Research Article
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Year 2022, , 134 - 141, 20.06.2022


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Tarımsal Araştırmalar ve Politikalar Genel müdürlüğü


Doktora hocam sayın Osman Çopura ve bana destek olan kızlarıma teşekkür ederim.


  • Anonim, 2018. Nazilli Pamuk Araştırma Enstitüsü Toprak Analiz Laboratuar Sonuçları
  • Ali, I., Amir, S., Ali, A. and Sadia, B., 2016. Genetic basis of variation for within-boll yield components in cotton. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 40 (1): 18-24.
  • Ashokkumar, K., Kumar, K.S. and Ravikesavan, R., 2013. Heterosis Studies for fibre quality of upland cotton in line x tester design. African Journal of Agriculture Research, 8(48): 6359-6365.
  • Ashokkumar, K., T. Nadu and R. Ravikesavan. 2010. Journal of Biology January, Volume:2 January 2010.
  • Babar, S.B., Soomro, A.R., Anjum, R. and Kalwar, M.S., 2001. Estimation of heterosis, heterobeltiosis and economic heterosis in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Pakistan J. Biol. Sci., (4): 518–20.
  • Başal, H., A. Unay, O.Canavar and I. Yavaş. 2009. Combining ability for fiber quality parameters and within-boll yield components in intraspecific and interspecific cotton populations. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 7(2): 364-74.
  • Başbağ, S., Ekinci R. and Gencer, O., 2007. Combining ability and heterosis for earlines characters in line x tester population of Gossypium hirsutum L. Hereditas, 144(5):185-190.
  • Boyacı, K., 2011. A Research on the Inherıtance of agronomıcal and technologıcal propertıes of some cotton (gossypium ssp.) ın lıne x tester hybrıd. Çukurova University, Institute of Science and Technology, PhD Thesis, Adana 137s
  • Chiang, M.S. and Smith, J.D., 1967. Diallel analysis of the inheritance of quantitative characters in grain sorghum I. heterosis and inbreeding depression. Canadian Journal of Genetic Cytology, (9): 44-51.
  • Çoban, M. ve Ünay, A., 2013. Bazı pamuk melezlerinde (Gossypium hirsutum L.x Gossypium barbadense L.) verim, verim unsurları ve lif kalite özelliklerinin kalıtımının incelenmesi. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, Aydın, 97s.
  • Ekinci, R. and O. Gencer. 2014. Çift melez F1 döl kuşağında lif kalite özelliklerinin genetik yapısının belirlenmesi. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarım Bilimler Dergisi, 24(3): 290- 299.
  • Fonseca, S. and Patterson, F. L., 1968. Hybrid vigor in a sevent parent diallel cross in common. Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Crop Science, 8 (1) : 85-88.
  • Güvercin, R. 2016. Line x tester (çoklu dizi) yöntemi ile geliştirilen bazı Pamuk (Gossypium hirsutum L.) genotiplerinin Elbistan koşullarına uyum yetenekleri-II; lif özellikleri. YYÜ Tarım bilimleri Dergisi, 26(4):603-613.
  • Güvercin, R.Ş., Candemir, S., Borzan, G., 2019. Doğal kahve lif rengine sahip pamuk (Gossypium spp.) Melezlerinde (F9) seleksiyon başarısı. Uluslararası Anadolu Ziraat Mühendisliği Bilimleri Dergisi. (4):1-12.
  • Kalpande, H., V.N. Chinchane, S.K. Chavan, J.D. Deshmukh, V.S Patil and A. Kumar. 2014 3rd International Conference on Agriculture & Horticulture October 27-29, 2014 Hyderabad International Convention Centre, India.
  • Karademir Ç., E.Karademir. R. Ekinci and O. Gençer. 2009. Combining ability estimates and heterosis for yield and fiber quality of cotton in line x tester design. Not. Bot. Hort. Agrobot. Cluj, 37 (2): 228-233
  • Karademir, Ç., 2004 Kuraklık stresine dayanıklı pamuk ıslahında üstün ebeveyn ve melez kombinasyonlarının belirlenmesi. Çukurova Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, Adana, 118s.
  • Karademir, E., Gencer, O. 2010. Combining ability and heterosis for yield and fibre quality properties in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) obtained by half diallel mating design. Not. Bot. Hort. Agrobot. Cluj. 38 (1): 222-227.
  • Kempthorne, O. 1957. An Introduction to Genetic Statistics. John Wiley and Sons. Inc., Newyork, U.S.A
  • Lakho, A.R., Bhutto, H., Chang, M.S., Solangi, M.Y., Kalwar, G.H. and Bolach, A.H., 2001. Estimation of heterosis for yield and economic traits in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Journal of Plant Science, 3: 26-30.
  • Özcan, K. and Açıkgöz, N., 1999. A Statistical program for population genetics. The Symposium of Computer Applications for Agriculture, 3-6 October Çukurova University, Adana-Turkey.
  • Patil, A.E., Deosarkar, D.B. and Puttawar, M.R., 2018. Environmental impact on the stability of gene action for seed cotton yield in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Int. J.Curr. Microbiol. App.Sci., 7(1): 1319-1329.
  • Sajjad, M., T.M Azhar. S.Malook. 2016. Agrıculture and Bıology Journal of North Amerıca ıssn print: 2151-7517, ıssn online: 2151-7525, doi:10.5251/abjna.2016. © 2016, sciencehuβ, 163
  • Saravanan, N.A., R. Ravikesaven and T.S Raveendran. 2010. Combining analysis for yield and fibre quality parameters in intraspecific hybrids of Gossypium hirsutum L. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding 1: 856-863.
  • Sawarkar, M., A. Solanke, G.S. Mhasal and S.B. Deshmukh. 2015.Combining ability and heterosis for seed cotton yield, its components and quality traits in Gossypium hirsutum L. Indian Journal of Agricultural Research 49 (2):154-159.
  • Singh. J., S.S Malhi and T.H. Chanal. 1982. Single tester analysis of seed and fibre characters in upland cotton. Crop Improvement, 9 (2): 164-166.
  • Ullah, A., A. Shakel, A. Muhu, M. Ali and Y. Majid. 2020. A Line × Tester Analysis For Some Seed Cotton Yıeld and Fıber Qualıty Traıts ın Upland Cotton.International Journal of Cotton Research and Technology, 2 (1): 55-59.
  • Ünay, A., N.Özbek and M.Çınar. 2020. Lıne x Tester Analysıs for Yıeld and Fıber Qualıty ın Cotton (gossypium hirsutum l.) Turk J Field Crops 2019, 24 (2): 215-220 DOI: 10.17557/tjfc.509134


