Research Article
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Year 2023, , 313 - 322, 24.12.2023


Project Number



  • Abdelguerfi, A. and M. Abdelguerfi-Laouar. 2002. Forage and pasture species: The uses in Maghreb (Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia). FAO, Rome, Italy.
  • Acikgoz, E., H. Ekiz and A. Karagoz. 1984.Yield and important agricultural traits of some alfalfa cultivars under dryland conditions of Ankara. Uludağ University Faculty of Agriculture Journal 3(1): 33-39.
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  • Acikgoz, E. 2021b. Forage crops breeding. Forage crops, 2: 717- 777. Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, General Directorate of Plant Production, Ankara.
  • Acikgoz, E. 2021c. Factors affecting hay quality. Forage crops, 2: 587-603. Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, General Directorate of Plant Production, Ankara.
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  • Anonymous. 2015b. Soil analysis results of trails in Konya. Central Soil, Fertilizer and Water Resources Research Institute, Ankara.
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  • Anonymous. 2018b. The climatic data of Konya. The General Director of State Meteorological, Annual Climatic Observation Table Report.
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  • Atis, I., N. Celiktas, E. Can and S. Yilmaz. 2019. The effects of cutting intervals and seeding rates on forage yield and quality of alfalfa. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 24(1): 12-20.
  • Avci, M., S. Cınar, C. Yucel and I. Inal. 2010. Evaluation of some selected alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) lines for herbage yield and forage quality. Cukurova Agricultural Research Institute, Adana, Turkey, 8(3-4): 545-549.
  • Avci, M. A., A. Ozkose and A. Tamkoc. 2013. Determination of yield and quality characteristics of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) varieties grown in different locations. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 12: 487-490.
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  • Boe, A., D.K. Kephart, J.D. Berdahl, M.D. Peel, E.C. Brummer, L. Xu and Y. Wu. 2020. Breeding alfalfa for semiarid regions in the Northern Great Plains: History and Additional Genetic Evaluations of Novel Germplasm. Agronomy 10, 11: 1686.
  • Budak, F. and F. Budak. 2014. Quality on forage plants and factors effecting forage quality. Turkish Journal of Scientific Reviews 7(1): 1-6.
  • Cacan, E., M. Basbag and A. Aydin. 2012. The Determinatıon of quality characters of some annual alfalfa specıes (Medicago Spp.) collected in natural rangelands in Diyarbakir. Tr. Journal of Nature Science 1(1): 34-38.
  • Cacan, E., K. Kokten and S. Seydosoglu. 2020. Determining the performance of alfalfa population collected from a narrow agroeceological zone of Turkey. Ciência Rural 50(11): 1-11.
  • Chamblee, D. S. and Jr. R. D. 1990. Warren Movement of Rhizobia alfalfa plants. Agronomy Journal 82(2): 283-286. abs/10.2134/agronj1990.00021962008200020021x>. (Accessed January 18, 2022). doi:10.2134/agronj1990.00021962008200020021x.
  • Chedjerat, A., M.M. Bouzina, A. Gacemi and A. Abdelguerfi. 2016. Forage yield components of various alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) cultivars grown on salt-affected soil under rainfed and irrigated conditions in a Mediterranean environment. African Journal of Agricultural Research 11(34): 3246-3253.
  • Cocu, S. and C. Sancak. 2007. Determination of forage yield of some alfalfa cultivars (Medicago sativa L.) in Ankara conditions, Turkey 6th Field Crops Congress, 25-27 June 2007, Erzurum.
  • Demir, I. and I. Turgut. 1999. Plant breeding. Aegean University, Agriculture Faculty publications, 496: 1-451.
  • Demiroglu, G., H. Geren and R. Avcioglu. 2008. Adaptation of different alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) genotypes to Aegean Region conditions. Journal of Faculty of Agriculture of Aegean University 45(1): 1-10.
