Research Article
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Year 2022, , 208 - 216, 23.12.2022



  • Abtahi, M. and E. Zandi. 2017. Effects of phenological stage on forage quality of halophyte species Salsola arbuscula Pall. in the cen-tral desert of Iran. Appl. Ecol. Environ. Res. 15(3): 901-909.
  • Acar, R., A. Özköse and N. Koç. 2017. Investigation of Alternative Use Potential of Atriplex nitens Schkuhr. J. Bahri Dagdas Crop Res. 6(2): 18-22.
  • Acar, R., A. Ozkose., O. Kahraman., A. Ozbilgin., M.M. Ozcan and M.M. Ozcan. 2019. Determination of some plant characteristics and feed value of drought-resistant Mountain Swan (Atriplex nitens). Z. Arznei-Gewürzpfla. 24: 94-96.
  • Ball, D., M. Collins,, G. Lacefield., N. Martin., N. Mertens., K. Olson., D. Putnam., D. Undersander and M. Wolf. 2001. Understanding Forage Quality. American Farm Bureau Federation Publication 1-01, Park Ridge, IL.
  • Buxton, D.R., 1996. Quality related characteristics of forages as influenced by plant environment and agronomic factors. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 40: 109-119.
  • Collins, M. and J.O. Fritz. 2003. Forage Quality. Forages. In: Barnes, R. F.., Nelson, C. J., Collins, M. and Moore, K. J. Vol. I. 6th ed. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing Company, pp. 363-390.
  • Demiroglu Topcu, G. and S.S. Ozkan. 2019. An alternative crop for mediterranean climatic conditions: Crotalaria juncea L. (Sunn hemp). KSU J. Agric Nat. 22(2): 339-345.
  • Doudova, J., J. Douda and B. Mandak. 2017. The complexity underlying invasiveness precludes the identification of invasive traits: A comparative study of invasive and non-invasive heterocarpic Atriplex congeners. PLoS ONE. 12: e0176455.
  • Dursun, S. and R. Acar. 2015. Effect of different lead (Pb(NO3)2) dose applied on Atriplex nitens Schkuhr seedling growth. Int. J. Ecosyst. Ecol. Sci. 5: 491-494.
  • Fales, S.L. and J.O. Fritz. 2007. Factors Affecting Forage Quality. Forages. Ed. Barnes, R. F., Nelson, C. J., Moore, K. J. and Collins, M. 6th Edition Vol. II Chapter 37, A Blackwell Publishing, pp. 569-580.
  • Flowers, T.J. and T.D. Colmer. 2008. Salinity tolerance in halophytes. New Phytol. 179: 945-963.
  • Fonnesbeck, P.V., D.H. Clark., W.N. Garret and C.F. Speth. 1984. Predicting energy utilization from alfalfa hay from the Western Region. Proceed. American Anim. Sci. 35: 305-308.
  • Frost, R.A., L.M. Wilson., K.L. Launchbaugh and E.M. Hovde. 2008. Seasonal change in forage value of rangeland weeds in Northern Idaho. Invasive Plant Sci. Manag. 1: 343-351.
  • Grzeszczuk, M., D. Jadczak., A. Kawecka and I. Długosz. 2010. Effect of sowing date on biological value of garden orache. Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus. 9(4): 163-169.
  • Gulumser, E. and Z. Acar. 2012. Morphological and chemical characters of Bituminaria bituminosa (L) C.H. (Stirtion) grown naturally in the middle black sea region. Turk J. Field Crops. 17: 101-104.
  • Hatfield, R.D., H.J.G. Jung., G. Broderick and T.C. Jenkins. 2007. Nutritional Chemistry of Forages. Forages. In: Barnes, R. F., Nelson, C. J., Moore, K. J. and Collins, M), 6th Edition Vol. II Chapter 31, Blackwell Publishing, pp. 467-485.
  • Hoffman, P.C., K.M. Lundberg., L.M. Bauman and R.D. Shaver. 2003. The effect of maturity on NDF digestibility. Focus on Forage. 5: 1-3.
  • Hou, L., W. Bai., Q. Zhang., Y. Liu., H. Sun., Y. Luo., S. Song and W.H. Zhang. 2021. A new model of two-sown regime for oat forage production in an alpine region of northern China. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 1-14.
