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Year 2024, , 244 - 261, 31.01.2024



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Effect of modifying bowl geometry for IC engine fueled with diesel and Biofuels - Review

Year 2024, , 244 - 261, 31.01.2024


Bio-fuels are one of the most prominent, emerging, and promising fuels, which are aimed to replace diesel in the next decade. Though bio-fuels may not give the same performance as conventional diesel due to certain issues related to both technical and economic aspects, this fact leads to the need for alterations that are supposed to incorporate either changes in the shape of the combustion chamber or other critical factors that affect the performance of the engine. The shape of the top surface, which is known as the "bowl," in the piston plays a major role, and any slight modification in that shape leads to amplified effects on various combustion, emission, and performance parameters. This article shows the valid reason for accepting bio-fuels as fuel for CI engines by considering outcomes derived from experiments and numerical analysis with changes in the shape of the piston bowl. The results obtained are based on the attainment of various parameters, which leads to higher turbulence velocity distribution, better mixture fraction values, and lower soot formation distribution that can be obtained by modifying the shape of bowl. The pressure, temperature and heat release in the combustion chamber found to be changed due to the modification in bowl geometry.


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There are 120 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Classical Physics (Other)
Journal Section Reviews

Bhavesh Pathak This is me 0009-0002-1459-1799

Nikul Patel This is me 0000-0002-1854-5119

Publication Date January 31, 2024
Submission Date July 12, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Pathak, B., & Patel, N. (2024). Effect of modifying bowl geometry for IC engine fueled with diesel and Biofuels - Review. Journal of Thermal Engineering, 10(1), 244-261.
AMA Pathak B, Patel N. Effect of modifying bowl geometry for IC engine fueled with diesel and Biofuels - Review. Journal of Thermal Engineering. January 2024;10(1):244-261. doi:10.18186/thermal.1429990
Chicago Pathak, Bhavesh, and Nikul Patel. “Effect of Modifying Bowl Geometry for IC Engine Fueled With Diesel and Biofuels - Review”. Journal of Thermal Engineering 10, no. 1 (January 2024): 244-61.
EndNote Pathak B, Patel N (January 1, 2024) Effect of modifying bowl geometry for IC engine fueled with diesel and Biofuels - Review. Journal of Thermal Engineering 10 1 244–261.
IEEE B. Pathak and N. Patel, “Effect of modifying bowl geometry for IC engine fueled with diesel and Biofuels - Review”, Journal of Thermal Engineering, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 244–261, 2024, doi: 10.18186/thermal.1429990.
ISNAD Pathak, Bhavesh - Patel, Nikul. “Effect of Modifying Bowl Geometry for IC Engine Fueled With Diesel and Biofuels - Review”. Journal of Thermal Engineering 10/1 (January 2024), 244-261.
JAMA Pathak B, Patel N. Effect of modifying bowl geometry for IC engine fueled with diesel and Biofuels - Review. Journal of Thermal Engineering. 2024;10:244–261.
MLA Pathak, Bhavesh and Nikul Patel. “Effect of Modifying Bowl Geometry for IC Engine Fueled With Diesel and Biofuels - Review”. Journal of Thermal Engineering, vol. 10, no. 1, 2024, pp. 244-61, doi:10.18186/thermal.1429990.
Vancouver Pathak B, Patel N. Effect of modifying bowl geometry for IC engine fueled with diesel and Biofuels - Review. Journal of Thermal Engineering. 2024;10(1):244-61.