Research Article
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Year 2022, , 149 - 157, 20.06.2022


This research was carried out to evaluate the grain yield, yield traits and some quality characteristics of 18 bread wheat genotypes in seven different locations in Thrace region using principal component analysis and genotype + genotype × environment interaction (GGE) biplot analysis to determine the genotypes with high yield and desired quality characteristics during the 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 cropping years. The experiments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with four replications. Genotype, environment and genotype × environment interactions were found statistically significant at p≤0.01 level for all investigated traits. Mean values of the genotypes varied between 4841-6807 kg ha-1 for grain yield, 118.6-131.6 days for heading date, 80.4-104.7 cm for plant height, 7.7-10.4 cm for spike length, 16.4-20.3 for number of spikelets per spike, 16.4-20.3 number of grains per spike, 1.49-2.41 g grain weight per spike, 72-77.8 kg hl-1 for test weight and 36.6-45.3 g for thousand kernel weight. Principal component biplot analyzes explained the relationships between the investigated traits and genotypes at a ratio of 60.9%. It was observed that there was a positive and significant relationship between grain yield and test weight, a negative relationship with grain yield and spike length and grain weight per spike. GGE biplot analysis explained 82.65% of the relationship of genotype + genotype x environment for grain yield. According to the GGE biplot analysis two mega environments were determined and Lucilla and Glosa genotypes took place in the biggest mega environment consisted of four environments as superior genotypes.


  • Acikgoz, E., M., Sincik, M., Oz, S., Albayrak, G., Wietgrefe, Z.M., Turan, A.T., Goksoy, U., Bilgili, A., Karasu, O., Tongel, O., Canbolat. 2007. Forage soybean performance in Mediterranean environments. Field Crop Res., 103: 239–247.
  • Akan, E., N., Unsal Eren, A.S., Unsal. 2021. Determination of important parameters affecting the yield and quality of durum wheat varieties in dry conditions. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 5: 246-256.
  • Akcura, M. 2011. The relationships of some traits in Turkish winter bread wheat landraces. Turk. J. Agric. For., 35: 115-125.
  • Aktas, H., M., Karaman, E., Oral, E., Kendal, S., Tekdal, S. 2017. Evaluation of some bread wheat genotypes of yield and quality parameters under rainfall condition. Journal of Field Crops Central Research Institute, 26: 86-95.
  • Aktas, B. 2020. Evaluation of yield and agronomic traits of new winter bread cultivars. Genetika, 52: 81-96.
  • Aydogan, S., M., Sahin, A., Akcakacık Gocmen, B., Demir, T., Yildirim, S., Hamzaoglu 2020. Assesment of yield and quality traits of some bread wheat varieties (Triticum aestivum L.) under rainfed conditions. KSU J. Agric Nat, 23: 713-721.
  • Bayram, S., A., Ozturk, M., Aydin. 2017. Evaluation of yield components and grain yield of bread wheat genotypes in Erzurum conditions. Yuzuncu Yıl University, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 27: 569-579.
  • Diepenbrock, W., F., Ellmer, J., Leon. 2005. Ackerbau, Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenzüchtung, UTB 2629, Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart.
  • Dogan, Y., E., Kendal. 2012. Determination of grain yield and some quality traits of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Gaziosmanpasa University, 29: 113-121.
  • Dogan, Y., E., Kendal. 2013. Determination of grain yield and some qualty traits of some bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes in Diyarbakır ecological conditions. Yuzuncu Yıl University, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 23: 199-208.
  • Dogan, Y., E., Kendal¸ E., Oral. 2016. Identifying of relationship between traits and grain yield in spring Barley by GGE biplot analysis. The Journal "Agriculture and Forestry", 62: 239-252.
  • Gungor, H., Z., Dumlupinar. 2019. Evaluation of some bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars for yield, yield components and quality traits in Bolu conditions. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 6: 44-51.
  • Ilker, E., F., Aykut Tonk, O., Caylak, M., Tosun, I., Ozmen. 2009. Assessment of genotype x environment interactions for grain yield in maize hybrids using AMMI and GGE biplot analyses. Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 14: 123 – 135.