  • Jenson, K.R., G. Joseph., C. Rigby and B. Waldron. 2017 Comparative Trends in Forage Nutritional Quality across the Growing Season in Thirteen Grasses. Can. J. Plant Sci. 97: 72-82.
  • Jeranyama, P. and A.D. Garcia. 2004. Understanding relative feed value (RFV) and relative forage quality (RFQ). Extension Extra. Paper 352. Brookings, SD, USA: South Dakota State University.
  • Jung, H.G. 2012. Forage Digestibility: The Intersection of Cell Wall Lignification and Plant Tissue Anatomy. Available at:
  • Kacar, B. 2012. Soil Analysis. Ankara: Nobel Publication Distribution.
  • Kacar, B., A.V. Katkat and S. Ozturk. 2006. Plant Physiology. 2. ed. Ankara: Nobel Publication Distribution.
  • Kadioglu, S., B. Kadioglu and K. Karagoz Sezer. 2021. Ethnobotanical properties of natural plants in Kop Mountain Pass (Bayburt /Turkey). Biodivers. Conserv. 14: 264-276.
  • Keskin, B. and S. Temel. 2022. The Effects of different sowing and harvest periods on herbage yield and some yield components of Mountain spinach (Atriplex nitens) Grown in rainfed conditions. Turk. J. Agric. Natural Sci. 9(2): In press.
  • Khalil, J.K., W.N. Sawaya and S.Z. Hyder. 1986. Nutrient composition of Atriplex leaves grown in Saudi Arabia. J. Range Manag. 39: 104-107.
  • Kronberg, S.L. 2015. Improving cattle nutrition on the Great Plains with shrubs and fecal seeding of fourwing saltbush. Rangel. Ecol. Manag. 68: 285-289.
  • Kutlu, H.R. 2008. Feed Evaluation and Analysis Methods -Lecture Note. Çukurova University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Animal Science-2008, Adana.
  • Masters, D.G., S.E. Benes and H.C. Norman. 2007. Biosaline agriculture for forage and livestock production. Agric. Ecosyst Environ. 119: 234-248.
  • Mellado, M., R. Estrada., L. Olivares., F. Pastor and J. Mellado. 2006. Diet selection among goats of different milk production potential on rangeland. J. Arid Environ. 66: 127-134.
  • MGM. 2021. Iğdır Provincial Directorate of Meteorology. Iğdır, Turkey.
  • Mountousis, J., K. Papanikolaou., G. Stanogias., F. Chatzitheodoridis and C. Roukos. 2008. Seasonal variation of chemical composition and dry matter digestibility of rangelands in NW Greece. J. Cent. Eur. Agric. 9: 547-556.
  • Munra, D.B. and E. Small. 1997. Atriplex (Garden orach). Vegetables of Canada. NRC Research Pres. pp: 67-70.
  • Oktay, G. and S. Temel. 2015. Determination of annual fodder value of Ebu cehil (Calligonum polygonoides L. ssp. Comosum (L’Hér.)) Shrub. J. Agr. Fac. Gaziosmanpasa Univ. 32: 30-36.
  • Ortiz-Dorda, J., C. Martinez-Mora., E. Correal., B. Simon and J.L. Cenis. 2005. Genetic structure of Atriplex halimus populations in the mediterranean basin. Ann. Bot. 95: 827-834.
  • Onal Asci, O. and Z. Acar. 2018. Quality of Roughage. Ankara, Turkey: Positive Printing and Packaging Industry Trade Company.
  • Özyiğit, Y. and M. Bilgen. 2006. Effect of different cutting stages on some quality factors in various legume forage crops. Mediterr. Agric. Sci. 19: 29-34.
  • Panahi, F., M.H. Assareh., M. Jafari., A. Jafari., H. Arzani., A. Tavili and E. Zandi Esfahan. 2012. Phenological effects on forage quality of Salsola arbuscula, Salsola orientalis and Salsola tomentosa in three habitats in the central part of Iran. Middle East J. Sci. Res. 11: 800-807.