Year 2022, , 134 - 141, 20.06.2022


The aim of this study was to determine the general combining ability (GCA) of the parents and the specific combining ability of their hybrid combinations and to evaluate the hybrid vigor of F1 by investigating the genetic structure of the lines and testers. The study was carried out in randomized complete blocks design with three replications in the trial site of Nazilli Cotton Research Institute in 2015 and 2016 years. 28 F1 hybrids (4 lines and 7 testers) were used as material which developed from line x tester method. Investigated properties except fiber length in the created populations were influenced by non-additive gene effect. The values of heterosis for the seed cotton weight per boll, earliness ratio, ginning percentage, fiber length and micronaire were found positive while seed cotton yield was negative. In the established populations, the investigated traits except fiber length were affected by the non-additive gene effect. Seed cotton weight per boll earliness ratio, ginning percentage, fiber length and micronaire were positive while seed cotton yield was found negative. For seed cotton yield Gloria, TMN 199 and ZN 1018; for earliness ratio TMN 199, GW 2357 and TMN 170; for seed cotton weight per boll GW 2357 and Gloria; for seed index İpek 607; for ginning percentage TMN 199, TMD 139 ZN 1018; for fiber length Gloria, Flash, İpek 607 and UA 48; for fiber fineness İpek 607 and TMD 139; for fiber strength Gloria and UA 48 were found the best parents and also performed the best overall combining abilities for these traits. TMN 199 x İpek 607, TMN 199 x UA 48, Flash x GW 2357, Gloria x İpek 607, Gloria x UA 48 and ST 468 x ADN 712 for seed cotton yield; TMN 199 x TMN 170 for earliness ratio; Flash x GW 2357 and Gloria x İpek 607 for seed cotton weight per boll; TMN 199 x GW 2357 and Gloria x ADN 712 for seed index; Gloria x TMD 139, TMN 199 x TMN 170, Flash x ZN 1018 and ST-468 x TMN 139 for ginning percentage; Flash x ADN 712 and ST-468 x İpek 607 for fiber length; ST-468 x İpek 607 for fiber micronaire; TMN 199 x UA 48, Flash x İpek 607, ST-468 x GW 2357 and ST-468 x UA 48 for fiber strength were indicated the most promising hybrids and had the best overall combining abilities.