  • Dumlu, S. E., S. Cakal, E. Aksakal, M. Uzun, M.M. Ozgoz, K. Terzioglu and O. Mentese. 2017. Determination of the performance of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) cultivar candidate in Erzurum ecological conditions. Alteri Journal of Agricultural Sciences 32: 55-61.
  • Engin, B. and H. Mut. 2017. Determination of hay yield and some quality traits of different alfalfa cultivars. Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agriculture Science 27(2): 212-219.
  • Gokalp, S., L. Yazıcı, N. Cankaya and K. Ispirli. 2017. Determination of forage yield and quality performance of some alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) cultivars in Tokat-Kazova ecological conditions. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Gaziosmanpasa University 34(3): 114-127.
  • Gokkus, A. 2020. A review on the factors causing deterioration of rangelands in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Range and Forage Science 1(1): 28-34.
  • Hatfield, J. L., K. J. Boote, B.A. Kimball, L. H. Ziska, R.C. Izaurralde, D. R. Ort, A.M. Thomson and D. Wolfe. 2011. Climate Impacts on Agriculture: Implications for Crop Production. Agronomy journal 103(2): 351-370. j2010.0303 (Accessed March 13, 2023).
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  • Inal, N. 2015. Determination of yield and quality traits of some alfalfa cultivars under the conditions of Kırsehir province. Master Thesis, Ahi Evran University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, pages, 44.
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  • Julier B, C. Huyghe and C. Ecalle. 2000. Within and amongcultivar genetic variation in alfalfa:Forage quality, morphology and yield. Crop Science 40:365-369.
  • Jun, F., G. Yu, W. Quanjiu, S.S. Malhi and L. Yangyang. 2014. Mulching effects on water storage in soil and its depletion by alfalfa in the loess plateau of north western China. Agricultural Water Management. 138:10–16. doi: 10.1016/j.agwat.2014.02.018.
  • Karsli, M. A., N. Denek, S. Deniz and A. Gunduz. 2002 Evaluation of nutritive value of forages grown around Van Lake. Journal of Yuzuncu Yil University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 13(1-2): 25 – 30 (Accessed March 23, 2022).
  • Kavut, Y.T., R. Avcioglu, H. Soya and H. Geren. 2009. A Study on some morphological characteristics of some alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) cultivars. Turkey VIII. Field Crops Congress, Hatay, Turkey, pp.741-744.
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  • Latrach, L., M. Farissi, M. Mouradi, B. Makoudi, A. Bouizgaren and C. Ghoulam. 2014. Growth and nodulation of alfalfarhizobia symbiosis under salinity: electrolyte leakage, stomatal conductance, and chlorophyll fluorescence. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 38: 320-326. doi:10.3906/tar-1305-52.
  • Lee, J. M., A.J. Clark and J.R. Roche. 2013. Climate-change effects and adaptation options for temperate pasture-based dairy farming systems: a review. Grass and Forage Science, 68(4):485-503. (Accessed March 14, 2023).
  • Liu, Y., Q. Wu, G. Ge, G. Han and Y. Jia. 2018. Influence of drought stress on alfalfa yields and nutritional composition. BMC Plant Biol. 18: 13. (Accessed March 16, 2023).
  • Lowe, C.C., W.L. Marble and M.D. Rumbaugh. 1972. Alfalfa adaptation, varieties and usage, Amer. Soc. Agron. Inc., Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
  • Michaud, R., WF. Lehman and M.D. Rumbaugh. 1988. World distribution and historical development. In: Alfalfa and Alfalfa Improvement, ed. Hanson, A.A., Barnes, D.K. and Hill Jr. R.R., Agronomy Monograph, 29: 93-124. American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of Agronomy, and Soil Science Society of Agronomy, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. Monirifar, H. 2011. Path analysis of yield and quality traits in alfalfa. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 39(2):190–195.
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Year 2023, , 313 - 322, 24.12.2023


