Year 2024,
, 490 - 502, 22.03.2024
Milan Rashevski
Slavtcho Slavtchev
- [1] Chavan S, Rudrapati R, Manickam S. A comprehensive review on current advances of thermal energy storage and its applications. Alexandria Eng J 2022;61:5455–5463. [CrossRef]
- [2] Miro L, Gasia J, Cabeza LF. Thermal energy storage (TES) for industrial waste heat (IWH) recovery: A review. Appl Energy 2016;179:284–301. [CrossRef]
- [3] Dahash A, Oxe F, Janetti M. Advances in seasonal thermal energy storage for solar district heating applications: A critical review on large-scale hot-water tank and pit thermal energy storage systems. Appl Energy 2019;239:296–315. [CrossRef]
- [4] Enescu D, Chicco G, Porumb R, Seritan G. Thermal energy storage for grid applications: Current status and emerging trends. Energies 2020;13. [CrossRef]
- [5] Tan KM, Babu TS, Ramachandaramurthy VK, Kasinathan P, Solanki SG, Raveendran SK. Empowering smart grid: A comprehensive review of energy storage technology and application with renewable energy integration. J Energy Storage 2021;39:102591. [CrossRef]
- [6] Lizana J, Chacartegui R, Barrios-Padura A, Valverde JM. Advances in thermal energy storage materials and their applications towards zero energy buildings: A critical review. Appl Energy 2017;203:219–239. [CrossRef]
- [7] Bai L, Xie J, Farid MM, Wang W, Liu J. Analytical model to study the heat storage of phase change material envelopes in lightweight passive buildings. Build Environ 2020;169:106531. [CrossRef]
- [8] Zohra M, Riad A, Alhamany A, Sennoune M, Mansouri M. Improvement of thermal energy storage by integrating PCM into solar system. J Therm Engineer 2020;5:816–828. [CrossRef]
- [9] Novo AV, Bayon JR, Castro-Fresno D, Rodriguez-Hernandez J. Review of seasonal heat storage in large basins: Water tanks and gravel–water pits. Appl Energy 2010;87:390–397. [CrossRef]
- [10] Xu J, Wang RZ. A review of available technologies for seasonal thermal energy storage. Solar Energy 2014;103:610–638. [CrossRef]
- [11] Schmidt T, Mangold D, Mueller-Steinhagen H. Seasonal thermal energy storage in Germany. ISES Solar World Congress; 2003.
- [12] Fernandez AI, Martinez M, Segarra M, Martorell I, Cabeza L. Selection of materials with potential in sensible thermal energy storage. Sol
Energy Mater Sol Cells 2010;94:1723–1729. [CrossRef]
- [13] Consul R, Rodriguez I, Perez-Segarra C, Soria M. Virtual prototyping of storage tanks by means of three-dimensional CFD and heat transfer numerical simulations. Solar Energy 2004;70:179–191. [CrossRef]
- [14] Njoku H, Ekechukwu O, Onyegegbu S. Analysis of stratified thermal storage systems: An overview. Heat Mass Transf 2014;50:1017–1030. [CrossRef]
- [15] Ostrach S. Natural convection in enclosures. Adv Heat Transf 1972;8:161–227. [CrossRef]
- [16] Gresho PM. Some current CFD issues relevant to the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Comp Math Appl Mech Engineer 1991;87:201–252. [CrossRef]
- [17] Gresho PM. Some interesting issues in incompressible fluid dynamics, both in the continuum and in numerical simulation. Adv Appl Mech 1991;28:45–140. [CrossRef]
- [18] Thom A. The flow past circular cylinders at low speeds. Proc Royal Soc London 1933;A 141:651–666. [CrossRef]
- [19] Orszag SA, Israeli M. Numerical simulation of viscous incompressible flows. Annu Rev Fluid Mech 1974;6:281–318. [CrossRef]
- [20] Weinan E, Liu J. Vorticity boundary condition and related issues for finite difference schemes. J Comp Phys 1996;124:368–382. [CrossRef]
- [21] Tezduyar T, Liou J, Ganjoo D, Behr M. Solution techniques for the vorticity-stream function formulation of two-dimensional unsteady incompressible flows. Int J Num Meth Fluids 1990;20:515–539. [CrossRef]
- [22] Borah A. Computational study of stream function-vorticity formulation of incompressible flow and heat transfer problems. Appl Mech Math 2011;52–54:511–516. [CrossRef]
- [23] De Vahl Davis G. Natural convection of air in a square cavity. A bench mark numerical solution. Int J Num Meth Fluids 1983;3:249–264. [CrossRef]
- [24] Saitoh T. High-accuracy bench mark solutions to natural convection in a square cavity. Comp Mech 1989;4:417–427. [CrossRef]
- [25] Hmouda I, Rodriguez I, Bouden C, Oliva A. Unsteady natural convection cooling of a water storage tank with an internal gas flue. Int J Therm Sci 2010;49:36–47. [CrossRef]
- [26] Papanicolaou E, Belessiotis V. Transient natural convection in a cylindrical enclosure at high Rayleigh numbers. Int J Heat Mass Transf 2002;45:1425–1444. [CrossRef]
- [27] Cheesewright R, King K, Ziai S. Experimental data for the validation of computer codes for the prediction of two-dimensional buoyant cavity flows. Am Soc Mech Eng Heat Transf Div 1986;60:75–81.
