Year 2018,
Volume: 2 Issue: 4, 87 - 105, 01.12.2018
Kerem Toker
Ali Görener
Bu çalışmanın amacı aile işletmelerinde sıklıkla görülen yönetsel ve operasyonel sorunları, bir işletme örneği üzerinden irdelemek ve çözüm önerileri sunmaktadır. Örnek olay incelemesi yöntemiyle, imalat sektöründeki orta ölçekli bir aile işletmesinin mevcut durumunun üretim süreçleri ve örgüt yapısı açısından analizi gerçekleştirilmiş ve saptanan sorunlarla ilgili çözüm önerileri geliştirilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgular, aile işletmesinin üretim akışının düzenlenmesi ve organizasyon yapısını yeniden yapılandırma süreçlerinde yönetsel yetersizliklerle karşı karşıya olduğunu göstermiştir. Bununla birlikte söz konusu sorunları çözme aşamasında eski kuşakların değişime direnç gösterdikleri ve yeni kuşaklarla örtük çatışma yaşadıkları tespit edilmiştir.
- Acquaah, M. (2011). Business strategy and competitive advantage in family businesses
in Ghana: the role of social networking relationships. Developmental Entrepreneurship
16(1): 103-126.
- Aşkun, O. B. (2008). İşletme Yönetimi Öğretim ve Eğitiminde Örnek Olaylar ile Yazınsal
Kurguları, İstanbul, Beta Yayınları.
- Büte, M. (2010). Aile İşletmelerinin Kurumsallaşma Sürecinde Yaşadığı Sorunlar.
Akademik Bakış Dergisi, 22: 1-24.
- Colli, A. (2003). The History of Family Business, 1850–2000. Edinburgh: Cambridge
University Press.
- Dalpiaz, E., Tracey, P. ve Phillips, N. (2014). Succession narratives in family business:
the case of alessi. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 38(6): 1375-1394.
- Donnelley, R.G. (1964). The family business. Harvard Business Review, 42: 93–105.
- Drira, A., Pierreval, H., & Hajri-Gabouj, S. (2007). Facility layout problems: A survey.
Annual reviews in control, 31(2), 255-267.
- Goto, T. (2014). Family business and its longevity. Kindai Management Review, 2: 78-96.
- Harling, K. (2012). An overview of case study. SSRN Electronic Journal, 1-7.
- Ingalsuo, M. (2014). Challenges and Opportunities of Family Businesses. Bachelor's
thesis (TUAS) International Business International Business Management. Turku
University of Applied Sciences. Finland.
- Lo´pez-Delgado, P. ve Die´guez-Soto, J. (2015). Lone founders, types of private family
businesses and firm performance. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 6: 73–85.
- Machek, O. ve Votavová, P. (2015). Advantages and disadvantages of family
entrepreneurship and how to prevent distress: evidence from the Czech Republic.
- Mathematical Models and Computational Methods, Proceedings, 166-170.
- Menkhoff, T. ve Kay, L. (2000). Managing organizational change and resistance in small
and medium-sized family firms. Research and Practice in Human Resource Management,
8(1): 153-172.
- Miller, D., Steier, L. ve Le Breton-Miller, I. (2003). Lost in time: intergenerational
succession, change, and failure in family business. Journal of Business Venturing, 18:
513 – 531.
- Molly, V., Laveren, E. ve Deloof, M. (2010). Family business succession and its impact
on financial structure and performance. Family Business Review, 23(2): 131-147.
- Mussolino, D. ve Calabro, A. (2014). Paternalistic leadership in family firms: Types and
implications for intergenerational succession. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 5:
- Post, J.E. ve Altman, B.W. (1994). Managing the environmental change process: barriers
and opportunities. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 7(4): 64-81.
- Zainal, Z. (2007). Case study as a research method. Jurnal Kemanusiaan, 9: 1-6.
Year 2018,
Volume: 2 Issue: 4, 87 - 105, 01.12.2018
Kerem Toker
Ali Görener
The purpose of this study is to identify the managerial and operational problems common to family businesses and to provide solutions for these problems. For this purpose, the analysis of the current situation of a medium-sized family production business in terms of production processes and organizational structure was performed with case study method, and solutions were developed for the identified problems. The findings have shown that the family enterprise has managerial deficiencies in the production flow and organizational structure restructuring processes. However, in the solving process of these problems, it has been determined that older generations have resisted change and they experience implicit conflict with new generations.
- Acquaah, M. (2011). Business strategy and competitive advantage in family businesses
in Ghana: the role of social networking relationships. Developmental Entrepreneurship
16(1): 103-126.
- Aşkun, O. B. (2008). İşletme Yönetimi Öğretim ve Eğitiminde Örnek Olaylar ile Yazınsal
Kurguları, İstanbul, Beta Yayınları.
- Büte, M. (2010). Aile İşletmelerinin Kurumsallaşma Sürecinde Yaşadığı Sorunlar.
Akademik Bakış Dergisi, 22: 1-24.
- Colli, A. (2003). The History of Family Business, 1850–2000. Edinburgh: Cambridge
University Press.
- Dalpiaz, E., Tracey, P. ve Phillips, N. (2014). Succession narratives in family business:
the case of alessi. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 38(6): 1375-1394.
- Donnelley, R.G. (1964). The family business. Harvard Business Review, 42: 93–105.
- Drira, A., Pierreval, H., & Hajri-Gabouj, S. (2007). Facility layout problems: A survey.
Annual reviews in control, 31(2), 255-267.
- Goto, T. (2014). Family business and its longevity. Kindai Management Review, 2: 78-96.
- Harling, K. (2012). An overview of case study. SSRN Electronic Journal, 1-7.
- Ingalsuo, M. (2014). Challenges and Opportunities of Family Businesses. Bachelor's
thesis (TUAS) International Business International Business Management. Turku
University of Applied Sciences. Finland.
- Lo´pez-Delgado, P. ve Die´guez-Soto, J. (2015). Lone founders, types of private family
businesses and firm performance. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 6: 73–85.
- Machek, O. ve Votavová, P. (2015). Advantages and disadvantages of family
entrepreneurship and how to prevent distress: evidence from the Czech Republic.
- Mathematical Models and Computational Methods, Proceedings, 166-170.
- Menkhoff, T. ve Kay, L. (2000). Managing organizational change and resistance in small
and medium-sized family firms. Research and Practice in Human Resource Management,
8(1): 153-172.
- Miller, D., Steier, L. ve Le Breton-Miller, I. (2003). Lost in time: intergenerational
succession, change, and failure in family business. Journal of Business Venturing, 18:
513 – 531.
- Molly, V., Laveren, E. ve Deloof, M. (2010). Family business succession and its impact
on financial structure and performance. Family Business Review, 23(2): 131-147.
- Mussolino, D. ve Calabro, A. (2014). Paternalistic leadership in family firms: Types and
implications for intergenerational succession. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 5:
- Post, J.E. ve Altman, B.W. (1994). Managing the environmental change process: barriers
and opportunities. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 7(4): 64-81.
- Zainal, Z. (2007). Case study as a research method. Jurnal Kemanusiaan, 9: 1-6.