Gürültülü Ortam Çalışanlarında İş Yaşamı ve Genel Yaşam Kalitesinin İlişkisi
Year 2021,
Volume: 4 Issue: 3, 78 - 85, 28.12.2021
Ecem Kartal Özcan
Hilal Dinçer D'alessandro
Merve Batuk
Gonca Sennaroğlu
Amaç: Gürültülü ortamlarda çalışan fabrika işçilerinin, çalışma yaşamı kalitesi ölçeği ve WHOQOL-BREF (TR) ölçeği kullanılarak hem iş yaşamı hem de genel yaşam kalitelerini değerlendirmek ve iki ölçeğin korelasyonunu incelemek amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmamızın ikincil amacı, gürültüye bağlı işitme kaybının yaşam kalitesi üzerindeki olumsuz etkisine ve gürültüden korunma önlemlerinin gerekliliğine dikkat çekmektir.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışmaya 18-45 yaşları arasında, gürültüye bağlı işitme kaybı olan (20 katılımcı) ve olmayan (20 katılımcı) 40 birey dahil edilmiştir. Katılımcıların saf ses işitme testleri yapılmıştır. Daha sonra, WHOQOL-BREF (TR) ve Çalışma Yaşam Kalitesi Ölçeği maddelerini cevaplamaları istenmiştir.
Bulgular: İşitme kaybı olan ve olmayan katılımcılar arasında çalışma yılı, yaşam kalitesi ve çalışma yaşamı kalitesi skorları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık elde edilmiştir. Genel yaşam ve çalışma yaşamı kalitesini değerlendiren ölçekler arasında orta-kuvvetli korelasyonlar gözlenmiştir.
Sonuç: Mesleki gürültü işçilerde işitme kaybı için önemli bir risk faktörüdür. Gürültüye maruz kalan işçilerin yaşam kalitelerinin olumsuz etkilendiği göz önüne alındığında, gürültü maruziyetini belirlemek, gürültünün olumsuz psikolojik etkilerini değerlendirmek ve gerekirse maruziyet miktarını azaltmak gerekmektedir.
- Afsar, S. T., & Burcu, E. (2014). The adaptation and validation of quality of work life scale to Turkish culture. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 9(4), 897-910.
- Beheshti, M. H., Koohpaei, A., Chahack, A. F., Emkani, M., Kianmehr, M., & Hajizadeh, R. (2018). Relationship between the Dose of Noise Exposure with Sleep Quality and Noise Annoyance in Industrial Workers. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 11(10), 4581-4586.
- Boylu, A. A., & Paçacıoğlu, B. (2016). Yaşam kalitesi ve göstergeleri. Akademik Araştırmalar ve Çalışmalar Dergisi (AKAD), 8(15), 137-150.
- Çatak, T., & Bahçecik, N. (2015). Hemşirelerin iş yaşamı kalitesi ve etkileyen faktörlerin belirlenmesi. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, 5(2), 85-95.
- Çopur, Z., Çiçek, B., & Pekmezci, P. Kaynakların Yeterliği Algısı ve Yaşam Memnuniyeti Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi.
- De Kluizenaar, Y., Passchier-Vermeer, W., & Miedema, H. (2001). Adverse effects of noise exposure to health. report prepared for the EC Project UNITE by TNO PG, Leiden, NL.
- Demirtaş, H., Saygun, M., & Muluk, N. B. (2021). Is there a relationship between occupational noise and hearing levels, sleep quality, and QoL of the factory workers? Neurological Sciences, 1-9.
- Doğan, H., & Çataltepe, Ö. A. (2018). Gürültünün İnsan Sağlığı Üzerine Etkileri. Journal of Health and Sport Sciences, 1(1), 29-38.
- Ekekwe, O., & Owolawi, W. (2012). Noise-induced hearing loss among nigeria printing industrial workers. Online Journal of Medicine and Medical Science Research, 1(2), 32-36.
- Eser, E., Fidaner, H., Fidaner, C., Eser, S. Y., Elbi, H., & Göker, E. (1999). WHOQOL-100 ve WHOQOL-BREF'in psikometrik özellikleri. Psikiyatri Psikoloji Psikofarmakoloji (3P) Dergisi, 7(Suppl 2), 23-40.
- Eser, S. Y., Fidaner, H., Fidaner, C., Elbi, H., Eser, E., & Göker, E. (1999). Measure of quality of life WHOQOL-100 and WHOQOL-Bref. 3P Dergisi, 7(2 Suppl), 5-13.