  • Pirasteh-Anosheh, H., A. Mirhosseini., N.A. Akram and M. Hasanuzzaman. 2021. Forage potential of Salsola species in arid-saline rangelands. Turk J. Botany. 45: 203-215.
  • Rasouli, B. and B. Amiri. 2015. Assessment of new forage sources in saline areas of Iran. Environ. Resour. Res. 3: 75-83.
  • Redzic, S. J. 2006. Wild ediple plants and their traditional use in the human nutrition in Bosnia-Herzegovia. Ecol. Food Nutr. 45: 189-232.
  • Sheaffer, C.C., M.A. Peterson., M. Mccalin., J.J. Volene and J.H. Cherney. 1995. Acide detergent fiber, neutral detergent fiber concentration and relative feed value. In: North American Alfalfa Improvement Conference, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
  • Quiroz, D.C., R.G. Luna and D.Y.A. Flores. 2021. Francisco Castillo Reyes1 y Jesús Eduardo Sáenz Ceja Atriplex canescens (Pursh) Nutt. a multifunctional species of the semi-arid zones of north America: a review. Rev. Mex. Cienc. Forestales. 12(67): 4-26.
  • Tan, M. and S. Temel. 2012. Alternative Feed Crops. Atatürk University Agricultural Faculty Course Publications No: 246. Erzurum, Turkey: Atatürk University Agricultural Faculty.
  • Tan, M. and S. Temel. 2019. Quinoa in Every Aspect: Importance, Use and Cultivation. IKSAD Publishing House, Ankara, p.183.
  • Temel, I. and B. Keskin. 2019. The effects on nutrient content of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa willd.) of different row spacing and intra-row spacing. Int. J. Agric. and Wildlife Sci. 5(1): 110-116.
  • Temel, S. 2015. Determination of fodder quality parameters in vegetative and seed maturity stages of Salsola tragus L. and Noaea mucronata (Forssk.) Asch. & Schweinf. Int. J. Agric. and Wildlife Sci. 1(1): 23-30.
  • Temel, S. 2017. Determination of feed contents of some wild species growing in the high-altitute grasslands. Iğdır Univ. J. Inst. Sci. Technol. 7(3): 293-298.
  • Temel, S. 2018. Determination of nutritional contents at the different development stages of Puccinellia distans and Aeluropus littoralis commonly growing in saline-alkaline pastures. Int. J. Agric. and Wildlife Sci. 4(2): 237-246.
  • Temel, S. 2019. Variations in nutrient composition during Noaea mucronata’s active growth as a source of roughage. Int. J. Agric. and Wildlife Sci. 5(1): 117-123.
  • Temel, S. and B. Keskin. 2019. Annual evaluation of nutritional values of Salsola ruthenica evaluated as a potential feed source in arid-pasture areas. Fresenius Environ. Bull. 28: 7137-7144.
  • Temel, S. and B. Keskin. 2020. The effect of morphological components on the herbage yield and quality of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) grown in different dates. Turk J. Agric. For. 44(5): 533-542.
  • Temel, S., B. Keskin., S. Cakmakci and R. Tosun. 2020. Determination of the hay yield performances of varieties belonging to different amaranth species in irrigated and dry conditions. Int. J. Agric. and Wildlife Sci. 6(3): 615-624.
  • Temel, S. and B. Keskin. 2022. The effect of different sowing and harvest periods on herbage yield and some yield components in Mountain Spinach as alternative forage resource. Int. J. Agric. and Wildlife Sci. 8(1): 92-107.
  • Temel, S., M. Surmen and M. Tan. 2015. Effects of growth stages on the nutritive value of specific halophyte species in saline grasslands. J. Anim. Plant Sci. 25(5): 1419-1428.
  • Temel, S. and M. Tan. 2020. Evaluation of different quinoa varieties grown in dry conditions in terms of roughage quality properties. Int. J. Agric. and Wildlife Sci. 6(2): 347-354.
  • Temel, S. and I. Temel. 2018. Determination of some plant and yield characteristics with preference conditions in grazing of endemic Calligonum polygonoides L. ssp. comosum (L’Hér.) Shrub for Turkey. Atatürk Univ. J. Agric. Fac. 49(1): 7-13.
  • Temel, S. and S. Yolcu. 2020. The effect of different sowing time and harvesting stages on the herbage yield and quality of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.). Turk J. Field Crops. 25(1): 41-49.
