Research Article
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Year 2021, , 136 - 146, 27.12.2021


The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of different doses of gibberellic acid (GA3) on growth, tuber yield and some tuber quality traits of potato. The experiment was arranged in a split-plot design with three replicates, cultivars Marabel, Alegria and Agria were arranged in the main plots, and GA3 doses (0, 25, 50 and 100 mg GA3 L-1) in the sub-plots. Gibberellic acid was applied to leaves by spraying on the 50th day after planting (during flowering). The effects of GA3 applications on tuber yield of potato cultivars were varied. GA3 applications resulted in significant decrease on chlorophyll content (SPAD), tuber dry matter and chips quality of potato. But it caused significant increase on number of tubers and tuber yield plant-1. In 2019 and 2020 years, the highest tuber yield was obtained from Alegria cultivar (62.78 and 50.55 t ha-1 respectively). Total tuber yield values increased from 52.08 t/ha to 65.14 t ha-1 in 2019 and from 42.12 t ha-1 to 53.94 t ha-1 in 2020 with increasing to 100 mg GA3 L-1 from 0 mgL-1. Overall, increasing doses of GA3 resulted in a reduction in tuber dry matter and starch ratio. The GA3 applications caused deformations in tuber shape, the deformations increased with increasing GA3 doses.


  • Abdala, G., G. Castro, O. Miersch and D. Pearce. 2000. Changes in jasmonate and gibberellin levels during development of potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L). Plant Growth Regulators, 36(2): 121-126.
  • Alexopoulos, A.A., G. Aivalakis, K.A. Akoumianakis and H.C. Passam. 2007. Effect of foliar applications of gibberellic acid or daminozide on plant growth, tuberisation, and carbohydrate accumulation in tubers grown from true potato seed. J. Hort. Sci. Biotechnol, 82: 535–540.
  • Algul, B.E., F.E. Tekintas and G.G. Dalkilic. 2016. The use of plant growth regulators and applications to increase the biosynthesis of internal hormones. Adnan Menderes Uni. Journal of Agriculture Faculty, 13(2): 87-95 (in Turkish).
  • Bandara, M.S., K.K. Tanino and D.R. Waterer. 1998. Effect of pot size and timing of plant growth regulator treatments on growth and tuber yield in greenhouse-grown Norland and Russet Burbank potatoes. J. Plant Growth Regul., 17: 75–79.
  • Barani, M,N. Akbari, and H. Ahmadi. 2013. The effect of gibberellic acid (GA3) on the size and sprouting of potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum L.). African Journal of Agriculture Research, 8(29): 3899-3903.
  • Burton, W.G. 1989. The potato. Third edition, John Wiley and Sons, Inc New York, NY. P. 742.
  • Caldiz, D.O. 1996. Seed potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) yield and tuber number increase after foliar applications of cytokinins and gibberellic acid under field and glasshouse conditions. Plant Growth Regul., 20: 185-88.
  • Caliskan, M.E., H. Onaran and H. Arioglu. 2010. Overview of the Turkish potato sector: Challenges, achievements and expectations. Potato Research, 53:255-266.
  • Chindi, A. and T. Tsegaw. 2019. Effect of gibberellic acid on growth, yield and quality of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) in central highlands of Ethiopia. Journal Horticulture Sci. For., 1(2): 1-10.
  • Dahshan, A.M.A., H.E.M. Zaki, Y.M.M. Moustafa, Y.T. Abdel-Mageed and M.A.M. Hassan. 2018. Effect of some growth regulators and natural extracts on yield and quality of potato. Minia Journal of Agriculture Research and Development, 38(2): 271-295.
  • Degebasta, A.C. 2010. Effect of Gibberellic acid on tuber dormancy breaking, subsequent growth, yield quality of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). MSc Thesis, School of Graduate Studies Department of Plant Science, Haramaya University, 1-78.
  • Ekin, Z. 2009. Determination of yield and quality properties of some potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) varieties in Ahlat ecological conditions. Harran University Journal of Agriculture Faculty: 13(3): 1-10 (in Turkish).
  • El-Hamady, M.M. 2017. Growth and yield of potato Solanum tuberosum L. as influenced by soaking in GA3 and potassium fertilizer rates. Canadian Journal of Agriculture and Crops, 2(1): 50-59.