- Gazete, R. (2013). Çalışanların Gürültü İle İlgili Risklerden Korunmalarına Dair Yönetmelik. Sayı, 28721, 28.
- Group, W. (1998). Development of the World Health Organization WHOQOL-BREF quality of life assessment. Psychological medicine, 28(3), 551-558.
- Hong, O., Kerr, M. J., Poling, G. L., & Dhar, S. (2013). Understanding and preventing noise-induced hearing loss. Dis Mon, 59(4), 110-118.
- Jawed, I., Musani, A., Mahmood, R., Khambaty, Y., & Asim, M. (2010). The effect of traffic noise on the hearing level of people on Karachi streets. JPMA-Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 60(10), 813.
- Katz, J., Chasin, M., English, K. M., Hood, L. J., & Tillery, K. L. (1978). Handbook of clinical audiology (Vol. 428): Williams & Wilkins Baltimore.
- Kirchner, D. B., Evenson, E., Dobie, R. A., Rabinowitz, P., Crawford, J., Kopke, R., & Hudson, T. W. (2012). Occupational noise-induced hearing loss: ACOEM task force on occupational hearing loss. Journal of occupational and environmental medicine, 54(1), 106-108.
- Köseoğlu, P., & Doğusan, F. (2015). SSK İstanbul Meslek Hastalıkları Hastanesinde Deri ve Kunduru İşkolu Çalışanlarında Mesleki İşitme Kaybı Değerlendirilmesi. Mesleki Sağlık ve Güvenlik Dergisi (MSG), 2(6).
- Le, T. N., Straatman, L. V., Lea, J., & Westerberg, B. (2017). Current insights in noise-induced hearing loss: a literature review of the underlying mechanism, pathophysiology, asymmetry, and management options. Journal of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, 46(1), 41.
- Martel, J.-P., & Dupuis, G. (2006). Quality of work life: Theoretical and methodological problems, and presentation of a new model and measuring instrument. Social indicators research, 77(2), 333-368.
- Masterson, E. A., Themann, C. L., Luckhaupt, S. E., Li, J., & Calvert, G. M. (2016). Hearing difficulty and tinnitus among US workers and non‐workers in 2007. American journal of industrial medicine, 59(4), 290-300.
- Muluk, N. B., & O uzturk, O. (2008). Occupational noise-induced tinnitus: does it affect workers' quality of life? Journal of Otolaryngology, 37(1), 65-71.
- Nada, E., Ebraheem, W. M., & Sheta, S. (2014). Noise-induced hearing loss among workers in textile factory. The Egyptian Journal of Otolaryngology, 30(3), 243-248.
- Nassiri, P., Monazam, M., Dehaghi, B. F., Abadi, L. I. G., Zakerian, S., & Azam, K. (2013). The effect of noise on human performance: A clinical trial. Int J Occup Environ Med (The IJOEM), 4(2 April), 212-287-295.
- Nelson, D. I., Nelson, R. Y., Concha‐Barrientos, M., & Fingerhut, M. (2005). The global burden of occupational noise‐induced hearing loss. American journal of industrial medicine, 48(6), 446-458.
- Nitschke, M., Tucker, G., Simon, D. L., Hansen, A. L., & Pisaniello, D. L. (2014). The link between noise perception and quality of life in South Australia. Noise and Health, 16(70), 137.
- Organization, W. H. (1996). WHOQOL-BREF: introduction, administration, scoring and generic version of the assessment: field trial version, December 1996. Retrieved from
- Organization, W. H. (2004). Assessing the burden of disease from work-related hearing impairment at national and local levels, Protection of the Human Environment. Geneva: World Health Organization.
- OrHaN, H. B., & Müjdecİ, B. (2016). Investigation of health-related quality of life in factory workers who work in noisy environments. Medeniyet Medical Journal, 31(1), 37-45.
- Otoghile, B., Onakoya, P. A., & Otoghile, C. C. (2018). Effects of occupational noise on quality of life. International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 4(5), 1142-1146.
- Öztürk, A., Ergör, G., Demiral, Y., Ergör, A., & Tapçı, N. (2015). Döküm İşkolunda Gürültüye Bağlı İşitme Kayıpları Sıklığı ve Etkileyen Etmenlerin Değerlendirilmesi. Mesleki Sağlık ve Güvenlik Dergisi (MSG), 9(31).
- Prestes, R., & Daniela, G. (2009). Impact of tinnitus on quality of life, loudness and pitch match, and high-frequency audiometry. Int Tinnitus J, 15(2), 134-138.