  • Tiryakioglu, H. and M. Turk, 2012. Effects of different sowing and harvesting times on yield and quality of forage turnip (Brassica rapa L.) grown as a second crop . Turk J. Field Crops. 17(2): 166-170.
  • Turk, M. and S. Albayrak. 2012. Effect of harvesting stages on the forage yields and quality in pea cultivars of differing leaf types. Turk. J. Field Crops. 17(2): 111-114.
  • Uke, O. 2016. Effects of Harvest times on herbage yield and quality of quinoa and teff plants. Erciyes University Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Field Crop, Graduate Thesis, Kayseri.
  • Van Soest, P.J., J.D. Robertson and B.A. Lewis. 1991. Methods for diatery fibre, neutral detergent fibre and non-starch polysaccharides in relation to animals nutrition. J. Dairy Sci. 74: 3583-3597.
  • Zandi-Esfahan, E., M.H. Assareh., M. Jafari., A.A. Jafari and S.A. Javadi. 2010. Phenological effects on forage quality of two halophyte species Atriplex leucoclada and Suaeda vermiculata in four sa-line rangelands of Iran. J. Food Agric. Environ. 8: 999-1003.


Year 2022, , 208 - 216, 23.12.2022


Atriplex nitens, which can grow in extreme ecological conditions and produce a high amount of forage material, has been seen as an important alternative forage source for livestock. With the present study, the effect of different sowing (mid-April, late-April, early-May, mid-May) and harvesting periods (end of vegetative period, beginning of flowering, full flowering period) on forage quality was tried to be determined. For this purpose, a study was planned according to randomized complete block design in split plots with three replications in Iğdır irrigated conditions in 2019 and 2020. As a result of the study, the forage quality values of the stem, leaf and whole plant differed according to the sowing and harvesting periods. Accordingly, it was determined that the crude protein, dry matter digestible, disgestible energy, metabolic energy and relative feed value of the stem, leaf and whole plant increased as the sowing time was delayed, but neutral detergent fibre and acid detergent fibre ratios decreased. Similar results were obtained by moving harvests to an earlier time. As a result, it was determined that the stem, leaf and whole plant produced a low, very high and medium quality forage material in late sowing and early harvests, respectively.


  • Abtahi, M. and E. Zandi. 2017. Effects of phenological stage on forage quality of halophyte species Salsola arbuscula Pall. in the cen-tral desert of Iran. Appl. Ecol. Environ. Res. 15(3): 901-909.
  • Acar, R., A. Özköse and N. Koç. 2017. Investigation of Alternative Use Potential of Atriplex nitens Schkuhr. J. Bahri Dagdas Crop Res. 6(2): 18-22.
  • Acar, R., A. Ozkose., O. Kahraman., A. Ozbilgin., M.M. Ozcan and M.M. Ozcan. 2019. Determination of some plant characteristics and feed value of drought-resistant Mountain Swan (Atriplex nitens). Z. Arznei-Gewürzpfla. 24: 94-96.
  • Ball, D., M. Collins,, G. Lacefield., N. Martin., N. Mertens., K. Olson., D. Putnam., D. Undersander and M. Wolf. 2001. Understanding Forage Quality. American Farm Bureau Federation Publication 1-01, Park Ridge, IL.
  • Buxton, D.R., 1996. Quality related characteristics of forages as influenced by plant environment and agronomic factors. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 40: 109-119.
  • Collins, M. and J.O. Fritz. 2003. Forage Quality. Forages. In: Barnes, R. F.., Nelson, C. J., Collins, M. and Moore, K. J. Vol. I. 6th ed. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing Company, pp. 363-390.
  • Demiroglu Topcu, G. and S.S. Ozkan. 2019. An alternative crop for mediterranean climatic conditions: Crotalaria juncea L. (Sunn hemp). KSU J. Agric Nat. 22(2): 339-345.
  • Doudova, J., J. Douda and B. Mandak. 2017. The complexity underlying invasiveness precludes the identification of invasive traits: A comparative study of invasive and non-invasive heterocarpic Atriplex congeners. PLoS ONE. 12: e0176455.