  • Hou, K., J.W. Chen, J.Y. Li, H. Shen, L. Chen and W. Wu. 2018. Effect of gibberellic acid and chlormequat chloride on growth, coumarin content and root yield of Angelica dahurica var. formosana. J. Agr. Sci. Tech., 15: 1415-1423.
  • Jackson, S.D. and S. Prat. 1996. Control of tuberization in potato by gibberellins and phytochrome B. Physiol. Plant, 98:407-412.
  • Javanmardi, J. and F. Rasuli. 2017. Potato yield and tuber quality as affected by gibberellic acid and zinc sulphate. Iran Agricultural Research, 36(2): 7-12.
  • Karaat, F.E. 2011. Effects of different growth regulators applications on plant growth and tuber yield and quality in early and main product potato growing. MSc Thesis. Hatay Mustafa Kemal University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, p:90 (in Turkish)
  • Kolomiets, M.V., D.J. Hannapel, H. Chen, M. Tymeson and R.J. Gladon, R.J. 2001. Lipoxygenase is involved in the control of potato tuber development. The Plant Cell Online. 13(3): 613-626.
  • Kumlay, A.M. and T. Eryigit. 2011. Substances Regulating Growth and Development in Plants: Plant Hormones. Igdir University Journal of Science Institute, 1(2):47-56.
  • Mares, D.J., H., Marscfaner and A., Krauss. 1981. Effect of gibberellic acid on growth and carbohydrate metabolism of developing tubers of potato (Solanum tuberosum). Physiologia Plantarum, 52(2): 267-274.
  • Menzel, C.M. 1984. Potato as a potential crop for the lowland tropics. Tropical Agriculture, 61(3): 162-166.
  • Mikitzel, L.J. 1993. Influencing seed tuber yield of Ranger Russet and Shepody potatoes with Gibberellic acid. American Potato Journal, 70: 667-676.
  • Njoqu, M.K., G.K. Gathungu. and P.M. Daniel. 2015. Comparative effects of foliar application of gibberellic acid and benzylaminopurine on seed potato tuber sprouting and yield of resultant plants. American J. of Agriculture and Forestry, 3(5): 192-201.
  • Otroshy, M. 2006. Utilization of tissue culture techniques in a seed potato tuber production scheme. PhD Thesis, Wageningen University. P: 1-264.
  • Puzina, T.I. 2004. Effect of zinc sulfate and boric acid on the hormonal status of potato plants in relation to tuberization. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, 51(2): 209-215.
  • Reza, M., M. Islam, A. Hoque, R.K. Sikder, H. Mehraj and A.F.M. Jamal Uddin. 2015. Influence of Different GA Concentrations on Growth and Yield of Broccoli. American-Eurasian Journal of Scientific Research, 10 (5): 332-335.
  • Sarkar, D. 2008. The signal transduction pathways controlling in planta tuberization in potato: an emerging synthesis. Plant Cell Reports, 27(1): 1-8.
  • Sharma, N., N. Kaur and A.K. Gupta. 1998. Effects of gibberellic acid and chlorocholine chloride on tuberization and growth of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). J. Food Sci. Agric., 78: 466-470.
  • Sillu, M., N.M. Patel, H.S. Bhadoria, and V.R. Wankhade. 2012. Effect of plant growth regulators and methods of application on growth and yield of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cv. KUFRI BADSHAH. Advance Research Journal of Crop Improvement, 3(2): 144-147.
  • Steel, R.G.D. and J.H. Torrie. 1980. Principles and procedures of statistics. 2nd ed. McGraw Hill, New York.
  • Struik, P.C., G. Kramer, and N.P. Smit. 1989. Effects of soil applications of gibberellic acid on the yield and quality of tubers of Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Bintje. Potato Research, 32(2): 203-209.
  • Vreugdenhil, D., and H. Helder. 1992. Hormonal and metabolic control of tuber formation. In: CM. Karssen L.C. van Loon and D. Vreugdenhil (eds.), Progress in Plant Growth Regulation. The Netherlands, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • Wang, C. C., X.Y. Wang, K.C. Wang, J.J. Hu, M.X. Tang, W. He and P. Vander Zaag. 2018. Manipulating aeroponically grown potatoes with gibberellins and calcium nitrate. American Journal of Potato Research, 95(4): 351-361.
  • Yildirim, M. 2019. The Effects of Animal and Chemical Manure Applications on Plant Growth Yield and Quality in Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)”, MSc Thesis, Nigde Omer Halisdemir University. Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Nigde (in Turkish).
  • Zainaldeen, M.A and I.J. Abdul Rasool. 2018. Effect of folair application of gibberellin and nutrients on growth and yield of potato var. “Burren”. Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 49(2): 168-176.
Year 2021, , 136 - 146, 27.12.2021