Alfalfa is the most important crop in Turkey but there is no alfalfa cultivar developed for rainfed conditions under the semiarid regions in Turkey. For this reason, new cultivars are needed for using of rangeland improvement, artificial pasture establishment, and hay production. For this reason, the two alfalfa populations were developed by the mass selection method in the breeding project. These two advanced populations (L-533, and L-1739) were examined with the three control cultivars of alfalfa (Bilensoy-80, Savaş and Kayseri) for morphological, yield and quality traits in two various regions of Turkey in three experimental years. The present study results demonstrated that there were significant differences in terms of the plant height, but no differences in stem diameter, and stem number among the study genotypes. When evaluating all genotypes, the L-533 and Kayseri had the highest yield value, but the Savaş cultivar was the lowest. As compared to Bilensoy-80 cultivar, the L-533, and L-1739 populations gave higher at 22.27 and 11.57% in green forage yield; 18.30 and 10.13% in dry forage yields, respectively.
In addition, statistically significant differences were found for ADF, NDF, and digestible dry matter yield among the study genotypes, except crude protein contents. Moreover, the highest crude protein content and digestible dry matter yield were obtained from the L-533 and L-1739, but the L-533 had also the lowest NDF content. The present study result showed that the L-533, and L-1739 had high adaptation capability, excellent yield, and good quality performance in dry conditions under semi-arid regions and could be used as commercial cultivars.