- Royuela, V., López-Tamayo, J., & Suriñach, J. (2009). Results of a quality of work life index in Spain. A comparison of survey results and aggregate social indicators. Social indicators research, 90(2), 225-241.
- Shepherd, D., McBride, D., Welch, D., Dirks, K. N., & Hill, E. M. (2011). Evaluating the impact of wind turbine noise on health-related quality of life. Noise and Health, 13(54), 333.
- Sirgy, M. J., Efraty, D., Siegel, P., & Lee, D.-J. (2001). A new measure of quality of work life (QWL) based on need satisfaction and spillover theories. Social indicators research, 55(3), 241-302.
- Sriwattanatamma, P., & Breysse, P. (2000). Comparison of NIOSH noise criteria and OSHA hearing conservation criteria. American journal of industrial medicine, 37(4), 334-338.
- Stephenson, M. R. (2013). National Research Agenda for the Prevention of Occupational Hearing Loss. Paper presented at the Seminars in Hearing.
- Sumardiyono, S., Wijayanti, R., Hartono, H., & Probandari, A. (2019). The Correlation between Hearing Loss and the Quality of Life of Workers Exposed to the Noise in the Textile Industry. KEMAS: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat, 15(1), 81-88.
- Taştan, T. (2016). Granit fabrikalarında gürültü maruziyetinin değerlendirilmesi. TC Çalışma ve Sosyal Güvenlik Bakanlığı İş Sağlığı Ve Güvenliği Genel Müdürlüğü İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Uzmanlık Tezi.
- Themann, C., Suter, A. H., & Stephenson, M. R. (2013). National research agenda for the prevention of occupational hearing loss—Part 1. Paper presented at the Seminars in Hearing.
- Themann, C. L., & Masterson, E. A. (2019). Occupational noise exposure: A review of its effects, epidemiology, and impact with recommendations for reducing its burden. The Journal of the acoustical society of America, 146(5), 3879-3905.
- Tuna, H. (2005). En Yaygın Endüstriyel Tehlike: Gürültü. Çalışma ve Toplum Ekonomi ve Hukuk Dergisi, 2, 103-117.
- Uzun, M. F. (2018). Gürültüye Bağlı Olarak Gelişen Mesleki İşitme Kayıplarının İncelenmesi.
- Veenhoven, R. (1996). The Study of life satisfaction (Ed.: WE Saris, R. Veenhoven, AC Scherpenzeel ve BA Bunting) Comparative Study of Satisfaction with Life in Europ,. Eötvös University Pres. Wage Rates in the United Kingdom, 1861-1957. Economica, 25, 17.
Quality of Work Life and Its Link to Quality of Life by Noise-Exposed Workers
Year 2021,
Volume: 4 Issue: 3, 78 - 85, 28.12.2021
Ecem Kartal Özcan
Hilal Dinçer D'alessandro
Merve Batuk
Gonca Sennaroğlu
Objective: It was aimed to evaluate both the quality of work-life and quality of life of factory workers working in noisy environments by using the quality of work-life scale and the WHOQOL-BREF (TR) scale and to examine the correlation of the two scales. The secondary aim of our study is to draw attention to the negative impact of noise-induced hearing loss on quality of life and the necessity of measures to protect individual workers.
Material and Method: Forty participants aged between 18-45 with and without noise-induced hearing loss (20 participants) were included in the study. Pure tone audiometry tests were performed on the participants. Then, they were asked to answer the WHOQOL-BREF (TR) and Quality of Work Life Scale items.
Results: A statistically significant difference was found between the years of work, quality of life, and quality of work-life scores between participants with and without hearing loss. Moderate to strong correlations were observed between the scales assessing the quality of life and work-life.
Conclusion: Occupational noise is an important risk factor for hearing loss in workers. Considering that the quality of life of workers exposed to noise is adversely affected, it is necessary to determine the noise exposure, evaluate the negative psychological effects of noise and reduce exposure to noise if necessary.
- Afsar, S. T., & Burcu, E. (2014). The adaptation and validation of quality of work life scale to Turkish culture. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 9(4), 897-910.
- Beheshti, M. H., Koohpaei, A., Chahack, A. F., Emkani, M., Kianmehr, M., & Hajizadeh, R. (2018). Relationship between the Dose of Noise Exposure with Sleep Quality and Noise Annoyance in Industrial Workers. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 11(10), 4581-4586.