  • Abdala, G., G. Castro, O. Miersch and D. Pearce. 2000. Changes in jasmonate and gibberellin levels during development of potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L). Plant Growth Regulators, 36(2): 121-126.
  • Alexopoulos, A.A., G. Aivalakis, K.A. Akoumianakis and H.C. Passam. 2007. Effect of foliar applications of gibberellic acid or daminozide on plant growth, tuberisation, and carbohydrate accumulation in tubers grown from true potato seed. J. Hort. Sci. Biotechnol, 82: 535–540.
  • Algul, B.E., F.E. Tekintas and G.G. Dalkilic. 2016. The use of plant growth regulators and applications to increase the biosynthesis of internal hormones. Adnan Menderes Uni. Journal of Agriculture Faculty, 13(2): 87-95 (in Turkish).
  • Bandara, M.S., K.K. Tanino and D.R. Waterer. 1998. Effect of pot size and timing of plant growth regulator treatments on growth and tuber yield in greenhouse-grown Norland and Russet Burbank potatoes. J. Plant Growth Regul., 17: 75–79.
  • Barani, M,N. Akbari, and H. Ahmadi. 2013. The effect of gibberellic acid (GA3) on the size and sprouting of potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum L.). African Journal of Agriculture Research, 8(29): 3899-3903.
  • Burton, W.G. 1989. The potato. Third edition, John Wiley and Sons, Inc New York, NY. P. 742.
  • Caldiz, D.O. 1996. Seed potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) yield and tuber number increase after foliar applications of cytokinins and gibberellic acid under field and glasshouse conditions. Plant Growth Regul., 20: 185-88.
  • Caliskan, M.E., H. Onaran and H. Arioglu. 2010. Overview of the Turkish potato sector: Challenges, achievements and expectations. Potato Research, 53:255-266.
  • Chindi, A. and T. Tsegaw. 2019. Effect of gibberellic acid on growth, yield and quality of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) in central highlands of Ethiopia. Journal Horticulture Sci. For., 1(2): 1-10.
  • Dahshan, A.M.A., H.E.M. Zaki, Y.M.M. Moustafa, Y.T. Abdel-Mageed and M.A.M. Hassan. 2018. Effect of some growth regulators and natural extracts on yield and quality of potato. Minia Journal of Agriculture Research and Development, 38(2): 271-295.
  • Degebasta, A.C. 2010. Effect of Gibberellic acid on tuber dormancy breaking, subsequent growth, yield quality of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). MSc Thesis, School of Graduate Studies Department of Plant Science, Haramaya University, 1-78.
  • Ekin, Z. 2009. Determination of yield and quality properties of some potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) varieties in Ahlat ecological conditions. Harran University Journal of Agriculture Faculty: 13(3): 1-10 (in Turkish).
  • El-Hamady, M.M. 2017. Growth and yield of potato Solanum tuberosum L. as influenced by soaking in GA3 and potassium fertilizer rates. Canadian Journal of Agriculture and Crops, 2(1): 50-59.
  • Hou, K., J.W. Chen, J.Y. Li, H. Shen, L. Chen and W. Wu. 2018. Effect of gibberellic acid and chlormequat chloride on growth, coumarin content and root yield of Angelica dahurica var. formosana. J. Agr. Sci. Tech., 15: 1415-1423.
  • Jackson, S.D. and S. Prat. 1996. Control of tuberization in potato by gibberellins and phytochrome B. Physiol. Plant, 98:407-412.
  • Javanmardi, J. and F. Rasuli. 2017. Potato yield and tuber quality as affected by gibberellic acid and zinc sulphate. Iran Agricultural Research, 36(2): 7-12.
  • Karaat, F.E. 2011. Effects of different growth regulators applications on plant growth and tuber yield and quality in early and main product potato growing. MSc Thesis. Hatay Mustafa Kemal University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, p:90 (in Turkish)
  • Kolomiets, M.V., D.J. Hannapel, H. Chen, M. Tymeson and R.J. Gladon, R.J. 2001. Lipoxygenase is involved in the control of potato tuber development. The Plant Cell Online. 13(3): 613-626.
  • Kumlay, A.M. and T. Eryigit. 2011. Substances Regulating Growth and Development in Plants: Plant Hormones. Igdir University Journal of Science Institute, 1(2):47-56.
