Year 2021,
, 163 - 169, 27.12.2021
Yanting Yang
Rui Gu
Jiaqi Dong
Yutong Zhang
Fengling Shi
Fang Tang
Medicago ruthenica L. could be used as the crossbreeding material in forage crops to provide rich resistance gene resources based on its strong resistance to adversity stress. This study aimed to identify the authenticity and analyze heterosis of the intraspecific hybrids acquired from two Medicago ruthenica L. materials. The results showed 85 true hybrids in 118 F1 progenies identified by one SSR marker and five SRAP markers. Besides, the SRAP markers (13.89%) indicated higher identification efficiency than SSR markers (7.69%), and the rate of true hybrids in HZ population (100%) was higher than that in ZH population (36.54%). The six agronomic traits varied to different degrees, and their variation coefficients ranged from 18.53% to 45.72% in 13 hybrids of ZH population in 2019 and 2020. Moreover, ZH7 and ZH8 presented excellent agronomic performance, which could be used as candidate materials for further research. The mid-parent heterosis (Hm) of all agronomic traits was between -20.55% and 36.46%, and heterobeltiosis (Hh) showed negative values of 13 hybrids.
Abro, S., M.M. Kandhro, S. Laghari, M.A. Arain and Z.A. Deho. 2009. Combining ability and heterosis for yield contributing traits in upland cotton (Gossypium Hirsutum L.). Pakistan Journal of Botany 41(4):1769-1774.
- Bassam, B.J., G. Caetano-Anolles and P.M. Gresshoff. 1991. Fast and sensitive silver staining of DNA in polyacrylamide gels. Analytical Biochemistry 196:80-83.
- Bianco, C.L., A. Fernández Juan, D. Migliaro, Paola C. and C. Egea-Gilabert. 2011. Identification of F1 hybrids of artichoke by ISSR markers and morphological analysis. Molecular Breeding 27(2):157-170.
- Cai, L.Y., F.L. Shi, H.L. Chen, Z.Y. Li, H.Y. Li, C.P. Gao, C.H. Wang and Y.F. Xie. 2013. The heterosis of forage yield of cross combinations with alfalfa males sterile lines. Chinese Journal of Grassland 35(02):24-30.
- Campbell, T.A. and Z.L Xia. 2002. Agronomic evaluations of grass and legume forage species collected in the Xinjiang Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China and Mongolia. Genetic Resources & Crop Evolution 49(3):295-303.
- Campbell, T.A., G. Bao and Z.L. Xia. 1997. Agronomic evaluation of Medicago ruthenica collected in Inner Mongolia. Crop Science 37(2):599-604.
- Chen, S.L., Y.R. Li, Z.S. Cheng, B.S. Liao, Y. Lei and J.S. Liu. 2009. Heterosis and genetic analysis of oil content in peanut using mixed model of major gene and polygene. Scientia Agricultura Sinica 42(9):3048-3057.
- Devran, Z. and O. Baysal. 2012. Genetic characterization of Meloidogyne incognita isolates from Turkey using sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP). Biologia 67(3):535-539.
- Du, Z.Y., C.F. Yang, J.M. Chen and Y.H. Guo. 2010. Identification of hybrids in broad-leaved potamogeton species (potamogetonaceae) in china using nuclear and chloroplast dna sequence data. Plant Systematics & Evolution 287(1-2):57-63.
- Guenni, K., M. Aouadi, K. Chatti and A. Salhi-Hannachi. 2016. Analysis of genetic diversity of Tunisian pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) using sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) markers. Genetics & Molecular Research Gmr 15(4):1-15.
- Hashemi, S.H., S.A.M. Mirmohammadi-Maibody, G.A. Nematzadeh and A. Arzani. 2009. Identification of rice hybrids using microsatellite and RAPD markers. African Journal of Biotechnology 8(10):2094-2101.
- Havelka, M., T. Fujimoto, S. Hagihara, S. Adachi and K. Arai. 2017. Nuclear dna markers for identification of beluga and sterlet sturgeons and their interspecific bester hybrid. Rep. 7(1):1694.
- Hong, Y.B., S.X. Li, X.Y. Li, F.H. Zhu and X.Q. Liang. 2012. Rapidly identifying hybrids of peanut (Arachis Hypogaea L.) using SSR molecular markers. Molecular Plant Breeding 10(1):110-114.
