, D., Albayrak, S.A., Topuz, Ş., Yılmazel, G. (2015). Knowledge and practices breast and cervical cancer screening among womens over age of 40. Journal of Academic Research in Nursing (JAREN), 1(1), 30-38.
  • Cihangiroglu, Z., Deveci, S.E. (2011). Healthy life style behaviours and related ınfluencing factors of the students of Elazig High School of Health Sciences of Firat University. Fırat Medical Journal, 16(2), 78-83.
  • Diamond, J.J., Becker, J.A., Arenson, C.A., Chambers, C.V., Rosenthal, M.P. (2007). Development of a scale to measure adults’ perceptions of health: priliminary findings. Journal of Community Psychology, 35(5), 557-561.
  • Durmaz, S., Ozvurmaz, S., Adana, F., Kurt, F. (2021). Cross-Sectional evaluation of reltion between women's attitudes towards the diagnosis of cervical cancer and regular gynecological examination. Journal of Adnan Menderes University Health Sciences Faculty, 5(1), 26-36.
  • Efe Arslan, D., Tosun Guleroglu, F., Bahceli, A., Kocaoz, S. (2022). The risk level of breast cancer and health beliefs of health professionals. Journal of Health Science, 31(2), 210-218.
  • Ersin, F., Kıssal, A., Polat, P., Koca, B.D., Erdogan, M. (2016). Perception of female medical personnel toward cervical cancer and the affecting factors. Journal of Research and Development in Nursing, 18(2-3), 31-43.
  • Ferrer, R., Klein, W.M. (2015). Risk perceptions and health behavior. Curr Opin Psychol, October 1, 5, 85-89.
  • Gozuyesil, E., Arıoz Duzgun, A., Tas, F. (2020). Evaluation of gynecological cancer awareness of women’s applying for a family health center. Turkish Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 14(2), 177-185.
  • Kadıoglu, H., Yıldız, A. (2012). Validity and Reliability of Turkish Version of Perception of Health Scale. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences, 32(1), 47-53.
  • Karakoyunlu Sen, S., Kılıc Ozturk, Y. (2020). The relationship between health perception and cancer screening awareness. Turkish Journal of Family Medicine, 24(4), 175-183.
  • Kaya Senol, D., Polat, F., Dogan, M. (2021). Gynecological cancer awareness: reproductive age and postmenopausal women. Turkish Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 15(1), 56-62.
  • Kıyak, S., Burucu, R. (2022). Gynecological cancer awareness of university students and related factors. Sted, 31(3), 172-182.
  • Kolac, N., Balci, A.S., Sisman, F.N., Atacer, B.E., Dincer, S. (2018). Health perception and healthy lifestyle behaviors in factory workers. Bakirkoy Journal of Medicine, 14(3), 267-274.
  • Kulakcı Altıntas, H., Korkmaz Aslan, G. (2020). Evaluation of the health beliefs of women towards early diagnosis of breast and cervical cancer. Journal of Hacettepe University Faculty of Nursing, 7(3), 249-261.
  • Kucukberber, N., Ozdilli, K., Yorulmaz, H. (2011). Evaluation of factors affecting healthy life style behaviors and quality of life in patients with heart disease. Anatolian Journal of Cardiology, 11(7), 619-626.
  • Ledford, L.R.C., Lockwood, S. (2019). Scope and epidemiology of gynecologic cancers: an overview. Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 35(2), 147-150.
  • Leung, S.S., Leung, I. (2010). Cervical cancer screening: knowledge, health perception and attendance rate among Hong Kong Chinese women. International Journal of Women’s Health, 2, 221-228.
  • Ndejjo, R., Mukama, T., Kiguli, J., Musoke, D. (2017). Knowledge, facilitators and barriers to cervical cancer screening among women in Uganda: a qualitative study. BMJ Open, 7, e016282.
  • Ozcan, H., Demir Dogan, M. (2021). Gynecological cancer awareness among women. Indian Journal of Gynecologic Oncology, 19, 13.
  • Ozdelikara, A., Agaçdiken Alkan, S., Mumcu, N. (2018). Determination of health perception, health anxiety and effecting factors among nursing students. Bakirkoy Journal of Medicine, 14, 275-282.
  • Ozturk, Y., Gursoy, E. (2020). Obstacles preventing women from having pap smear screening test. Sted, 29(1), 61-68.
  • Rathbun, K.P., Loerzel, V., Edwards, J. (2020). Personal perception of health in urban women of low socioeconomic status: a qualitative study. Journal of Primary Care and Community Health, 11, 1-6.
  • Sahin, S. (2015). Early diagnosis and screening programs for cancer. Ege Journal of Medicine, 54, 41-45.
  • Sahin, D., Sayın, N.C. (2015). Knowledge, attı̇tude and behavior about gynecologı̇c cancers in women admı̇tted to and healthcare staff working at the state hospital in Kırklareli. Indian Journal of Applied Research, 5(3), 294-297.
  • Republic of Turkiye Ministry of Health General Directorate of Public Health Türkiye Cancer Control Program, Ankara, 2021.
  • Republic of Turkiye Ministry of Health General Directorate of Public Health Türkiye Cancer Statistics 2017, Ankara, 2021.
  • Teskereci, G., Oncel, S., Ozer Arslan, U. (2020). Evaluation of the women attending vocational courses in terms of risk factors and early warning signs related to gynaecological cancers. Sted, 29(4), 229-238.
  • Uysal, N., Unal Toprak, F. (2022). Determination of women's health perceptions and attitudes towards cancer screening and affecting factors. Journal of Adnan Menderes University Health Sciences Faculty, 6(1), 65-76.
  • Yagmur, Y., Duman, M. (2016). The relationship between the social support level perceived by patients with gynecologic cancer and mental adjustment to cancer. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 134(2), 208-211.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Primary Health Care
Journal Section Articles

Didem Kaya 0000-0001-6723-9321

Project Number -
Early Pub Date October 1, 2023
Publication Date September 30, 2023
Submission Date April 30, 2023
Acceptance Date August 5, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023



Turkish Journal of Science and Health (TFSD) 


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