- [28] Jaluria Y. Natural Convection. Heat and Mass Transfer. Oxford: Pergamon Press; 1980.
- [29] ISO 6946:2017. Building components and building elements — thermal resistance and thermal transmittance - calculation methods Standard. International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, CH. 2017.
- [30] Roache P. Computational Fluid Dynamics. Albuquerque: Hermosa Publishers; 1972.
- [31] Winterscheid C, Schmidt T. Dronninglund district heating monitoring data evaluation for the years 2015–2017. Stuttgart: Solites; 2019.
- [32] Bahnfleth W, Musser A. Thermal performance of a full-scale stratified chilled-water thermal storage tank. ASHRAE Transf 1998;104:377–388.
- [33] Haller M, Cruickshank C, Streicher W, Harrison S, Andersen E, Furbo S. Methods to determine stratification efficiency of thermal energy storage processes – review and theoretical comparison. Solar Energy 2009;83:1847–1860. [CrossRef]
Convective thermal losses of long-term underground hot water storage
Year 2024,
, 490 - 502, 22.03.2024
Milan Rashevski
Slavtcho Slavtchev
A case of underground long-term hot water storage is investigated numerically. The study is based on the unsteady two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations in Boussinesq approximation applied to a closed cavern with time-dependent temperature boundary conditions on the walls. The problem formulated in a vorticity-stream function statement is solved by finite difference method (FDM) for high values of the Rayleigh number and for the Prandtl number of water. Streamlines, velocity and temperature fields are presented graphically for given moments of time. The evolution of the thermocline thickness in the mid-section of the cavern is slow and illustrates that the hot water zone occupies more than the half of the cavern even after 6 months period. The Nusselt number on the walls shows that the convective thermal losses are small and after certain period of time tend to decrease due to the diminished temperature difference at the walls. The influence of the fluid convection on the thermal losses is evaluated quantitatively, showing high seasonal thermal efficiency of the insulated hot water storage.
- [1] Chavan S, Rudrapati R, Manickam S. A comprehensive review on current advances of thermal energy storage and its applications. Alexandria Eng J 2022;61:5455–5463. [CrossRef]
- [2] Miro L, Gasia J, Cabeza LF. Thermal energy storage (TES) for industrial waste heat (IWH) recovery: A review. Appl Energy 2016;179:284–301. [CrossRef]
- [3] Dahash A, Oxe F, Janetti M. Advances in seasonal thermal energy storage for solar district heating applications: A critical review on large-scale hot-water tank and pit thermal energy storage systems. Appl Energy 2019;239:296–315. [CrossRef]
- [4] Enescu D, Chicco G, Porumb R, Seritan G. Thermal energy storage for grid applications: Current status and emerging trends. Energies 2020;13. [CrossRef]
- [5] Tan KM, Babu TS, Ramachandaramurthy VK, Kasinathan P, Solanki SG, Raveendran SK. Empowering smart grid: A comprehensive review of energy storage technology and application with renewable energy integration. J Energy Storage 2021;39:102591. [CrossRef]
- [6] Lizana J, Chacartegui R, Barrios-Padura A, Valverde JM. Advances in thermal energy storage materials and their applications towards zero energy buildings: A critical review. Appl Energy 2017;203:219–239. [CrossRef]
- [7] Bai L, Xie J, Farid MM, Wang W, Liu J. Analytical model to study the heat storage of phase change material envelopes in lightweight passive buildings. Build Environ 2020;169:106531. [CrossRef]
- [8] Zohra M, Riad A, Alhamany A, Sennoune M, Mansouri M. Improvement of thermal energy storage by integrating PCM into solar system. J Therm Engineer 2020;5:816–828. [CrossRef]
- [9] Novo AV, Bayon JR, Castro-Fresno D, Rodriguez-Hernandez J. Review of seasonal heat storage in large basins: Water tanks and gravel–water pits. Appl Energy 2010;87:390–397. [CrossRef]
- [10] Xu J, Wang RZ. A review of available technologies for seasonal thermal energy storage. Solar Energy 2014;103:610–638. [CrossRef]
- [11] Schmidt T, Mangold D, Mueller-Steinhagen H. Seasonal thermal energy storage in Germany. ISES Solar World Congress; 2003.