- Ilker, E., K. Mehmet, K. Abdullah, A. Yildirim, G. Ozturk, H. Yildiz and I. Koken. 2018. Adaptation abilities and quality parameters of selected soybean lines under double cropping in the mediterranean region. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 23(1):49-55.
- Jiang, X.L., M. Tian, Q. Zhao, T.Y. Song and R.H. Yu. 2017. Relationship between genetic distance, combining ability, and heterosis based SSR marker in sweet corn. Molecular Plant Breeding 15(11):4518-4523.
- Liang, X.Y., Y. Ji, S.Q. Bai, L.K. Huang and X.Q. Zhang. 2015. Construction of a genetic map for chicory usingsequence-related amplified polymorphism markers. Acta Prataculturae Sinica 24(05):153-158.
- Li, H.Y., Z.Y. Li, F. Huang, W.G. Shi, J. Li, L. Liu and Y.F. Jie. 2015. Analysis of flower character variation of Medicago ruthenica in Inner Mongolia. Journal of Plant Genetic Resources 16(6):1223-1228.
- Li, H.Y., Z.Y. Li, W.G. Shi, L.Y. Cai and J.P. Zhang. 2012. The genetic diversity of three ecological Medicago ruthenica germplasms revealed by ISSR and SSR. Acta Prataculturae Sinica 21(05):107-113.
- Liu, Y.J., J.C. You, M. Zhang, J. Hong, M.L. Zhang, H.J. Zhao and H. Chen. 2015. Alfalfa cultivars which are suitable for planting in the alpine region of hulun buir. Grassland and Prataculture 27(02):49-52.
- Liu, Z., Z.F. Wang, H. Geng, H.Z. Yu and A.K. Xu. 2009. The characteristics of drought resistance of 15 alfalfa varieties. Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences 37(35):17442- 17444.
- Li, Y.L. 2007. Experiment of adaptability of planting Melilotoides ruthenicus (L.) cv 'Zhili' in Gangcha. Auhui Agricultural Science Bulletin 13(17):132-133.
- Ma, J.Q., Q.H. Yuan, Y. Wang and L.H. Miao. 2017. Evaluation of the resistance of alfalfa germplasm to Colletotrichum linicola. Acta Agrestia Sinica 25(03):604-611.
- Onat, B., H. Bakal, L. Gulluoglu and H. Arioglu. 2017. The effects of row spacing and plant density on yield and yield components of peanut grown as a double crop in mediterranean environment in turkey. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 22(1):71-80.
- Patel, N.A., B.N. Patel, J.P. Bhatt and J.A. Patel. 2012. Heterosis and combining ability for seed cotton yield and component traits in inter specific cotton hybrids (Gossypium hirsutum L. x Gossypium barbadense L.). Madras Agricultural Journal 99(10-12):649-656.
- Peng, H., F.D. Chen, W.M. Fang, J.F. Jiang, S.M. Chen, Z.Y. Guan and Y. Liao. 2013. Heterosis and mixed genetic analysis of branch traits of cut chrysanthemum. Acta Horticulturae Sinica 40(7):1327-1336.
- Qi, L., W.Q. Wang, Z.W. Zhang, J.Q. Ye and K.J. Li. 2010. DNA fingerprinting analysis of 18 cassava varieties using sequence-related amplified polymorphism markers. Acta Agronomica Sinica 36(10):1642-1648.
- Rajeev, S., S.S. Patil, S.M. Manjula, K.J. Pranesh and H.G. Kencharaddi. 2018. Studies on heterosis in cotton interspecific heterotic group hybrids (G.hirsutum X G.barbadense) for seed cotton yield and its components. International Journal of Current Microbiology & Applied Sciences 7(10):3437-3451.
- Salek Zamani, A. and A.R. FakhrVaezi. 2011. Effect of row spacing and seeding rate on forage yield local alfalfa, c.v. Gara Yonjeh (Medicago sativa). Journal of Crop and Weed Ecophysiology (16):72-82.
- Saxena, R.K., K. Saxena and R.K. Varshney. 2010. Application of SSR markers for molecular characterization of hybrid parents and purity assessment of ICPH 2438 hybrid of pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan(L.) Millspaugh]. Molecular Breeding 26(2):371-380.
- Shi, W.F., Z.Y. Li, H.Y. Li, C.G. Zhao, X.Y. Li and L. Liu. 2009. Morphological diversity of wilding population in Medicago ruthenica from different origin. Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica 29(5):0867-0873.
