Research Article
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Year 2023, , 262 - 268, 24.12.2023


Soybean is the most widely grown leguminous and nutritionally important crop in the world. The selection criteria in soybean breeding suitable for second crop (double cropping) are expected to vary according to the main product conditions. Fourteen soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] genotypes were studied in 2014, 2015 and 2016 to determine selection criteria for plant breeders using correlation and path coefficient analyses in soybean under second crop conditions. Randomized complete block design with four replicates was used for laying out the field experiments at research fields of Ege University. Variance analysis was perform for each characters and it was concluded that the genotype x year interaction was statistically significant at the 1% probability level in terms of all the traits examined. According to results of the correlation analysis, it is seen that six traits are positively correlated with grain yield, while the other traits are negatively correlated with seed yield. The six characters are pod numbers per plant (r= 313.3*), days to 50% flowering (r= 0.270*), days to maturity (r=0.286*), plant height (r=0.027ns), first pod height (r=0.181ns) and crude protein ratio (r=0.112ns). Path coefficient analysis showed grain yield positively and directly effected by pods number per plant (0.5532) followed by day to maturity (0.2483), plant height (0.1920), crude protein ratio (0.0403), first pod height (0.0266) and days to 50% flowering (0.0104); Grain yield was negatively and directly effected by 100-seed weight (-0.1697) and crude oil ratio (-0.0097). In conclusion under the second crop conditions, pod number per plant could be used as a selection criterion due to its high direct and positively effect on grain yield.


