Year 2024,
, 82 - 91, 24.12.2024
Ruziye Karaman
Cengiz Türkay
Mehmet Serhat Odabaş
It is aimed to examine and predict the effects of bean genotypes using cooking and physicochemical properties on seed quality index and yield in this study. The seed quality index was calculated by combining the analytical hierarchical process and standard scoring functions, which is one of the multi-criteria decision-making methods, using the linear combination technique. To determine the seed quality index, a data set was created with 11 indicators. analytical hierarchical process was used to weight importance levels of examined traits depending on the genotypes. Seed quality index of registered cultivars according to investigated characteristics of cultivars and genotypes IV. Class, 6 genotype (Bombay genotype) was found to be in class V. Obtained seed quality and physical properties by determining with seed quality index obtained in this study, estimation of seed quality in beans with analytical hierarchical process was evaluated successfully. As a result, according to seed quality index of bean cultivars and genotypes, it was determined that genotype 6 had superior characteristics in terms of productivity, in addition genotypes 8 with 9 and registered cultivars could also show superior characteristics.
Keywords: Analytical hierarchical process, Cooking characteristics, Legumes, Physical properties, Yield
We thank Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pelin Alaboz for her helps in AHP calculated. This study was no supported financially anywhere.
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S.K. Srivastava. 2013. Soybean: introduction, improvement,
and utilization in india-problems and prospects. Agric. Sci.
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- Bakure, S., T. Yoseph and D. Ejigu. 2023. Effect of interrow
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A comparison of group fuzzy AHP and group AHP with
confidence intervals. Expert Syst. Appl. 178, 114970.
- Cirka, M. and V. Ciftci. 2018. Determination of flower and seed
characteristics of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) gene
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- Çukurcalıoğlu, K., E. Takıl, and N. Kayan. 2023. Influence of
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- Darko, A., A.P.C. Chan, E.E. Ameway, E.K. Owusu, E. Parn
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- Didani, B.S. and R. Dumlupınar. 2022. Common bean seedlings
show increased tolerance to cool temperatures when treated
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acid. Zemdirbyste. 109(1): 43–48.
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Sustain. 37, 100650.
- Garcia, D.J. and V.E. Guiart. 2022. Comparative analysis
between AHP and ANP in prioritization of ecosystem
services - A case study in a rice field area raised in the
Guadalquivir marshes (Spain). Ecol. Inform. 70, 101739.
- Gebru, H., B. Abdissa, B. Addis, S. Alebachew and A. Ayele.
2023. Selection of conventional preservation technologies
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- Gozukara, G., M. Acar, E. Ozlu, O. Dengiz, A.E. Hartemink and
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- Karaman, R. 2019. Characterization in terms of phenological,
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properties of mung bean (Vigna radiata Wilczek)
genotypes/local populations in Isparta conditions. Ph.D.
Thesis, Suleyman Demirel University, Institute of Science,
226 p.
- Keshavarzi, A., M.P. Fernández, Zeraatpisheh, M. Tuffour, H.O.
Bhunia, G.S. Shit, and J. Rodrigo-Comino. 2022. Soil
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Functions and Geospatial Approach. In Soil Health and
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Technology (pp. 261-281). Cham: Springer International
- Khan, M.H., M.Y. Rafi, S.I. Ramlee, M. Jusoh and A. Mamun.
2022. Path-coefcient and correlation analysis in Bambara
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Koivunen, E., P. Tuunainen, E. Valkonen and J. Valaja. 2015.
Use of semi-leafless peas (Pisum sativum L.) in laying hen
diets. Agric. Food Sci. 24(2): 84–91.
- Luo, M., J. Gao, R. Liu, S. Wang and G. Wang, 2023.
Morphological and anatomical changes during dormancy
break of the seeds of Fritillaria taipaiensis. Plant Signal.
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- MacCallum, R.C., S. Zhang, K.J. Preacher and D.D. Rucker.
2002. On the practise of dichotomization of quantitative
variables. Psychol. Methods, 7(1): 19-40.
- Meltzer, H.M., A.L. Brantsater, E. Trolle, H. Eneroth, M.
Fogelholm, T.A. Ydersbond and B.E. Birgisdottir. 2019.
Environmental sustainability perspectives of the Nordic diet.
Nutrients, 11(9): 2248.
- Oner, E.K., M. Yesil and M.S. Odabas, 2023. Prediction of
matabolites content of laurel (Laurus nobilis L.) with
artificial neural networks based on different temperature and
storage times. Journal of Chemistry, 3942303.
- Ozaktan, H. 2021. Technological characteristics of chickpea
(Cicer arietinum L.) cultivars grown under natural
conditions. Turkish J. Field Crop. 26(2): 235-243
- Pushkarnath, K.M., A.J. Reddy, G.M. Lai and G.R. Lavanya.
2022. Direct and indirect effects of yield contributing
characters on grain yield in rice. Int. J. Plant Soil Sci 34(21):
- Rouyendegh, B.D. and S. Savalan. 2022. An integrated fuzzy
MCDM hybrid methodology to analyse agricultural
production. Sustainability, 14, 4835.
- Saaty, T.L. 1980. The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) for
decision making. Kobe, Japan, p.1-69
Shimelis, E.A. and S.K. Rakshit. 2005. Proximate composition
and physico chemical properties of improved dry bean
(Phaseolus vulgaris L.) varieties grown in Ethiopia. LWT -
Food Sci. Technol. 38(4): 331-338.