- Shu, Y.J., W. Li, J.Y. Zhao, Y. Liu and C.H. Guo. 2018. Transcriptome sequencing and expression profiling of genes involved in the response to abiotic stress in Medicago ruthenica. Genetics and Molecular Biology 41(3):638-648.
- Talebi, M., Z. Hajiahmadi and M. Rahimmalek. 2011. Genetic diversity and population structure of four Iranian alfalfa populations revealed by sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) markers. Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology 14(3):173-178.
- Wang, J., J.C. Du, Z.L. Wang, J.Y. Liu and Q.F. Li. 2016. Genetic diversity analysis of 36 alfalfa accessions based on SSR markers. Chinese Journal of Grassland 38(02):20-25.
- Wei, W., Y.F. Bi and F.X. Zhang. 2009. Analysis of character variation of geographical distant hybridization progenies among alfalfa cultivars. Grassland and Turf 2009(06):1-4.
- Wu, Y.T.N., F.L. Shi, X.L. Xue, F.L. Shi and N. Cui. 2015. Correlation analysis of SSR genetic distance and heterosis on alfalfa. Journal of Plant Genetic Resources 16(06):1237-1244.
- Xue, D.D., H.L. Guo, Y.Q. Zheng, X. Chen and J.X. Liu. 2009. Hybrid identification of progenies of Zoysia crosses by SRAP marker. Acta Prataculturae Sinica 18(1):72-79.
- Xue, X.L., F.L. Shi, Y.T.N. Wu, M. Xiong and F.L. Shi. 2015. Analysis of heterosis and combining ability of 10 yield traits of hybrid combinations of alfalfa. Prataculture & Animal Husbandry ?(03):14-17.
- Zhang, B.Q., S. Zhou, C.F. Yang, Y.X. Huang, H. Zhou, T. Luo, W.X. Duan, Y.C. Deng, Y.G. Li and G.M. Zhang. 2016. Biomass and root characters of intergeneric hybrid Erianthus arundinaceus× Saccharum spontaneum and its progeny. Journal of China Agricultural University 21(4):18-25.
- Zhang, H.G., X.W. Kong, Z.B. Zhu, S.Z. Tang, C.D. Yi and M.H. Gu. 2010. Analysis of characteristics and heterosis of three-line parents in hybrid Japonica rice. Acta Agronomica Sinica 36(5):801-809.
- Zhao, J., X.D. Zhu, Q.Q. Yan, Q.M. Zhao, G.X. Cui, L.J. Peng and M. Xiao. 2011. Analysis of heterosis in yield and agronomic character of hybrid rice. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin 27(15):26-33.
- Zheng, Y., S. Xu, J. Liu, Y. Zhao and J.X. Liu. 2017. Genetic diversity and population structure of Chinese natural bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.] germplasm based on SRAP markers. PLoS ONE 12(5):e0177508.
Year 2021,
, 163 - 169, 27.12.2021
Yanting Yang
Rui Gu
Jiaqi Dong
Yutong Zhang
Fengling Shi
Fang Tang
Abro, S., M.M. Kandhro, S. Laghari, M.A. Arain and Z.A. Deho. 2009. Combining ability and heterosis for yield contributing traits in upland cotton (Gossypium Hirsutum L.). Pakistan Journal of Botany 41(4):1769-1774.
- Bassam, B.J., G. Caetano-Anolles and P.M. Gresshoff. 1991. Fast and sensitive silver staining of DNA in polyacrylamide gels. Analytical Biochemistry 196:80-83.
- Bianco, C.L., A. Fernández Juan, D. Migliaro, Paola C. and C. Egea-Gilabert. 2011. Identification of F1 hybrids of artichoke by ISSR markers and morphological analysis. Molecular Breeding 27(2):157-170.
- Cai, L.Y., F.L. Shi, H.L. Chen, Z.Y. Li, H.Y. Li, C.P. Gao, C.H. Wang and Y.F. Xie. 2013. The heterosis of forage yield of cross combinations with alfalfa males sterile lines. Chinese Journal of Grassland 35(02):24-30.
- Campbell, T.A. and Z.L Xia. 2002. Agronomic evaluations of grass and legume forage species collected in the Xinjiang Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China and Mongolia. Genetic Resources & Crop Evolution 49(3):295-303.
- Campbell, T.A., G. Bao and Z.L. Xia. 1997. Agronomic evaluation of Medicago ruthenica collected in Inner Mongolia. Crop Science 37(2):599-604.