Project Number



  • Abdelguerfi, A. and M. Abdelguerfi-Laouar. 2002. Forage and pasture species: The uses in Maghreb (Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia). FAO, Rome, Italy.
  • Acikgoz, E., H. Ekiz and A. Karagoz. 1984.Yield and important agricultural traits of some alfalfa cultivars under dryland conditions of Ankara. Uludağ University Faculty of Agriculture Journal 3(1): 33-39.
  • Acikgoz, E. 2021a. Alfalfa (Medicago L.) species. Forage crops, 1: 31-78. Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, General Directorate of Plant Production, Ankara.
  • Acikgoz, E. 2021b. Forage crops breeding. Forage crops, 2: 717- 777. Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, General Directorate of Plant Production, Ankara.
  • Acikgoz, E. 2021c. Factors affecting hay quality. Forage crops, 2: 587-603. Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, General Directorate of Plant Production, Ankara.
  • Annicchiarico, P. 2015. Alfalfa forage yield and leaf/stem ratio: narrow-sense heritability, genetic correlation, and parent selection procedures. Euphytica 205:409–420.
  • Anonymous. 2001. Alfalfa species (Medicago L.). Technical instructions for agricultural values measurement trials. Seed Registration and Certification Centre Directorate. Republic of Turkey Ministry of Agriculture and Villages, Ankara.
  • Anonymous. 2015a. Soil analysis results of trails in Golbası. Central Soil, Fertilizer and Water Resources Research Institute, Ankara.
  • Anonymous. 2015b. Soil analysis results of trails in Konya. Central Soil, Fertilizer and Water Resources Research Institute, Ankara.
  • Anonymous. 2018a. The climatic data of Golbası. The General Director of State Meteorological, Annual Climatic Observation Table Report.
  • Anonymous. 2018b. The climatic data of Konya. The General Director of State Meteorological, Annual Climatic Observation Table Report.
  • AOAC. 1998. Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC International. 15th Edition, Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington DC.
  • Atis, I., N. Celiktas, E. Can and S. Yilmaz. 2019. The effects of cutting intervals and seeding rates on forage yield and quality of alfalfa. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 24(1): 12-20.
  • Avci, M., S. Cınar, C. Yucel and I. Inal. 2010. Evaluation of some selected alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) lines for herbage yield and forage quality. Cukurova Agricultural Research Institute, Adana, Turkey, 8(3-4): 545-549.
  • Avci, M. A., A. Ozkose and A. Tamkoc. 2013. Determination of yield and quality characteristics of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) varieties grown in different locations. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 12: 487-490.
  • Avci, M. 2020. Statistical analysis of research results with Excel Addin Macro, (Accessed March 12, 2020).
  • Boe, A., D.K. Kephart, J.D. Berdahl, M.D. Peel, E.C. Brummer, L. Xu and Y. Wu. 2020. Breeding alfalfa for semiarid regions in the Northern Great Plains: History and Additional Genetic Evaluations of Novel Germplasm. Agronomy 10, 11: 1686.
  • Budak, F. and F. Budak. 2014. Quality on forage plants and factors effecting forage quality. Turkish Journal of Scientific Reviews 7(1): 1-6.
  • Cacan, E., M. Basbag and A. Aydin. 2012. The Determinatıon of quality characters of some annual alfalfa specıes (Medicago Spp.) collected in natural rangelands in Diyarbakir. Tr. Journal of Nature Science 1(1): 34-38.
  • Cacan, E., K. Kokten and S. Seydosoglu. 2020. Determining the performance of alfalfa population collected from a narrow agroeceological zone of Turkey. Ciência Rural 50(11): 1-11.
  • Chamblee, D. S. and Jr. R. D. 1990. Warren Movement of Rhizobia alfalfa plants. Agronomy Journal 82(2): 283-286. abs/10.2134/agronj1990.00021962008200020021x>. (Accessed January 18, 2022). doi:10.2134/agronj1990.00021962008200020021x.
  • Chedjerat, A., M.M. Bouzina, A. Gacemi and A. Abdelguerfi. 2016. Forage yield components of various alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) cultivars grown on salt-affected soil under rainfed and irrigated conditions in a Mediterranean environment. African Journal of Agricultural Research 11(34): 3246-3253.
  • Cocu, S. and C. Sancak. 2007. Determination of forage yield of some alfalfa cultivars (Medicago sativa L.) in Ankara conditions, Turkey 6th Field Crops Congress, 25-27 June 2007, Erzurum.
  • Demir, I. and I. Turgut. 1999. Plant breeding. Aegean University, Agriculture Faculty publications, 496: 1-451.
  • Demiroglu, G., H. Geren and R. Avcioglu. 2008. Adaptation of different alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) genotypes to Aegean Region conditions. Journal of Faculty of Agriculture of Aegean University 45(1): 1-10.
  • Dumlu, S. E., S. Cakal, E. Aksakal, M. Uzun, M.M. Ozgoz, K. Terzioglu and O. Mentese. 2017. Determination of the performance of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) cultivar candidate in Erzurum ecological conditions. Alteri Journal of Agricultural Sciences 32: 55-61.
  • Engin, B. and H. Mut. 2017. Determination of hay yield and some quality traits of different alfalfa cultivars. Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agriculture Science 27(2): 212-219.
