Research Article
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Year 2024, , 124 - 134, 30.09.2024



  • Abhar, R., Hassani, L., Montaseri, M., & Ardakani, M. P. (2022). The effect of an educational intervention based on the Health Belief Model on preventive behaviors of prostate cancer in military men. Community Health Equity Research & Policy, 42(2), 127-134.
  • Abuadas, M. H., Petro‐Nustas, W., Albikawi, Z. F., & Mari, M. (2017). Predictors of prostate cancer screening intention among older men in Jordan. InternationalJournal of Urological Nursing, 11(1), 31-41.
  • Aflakseir, A. (2016). The role of Health Beliefs Model inpredicting prostate cancer screening in a group of men over age fifty in Shiraz. Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 18(6), e3408.
  • Alshammari, S., Alojayri, R., AlJehani, M., Almuhid, F.,Alotaibi, O., Alqahtani, M., & AlGhamdi, A. (2021). The association between the knowledge on prostate cancer screening with the beliefs and behaviors of Saudi men attending King Khalid University Hospital. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 10(12), 4423-4430.
  • American Cancer Society Recommendations for Prostate Cancer Early Detection [Retrieved on: 10 March 2023] Available from:
  • Bamidele, O. O., Alexis, O., Ogunsanya, M., Greenley, S., Worsley, A., & Mitchell, E. D. (2022). Barriers and facilitators to accessing and utilising post-treatment psychosocial support by Black men treated for prostate cancer—a systematic review and qualitative synthesis. Supportive Care in Cancer, 30(5), 3665- 3690.
  • Bilgili, N., & Kitiş, Y. (2019). Prostate cancer screening and health beliefs: A Turkish study of male adults. Erciyes Medical Journal/Erciyes Tip Dergisi, 41(2).
  • Chung, J. S., Morgan, T. M., & Hong, S. K. (2020). Clinical implications of genomic evaluations for prostate cancer risk stratification, screening, and treatment: a narrative review. Prostate international, 8(3), 99-106.
  • Çapık, C. (2012). Investigating the factors that affect the knowledge level regarding prostate cancer screenings. Turkish Journal of Urology, 38(4), 185-9.
  • Çapık, C., & Gözüm, S. (2011). Development and validation of health beliefs model scale for prostate cancer screenings (HBM-PCS): Evidence from exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 15(5), 478-485.
  • Çapik, C. (2014). The impact of educational sessions provided on prostate cancer, and its screening tests on the knowledge level, and participation behavior of the individuals in questionnaire surveys. Turk Uroloji Dergisi, 40(1).
  • Demirbaş, N., & Onmaz, M. (2021). Sağlık inanç modeli ile erkeklerin prostat kanseri taramalarına ilişkin inanç ve algı düzeyleri ile etkileyen faktörlerin değerlendirilmesi. Türkiye Aile Hekimliği Dergisi, 25(4), 137-144.
  • Global Cancer Observatory. Statistics, International Agency for Research on Cancer. [Retrieved on: 20 March 2024] Available from: Prostate-fact-sheet.pdf
  • Ivlev, I., Jerabkova, S., Mishra, M., Cook, L. A., & Eden, K.B. (2018). Prostate cancer screening patient decision aids: a systematic review and meta-analysis. AmericanJournal of Preventive Medicine, 55(6), 896-907.
  • Jakimowicz, S., Levett-Jones, T., & Chambers, S. K. (2020).Distress Screening for Men with Prostate Cancer. Seminars In Oncology Nursing, 36(4), 1-3.
  • Jamieson, S. C., Mallory, C. W., Jivanji, D. R., Perez, A.,Castro, G., Barengo, N. C., ... & Nieder, A. M. (2022). The role of health literacy in prostate cancer screening. Urology, 163, 112-118.
  • Kahraman, F., & Kılıç, D. (2019). 40 Yaş Üzeri Bireylerin Prostat Kanseri Taramalarına İlişkin Sağlık İnanç ve Tutumlarının Belirlenmesi. Halk Sağlığı Hemşireliği Dergisi, 1(3), 103-118.
  • Mbuguaa, R. G., Karanja, S., & Oluchina, S. (2021). Barriers and facilitators to uptake of prostate cancer screening in a Kenyan rural community. Annals of African Surgery, 18(3), 130-136.
  • Mbuguab , R. G., Oluchina, S., & Karanja, S. (2021). Prostate cancer awareness and screening among men in a rural community in Kenya: A cross-sectional study. African Journal of Urology, 27(1), 1-10.
  • Ogunsanya, M. E., Jiang, S., Thach, A. V., Bamgbade, B. A., & Brown, C. M. (2016). Predictors of prostate cancer screening using Andersen’s Behavioral Model ofHealth Services Use. Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations, 34(12), 1-6.
  • Poppel, H.V, Albreht, T., Basu, P., Hogenhout, R., Collen, S., & Roobol, M. (2022). Serum PSA-based early detection of prostate cancer in Europe and globally: past, present and future. Nature Reviews Urology, 19(9), 562-572. 00638-6
  • Shungu, N., & Sterba, K. R. (2021). Barriers and facilitators to informed decision-making about prostate cancer screening among Black men. The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 34(5), 925-936.
  • Türkiye Kanser İstatistikleri. [Retrieved on: 10 March2023] Available from: tatistik/Turkiye_Kanser_Istatistikleri_2017OZETLI.pdf
  • Yeboah-Asiamah, B., Yirenya-Tawiah, D., Baafi, D., & Ackumey, M. M. (2017). Perceptions and knowledge about prostate cancer and attitudes towards prostatecancer screening among male teachers in the Sunyani Municipality, Ghana. African Journal of Urology, 23(4), 184-191.
  • Zare, M., Ghodsbin, F., Jahanbin, I., Ariafar, A., Keshavarzi,S., & Izadi, T. (2016). The effect of health belief modelbased education on knowledge and prostate cancer screening behaviors: a randomized controlled trial. International journal of community based nursing and midwifery, 4(1), 57.