  • Dursun, S. and R. Acar. 2015. Effect of different lead (Pb(NO3)2) dose applied on Atriplex nitens Schkuhr seedling growth. Int. J. Ecosyst. Ecol. Sci. 5: 491-494.
  • Fales, S.L. and J.O. Fritz. 2007. Factors Affecting Forage Quality. Forages. Ed. Barnes, R. F., Nelson, C. J., Moore, K. J. and Collins, M. 6th Edition Vol. II Chapter 37, A Blackwell Publishing, pp. 569-580.
  • Flowers, T.J. and T.D. Colmer. 2008. Salinity tolerance in halophytes. New Phytol. 179: 945-963.
  • Fonnesbeck, P.V., D.H. Clark., W.N. Garret and C.F. Speth. 1984. Predicting energy utilization from alfalfa hay from the Western Region. Proceed. American Anim. Sci. 35: 305-308.
  • Frost, R.A., L.M. Wilson., K.L. Launchbaugh and E.M. Hovde. 2008. Seasonal change in forage value of rangeland weeds in Northern Idaho. Invasive Plant Sci. Manag. 1: 343-351.
  • Grzeszczuk, M., D. Jadczak., A. Kawecka and I. Długosz. 2010. Effect of sowing date on biological value of garden orache. Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus. 9(4): 163-169.
  • Gulumser, E. and Z. Acar. 2012. Morphological and chemical characters of Bituminaria bituminosa (L) C.H. (Stirtion) grown naturally in the middle black sea region. Turk J. Field Crops. 17: 101-104.
  • Hatfield, R.D., H.J.G. Jung., G. Broderick and T.C. Jenkins. 2007. Nutritional Chemistry of Forages. Forages. In: Barnes, R. F., Nelson, C. J., Moore, K. J. and Collins, M), 6th Edition Vol. II Chapter 31, Blackwell Publishing, pp. 467-485.
  • Hoffman, P.C., K.M. Lundberg., L.M. Bauman and R.D. Shaver. 2003. The effect of maturity on NDF digestibility. Focus on Forage. 5: 1-3.
  • Hou, L., W. Bai., Q. Zhang., Y. Liu., H. Sun., Y. Luo., S. Song and W.H. Zhang. 2021. A new model of two-sown regime for oat forage production in an alpine region of northern China. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 1-14.
  • Jenson, K.R., G. Joseph., C. Rigby and B. Waldron. 2017 Comparative Trends in Forage Nutritional Quality across the Growing Season in Thirteen Grasses. Can. J. Plant Sci. 97: 72-82.
  • Jeranyama, P. and A.D. Garcia. 2004. Understanding relative feed value (RFV) and relative forage quality (RFQ). Extension Extra. Paper 352. Brookings, SD, USA: South Dakota State University.
  • Jung, H.G. 2012. Forage Digestibility: The Intersection of Cell Wall Lignification and Plant Tissue Anatomy. Available at:
  • Kacar, B. 2012. Soil Analysis. Ankara: Nobel Publication Distribution.
  • Kacar, B., A.V. Katkat and S. Ozturk. 2006. Plant Physiology. 2. ed. Ankara: Nobel Publication Distribution.
  • Kadioglu, S., B. Kadioglu and K. Karagoz Sezer. 2021. Ethnobotanical properties of natural plants in Kop Mountain Pass (Bayburt /Turkey). Biodivers. Conserv. 14: 264-276.
  • Keskin, B. and S. Temel. 2022. The Effects of different sowing and harvest periods on herbage yield and some yield components of Mountain spinach (Atriplex nitens) Grown in rainfed conditions. Turk. J. Agric. Natural Sci. 9(2): In press.
  • Khalil, J.K., W.N. Sawaya and S.Z. Hyder. 1986. Nutrient composition of Atriplex leaves grown in Saudi Arabia. J. Range Manag. 39: 104-107.
  • Kronberg, S.L. 2015. Improving cattle nutrition on the Great Plains with shrubs and fecal seeding of fourwing saltbush. Rangel. Ecol. Manag. 68: 285-289.
  • Kutlu, H.R. 2008. Feed Evaluation and Analysis Methods -Lecture Note. Çukurova University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Animal Science-2008, Adana.