- Boylu, A. A., & Paçacıoğlu, B. (2016). Yaşam kalitesi ve göstergeleri. Akademik Araştırmalar ve Çalışmalar Dergisi (AKAD), 8(15), 137-150.
- Çatak, T., & Bahçecik, N. (2015). Hemşirelerin iş yaşamı kalitesi ve etkileyen faktörlerin belirlenmesi. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, 5(2), 85-95.
- Çopur, Z., Çiçek, B., & Pekmezci, P. Kaynakların Yeterliği Algısı ve Yaşam Memnuniyeti Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi.
- De Kluizenaar, Y., Passchier-Vermeer, W., & Miedema, H. (2001). Adverse effects of noise exposure to health. report prepared for the EC Project UNITE by TNO PG, Leiden, NL.
- Demirtaş, H., Saygun, M., & Muluk, N. B. (2021). Is there a relationship between occupational noise and hearing levels, sleep quality, and QoL of the factory workers? Neurological Sciences, 1-9.
- Doğan, H., & Çataltepe, Ö. A. (2018). Gürültünün İnsan Sağlığı Üzerine Etkileri. Journal of Health and Sport Sciences, 1(1), 29-38.
- Ekekwe, O., & Owolawi, W. (2012). Noise-induced hearing loss among nigeria printing industrial workers. Online Journal of Medicine and Medical Science Research, 1(2), 32-36.
- Eser, E., Fidaner, H., Fidaner, C., Eser, S. Y., Elbi, H., & Göker, E. (1999). WHOQOL-100 ve WHOQOL-BREF'in psikometrik özellikleri. Psikiyatri Psikoloji Psikofarmakoloji (3P) Dergisi, 7(Suppl 2), 23-40.
- Eser, S. Y., Fidaner, H., Fidaner, C., Elbi, H., Eser, E., & Göker, E. (1999). Measure of quality of life WHOQOL-100 and WHOQOL-Bref. 3P Dergisi, 7(2 Suppl), 5-13.
- Gazete, R. (2013). Çalışanların Gürültü İle İlgili Risklerden Korunmalarına Dair Yönetmelik. Sayı, 28721, 28.
- Group, W. (1998). Development of the World Health Organization WHOQOL-BREF quality of life assessment. Psychological medicine, 28(3), 551-558.
- Hong, O., Kerr, M. J., Poling, G. L., & Dhar, S. (2013). Understanding and preventing noise-induced hearing loss. Dis Mon, 59(4), 110-118.
- Jawed, I., Musani, A., Mahmood, R., Khambaty, Y., & Asim, M. (2010). The effect of traffic noise on the hearing level of people on Karachi streets. JPMA-Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 60(10), 813.
- Katz, J., Chasin, M., English, K. M., Hood, L. J., & Tillery, K. L. (1978). Handbook of clinical audiology (Vol. 428): Williams & Wilkins Baltimore.
- Kirchner, D. B., Evenson, E., Dobie, R. A., Rabinowitz, P., Crawford, J., Kopke, R., & Hudson, T. W. (2012). Occupational noise-induced hearing loss: ACOEM task force on occupational hearing loss. Journal of occupational and environmental medicine, 54(1), 106-108.
- Köseoğlu, P., & Doğusan, F. (2015). SSK İstanbul Meslek Hastalıkları Hastanesinde Deri ve Kunduru İşkolu Çalışanlarında Mesleki İşitme Kaybı Değerlendirilmesi. Mesleki Sağlık ve Güvenlik Dergisi (MSG), 2(6).
- Le, T. N., Straatman, L. V., Lea, J., & Westerberg, B. (2017). Current insights in noise-induced hearing loss: a literature review of the underlying mechanism, pathophysiology, asymmetry, and management options. Journal of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, 46(1), 41.
- Martel, J.-P., & Dupuis, G. (2006). Quality of work life: Theoretical and methodological problems, and presentation of a new model and measuring instrument. Social indicators research, 77(2), 333-368.
- Masterson, E. A., Themann, C. L., Luckhaupt, S. E., Li, J., & Calvert, G. M. (2016). Hearing difficulty and tinnitus among US workers and non‐workers in 2007. American journal of industrial medicine, 59(4), 290-300.
- Muluk, N. B., & O uzturk, O. (2008). Occupational noise-induced tinnitus: does it affect workers' quality of life? Journal of Otolaryngology, 37(1), 65-71.
- Nada, E., Ebraheem, W. M., & Sheta, S. (2014). Noise-induced hearing loss among workers in textile factory. The Egyptian Journal of Otolaryngology, 30(3), 243-248.