  • Acikgoz, N., E. Ilker and G. Gokcol. 2004. Assessment of biological research on the computer. Ege University Seed Technology Center. ISBN: 973-483-607-8. Pub.No: 2 Bornova-Izmir. Turkey (in Turkish).
  • Aditya, J. P., P. Bhartiya and A. Bhartiya. 2011. Genetic variability, heritability and character association for yield and component characters in soybean (G. max (L.) Merrill). Journal of Central European Agriculture, 12(1), 27-34.
  • Akram, R. M., W.M. Fares, H.S.A. Fateh and A.M.A. Rizk. 2011. Genetic variability, correlation and path analysis in soybean. Egypt. J. Plant Breed, 15(1), 89-102.
  • Akram, S., B.N. Hussain, M.A. Al Bari, D.J. Burritt and M.A. Hossain. 2016. Genetic variability and association analysis of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) for yield and yield attributing traits. Plant Gene and Trait, 7.
  • Akhter, M. and C.H. Sneller. 1996. Yield and yield components of early maturing soybean genotypes in the mid‐south. Crop Science, 36(4), 877-882.
  • Anonymous. 2016. Izmir Regional Directorate of Turkish State Meteorological Service. Anonymous, 2023. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (accessed on 10th May 2023).
  • AOAC. 2010. Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Analytical Chemists. 18th Edition, Washington, D.C. USA
  • Arioglu, H.H. 2014. The Oil Seed Crops Growing and Breeding. The Publication of University of Cukurova, Faculty of Agriculture, No: A-70, 204 p. Adana-Turkey
  • Bakal, K., L. Gulluoglu, B. Onat and H. Arioglu. 2017. The effect of growıng seasons on some agronomic and quality characteristics of soybean varieties in Mediterranean Region in Turkey. Turk J Field Crops 2017, 22(2), 187-196 DOI: 10.17557/tjfc.356213.
  • Balla, M.Y. and S.E. Ibrahim. 2017. Genotypic correlation and path coefficient analysis of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] for yield and its components. Agric Res Tech, 7(3), 1-5.
  • Baraskar V.V., V.H. Kachhadia, J.H. Vachhanl, H.R. Barad, M.B. Patel and M.S. Darwankar. 2014. Genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill], Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 5: 802-806
  • Belay, T., A., Tesfaye and S. Alamerew. 2023. Correlation and path analysis in black and brown seeded soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] genotypes at Melko and Modio, South-Western Ethiopia. International Journal of Agricultural Research, Innovation and Technology, 13(1), 67–71.
  • Dewey, D.R. and K. Lu. 1959. A correlation and path‐coefficient analysis of components of crested wheatgrass seed production 1. Agronomy journal, 51(9), 515-518.
  • Ghosh J., P.D. Ghosh and P.R. Choudhury. 2014. An assessment of genetic relatedness between soybeans [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] cultivars using SSR markers, American Journal of Plant Sciences, 05: 3089-3096
  • Guleria, H., P. Kumar, B. Jyoti, A. Kumar, A. Paliwal and A. Paliwal. 2019. Genetic variability and correlation analysis in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) genotypes. International Journal of Chemical Studies Abbreviation, 7(1), 1928-1932.
  • Gulluoglu, L., H. Bakal and H. Arioglu. 2016. The Effects of Twin-row Planting Pattern and Plant Population on Seed Yield and Yield Components of Soybean at Late Double Cropped Planting in Cukurova Region. Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 21(1):59-65
  • He F.J. and J.Q. Chen. 2013. Consumption of soybean, soy foods, soy isoflavones and breast cancer incidence: Differences between Chinese women and women in Western countries and possible mechanisms, Food Science and Human Wellness, 2: 35-38
  • Ilker, E. 2011. Correlation and path coefficient analyses in sweet corn. Turkish Journal of field crops, 16(2), 105-107.
  • Ilker. E. 2017. Performances of Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] Advanced Lines Grown in Second Cropping under Mediterranean Climatical Conditions of Western Turkey. Turk J Field Crops. 22(1): 104-107
  • Ilker, E., M. Kocaturk, A. Kadiroglu, M. Altinbas, A. Yildirim, G. Ozturk and H. Yildiz. 2018. Stability analyses for double cropping in soybean [(Glycine max L.) Merrill]. Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 23(2), 80-84.
  • Kacar, B. 2009. Soil Analysis. 2nd Edition. Nobel Publishing, Ankara.467 p. (in Turkish)
  • Malek, M.A., M.Y. Raffi, M.S.S. Afroj, U.K. Nath and M.M.A. Mondol. 2014. Morphological characterization and assessment of genetic variability, character association, and divergence in soybean mutants, The Scientific World Journal, 1-12
  • Machado, B.Q.V., A.P.O. Nogueira, O.T. Hamawaki, G.F. Rezende, G.L. Jorge, I.C. Silveira and C.D.L. Hamawaki. 2017. Phenotypic and genotypic correlations between soybean agronomic traits and path analysis. Genetics and Molecular Research, 16(2), 1-11.
  • Palomo, I., L. Guzmán, E. Leiva, V. Mujica, G. Carrasco, N. Morgado and D.R. González. 2011. Soybean products consumption in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, In Soybean and Health, IntechOpen, 1-20pp.
  • Pandey, J.P. and J.H. Torrie. 1973. Path coefficient analysis of seed yield components in soybeans (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) 1. Crop Science, 13(5), 505-507.
  • Salimi, S. and S. Moradi. 2012. Effect the correlation, regression and path analysis in soybean genotypes (Glycine Max L.) under moisture and normal condition. Int. J. Agron. Plant Prod, 3(10), 447-454.
  • Silva, A.F., T. Sediyama, F.C.S. Silva, A.R.G. Bezerra and L.V. Ferreira. 2015. Correlation and path analysis of soybean yield components. International Journal of Plant, Animal and Environmental Sciences, 5(1), 177-179.
  • Statista. 2022. Genetically modified crops statistics & facts, crops/#dossierKeyfigures
  • Steel, R.G.D. and J.H. Torrie. 1980. Principles and Procedures of Statistics. A Biometrical Approach. 2nd edition. McGraw-Hill, New York, USA, pp. 20-90
  • Wamanrao, A.N., K. Vinod and D. Meshram. 2020. Correlation and Path Coefficient Analysis of Grain Yield and its Growth Components in Soybean (Glycine max. L.). Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci. 9(03): 2445-2451. doi:
  • Zaimoglu, B., H.H. Arioglu and M. Aslan. 2004. Effects of Seed Quality on Plant Population and Seed Yield of Double Cropped Soybean in the Mediterranean Region of Turkey. Asian Journal of Plant Science, 3 (5):574-577.
Year 2023, , 262 - 268, 24.12.2023