  • Kahraman, T., Gungor, H., Ozturk, I., Yuce, I., Dumlupinar, Z. 2021. Evaluating The Effects of Genotype and Environment on Yield and Some Quality Parameters in Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Genotypes Using Principal Component and GGE Biplot Analyses. KSU J. Agric Nat, 24 (5): 992-1002.
  • Kara, R., A.Y., Dalkilic, H., Gezginc, M.F., Yılmaz. 2016. Evaluation of some common bread wheat cultivars for yield and yield components in Kahramanmaras conditions. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 3: 172-183.
  • Karaman, M. 2020. Evaluation of spring bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes in terms of agricultural features. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 4: 68-81.
  • Kaya, Y., C., Palta, S., Taner. 2002. Additive main effects and multiplicative interactions analysis of yield performances in bread wheat genotypes across environments. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 26: 275-279.
  • Kaya, Y., M., Akcura, S., Taner. 2006. GGE-Biplot analysis of multi-environment yield trials in bread wheat. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 30: 325-337.
  • Kaydan, D., M., Yagmur. 2008. A research on yield and yield components of some bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties in Van ecological conditions. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 14: 350-358.
  • Kendal, E. 2013. Evaluation of some spring bread wheat genotypes in terms of yield and quality in Diyarbakır condition. KSU J. Nat. Sci., 16: 16-24.
  • Kendal, E., M.S., Sayar. 2016. Assessment of the impact of ecological factors on yield and quality parameters in triticale using GGE biplot and AMMI analysis. The J. Anim. Plant Sci., 26: 754-765.
  • Kilic, H., S., Tekdal, E., Kendal, H., Aktas. 2012. Evaluation of advanced durum wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. durum) lines with biplot analysis method based on the augmented experimental design. KSU J. Nat. Sci., 15: 18-25.
  • Kilic, H., E., Kendal, H., Aktas, S., Tekdal. 2014. Assesment of advanced bread wheat lines for yield and some quality traits at different environment. Iğdır University, Journal of The Institute of Science and Technology, 4: 87-95.
  • Kurt, O., K., Yagdi. 2013. Determination of yield characters of some advanced bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) lines in Bursa conditions. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Uludağ University, 27: 19-31.
  • Mohammed, M.I. 2009. Genotype x Environment interaction in bread wheat in Northern Sudan using AMMI analysis. American-Eurasian Journal of Agriculture & Environment Science, 6: 427-433.
  • Mut, Z., O., Erbas Kose, H., Akay. 2017. Determination of grain yield and quality traits of some bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties. Anadolu Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 32: 85-95.
  • Oral, E., E., Kendal, Y., Dogan. 2018. Some bread varieties yield stability evaluation with Biplot and AMMI analaysis methods. Journal of Adnana Menderes University Agricultural Faculty, 15: 55-64.
  • Ozen, S., Z., Akman. 2015. Determination of yield and quality characteristics of some bread wheat cultivars in Yozgat ecological conditions. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Süleyman Demirel University, 10: 35-43.
  • Sakin, M.A., I., Naneli, A.Y., Ismailoglu, K., Ozdemir. 2017. Determination of yield and quality characteristics in arid and irrigated conditions of some bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars under Tokat-Kazova conditions. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Gaziosmanpasa University, 34: 87-96.
  • Sayar, M.S., A.E., Anlarsal, M., Basbag. 2013. Genotype x environment interactions and stability analysis for dry-matter yield and seed yield in Hungarian vetch (Vicia pannonica Crantz). Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 18: 238-246.
  • Sayar, M.S., Y., Han. 2016. Forage yield performance of forage pea (Pisum sativum spp. arvense L.) genotypes and assessments using GGE biplot analysis. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 18: 1621-1634.
  • Schuller, S.F., R.K., Bacon., E.E., Gbur. 1994. Kernel and spike character influence on test weight of soft red winter wheat. Crop Science Society of America, 34: 1309- 1313.