- Chen, S.L., Y.R. Li, Z.S. Cheng, B.S. Liao, Y. Lei and J.S. Liu. 2009. Heterosis and genetic analysis of oil content in peanut using mixed model of major gene and polygene. Scientia Agricultura Sinica 42(9):3048-3057.
- Devran, Z. and O. Baysal. 2012. Genetic characterization of Meloidogyne incognita isolates from Turkey using sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP). Biologia 67(3):535-539.
- Du, Z.Y., C.F. Yang, J.M. Chen and Y.H. Guo. 2010. Identification of hybrids in broad-leaved potamogeton species (potamogetonaceae) in china using nuclear and chloroplast dna sequence data. Plant Systematics & Evolution 287(1-2):57-63.
- Guenni, K., M. Aouadi, K. Chatti and A. Salhi-Hannachi. 2016. Analysis of genetic diversity of Tunisian pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) using sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) markers. Genetics & Molecular Research Gmr 15(4):1-15.
- Hashemi, S.H., S.A.M. Mirmohammadi-Maibody, G.A. Nematzadeh and A. Arzani. 2009. Identification of rice hybrids using microsatellite and RAPD markers. African Journal of Biotechnology 8(10):2094-2101.
- Havelka, M., T. Fujimoto, S. Hagihara, S. Adachi and K. Arai. 2017. Nuclear dna markers for identification of beluga and sterlet sturgeons and their interspecific bester hybrid. Rep. 7(1):1694.
- Hong, Y.B., S.X. Li, X.Y. Li, F.H. Zhu and X.Q. Liang. 2012. Rapidly identifying hybrids of peanut (Arachis Hypogaea L.) using SSR molecular markers. Molecular Plant Breeding 10(1):110-114.
- Ilker, E., K. Mehmet, K. Abdullah, A. Yildirim, G. Ozturk, H. Yildiz and I. Koken. 2018. Adaptation abilities and quality parameters of selected soybean lines under double cropping in the mediterranean region. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 23(1):49-55.
- Jiang, X.L., M. Tian, Q. Zhao, T.Y. Song and R.H. Yu. 2017. Relationship between genetic distance, combining ability, and heterosis based SSR marker in sweet corn. Molecular Plant Breeding 15(11):4518-4523.
- Liang, X.Y., Y. Ji, S.Q. Bai, L.K. Huang and X.Q. Zhang. 2015. Construction of a genetic map for chicory usingsequence-related amplified polymorphism markers. Acta Prataculturae Sinica 24(05):153-158.
- Li, H.Y., Z.Y. Li, F. Huang, W.G. Shi, J. Li, L. Liu and Y.F. Jie. 2015. Analysis of flower character variation of Medicago ruthenica in Inner Mongolia. Journal of Plant Genetic Resources 16(6):1223-1228.
- Li, H.Y., Z.Y. Li, W.G. Shi, L.Y. Cai and J.P. Zhang. 2012. The genetic diversity of three ecological Medicago ruthenica germplasms revealed by ISSR and SSR. Acta Prataculturae Sinica 21(05):107-113.
- Liu, Y.J., J.C. You, M. Zhang, J. Hong, M.L. Zhang, H.J. Zhao and H. Chen. 2015. Alfalfa cultivars which are suitable for planting in the alpine region of hulun buir. Grassland and Prataculture 27(02):49-52.
- Liu, Z., Z.F. Wang, H. Geng, H.Z. Yu and A.K. Xu. 2009. The characteristics of drought resistance of 15 alfalfa varieties. Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences 37(35):17442- 17444.
- Li, Y.L. 2007. Experiment of adaptability of planting Melilotoides ruthenicus (L.) cv 'Zhili' in Gangcha. Auhui Agricultural Science Bulletin 13(17):132-133.
- Ma, J.Q., Q.H. Yuan, Y. Wang and L.H. Miao. 2017. Evaluation of the resistance of alfalfa germplasm to Colletotrichum linicola. Acta Agrestia Sinica 25(03):604-611.
- Onat, B., H. Bakal, L. Gulluoglu and H. Arioglu. 2017. The effects of row spacing and plant density on yield and yield components of peanut grown as a double crop in mediterranean environment in turkey. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 22(1):71-80.
- Patel, N.A., B.N. Patel, J.P. Bhatt and J.A. Patel. 2012. Heterosis and combining ability for seed cotton yield and component traits in inter specific cotton hybrids (Gossypium hirsutum L. x Gossypium barbadense L.). Madras Agricultural Journal 99(10-12):649-656.