  • Gokalp, S., L. Yazıcı, N. Cankaya and K. Ispirli. 2017. Determination of forage yield and quality performance of some alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) cultivars in Tokat-Kazova ecological conditions. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Gaziosmanpasa University 34(3): 114-127.
  • Gokkus, A. 2020. A review on the factors causing deterioration of rangelands in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Range and Forage Science 1(1): 28-34.
  • Hatfield, J. L., K. J. Boote, B.A. Kimball, L. H. Ziska, R.C. Izaurralde, D. R. Ort, A.M. Thomson and D. Wolfe. 2011. Climate Impacts on Agriculture: Implications for Crop Production. Agronomy journal 103(2): 351-370. j2010.0303 (Accessed March 13, 2023).
  • Hill, R.R. and J.E. Baylor. 1983. Genotype x environment interaction analysis for yield in alfalfa, Crop Science 23: 811- 815.
  • Huang, Z., Y. Liu, Z. Cui, Y. Fang, H. He, B.R. Liu and G.L. Wu. 2018. Soil water storage deficit of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) grasslands along ages in arid area (China), Field Crops Research 221: 1-6, (Accessed September 09, 2022).
  • Inal, N. 2015. Determination of yield and quality traits of some alfalfa cultivars under the conditions of Kırsehir province. Master Thesis, Ahi Evran University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, pages, 44.
  • Jefferson, P. G. and H.W. Cutforth. 1997. Sward age and weather effects on alfalfa yield at a semi-arid location in south western Saskatchewan. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 77: 595– 599.
  • Jia, Y., F.M. Li, X.L. Wang and S.M. Yang. 2006. Soil water and alfalfa yields as affected by alternating ridges and furrows in rainfall harvest in a semiarid environment. Field Crop Research 97: 167–175. doi: 10.1016/j. fcr.2005.09.009.
  • Julier B, C. Huyghe and C. Ecalle. 2000. Within and amongcultivar genetic variation in alfalfa:Forage quality, morphology and yield. Crop Science 40:365-369.
  • Jun, F., G. Yu, W. Quanjiu, S.S. Malhi and L. Yangyang. 2014. Mulching effects on water storage in soil and its depletion by alfalfa in the loess plateau of north western China. Agricultural Water Management. 138:10–16. doi: 10.1016/j.agwat.2014.02.018.
  • Karsli, M. A., N. Denek, S. Deniz and A. Gunduz. 2002 Evaluation of nutritive value of forages grown around Van Lake. Journal of Yuzuncu Yil University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 13(1-2): 25 – 30 (Accessed March 23, 2022).
  • Kavut, Y.T., R. Avcioglu, H. Soya and H. Geren. 2009. A Study on some morphological characteristics of some alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) cultivars. Turkey VIII. Field Crops Congress, Hatay, Turkey, pp.741-744.
  • Kutlu, R.H. 2008. Feed assessment and analysis methods (Lecture note). Cukurova University, Agricultural Faculty, Livestock Department, 1-10, Adana.
  • Latrach, L., M. Farissi, M. Mouradi, B. Makoudi, A. Bouizgaren and C. Ghoulam. 2014. Growth and nodulation of alfalfarhizobia symbiosis under salinity: electrolyte leakage, stomatal conductance, and chlorophyll fluorescence. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 38: 320-326. doi:10.3906/tar-1305-52.
  • Lee, J. M., A.J. Clark and J.R. Roche. 2013. Climate-change effects and adaptation options for temperate pasture-based dairy farming systems: a review. Grass and Forage Science, 68(4):485-503. (Accessed March 14, 2023).
  • Liu, Y., Q. Wu, G. Ge, G. Han and Y. Jia. 2018. Influence of drought stress on alfalfa yields and nutritional composition. BMC Plant Biol. 18: 13. (Accessed March 16, 2023).
  • Lowe, C.C., W.L. Marble and M.D. Rumbaugh. 1972. Alfalfa adaptation, varieties and usage, Amer. Soc. Agron. Inc., Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
  • Michaud, R., WF. Lehman and M.D. Rumbaugh. 1988. World distribution and historical development. In: Alfalfa and Alfalfa Improvement, ed. Hanson, A.A., Barnes, D.K. and Hill Jr. R.R., Agronomy Monograph, 29: 93-124. American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of Agronomy, and Soil Science Society of Agronomy, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. Monirifar, H. 2011. Path analysis of yield and quality traits in alfalfa. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 39(2):190–195.
  • Ozyigit, Y. and M. Bilgen. 2006. The effect of different harvest periods on some quality factors in some legume forage crops. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences 19(1): 29-34.
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There are 69 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Crop and Pasture Breeding
Journal Section Articles

Sabahaddin Ünal 0000-0003-3771-4536

Berna Efe 0000-0003-2207-6543

Ziya Mutlu 0000-0002-4122-6968

Şaban Işık This is me 0009-0000-9085-6934

Hacer Mintaş This is me 0009-0003-9024-4710

Hülya Hanoğlu Oral 0000-0003-3626-9637

Project Number Thanks
Publication Date December 24, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023



Turkish Journal of Field Crops is published by the Society of Field Crops Science and issued twice a year.
Owner : Prof. Dr. Behçet KIR
Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture,Department of Field Crops
Editor in Chief : Prof. Dr. Emre ILKER
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