  • Sahin, M., A., Akcacik, S., Aydogan. 2011. The relationship between grain yield and quality characteristics of some bread wheat genotypes and stability potential. ANADOLU, J. of AARI, 22: 39-48.
  • Sahin, M., A., Gocmen Akcacık, S., Aydogan, E., Yakisir. 2016. Determination of Yield and Quality Performance of Winter Wheat Genotypes in Rainfed Conditions of Central Anatolian. Journal of Field Crops Central Research Institute, 2: 19-23.
  • Takač, V., Kondić-Špika, A., Trkulja, D., Brbaklić, L., Župunski, V., Aćin, V. and Mikić, S., 2021. Phenotypic and molecular diversity of wheat species (Triticum spp.) in relation to plant height and heading time. Genetika, 53: 181-194.
  • Tekdal, S., E., Kendal, H., Aktas, M., Karaman, H., Dogan, S., Bayram, M., Duzgun, A., Efe. 2017. Evaluation of yield and quality traits of some durum wheat lines with biplot analysis method. Journal of Field Crops Central Research Institute, 26: 68-73.
  • Tuik. 2021. Turkish Statistical Foundation, Accessed on 21.06.2021
  • Tulu, L., A., Wondimu. 2019. Adaptability and yield stability of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties studied using GGE-biplot analysis in the highland environments of South-western Ethiopia. African Journal of Plant Science, 13: 153-162.
  • VSN International. (2014): Genstat for Windows 14th Edition. VSN International, Hemel Hempstead, UK. Web page:
  • Wardofa, G.A., D., Asnake, H., Mohammed. 2019. GGE biplot analysis of genotype by environment interaction and grain yield stability of bread wheat genotypes in Central Ethiopia. Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics, 7: 75-85.
  • Yan, W., L.A., Hunt, Q., Sheng, Z., Szlavnics. 2000. Cultivar evaluation and mega-environment investigation based on the GGE biplot. Crop Sci., 40: 597-605.
  • Yan, W. 2001. GGE biplot: a windows application for graphical analysis of multi-environment trial data and other types of two way data. Agron J., 93: 1111-1118.
  • Yan, W., M.S. Kang. 2003. GGE Biplot Analysis: A Graphical Tool for Breeders, Geneticists and Agronomists. 1st Edn., CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL., USA., ISBN-13: 9781420040371, Pages: 288.
Year 2022, , 149 - 157, 20.06.2022



  • Acikgoz, E., M., Sincik, M., Oz, S., Albayrak, G., Wietgrefe, Z.M., Turan, A.T., Goksoy, U., Bilgili, A., Karasu, O., Tongel, O., Canbolat. 2007. Forage soybean performance in Mediterranean environments. Field Crop Res., 103: 239–247.
  • Akan, E., N., Unsal Eren, A.S., Unsal. 2021. Determination of important parameters affecting the yield and quality of durum wheat varieties in dry conditions. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 5: 246-256.
  • Akcura, M. 2011. The relationships of some traits in Turkish winter bread wheat landraces. Turk. J. Agric. For., 35: 115-125.
  • Aktas, H., M., Karaman, E., Oral, E., Kendal, S., Tekdal, S. 2017. Evaluation of some bread wheat genotypes of yield and quality parameters under rainfall condition. Journal of Field Crops Central Research Institute, 26: 86-95.
  • Aktas, B. 2020. Evaluation of yield and agronomic traits of new winter bread cultivars. Genetika, 52: 81-96.
  • Aydogan, S., M., Sahin, A., Akcakacık Gocmen, B., Demir, T., Yildirim, S., Hamzaoglu 2020. Assesment of yield and quality traits of some bread wheat varieties (Triticum aestivum L.) under rainfed conditions. KSU J. Agric Nat, 23: 713-721.
  • Bayram, S., A., Ozturk, M., Aydin. 2017. Evaluation of yield components and grain yield of bread wheat genotypes in Erzurum conditions. Yuzuncu Yıl University, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 27: 569-579.