- [12] Fernandez AI, Martinez M, Segarra M, Martorell I, Cabeza L. Selection of materials with potential in sensible thermal energy storage. Sol
Energy Mater Sol Cells 2010;94:1723–1729. [CrossRef]
- [13] Consul R, Rodriguez I, Perez-Segarra C, Soria M. Virtual prototyping of storage tanks by means of three-dimensional CFD and heat transfer numerical simulations. Solar Energy 2004;70:179–191. [CrossRef]
- [14] Njoku H, Ekechukwu O, Onyegegbu S. Analysis of stratified thermal storage systems: An overview. Heat Mass Transf 2014;50:1017–1030. [CrossRef]
- [15] Ostrach S. Natural convection in enclosures. Adv Heat Transf 1972;8:161–227. [CrossRef]
- [16] Gresho PM. Some current CFD issues relevant to the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Comp Math Appl Mech Engineer 1991;87:201–252. [CrossRef]
- [17] Gresho PM. Some interesting issues in incompressible fluid dynamics, both in the continuum and in numerical simulation. Adv Appl Mech 1991;28:45–140. [CrossRef]
- [18] Thom A. The flow past circular cylinders at low speeds. Proc Royal Soc London 1933;A 141:651–666. [CrossRef]
- [19] Orszag SA, Israeli M. Numerical simulation of viscous incompressible flows. Annu Rev Fluid Mech 1974;6:281–318. [CrossRef]
- [20] Weinan E, Liu J. Vorticity boundary condition and related issues for finite difference schemes. J Comp Phys 1996;124:368–382. [CrossRef]
- [21] Tezduyar T, Liou J, Ganjoo D, Behr M. Solution techniques for the vorticity-stream function formulation of two-dimensional unsteady incompressible flows. Int J Num Meth Fluids 1990;20:515–539. [CrossRef]
- [22] Borah A. Computational study of stream function-vorticity formulation of incompressible flow and heat transfer problems. Appl Mech Math 2011;52–54:511–516. [CrossRef]
- [23] De Vahl Davis G. Natural convection of air in a square cavity. A bench mark numerical solution. Int J Num Meth Fluids 1983;3:249–264. [CrossRef]
- [24] Saitoh T. High-accuracy bench mark solutions to natural convection in a square cavity. Comp Mech 1989;4:417–427. [CrossRef]
- [25] Hmouda I, Rodriguez I, Bouden C, Oliva A. Unsteady natural convection cooling of a water storage tank with an internal gas flue. Int J Therm Sci 2010;49:36–47. [CrossRef]
- [26] Papanicolaou E, Belessiotis V. Transient natural convection in a cylindrical enclosure at high Rayleigh numbers. Int J Heat Mass Transf 2002;45:1425–1444. [CrossRef]
- [27] Cheesewright R, King K, Ziai S. Experimental data for the validation of computer codes for the prediction of two-dimensional buoyant cavity flows. Am Soc Mech Eng Heat Transf Div 1986;60:75–81.
- [28] Jaluria Y. Natural Convection. Heat and Mass Transfer. Oxford: Pergamon Press; 1980.
- [29] ISO 6946:2017. Building components and building elements — thermal resistance and thermal transmittance - calculation methods Standard. International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, CH. 2017.
- [30] Roache P. Computational Fluid Dynamics. Albuquerque: Hermosa Publishers; 1972.
- [31] Winterscheid C, Schmidt T. Dronninglund district heating monitoring data evaluation for the years 2015–2017. Stuttgart: Solites; 2019.
- [32] Bahnfleth W, Musser A. Thermal performance of a full-scale stratified chilled-water thermal storage tank. ASHRAE Transf 1998;104:377–388.
- [33] Haller M, Cruickshank C, Streicher W, Harrison S, Andersen E, Furbo S. Methods to determine stratification efficiency of thermal energy storage processes – review and theoretical comparison. Solar Energy 2009;83:1847–1860. [CrossRef]