  • Acikgoz, N., E. Ilker and G. Gokcol. 2004. Assessment of biological research on the computer. Ege University Seed Technology Center. ISBN: 973-483-607-8. Pub.No: 2 Bornova-Izmir. Turkey (in Turkish).
  • Aditya, J. P., P. Bhartiya and A. Bhartiya. 2011. Genetic variability, heritability and character association for yield and component characters in soybean (G. max (L.) Merrill). Journal of Central European Agriculture, 12(1), 27-34.
  • Akram, R. M., W.M. Fares, H.S.A. Fateh and A.M.A. Rizk. 2011. Genetic variability, correlation and path analysis in soybean. Egypt. J. Plant Breed, 15(1), 89-102.
  • Akram, S., B.N. Hussain, M.A. Al Bari, D.J. Burritt and M.A. Hossain. 2016. Genetic variability and association analysis of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) for yield and yield attributing traits. Plant Gene and Trait, 7.
  • Akhter, M. and C.H. Sneller. 1996. Yield and yield components of early maturing soybean genotypes in the mid‐south. Crop Science, 36(4), 877-882.
  • Anonymous. 2016. Izmir Regional Directorate of Turkish State Meteorological Service. Anonymous, 2023. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (accessed on 10th May 2023).
  • AOAC. 2010. Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Analytical Chemists. 18th Edition, Washington, D.C. USA
  • Arioglu, H.H. 2014. The Oil Seed Crops Growing and Breeding. The Publication of University of Cukurova, Faculty of Agriculture, No: A-70, 204 p. Adana-Turkey
  • Bakal, K., L. Gulluoglu, B. Onat and H. Arioglu. 2017. The effect of growıng seasons on some agronomic and quality characteristics of soybean varieties in Mediterranean Region in Turkey. Turk J Field Crops 2017, 22(2), 187-196 DOI: 10.17557/tjfc.356213.
  • Balla, M.Y. and S.E. Ibrahim. 2017. Genotypic correlation and path coefficient analysis of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] for yield and its components. Agric Res Tech, 7(3), 1-5.
  • Baraskar V.V., V.H. Kachhadia, J.H. Vachhanl, H.R. Barad, M.B. Patel and M.S. Darwankar. 2014. Genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill], Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 5: 802-806
  • Belay, T., A., Tesfaye and S. Alamerew. 2023. Correlation and path analysis in black and brown seeded soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] genotypes at Melko and Modio, South-Western Ethiopia. International Journal of Agricultural Research, Innovation and Technology, 13(1), 67–71.
  • Dewey, D.R. and K. Lu. 1959. A correlation and path‐coefficient analysis of components of crested wheatgrass seed production 1. Agronomy journal, 51(9), 515-518.
  • Ghosh J., P.D. Ghosh and P.R. Choudhury. 2014. An assessment of genetic relatedness between soybeans [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] cultivars using SSR markers, American Journal of Plant Sciences, 05: 3089-3096
  • Guleria, H., P. Kumar, B. Jyoti, A. Kumar, A. Paliwal and A. Paliwal. 2019. Genetic variability and correlation analysis in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) genotypes. International Journal of Chemical Studies Abbreviation, 7(1), 1928-1932.
  • Gulluoglu, L., H. Bakal and H. Arioglu. 2016. The Effects of Twin-row Planting Pattern and Plant Population on Seed Yield and Yield Components of Soybean at Late Double Cropped Planting in Cukurova Region. Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 21(1):59-65
  • He F.J. and J.Q. Chen. 2013. Consumption of soybean, soy foods, soy isoflavones and breast cancer incidence: Differences between Chinese women and women in Western countries and possible mechanisms, Food Science and Human Wellness, 2: 35-38