  • Masters, D.G., S.E. Benes and H.C. Norman. 2007. Biosaline agriculture for forage and livestock production. Agric. Ecosyst Environ. 119: 234-248.
  • Mellado, M., R. Estrada., L. Olivares., F. Pastor and J. Mellado. 2006. Diet selection among goats of different milk production potential on rangeland. J. Arid Environ. 66: 127-134.
  • MGM. 2021. Iğdır Provincial Directorate of Meteorology. Iğdır, Turkey.
  • Mountousis, J., K. Papanikolaou., G. Stanogias., F. Chatzitheodoridis and C. Roukos. 2008. Seasonal variation of chemical composition and dry matter digestibility of rangelands in NW Greece. J. Cent. Eur. Agric. 9: 547-556.
  • Munra, D.B. and E. Small. 1997. Atriplex (Garden orach). Vegetables of Canada. NRC Research Pres. pp: 67-70.
  • Oktay, G. and S. Temel. 2015. Determination of annual fodder value of Ebu cehil (Calligonum polygonoides L. ssp. Comosum (L’Hér.)) Shrub. J. Agr. Fac. Gaziosmanpasa Univ. 32: 30-36.
  • Ortiz-Dorda, J., C. Martinez-Mora., E. Correal., B. Simon and J.L. Cenis. 2005. Genetic structure of Atriplex halimus populations in the mediterranean basin. Ann. Bot. 95: 827-834.
  • Onal Asci, O. and Z. Acar. 2018. Quality of Roughage. Ankara, Turkey: Positive Printing and Packaging Industry Trade Company.
  • Özyiğit, Y. and M. Bilgen. 2006. Effect of different cutting stages on some quality factors in various legume forage crops. Mediterr. Agric. Sci. 19: 29-34.
  • Panahi, F., M.H. Assareh., M. Jafari., A. Jafari., H. Arzani., A. Tavili and E. Zandi Esfahan. 2012. Phenological effects on forage quality of Salsola arbuscula, Salsola orientalis and Salsola tomentosa in three habitats in the central part of Iran. Middle East J. Sci. Res. 11: 800-807.
  • Pirasteh-Anosheh, H., A. Mirhosseini., N.A. Akram and M. Hasanuzzaman. 2021. Forage potential of Salsola species in arid-saline rangelands. Turk J. Botany. 45: 203-215.
  • Rasouli, B. and B. Amiri. 2015. Assessment of new forage sources in saline areas of Iran. Environ. Resour. Res. 3: 75-83.
  • Redzic, S. J. 2006. Wild ediple plants and their traditional use in the human nutrition in Bosnia-Herzegovia. Ecol. Food Nutr. 45: 189-232.
  • Sheaffer, C.C., M.A. Peterson., M. Mccalin., J.J. Volene and J.H. Cherney. 1995. Acide detergent fiber, neutral detergent fiber concentration and relative feed value. In: North American Alfalfa Improvement Conference, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
  • Quiroz, D.C., R.G. Luna and D.Y.A. Flores. 2021. Francisco Castillo Reyes1 y Jesús Eduardo Sáenz Ceja Atriplex canescens (Pursh) Nutt. a multifunctional species of the semi-arid zones of north America: a review. Rev. Mex. Cienc. Forestales. 12(67): 4-26.
  • Tan, M. and S. Temel. 2012. Alternative Feed Crops. Atatürk University Agricultural Faculty Course Publications No: 246. Erzurum, Turkey: Atatürk University Agricultural Faculty.
  • Tan, M. and S. Temel. 2019. Quinoa in Every Aspect: Importance, Use and Cultivation. IKSAD Publishing House, Ankara, p.183.
  • Temel, I. and B. Keskin. 2019. The effects on nutrient content of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa willd.) of different row spacing and intra-row spacing. Int. J. Agric. and Wildlife Sci. 5(1): 110-116.
  • Temel, S. 2015. Determination of fodder quality parameters in vegetative and seed maturity stages of Salsola tragus L. and Noaea mucronata (Forssk.) Asch. & Schweinf. Int. J. Agric. and Wildlife Sci. 1(1): 23-30.