  • Diepenbrock, W., F., Ellmer, J., Leon. 2005. Ackerbau, Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenzüchtung, UTB 2629, Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart.
  • Dogan, Y., E., Kendal. 2012. Determination of grain yield and some quality traits of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Gaziosmanpasa University, 29: 113-121.
  • Dogan, Y., E., Kendal. 2013. Determination of grain yield and some qualty traits of some bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes in Diyarbakır ecological conditions. Yuzuncu Yıl University, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 23: 199-208.
  • Dogan, Y., E., Kendal¸ E., Oral. 2016. Identifying of relationship between traits and grain yield in spring Barley by GGE biplot analysis. The Journal "Agriculture and Forestry", 62: 239-252.
  • Gungor, H., Z., Dumlupinar. 2019. Evaluation of some bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars for yield, yield components and quality traits in Bolu conditions. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 6: 44-51.
  • Ilker, E., F., Aykut Tonk, O., Caylak, M., Tosun, I., Ozmen. 2009. Assessment of genotype x environment interactions for grain yield in maize hybrids using AMMI and GGE biplot analyses. Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 14: 123 – 135.
  • Kahraman, T., Gungor, H., Ozturk, I., Yuce, I., Dumlupinar, Z. 2021. Evaluating The Effects of Genotype and Environment on Yield and Some Quality Parameters in Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Genotypes Using Principal Component and GGE Biplot Analyses. KSU J. Agric Nat, 24 (5): 992-1002.
  • Kara, R., A.Y., Dalkilic, H., Gezginc, M.F., Yılmaz. 2016. Evaluation of some common bread wheat cultivars for yield and yield components in Kahramanmaras conditions. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 3: 172-183.
  • Karaman, M. 2020. Evaluation of spring bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes in terms of agricultural features. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 4: 68-81.
  • Kaya, Y., C., Palta, S., Taner. 2002. Additive main effects and multiplicative interactions analysis of yield performances in bread wheat genotypes across environments. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 26: 275-279.
  • Kaya, Y., M., Akcura, S., Taner. 2006. GGE-Biplot analysis of multi-environment yield trials in bread wheat. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 30: 325-337.
  • Kaydan, D., M., Yagmur. 2008. A research on yield and yield components of some bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties in Van ecological conditions. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 14: 350-358.
  • Kendal, E. 2013. Evaluation of some spring bread wheat genotypes in terms of yield and quality in Diyarbakır condition. KSU J. Nat. Sci., 16: 16-24.
  • Kendal, E., M.S., Sayar. 2016. Assessment of the impact of ecological factors on yield and quality parameters in triticale using GGE biplot and AMMI analysis. The J. Anim. Plant Sci., 26: 754-765.
  • Kilic, H., S., Tekdal, E., Kendal, H., Aktas. 2012. Evaluation of advanced durum wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. durum) lines with biplot analysis method based on the augmented experimental design. KSU J. Nat. Sci., 15: 18-25.
  • Kilic, H., E., Kendal, H., Aktas, S., Tekdal. 2014. Assesment of advanced bread wheat lines for yield and some quality traits at different environment. Iğdır University, Journal of The Institute of Science and Technology, 4: 87-95.
  • Kurt, O., K., Yagdi. 2013. Determination of yield characters of some advanced bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) lines in Bursa conditions. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Uludağ University, 27: 19-31.
  • Mohammed, M.I. 2009. Genotype x Environment interaction in bread wheat in Northern Sudan using AMMI analysis. American-Eurasian Journal of Agriculture & Environment Science, 6: 427-433.
  • Mut, Z., O., Erbas Kose, H., Akay. 2017. Determination of grain yield and quality traits of some bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties. Anadolu Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 32: 85-95.
  • Oral, E., E., Kendal, Y., Dogan. 2018. Some bread varieties yield stability evaluation with Biplot and AMMI analaysis methods. Journal of Adnana Menderes University Agricultural Faculty, 15: 55-64.
  • Ozen, S., Z., Akman. 2015. Determination of yield and quality characteristics of some bread wheat cultivars in Yozgat ecological conditions. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Süleyman Demirel University, 10: 35-43.