- Peng, H., F.D. Chen, W.M. Fang, J.F. Jiang, S.M. Chen, Z.Y. Guan and Y. Liao. 2013. Heterosis and mixed genetic analysis of branch traits of cut chrysanthemum. Acta Horticulturae Sinica 40(7):1327-1336.
- Qi, L., W.Q. Wang, Z.W. Zhang, J.Q. Ye and K.J. Li. 2010. DNA fingerprinting analysis of 18 cassava varieties using sequence-related amplified polymorphism markers. Acta Agronomica Sinica 36(10):1642-1648.
- Rajeev, S., S.S. Patil, S.M. Manjula, K.J. Pranesh and H.G. Kencharaddi. 2018. Studies on heterosis in cotton interspecific heterotic group hybrids (G.hirsutum X G.barbadense) for seed cotton yield and its components. International Journal of Current Microbiology & Applied Sciences 7(10):3437-3451.
- Salek Zamani, A. and A.R. FakhrVaezi. 2011. Effect of row spacing and seeding rate on forage yield local alfalfa, c.v. Gara Yonjeh (Medicago sativa). Journal of Crop and Weed Ecophysiology (16):72-82.
- Saxena, R.K., K. Saxena and R.K. Varshney. 2010. Application of SSR markers for molecular characterization of hybrid parents and purity assessment of ICPH 2438 hybrid of pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan(L.) Millspaugh]. Molecular Breeding 26(2):371-380.
- Shi, W.F., Z.Y. Li, H.Y. Li, C.G. Zhao, X.Y. Li and L. Liu. 2009. Morphological diversity of wilding population in Medicago ruthenica from different origin. Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica 29(5):0867-0873.
- Shu, Y.J., W. Li, J.Y. Zhao, Y. Liu and C.H. Guo. 2018. Transcriptome sequencing and expression profiling of genes involved in the response to abiotic stress in Medicago ruthenica. Genetics and Molecular Biology 41(3):638-648.
- Talebi, M., Z. Hajiahmadi and M. Rahimmalek. 2011. Genetic diversity and population structure of four Iranian alfalfa populations revealed by sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) markers. Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology 14(3):173-178.
- Wang, J., J.C. Du, Z.L. Wang, J.Y. Liu and Q.F. Li. 2016. Genetic diversity analysis of 36 alfalfa accessions based on SSR markers. Chinese Journal of Grassland 38(02):20-25.
- Wei, W., Y.F. Bi and F.X. Zhang. 2009. Analysis of character variation of geographical distant hybridization progenies among alfalfa cultivars. Grassland and Turf 2009(06):1-4.
- Wu, Y.T.N., F.L. Shi, X.L. Xue, F.L. Shi and N. Cui. 2015. Correlation analysis of SSR genetic distance and heterosis on alfalfa. Journal of Plant Genetic Resources 16(06):1237-1244.
- Xue, D.D., H.L. Guo, Y.Q. Zheng, X. Chen and J.X. Liu. 2009. Hybrid identification of progenies of Zoysia crosses by SRAP marker. Acta Prataculturae Sinica 18(1):72-79.
- Xue, X.L., F.L. Shi, Y.T.N. Wu, M. Xiong and F.L. Shi. 2015. Analysis of heterosis and combining ability of 10 yield traits of hybrid combinations of alfalfa. Prataculture & Animal Husbandry ?(03):14-17.
- Zhang, B.Q., S. Zhou, C.F. Yang, Y.X. Huang, H. Zhou, T. Luo, W.X. Duan, Y.C. Deng, Y.G. Li and G.M. Zhang. 2016. Biomass and root characters of intergeneric hybrid Erianthus arundinaceus× Saccharum spontaneum and its progeny. Journal of China Agricultural University 21(4):18-25.
- Zhang, H.G., X.W. Kong, Z.B. Zhu, S.Z. Tang, C.D. Yi and M.H. Gu. 2010. Analysis of characteristics and heterosis of three-line parents in hybrid Japonica rice. Acta Agronomica Sinica 36(5):801-809.
- Zhao, J., X.D. Zhu, Q.Q. Yan, Q.M. Zhao, G.X. Cui, L.J. Peng and M. Xiao. 2011. Analysis of heterosis in yield and agronomic character of hybrid rice. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin 27(15):26-33.
- Zheng, Y., S. Xu, J. Liu, Y. Zhao and J.X. Liu. 2017. Genetic diversity and population structure of Chinese natural bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.] germplasm based on SRAP markers. PLoS ONE 12(5):e0177508.