  • Ilker, E. 2011. Correlation and path coefficient analyses in sweet corn. Turkish Journal of field crops, 16(2), 105-107.
  • Ilker. E. 2017. Performances of Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] Advanced Lines Grown in Second Cropping under Mediterranean Climatical Conditions of Western Turkey. Turk J Field Crops. 22(1): 104-107
  • Ilker, E., M. Kocaturk, A. Kadiroglu, M. Altinbas, A. Yildirim, G. Ozturk and H. Yildiz. 2018. Stability analyses for double cropping in soybean [(Glycine max L.) Merrill]. Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 23(2), 80-84.
  • Kacar, B. 2009. Soil Analysis. 2nd Edition. Nobel Publishing, Ankara.467 p. (in Turkish)
  • Malek, M.A., M.Y. Raffi, M.S.S. Afroj, U.K. Nath and M.M.A. Mondol. 2014. Morphological characterization and assessment of genetic variability, character association, and divergence in soybean mutants, The Scientific World Journal, 1-12
  • Machado, B.Q.V., A.P.O. Nogueira, O.T. Hamawaki, G.F. Rezende, G.L. Jorge, I.C. Silveira and C.D.L. Hamawaki. 2017. Phenotypic and genotypic correlations between soybean agronomic traits and path analysis. Genetics and Molecular Research, 16(2), 1-11.
  • Palomo, I., L. Guzmán, E. Leiva, V. Mujica, G. Carrasco, N. Morgado and D.R. González. 2011. Soybean products consumption in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, In Soybean and Health, IntechOpen, 1-20pp.
  • Pandey, J.P. and J.H. Torrie. 1973. Path coefficient analysis of seed yield components in soybeans (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) 1. Crop Science, 13(5), 505-507.
  • Salimi, S. and S. Moradi. 2012. Effect the correlation, regression and path analysis in soybean genotypes (Glycine Max L.) under moisture and normal condition. Int. J. Agron. Plant Prod, 3(10), 447-454.
  • Silva, A.F., T. Sediyama, F.C.S. Silva, A.R.G. Bezerra and L.V. Ferreira. 2015. Correlation and path analysis of soybean yield components. International Journal of Plant, Animal and Environmental Sciences, 5(1), 177-179.
  • Statista. 2022. Genetically modified crops statistics & facts, crops/#dossierKeyfigures
  • Steel, R.G.D. and J.H. Torrie. 1980. Principles and Procedures of Statistics. A Biometrical Approach. 2nd edition. McGraw-Hill, New York, USA, pp. 20-90
  • Wamanrao, A.N., K. Vinod and D. Meshram. 2020. Correlation and Path Coefficient Analysis of Grain Yield and its Growth Components in Soybean (Glycine max. L.). Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci. 9(03): 2445-2451. doi:
  • Zaimoglu, B., H.H. Arioglu and M. Aslan. 2004. Effects of Seed Quality on Plant Population and Seed Yield of Double Cropped Soybean in the Mediterranean Region of Turkey. Asian Journal of Plant Science, 3 (5):574-577.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Industrial Crops
Journal Section Articles

Aliye Yıldırım 0000-0002-8101-0803

Emre İlker 0000-0002-4870-3907

Sıdıka Ekren 0000-0002-6812-9586

Publication Date December 24, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Yıldırım, A., İlker, E., & Ekren, S. (2023). PATH COEFFICIENT AND CORRELATION ANALYSIS IN SECOND CROP SOYBEAN [Glycine max (L.) Merrill]. Turkish Journal Of Field Crops, 28(2), 262-268.

Turkish Journal of Field Crops is published by the Society of Field Crops Science and issued twice a year.
Owner : Prof. Dr. Behçet KIR
Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture,Department of Field Crops
Editor in Chief : Prof. Dr. Emre ILKER
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