  • Mares, D.J., H., Marscfaner and A., Krauss. 1981. Effect of gibberellic acid on growth and carbohydrate metabolism of developing tubers of potato (Solanum tuberosum). Physiologia Plantarum, 52(2): 267-274.
  • Menzel, C.M. 1984. Potato as a potential crop for the lowland tropics. Tropical Agriculture, 61(3): 162-166.
  • Mikitzel, L.J. 1993. Influencing seed tuber yield of Ranger Russet and Shepody potatoes with Gibberellic acid. American Potato Journal, 70: 667-676.
  • Njoqu, M.K., G.K. Gathungu. and P.M. Daniel. 2015. Comparative effects of foliar application of gibberellic acid and benzylaminopurine on seed potato tuber sprouting and yield of resultant plants. American J. of Agriculture and Forestry, 3(5): 192-201.
  • Otroshy, M. 2006. Utilization of tissue culture techniques in a seed potato tuber production scheme. PhD Thesis, Wageningen University. P: 1-264.
  • Puzina, T.I. 2004. Effect of zinc sulfate and boric acid on the hormonal status of potato plants in relation to tuberization. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, 51(2): 209-215.
  • Reza, M., M. Islam, A. Hoque, R.K. Sikder, H. Mehraj and A.F.M. Jamal Uddin. 2015. Influence of Different GA Concentrations on Growth and Yield of Broccoli. American-Eurasian Journal of Scientific Research, 10 (5): 332-335.
  • Sarkar, D. 2008. The signal transduction pathways controlling in planta tuberization in potato: an emerging synthesis. Plant Cell Reports, 27(1): 1-8.
  • Sharma, N., N. Kaur and A.K. Gupta. 1998. Effects of gibberellic acid and chlorocholine chloride on tuberization and growth of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). J. Food Sci. Agric., 78: 466-470.
  • Sillu, M., N.M. Patel, H.S. Bhadoria, and V.R. Wankhade. 2012. Effect of plant growth regulators and methods of application on growth and yield of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cv. KUFRI BADSHAH. Advance Research Journal of Crop Improvement, 3(2): 144-147.
  • Steel, R.G.D. and J.H. Torrie. 1980. Principles and procedures of statistics. 2nd ed. McGraw Hill, New York.
  • Struik, P.C., G. Kramer, and N.P. Smit. 1989. Effects of soil applications of gibberellic acid on the yield and quality of tubers of Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Bintje. Potato Research, 32(2): 203-209.
  • Vreugdenhil, D., and H. Helder. 1992. Hormonal and metabolic control of tuber formation. In: CM. Karssen L.C. van Loon and D. Vreugdenhil (eds.), Progress in Plant Growth Regulation. The Netherlands, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • Wang, C. C., X.Y. Wang, K.C. Wang, J.J. Hu, M.X. Tang, W. He and P. Vander Zaag. 2018. Manipulating aeroponically grown potatoes with gibberellins and calcium nitrate. American Journal of Potato Research, 95(4): 351-361.
  • Yildirim, M. 2019. The Effects of Animal and Chemical Manure Applications on Plant Growth Yield and Quality in Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)”, MSc Thesis, Nigde Omer Halisdemir University. Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Nigde (in Turkish).
  • Zainaldeen, M.A and I.J. Abdul Rasool. 2018. Effect of folair application of gibberellin and nutrients on growth and yield of potato var. “Burren”. Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 49(2): 168-176.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agronomy
Journal Section Articles

Sevgi Çalışkan 0000-0001-8491-4894

Mohammad Samım Hashemı This is me 0000-0002-8260-0469

Mustafa Akkamış 0000-0002-2760-0562

Ramazan İlhan Aytekin 0000-0002-1224-2504

Mehmet Bedir 0000-0001-9487-3037

Publication Date December 27, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Çalışkan, S., Hashemı, M. S., Akkamış, M., Aytekin, R. İ., et al. (2021). EFFECT OF GIBBERELLIC ACID ON GROWTH, TUBER YIELD AND QUALITY IN POTATOES (Solanum tuberosum L.). Turkish Journal Of Field Crops, 26(2), 136-146.

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