Research Article
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Year 2023, , 323 - 332, 24.12.2023



  • Aksit, H., I. Demirtas, I. Telci and G.Tarimcilar. 2013. Chemical diversity in essential oil composition of Mentha longifolia (L.) Hudson subsp. typhoides (Briq.) Harley var. typhoides from Turkey. Journal of essential oil research 25(5): 430-437.
  • Alvarenga, J.P., A.F. Braga, F.V. Pacheco, A.A.D. Carvalho, J.E.B.P. Pinto and S.K.V. Bertolucci. 2021. Seasonal variation in essential oil content and chemical profile of mint in southeast of Brazil. Ciência Rural 51.
  • Baser, K.H.C., M. Kurkcuoglu, G. Tarimcilar and G. Kaynak. 1999. Essential oils of Mentha species from Northern Turkey. Journal of Essential Oil Research 11(5): 579-588.
  • Baser, K.H.C., M. Kurkcuoglu, B. Demirci, T. Ozek and G. Tarimcilar. 2012. Essential oils of Mentha species from Marmara region of Turkey. Journal of Essential Oil Research 24(3): 265-272.
  • Božović, M., A. Pirolli and R. Ragno. 2015. Mentha suaveolens Ehrh.(Lamiaceae) essential oil and its main constituent piperitenone oxide: Biological activities and chemistry. Molecules 20(5): 8605-8633.
  • Charles, D.J. and J.E. Simon. 1990. Comparison of extraction methods for the rapid determination of essential oil content and composition of basil. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 115(3): 458-462.
  • Clark, R.J. and R.C. Menary. 1979. Effects of Photoperiod on the Yield and Composition of Peppermint Oil1. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 104(5): 699-702.
  • Clark, R.J. and R.C. Menary. 1980. Environmental effects on peppermint (Mentha piperita L.). I. Effect of daylength, photon flux density, night temperature and day temperature on the yield and composition of peppermint oil. Functional Plant Biology 7(6): 685- 692.
  • Clark, R.J. and R.C. Menary. 1982. Environmental and cultural factors affecting the yield and composition of peppermint oil. VII. In International Congress of Essential oil (October 1980). Fedarum 14: 74-79.
  • Duzgunes, O., T. Kesici, O. Kavuncu and F. Gurbuz. 1987. Research and trial methods (Statistical Methods II). Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture Publications, Ankara.
  • Farooqi, A.H.A., N.S. Samgwan and R.S. Sangwan. 1999. Effect of different photoperiodic regimes on growth, flowering and essential oil in Mentha species. Plant Growth Regulation 29(3):181-187.
  • Gershenzon, J., M.E. McConkey and R.B. Croteau. 2000. Regulation of monoterpene accumulation in leaves of peppermint. Plant physiology 122(1): 205-214.
  • Gershenzon, J., M. Maffei and R. Croteau. 1989. Biochemical and histochemical localization of monoterpene biosynthesis in the glandular trichomes of spearmint (Mentha spicata). Plant physiology 89(4): 1351-1357.
  • Husain, A., O.P. Virmani, A. Sharma, A. Kumar and L.N. Misra. 1988. Major essential oil-bearing plants of India. Major essential oil-bearing plants of India.
  • Hussain, A.I., F. Anwar, P.S. Nigam, M. Ashraf and A.H. Gilani. 2010. Seasonal variation in content, chemical composition and antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities of essential oils from four Mentha species. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 90(11): 1827- 1836.
  • Kokkini, S. 1992. Essential oils as taxonomic markers in Mentha. Advances in labiatae science 325-334.
  • Kokkini, S., R. Karousou and T. Lanaras. 1995. Essential oils of spearmint (carvone-rich) plants from the island of Crete (Greece). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 23(4): 425-430. 1978(95)00021-L
  • Llorens‐Molina, J.A., C.F. Rivera Seclén, S. Vacas Gonzalez and H. Boira Tortajada. 2017. Mentha suaveolens Ehrh. chemotypes in Eastern Iberian Peninsula: Essential oil variation and relation with ecological factors. Chemistry and Biodiversity 14(12): e1700320.
  • Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. 2022. Agricultural Products Markets Rose January 2022 Reportdata: elgeler/PDF%20Tar%C4%B1m%20%C3%9Cr%C3% BCnleri%20Piyasalar%C4%B1/2022Ocak%20Tar%C 4%B1m%20%C3%9Cr%C3%BCnleri%20Rapor%C4 %B1/G%C3%BCl, (Accessed December 12, 2023).
  • Peel, M.C., B.L. Finlayson and T.A. McMahon. 2007. Updated world map of the Koppen-Geiger climate classification. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 11(5): 1633-1644. 1633-2007
  • Sangwan, N.S. A.H.A. Farooqi, F. Shabih and R.S. Sangwan. 2001. Regulation of essential oil production in plants. Plant growth regulation 34(1): 3-21.
  • Steel, R.G.D. and J.H. Torrie. 1980. Principles and Procedures of Statistics. A Biometrical Approach. 2nd edition. McGraw-Hill, New York, USA.
  • Telci, I. and N. Sahbaz. 2005.Variation of yield, essential oil and carvone contents in clones selected from carvone-scented landraces of Turkish Mentha species. J Agron. 4: 96-102.
  • Telci, I., I. Demirtas, E. Bayram, O. Arabaci and O. Kacar. 2010. Environmental variation on aroma components of pulegone/piperitone rich spearmint (Mentha spicata L.). Industrial Crops and Products 32(3): 588-592.
  • Telci, I., O. Kacar, E. Bayram, O. Arabacı, I. Demirtas, G. Yılmaz, I. Ozcan, C. Sonmez and E. Goksu. 2011. The effect of ecological conditions on yield and quality traits of selected peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) clones. Industrial Crops and Products 34(1): 1193- 1197. doi: org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2011.04.010
  • Tiwari, P. 2016. Recent advances and challenges in trichome research and essential oil biosynthesis in Mentha arvensis L. Industrial Crops and Products 82: 141-148.
  • Tucker, A.O. and R.F. Naczi. 2007. Mentha: an overview of its classification and relationships. Mint: the genus Mentha, 1-39. CRC Press, Boca Raton.
  • Yetisen, B. 2011. Morphological and Anatomical Studies in Mentha spicata L. Species Belonging to Different Locations of Turkey. Ege University, Institute of Science .MSc Thesis (in Turkish).
  • Yilmaz, K. and I. Telci. 2022. Yield and oil composition of peppermint cultivars grown in the Isparta climate of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 46(2): 234-244. doi:10.55730/1300- 011X.2974