- Nassiri, P., Monazam, M., Dehaghi, B. F., Abadi, L. I. G., Zakerian, S., & Azam, K. (2013). The effect of noise on human performance: A clinical trial. Int J Occup Environ Med (The IJOEM), 4(2 April), 212-287-295.
- Nelson, D. I., Nelson, R. Y., Concha‐Barrientos, M., & Fingerhut, M. (2005). The global burden of occupational noise‐induced hearing loss. American journal of industrial medicine, 48(6), 446-458.
- Nitschke, M., Tucker, G., Simon, D. L., Hansen, A. L., & Pisaniello, D. L. (2014). The link between noise perception and quality of life in South Australia. Noise and Health, 16(70), 137.
- Organization, W. H. (1996). WHOQOL-BREF: introduction, administration, scoring and generic version of the assessment: field trial version, December 1996. Retrieved from
- Organization, W. H. (2004). Assessing the burden of disease from work-related hearing impairment at national and local levels, Protection of the Human Environment. Geneva: World Health Organization.
- OrHaN, H. B., & Müjdecİ, B. (2016). Investigation of health-related quality of life in factory workers who work in noisy environments. Medeniyet Medical Journal, 31(1), 37-45.
- Otoghile, B., Onakoya, P. A., & Otoghile, C. C. (2018). Effects of occupational noise on quality of life. International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 4(5), 1142-1146.
- Öztürk, A., Ergör, G., Demiral, Y., Ergör, A., & Tapçı, N. (2015). Döküm İşkolunda Gürültüye Bağlı İşitme Kayıpları Sıklığı ve Etkileyen Etmenlerin Değerlendirilmesi. Mesleki Sağlık ve Güvenlik Dergisi (MSG), 9(31).
- Prestes, R., & Daniela, G. (2009). Impact of tinnitus on quality of life, loudness and pitch match, and high-frequency audiometry. Int Tinnitus J, 15(2), 134-138.
- Royuela, V., López-Tamayo, J., & Suriñach, J. (2009). Results of a quality of work life index in Spain. A comparison of survey results and aggregate social indicators. Social indicators research, 90(2), 225-241.
- Shepherd, D., McBride, D., Welch, D., Dirks, K. N., & Hill, E. M. (2011). Evaluating the impact of wind turbine noise on health-related quality of life. Noise and Health, 13(54), 333.
- Sirgy, M. J., Efraty, D., Siegel, P., & Lee, D.-J. (2001). A new measure of quality of work life (QWL) based on need satisfaction and spillover theories. Social indicators research, 55(3), 241-302.
- Sriwattanatamma, P., & Breysse, P. (2000). Comparison of NIOSH noise criteria and OSHA hearing conservation criteria. American journal of industrial medicine, 37(4), 334-338.
- Stephenson, M. R. (2013). National Research Agenda for the Prevention of Occupational Hearing Loss. Paper presented at the Seminars in Hearing.
- Sumardiyono, S., Wijayanti, R., Hartono, H., & Probandari, A. (2019). The Correlation between Hearing Loss and the Quality of Life of Workers Exposed to the Noise in the Textile Industry. KEMAS: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat, 15(1), 81-88.
- Taştan, T. (2016). Granit fabrikalarında gürültü maruziyetinin değerlendirilmesi. TC Çalışma ve Sosyal Güvenlik Bakanlığı İş Sağlığı Ve Güvenliği Genel Müdürlüğü İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Uzmanlık Tezi.
- Themann, C., Suter, A. H., & Stephenson, M. R. (2013). National research agenda for the prevention of occupational hearing loss—Part 1. Paper presented at the Seminars in Hearing.
- Themann, C. L., & Masterson, E. A. (2019). Occupational noise exposure: A review of its effects, epidemiology, and impact with recommendations for reducing its burden. The Journal of the acoustical society of America, 146(5), 3879-3905.
- Tuna, H. (2005). En Yaygın Endüstriyel Tehlike: Gürültü. Çalışma ve Toplum Ekonomi ve Hukuk Dergisi, 2, 103-117.
- Uzun, M. F. (2018). Gürültüye Bağlı Olarak Gelişen Mesleki İşitme Kayıplarının İncelenmesi.
- Veenhoven, R. (1996). The Study of life satisfaction (Ed.: WE Saris, R. Veenhoven, AC Scherpenzeel ve BA Bunting) Comparative Study of Satisfaction with Life in Europ,. Eötvös University Pres. Wage Rates in the United Kingdom, 1861-1957. Economica, 25, 17.