  • Anonim, 2018. Nazilli Pamuk Araştırma Enstitüsü Toprak Analiz Laboratuar Sonuçları
  • Ali, I., Amir, S., Ali, A. and Sadia, B., 2016. Genetic basis of variation for within-boll yield components in cotton. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 40 (1): 18-24.
  • Ashokkumar, K., Kumar, K.S. and Ravikesavan, R., 2013. Heterosis Studies for fibre quality of upland cotton in line x tester design. African Journal of Agriculture Research, 8(48): 6359-6365.
  • Ashokkumar, K., T. Nadu and R. Ravikesavan. 2010. Journal of Biology January, Volume:2 January 2010.
  • Babar, S.B., Soomro, A.R., Anjum, R. and Kalwar, M.S., 2001. Estimation of heterosis, heterobeltiosis and economic heterosis in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Pakistan J. Biol. Sci., (4): 518–20.
  • Başal, H., A. Unay, O.Canavar and I. Yavaş. 2009. Combining ability for fiber quality parameters and within-boll yield components in intraspecific and interspecific cotton populations. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 7(2): 364-74.
  • Başbağ, S., Ekinci R. and Gencer, O., 2007. Combining ability and heterosis for earlines characters in line x tester population of Gossypium hirsutum L. Hereditas, 144(5):185-190.
  • Boyacı, K., 2011. A Research on the Inherıtance of agronomıcal and technologıcal propertıes of some cotton (gossypium ssp.) ın lıne x tester hybrıd. Çukurova University, Institute of Science and Technology, PhD Thesis, Adana 137s
  • Chiang, M.S. and Smith, J.D., 1967. Diallel analysis of the inheritance of quantitative characters in grain sorghum I. heterosis and inbreeding depression. Canadian Journal of Genetic Cytology, (9): 44-51.
  • Çoban, M. ve Ünay, A., 2013. Bazı pamuk melezlerinde (Gossypium hirsutum L.x Gossypium barbadense L.) verim, verim unsurları ve lif kalite özelliklerinin kalıtımının incelenmesi. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, Aydın, 97s.
  • Ekinci, R. and O. Gencer. 2014. Çift melez F1 döl kuşağında lif kalite özelliklerinin genetik yapısının belirlenmesi. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarım Bilimler Dergisi, 24(3): 290- 299.
  • Fonseca, S. and Patterson, F. L., 1968. Hybrid vigor in a sevent parent diallel cross in common. Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Crop Science, 8 (1) : 85-88.
  • Güvercin, R. 2016. Line x tester (çoklu dizi) yöntemi ile geliştirilen bazı Pamuk (Gossypium hirsutum L.) genotiplerinin Elbistan koşullarına uyum yetenekleri-II; lif özellikleri. YYÜ Tarım bilimleri Dergisi, 26(4):603-613.
  • Güvercin, R.Ş., Candemir, S., Borzan, G., 2019. Doğal kahve lif rengine sahip pamuk (Gossypium spp.) Melezlerinde (F9) seleksiyon başarısı. Uluslararası Anadolu Ziraat Mühendisliği Bilimleri Dergisi. (4):1-12.
  • Kalpande, H., V.N. Chinchane, S.K. Chavan, J.D. Deshmukh, V.S Patil and A. Kumar. 2014 3rd International Conference on Agriculture & Horticulture October 27-29, 2014 Hyderabad International Convention Centre, India.