Year 2023, , 323 - 332, 24.12.2023


The objective of this study was to assess the productivity, oil content, and composition of two spearmint species,
Mentha spicata and M. suaveolens, during different harvesting periods in the continental climate of the Lake
Region of Turkey. The study was conducted during at a two-year period, including both summer and autumn
cutting seasons in 2016 and 2017. The investigation revealed a significant increase in yields during the summer
harvest season. Carvone emerged as the predominant compound, with the exception of the Pinedo cultivar.
Carvone contents of the genotypic variations were from 28.0% to 51.0%, exhibiting heightened concentrations
during the initial harvest, followed by a subsequent reduction during the autumn harvest season. The major
components of the Pinedo was piperitenone oxide, accounting for 67.0% of the oil, and underwent a decline
during the autumn harvest.

Ethical Statement

This manuscript is based on Selma Yasak's MSc Thesis, which was supervised by Dr. Telci. The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.The research and publication ethics guidelines were followed in this study. Ethical committee approval was not required for this study.


  • Aksit, H., I. Demirtas, I. Telci and G.Tarimcilar. 2013. Chemical diversity in essential oil composition of Mentha longifolia (L.) Hudson subsp. typhoides (Briq.) Harley var. typhoides from Turkey. Journal of essential oil research 25(5): 430-437.
  • Alvarenga, J.P., A.F. Braga, F.V. Pacheco, A.A.D. Carvalho, J.E.B.P. Pinto and S.K.V. Bertolucci. 2021. Seasonal variation in essential oil content and chemical profile of mint in southeast of Brazil. Ciência Rural 51.
  • Baser, K.H.C., M. Kurkcuoglu, G. Tarimcilar and G. Kaynak. 1999. Essential oils of Mentha species from Northern Turkey. Journal of Essential Oil Research 11(5): 579-588.
  • Baser, K.H.C., M. Kurkcuoglu, B. Demirci, T. Ozek and G. Tarimcilar. 2012. Essential oils of Mentha species from Marmara region of Turkey. Journal of Essential Oil Research 24(3): 265-272.
  • Božović, M., A. Pirolli and R. Ragno. 2015. Mentha suaveolens Ehrh.(Lamiaceae) essential oil and its main constituent piperitenone oxide: Biological activities and chemistry. Molecules 20(5): 8605-8633.
  • Charles, D.J. and J.E. Simon. 1990. Comparison of extraction methods for the rapid determination of essential oil content and composition of basil. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 115(3): 458-462.
  • Clark, R.J. and R.C. Menary. 1979. Effects of Photoperiod on the Yield and Composition of Peppermint Oil1. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 104(5): 699-702.
  • Clark, R.J. and R.C. Menary. 1980. Environmental effects on peppermint (Mentha piperita L.). I. Effect of daylength, photon flux density, night temperature and day temperature on the yield and composition of peppermint oil. Functional Plant Biology 7(6): 685- 692.
  • Clark, R.J. and R.C. Menary. 1982. Environmental and cultural factors affecting the yield and composition of peppermint oil. VII. In International Congress of Essential oil (October 1980). Fedarum 14: 74-79.
  • Duzgunes, O., T. Kesici, O. Kavuncu and F. Gurbuz. 1987. Research and trial methods (Statistical Methods II). Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture Publications, Ankara.
  • Farooqi, A.H.A., N.S. Samgwan and R.S. Sangwan. 1999. Effect of different photoperiodic regimes on growth, flowering and essential oil in Mentha species. Plant Growth Regulation 29(3):181-187.
  • Gershenzon, J., M.E. McConkey and R.B. Croteau. 2000. Regulation of monoterpene accumulation in leaves of peppermint. Plant physiology 122(1): 205-214.
  • Gershenzon, J., M. Maffei and R. Croteau. 1989. Biochemical and histochemical localization of monoterpene biosynthesis in the glandular trichomes of spearmint (Mentha spicata). Plant physiology 89(4): 1351-1357.