Prostate Cancer Screening Behaviors and Health Beliefs Regarding Prostate Cancer Screening of Individuals Over 50 Years of Age: A Descriptive, Cross-Sectional Study

Year 2024, , 124 - 134, 30.09.2024


Purpose: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted to assess the prostate cancer screening behaviors and health beliefs related to prostate cancer screening among individuals aged 50 and over.
Material and Methods: The study sample consisted of 72 men aged 50 and over receiving treatment at the orthopedics and traumatology clinic of a university hospital. Data were collected using a "Personal Information Form" and the "Prostate Cancer Screening Health Belief Model Scale."
Results: The mean age of the participants in the study was 61.59±8.51 years. It was found that 22.2% of the participants had undergone Prostate-Specific Antigen testing, 73.6% had no knowledge about prostate cancer, and 75% had no knowledge about early detection tests for prostate cancer. Furthermore, participants who had knowledge about prostate cancer and early detection, had a family history of prostate cancer, and considered undergoing prostate examination had a higher rate of undergoing Prostate-Specific Antigen testing. Those who had never undergone a prostate examination, had no knowledge about prostate cancer and early detection tests, and did not plan to undergo prostate examination within the next six months had higher scores on the barrier perception scale, while those who had undergone Prostate-Specific Antigen testing and planned to undergo prostate examination within the next six months had higher scores on the health motivation perception scale.
Conclusion: The study revealed a low rate of Prostate-Specific Antigen testing for early detection of prostate cancer, and participants' knowledge and health beliefs and perceptions related to prostate cancer and early detection tests were identified as key factors influencing prostate cancer screening behaviors.