  • Karademir Ç., E.Karademir. R. Ekinci and O. Gençer. 2009. Combining ability estimates and heterosis for yield and fiber quality of cotton in line x tester design. Not. Bot. Hort. Agrobot. Cluj, 37 (2): 228-233
  • Karademir, Ç., 2004 Kuraklık stresine dayanıklı pamuk ıslahında üstün ebeveyn ve melez kombinasyonlarının belirlenmesi. Çukurova Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, Adana, 118s.
  • Karademir, E., Gencer, O. 2010. Combining ability and heterosis for yield and fibre quality properties in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) obtained by half diallel mating design. Not. Bot. Hort. Agrobot. Cluj. 38 (1): 222-227.
  • Kempthorne, O. 1957. An Introduction to Genetic Statistics. John Wiley and Sons. Inc., Newyork, U.S.A
  • Lakho, A.R., Bhutto, H., Chang, M.S., Solangi, M.Y., Kalwar, G.H. and Bolach, A.H., 2001. Estimation of heterosis for yield and economic traits in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Journal of Plant Science, 3: 26-30.
  • Özcan, K. and Açıkgöz, N., 1999. A Statistical program for population genetics. The Symposium of Computer Applications for Agriculture, 3-6 October Çukurova University, Adana-Turkey.
  • Patil, A.E., Deosarkar, D.B. and Puttawar, M.R., 2018. Environmental impact on the stability of gene action for seed cotton yield in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Int. J.Curr. Microbiol. App.Sci., 7(1): 1319-1329.
  • Sajjad, M., T.M Azhar. S.Malook. 2016. Agrıculture and Bıology Journal of North Amerıca ıssn print: 2151-7517, ıssn online: 2151-7525, doi:10.5251/abjna.2016. © 2016, sciencehuβ, 163
  • Saravanan, N.A., R. Ravikesaven and T.S Raveendran. 2010. Combining analysis for yield and fibre quality parameters in intraspecific hybrids of Gossypium hirsutum L. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding 1: 856-863.
  • Sawarkar, M., A. Solanke, G.S. Mhasal and S.B. Deshmukh. 2015.Combining ability and heterosis for seed cotton yield, its components and quality traits in Gossypium hirsutum L. Indian Journal of Agricultural Research 49 (2):154-159.
  • Singh. J., S.S Malhi and T.H. Chanal. 1982. Single tester analysis of seed and fibre characters in upland cotton. Crop Improvement, 9 (2): 164-166.
  • Ullah, A., A. Shakel, A. Muhu, M. Ali and Y. Majid. 2020. A Line × Tester Analysis For Some Seed Cotton Yıeld and Fıber Qualıty Traıts ın Upland Cotton.International Journal of Cotton Research and Technology, 2 (1): 55-59.
  • Ünay, A., N.Özbek and M.Çınar. 2020. Lıne x Tester Analysıs for Yıeld and Fıber Qualıty ın Cotton (gossypium hirsutum l.) Turk J Field Crops 2019, 24 (2): 215-220 DOI: 10.17557/tjfc.509134
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Botany
Journal Section Articles

Nazife Özkan

Osman Çopur

Publication Date June 20, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Özkan, N., & Çopur, O. (2022). INHERITANCE OF YIELD AND SOME FIBER PROPERTIES OF LINE X TESTER HYBRIDS IN COTTON (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Turkish Journal Of Field Crops, 27(1), 134-141.

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