  • Husain, A., O.P. Virmani, A. Sharma, A. Kumar and L.N. Misra. 1988. Major essential oil-bearing plants of India. Major essential oil-bearing plants of India.
  • Hussain, A.I., F. Anwar, P.S. Nigam, M. Ashraf and A.H. Gilani. 2010. Seasonal variation in content, chemical composition and antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities of essential oils from four Mentha species. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 90(11): 1827- 1836.
  • Kokkini, S. 1992. Essential oils as taxonomic markers in Mentha. Advances in labiatae science 325-334.
  • Kokkini, S., R. Karousou and T. Lanaras. 1995. Essential oils of spearmint (carvone-rich) plants from the island of Crete (Greece). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 23(4): 425-430. 1978(95)00021-L
  • Llorens‐Molina, J.A., C.F. Rivera Seclén, S. Vacas Gonzalez and H. Boira Tortajada. 2017. Mentha suaveolens Ehrh. chemotypes in Eastern Iberian Peninsula: Essential oil variation and relation with ecological factors. Chemistry and Biodiversity 14(12): e1700320.
  • Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. 2022. Agricultural Products Markets Rose January 2022 Reportdata: elgeler/PDF%20Tar%C4%B1m%20%C3%9Cr%C3% BCnleri%20Piyasalar%C4%B1/2022Ocak%20Tar%C 4%B1m%20%C3%9Cr%C3%BCnleri%20Rapor%C4 %B1/G%C3%BCl, (Accessed December 12, 2023).
  • Peel, M.C., B.L. Finlayson and T.A. McMahon. 2007. Updated world map of the Koppen-Geiger climate classification. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 11(5): 1633-1644. 1633-2007
  • Sangwan, N.S. A.H.A. Farooqi, F. Shabih and R.S. Sangwan. 2001. Regulation of essential oil production in plants. Plant growth regulation 34(1): 3-21.
  • Steel, R.G.D. and J.H. Torrie. 1980. Principles and Procedures of Statistics. A Biometrical Approach. 2nd edition. McGraw-Hill, New York, USA.
  • Telci, I. and N. Sahbaz. 2005.Variation of yield, essential oil and carvone contents in clones selected from carvone-scented landraces of Turkish Mentha species. J Agron. 4: 96-102.
  • Telci, I., I. Demirtas, E. Bayram, O. Arabaci and O. Kacar. 2010. Environmental variation on aroma components of pulegone/piperitone rich spearmint (Mentha spicata L.). Industrial Crops and Products 32(3): 588-592.
  • Telci, I., O. Kacar, E. Bayram, O. Arabacı, I. Demirtas, G. Yılmaz, I. Ozcan, C. Sonmez and E. Goksu. 2011. The effect of ecological conditions on yield and quality traits of selected peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) clones. Industrial Crops and Products 34(1): 1193- 1197. doi: org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2011.04.010
  • Tiwari, P. 2016. Recent advances and challenges in trichome research and essential oil biosynthesis in Mentha arvensis L. Industrial Crops and Products 82: 141-148.
  • Tucker, A.O. and R.F. Naczi. 2007. Mentha: an overview of its classification and relationships. Mint: the genus Mentha, 1-39. CRC Press, Boca Raton.
  • Yetisen, B. 2011. Morphological and Anatomical Studies in Mentha spicata L. Species Belonging to Different Locations of Turkey. Ege University, Institute of Science .MSc Thesis (in Turkish).
  • Yilmaz, K. and I. Telci. 2022. Yield and oil composition of peppermint cultivars grown in the Isparta climate of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 46(2): 234-244. doi:10.55730/1300- 011X.2974
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
Journal Section Articles

Selma Yasak 0000-0003-1361-1241

İsa Telci 0000-0002-3651-1641

Publication Date December 24, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023



Turkish Journal of Field Crops is published by the Society of Field Crops Science and issued twice a year.
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Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture,Department of Field Crops
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