  • Temel, S. 2017. Determination of feed contents of some wild species growing in the high-altitute grasslands. Iğdır Univ. J. Inst. Sci. Technol. 7(3): 293-298.
  • Temel, S. 2018. Determination of nutritional contents at the different development stages of Puccinellia distans and Aeluropus littoralis commonly growing in saline-alkaline pastures. Int. J. Agric. and Wildlife Sci. 4(2): 237-246.
  • Temel, S. 2019. Variations in nutrient composition during Noaea mucronata’s active growth as a source of roughage. Int. J. Agric. and Wildlife Sci. 5(1): 117-123.
  • Temel, S. and B. Keskin. 2019. Annual evaluation of nutritional values of Salsola ruthenica evaluated as a potential feed source in arid-pasture areas. Fresenius Environ. Bull. 28: 7137-7144.
  • Temel, S. and B. Keskin. 2020. The effect of morphological components on the herbage yield and quality of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) grown in different dates. Turk J. Agric. For. 44(5): 533-542.
  • Temel, S., B. Keskin., S. Cakmakci and R. Tosun. 2020. Determination of the hay yield performances of varieties belonging to different amaranth species in irrigated and dry conditions. Int. J. Agric. and Wildlife Sci. 6(3): 615-624.
  • Temel, S. and B. Keskin. 2022. The effect of different sowing and harvest periods on herbage yield and some yield components in Mountain Spinach as alternative forage resource. Int. J. Agric. and Wildlife Sci. 8(1): 92-107.
  • Temel, S., M. Surmen and M. Tan. 2015. Effects of growth stages on the nutritive value of specific halophyte species in saline grasslands. J. Anim. Plant Sci. 25(5): 1419-1428.
  • Temel, S. and M. Tan. 2020. Evaluation of different quinoa varieties grown in dry conditions in terms of roughage quality properties. Int. J. Agric. and Wildlife Sci. 6(2): 347-354.
  • Temel, S. and I. Temel. 2018. Determination of some plant and yield characteristics with preference conditions in grazing of endemic Calligonum polygonoides L. ssp. comosum (L’Hér.) Shrub for Turkey. Atatürk Univ. J. Agric. Fac. 49(1): 7-13.
  • Temel, S. and S. Yolcu. 2020. The effect of different sowing time and harvesting stages on the herbage yield and quality of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.). Turk J. Field Crops. 25(1): 41-49.
  • Tiryakioglu, H. and M. Turk, 2012. Effects of different sowing and harvesting times on yield and quality of forage turnip (Brassica rapa L.) grown as a second crop . Turk J. Field Crops. 17(2): 166-170.
  • Turk, M. and S. Albayrak. 2012. Effect of harvesting stages on the forage yields and quality in pea cultivars of differing leaf types. Turk. J. Field Crops. 17(2): 111-114.
  • Uke, O. 2016. Effects of Harvest times on herbage yield and quality of quinoa and teff plants. Erciyes University Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Field Crop, Graduate Thesis, Kayseri.
  • Van Soest, P.J., J.D. Robertson and B.A. Lewis. 1991. Methods for diatery fibre, neutral detergent fibre and non-starch polysaccharides in relation to animals nutrition. J. Dairy Sci. 74: 3583-3597.
  • Zandi-Esfahan, E., M.H. Assareh., M. Jafari., A.A. Jafari and S.A. Javadi. 2010. Phenological effects on forage quality of two halophyte species Atriplex leucoclada and Suaeda vermiculata in four sa-line rangelands of Iran. J. Food Agric. Environ. 8: 999-1003.
There are 63 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agronomy
Journal Section Articles

Süleyman Temel 0000-0001-9334-8601

Bilal Keskin 0000-0001-6826-9768

Zeynep Güner 0000-0002-8816-0644

Publication Date December 23, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022



Turkish Journal of Field Crops is published by the Society of Field Crops Science and issued twice a year.
Owner : Prof. Dr. Behçet KIR
Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture,Department of Field Crops
Editor in Chief : Prof. Dr. Emre ILKER
Address : 848 sok. 2. Beyler İşhanı No:72, Kat:3 D.313 35000 Konak-Izmir, TURKEY
Email :
Tel : +90 232 3112679
Tel/Fax : : +90 232 3432474