  • Abhar, R., Hassani, L., Montaseri, M., & Ardakani, M. P. (2022). The effect of an educational intervention based on the Health Belief Model on preventive behaviors of prostate cancer in military men. Community Health Equity Research & Policy, 42(2), 127-134.
  • Abuadas, M. H., Petro‐Nustas, W., Albikawi, Z. F., & Mari, M. (2017). Predictors of prostate cancer screening intention among older men in Jordan. InternationalJournal of Urological Nursing, 11(1), 31-41.
  • Aflakseir, A. (2016). The role of Health Beliefs Model inpredicting prostate cancer screening in a group of men over age fifty in Shiraz. Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 18(6), e3408.
  • Alshammari, S., Alojayri, R., AlJehani, M., Almuhid, F.,Alotaibi, O., Alqahtani, M., & AlGhamdi, A. (2021). The association between the knowledge on prostate cancer screening with the beliefs and behaviors of Saudi men attending King Khalid University Hospital. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 10(12), 4423-4430.
  • American Cancer Society Recommendations for Prostate Cancer Early Detection [Retrieved on: 10 March 2023] Available from:
  • Bamidele, O. O., Alexis, O., Ogunsanya, M., Greenley, S., Worsley, A., & Mitchell, E. D. (2022). Barriers and facilitators to accessing and utilising post-treatment psychosocial support by Black men treated for prostate cancer—a systematic review and qualitative synthesis. Supportive Care in Cancer, 30(5), 3665- 3690.
  • Bilgili, N., & Kitiş, Y. (2019). Prostate cancer screening and health beliefs: A Turkish study of male adults. Erciyes Medical Journal/Erciyes Tip Dergisi, 41(2).
  • Chung, J. S., Morgan, T. M., & Hong, S. K. (2020). Clinical implications of genomic evaluations for prostate cancer risk stratification, screening, and treatment: a narrative review. Prostate international, 8(3), 99-106.
  • Çapık, C. (2012). Investigating the factors that affect the knowledge level regarding prostate cancer screenings. Turkish Journal of Urology, 38(4), 185-9.
  • Çapık, C., & Gözüm, S. (2011). Development and validation of health beliefs model scale for prostate cancer screenings (HBM-PCS): Evidence from exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 15(5), 478-485.
  • Çapik, C. (2014). The impact of educational sessions provided on prostate cancer, and its screening tests on the knowledge level, and participation behavior of the individuals in questionnaire surveys. Turk Uroloji Dergisi, 40(1).
  • Demirbaş, N., & Onmaz, M. (2021). Sağlık inanç modeli ile erkeklerin prostat kanseri taramalarına ilişkin inanç ve algı düzeyleri ile etkileyen faktörlerin değerlendirilmesi. Türkiye Aile Hekimliği Dergisi, 25(4), 137-144.
  • Global Cancer Observatory. Statistics, International Agency for Research on Cancer. [Retrieved on: 20 March 2024] Available from: Prostate-fact-sheet.pdf
  • Ivlev, I., Jerabkova, S., Mishra, M., Cook, L. A., & Eden, K.B. (2018). Prostate cancer screening patient decision aids: a systematic review and meta-analysis. AmericanJournal of Preventive Medicine, 55(6), 896-907.
  • Jakimowicz, S., Levett-Jones, T., & Chambers, S. K. (2020).Distress Screening for Men with Prostate Cancer. Seminars In Oncology Nursing, 36(4), 1-3.
  • Jamieson, S. C., Mallory, C. W., Jivanji, D. R., Perez, A.,Castro, G., Barengo, N. C., ... & Nieder, A. M. (2022). The role of health literacy in prostate cancer screening. Urology, 163, 112-118.
  • Kahraman, F., & Kılıç, D. (2019). 40 Yaş Üzeri Bireylerin Prostat Kanseri Taramalarına İlişkin Sağlık İnanç ve Tutumlarının Belirlenmesi. Halk Sağlığı Hemşireliği Dergisi, 1(3), 103-118.
  • Mbuguaa, R. G., Karanja, S., & Oluchina, S. (2021). Barriers and facilitators to uptake of prostate cancer screening in a Kenyan rural community. Annals of African Surgery, 18(3), 130-136.
  • Mbuguab , R. G., Oluchina, S., & Karanja, S. (2021). Prostate cancer awareness and screening among men in a rural community in Kenya: A cross-sectional study. African Journal of Urology, 27(1), 1-10.
  • Ogunsanya, M. E., Jiang, S., Thach, A. V., Bamgbade, B. A., & Brown, C. M. (2016). Predictors of prostate cancer screening using Andersen’s Behavioral Model ofHealth Services Use. Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations, 34(12), 1-6.
  • Poppel, H.V, Albreht, T., Basu, P., Hogenhout, R., Collen, S., & Roobol, M. (2022). Serum PSA-based early detection of prostate cancer in Europe and globally: past, present and future. Nature Reviews Urology, 19(9), 562-572. 00638-6
  • Shungu, N., & Sterba, K. R. (2021). Barriers and facilitators to informed decision-making about prostate cancer screening among Black men. The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 34(5), 925-936.
  • Türkiye Kanser İstatistikleri. [Retrieved on: 10 March2023] Available from: tatistik/Turkiye_Kanser_Istatistikleri_2017OZETLI.pdf
  • Yeboah-Asiamah, B., Yirenya-Tawiah, D., Baafi, D., & Ackumey, M. M. (2017). Perceptions and knowledge about prostate cancer and attitudes towards prostatecancer screening among male teachers in the Sunyani Municipality, Ghana. African Journal of Urology, 23(4), 184-191.
  • Zare, M., Ghodsbin, F., Jahanbin, I., Ariafar, A., Keshavarzi,S., & Izadi, T. (2016). The effect of health belief modelbased education on knowledge and prostate cancer screening behaviors: a randomized controlled trial. International journal of community based nursing and midwifery, 4(1), 57.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Primary Health Care
Journal Section Articles

Hesna Gürler

Pınar Yılmaz Eker 0000-0002-4696-8776

Publication Date September 30, 2024
Submission Date October 12, 2023
Acceptance Date March 22, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Gürler, H., & Yılmaz Eker, P. (2024). Prostate Cancer Screening Behaviors and Health Beliefs Regarding Prostate Cancer Screening of Individuals Over 50 Years of Age: A Descriptive, Cross-Sectional Study. Turkish Journal of Science and Health, 5(3), 124-134.

Turkish Journal of Science and Health (TFSD) 


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