  • Sakin, M.A., I., Naneli, A.Y., Ismailoglu, K., Ozdemir. 2017. Determination of yield and quality characteristics in arid and irrigated conditions of some bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars under Tokat-Kazova conditions. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Gaziosmanpasa University, 34: 87-96.
  • Sayar, M.S., A.E., Anlarsal, M., Basbag. 2013. Genotype x environment interactions and stability analysis for dry-matter yield and seed yield in Hungarian vetch (Vicia pannonica Crantz). Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 18: 238-246.
  • Sayar, M.S., Y., Han. 2016. Forage yield performance of forage pea (Pisum sativum spp. arvense L.) genotypes and assessments using GGE biplot analysis. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 18: 1621-1634.
  • Schuller, S.F., R.K., Bacon., E.E., Gbur. 1994. Kernel and spike character influence on test weight of soft red winter wheat. Crop Science Society of America, 34: 1309- 1313.
  • Sahin, M., A., Akcacik, S., Aydogan. 2011. The relationship between grain yield and quality characteristics of some bread wheat genotypes and stability potential. ANADOLU, J. of AARI, 22: 39-48.
  • Sahin, M., A., Gocmen Akcacık, S., Aydogan, E., Yakisir. 2016. Determination of Yield and Quality Performance of Winter Wheat Genotypes in Rainfed Conditions of Central Anatolian. Journal of Field Crops Central Research Institute, 2: 19-23.
  • Takač, V., Kondić-Špika, A., Trkulja, D., Brbaklić, L., Župunski, V., Aćin, V. and Mikić, S., 2021. Phenotypic and molecular diversity of wheat species (Triticum spp.) in relation to plant height and heading time. Genetika, 53: 181-194.
  • Tekdal, S., E., Kendal, H., Aktas, M., Karaman, H., Dogan, S., Bayram, M., Duzgun, A., Efe. 2017. Evaluation of yield and quality traits of some durum wheat lines with biplot analysis method. Journal of Field Crops Central Research Institute, 26: 68-73.
  • Tuik. 2021. Turkish Statistical Foundation, Accessed on 21.06.2021
  • Tulu, L., A., Wondimu. 2019. Adaptability and yield stability of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties studied using GGE-biplot analysis in the highland environments of South-western Ethiopia. African Journal of Plant Science, 13: 153-162.
  • VSN International. (2014): Genstat for Windows 14th Edition. VSN International, Hemel Hempstead, UK. Web page:
  • Wardofa, G.A., D., Asnake, H., Mohammed. 2019. GGE biplot analysis of genotype by environment interaction and grain yield stability of bread wheat genotypes in Central Ethiopia. Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics, 7: 75-85.
  • Yan, W., L.A., Hunt, Q., Sheng, Z., Szlavnics. 2000. Cultivar evaluation and mega-environment investigation based on the GGE biplot. Crop Sci., 40: 597-605.
  • Yan, W. 2001. GGE biplot: a windows application for graphical analysis of multi-environment trial data and other types of two way data. Agron J., 93: 1111-1118.
  • Yan, W., M.S. Kang. 2003. GGE Biplot Analysis: A Graphical Tool for Breeders, Geneticists and Agronomists. 1st Edn., CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL., USA., ISBN-13: 9781420040371, Pages: 288.
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agronomy
Journal Section Articles

Hüseyin Güngör 0000-0001-6708-6337

Mehmet Fatih Çakır 0000-0003-1354-9476

Ziya Dumlupınar 0000-0003-3119-6926

Publication Date June 20, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Güngör, H., Çakır, M. F., & Dumlupınar, Z. (2022). EVALUATION OF WHEAT GENOTYPES: GENOTYPE × ENVIRONMENT INTERACTION AND GGE BIPLOT ANALYSIS. Turkish Journal Of Field Crops, 27(1), 149-157.

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Turkish Journal of Field Crops is published by the Society of Field Crops Science and issued twice a year.
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