- Sengupta, S., S. Mohinuddin, M. Arif, B. Sengupta and W.
Zhang. 2022. Assessment of agricultural land suitability
using GIS and fuzzy analytical hierarchy process approach in
Ranchi District, India. Geocarto Int. 37(26): 13337-13368.
- Sozen, O. and U. Karadavut. 2020. A study on determination of
some quality traits of dry bean genotypes (Phaseolus
vulgaris L.) grown in different locations. TURKJANS, 7(4):
- Taner, A., Y.B. Oztekin, A. Tekguler, H. Sauk and H. Duran.
2018. Classification of varieties of grain species by artificial
neural networks. Agron. 8(7): 123-128.
- Unal, H., E. Isık, N. Izli and Y. Tekin. 2008. Geometric and
mechanical properties of mung bean (Vigna radiata L.)
grain: Effect of moisture. Int. J. Food Prop. 11(3): 585-599.
- Ziemba, P. 2022. Application framework of multi-criteria
methods in sustainability assessment. Energies, 15(23):
Year 2024,
, 82 - 91, 24.12.2024
Ruziye Karaman
Cengiz Türkay
Mehmet Serhat Odabaş
- Agarwal, K.D., S.D. Billore, A.N. Sharma, B.U. Dupare and
S.K. Srivastava. 2013. Soybean: introduction, improvement,
and utilization in india-problems and prospects. Agric. Sci.
2(4): 293-300. 10.1007/s40003-013-0088-0
- Anderson, J.A., M. Gipmans, S. Hurst, R. Layton, N. Nehra and
J. Pickett. 2016. Emerging agricultural biotechnologies for
sustainable agriculture and food security. J. Agric. Food
Chem., 64: 383-393.
- Aydogan, S., M. Sahin, A.G. Akcacık, S. Hamzaoglu, B. Demir,
C.M. Gucbilmez, and R. Keles. 2020. Determination of
quality properties of some dry bean genotypes in Konya
conditions. Academic J Agric., 9(2): 259-270.
- Bakure, S., T. Yoseph and D. Ejigu. 2023. Effect of interrow
spacings on growth, yield, and yield component of common
bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) varieties in the cenral rift valley
of Ethiopia. Adv Agric. 7434012.
- Blair, M.W. 2013. Mineral biofortification strategies for food
staples: the example of common bean. J. Agric. Food Chem.
61(35): 8287-8294.
- Coffey, L. and D. Laudio. 2021. In defense of group fuzzy AHP:
A comparison of group fuzzy AHP and group AHP with
confidence intervals. Expert Syst. Appl. 178, 114970.
- Cirka, M. and V. Ciftci. 2018. Determination of flower and seed
characteristics of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) gene
resources collected from the south of Eastern Anatolia.
Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 8(3): 53-
- Çukurcalıoğlu, K., E. Takıl, and N. Kayan. 2023. Influence of
bacteria and chicken manure on yield and yield components
of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). TJFC, 28(2):138-146.
- Darko, A., A.P.C. Chan, E.E. Ameway, E.K. Owusu, E. Parn
and D.J. Edwards. 2018. Review of application of analytic
hierarchy process (AHP) in construction. Int. J. Constr.
Manag. 1-17.
Dhahri, M., M. Mezghani and I. Rekik. 2020. A weighted goal
programming model for storage space allocation problem in
a container terminal. JSDTL, 5(2): 6-21.
- Diaz, H. and C.G. Soares. 2022. A multi-criteria approach to
evaluate floating offshore wind farms siting in the Canary
Islands. Energies, 14, 865.
- Didani, B.S. and R. Dumlupınar. 2022. Common bean seedlings
show increased tolerance to cool temperatures when treated
with progesterone, β-oestradiol, abscisic acid, and salicylic
acid. Zemdirbyste. 109(1): 43–48.
- FAO, 2019. Plant production statistics.
Garcia, G.G. 2022. Using multi-criteria decision making to
aptimise solid waste management. Curr. Opin. Green
Sustain. 37, 100650.
- Garcia, D.J. and V.E. Guiart. 2022. Comparative analysis
between AHP and ANP in prioritization of ecosystem
services - A case study in a rice field area raised in the
Guadalquivir marshes (Spain). Ecol. Inform. 70, 101739.
- Gebru, H., B. Abdissa, B. Addis, S. Alebachew and A. Ayele.
2023. Selection of conventional preservation technologies
using analytical hierarchy process. Opsearch, 60: 217-233.
- Gozukara, G., M. Acar, E. Ozlu, O. Dengiz, A.E. Hartemink and
Y. Zhang. 2021. A soil quality index using Vis-NIR and
pXRF spectra of soil profile. Catena, 211, 105954.
- Karaman, R. 2019. Characterization in terms of phenological,
morphological, agronomic, and some technological
properties of mung bean (Vigna radiata Wilczek)
genotypes/local populations in Isparta conditions. Ph.D.
Thesis, Suleyman Demirel University, Institute of Science,
226 p.
- Keshavarzi, A., M.P. Fernández, Zeraatpisheh, M. Tuffour, H.O.
Bhunia, G.S. Shit, and J. Rodrigo-Comino. 2022. Soil
Quality Assessment: Integrated Study on Standard Scoring
Functions and Geospatial Approach. In Soil Health and
Environmental Sustainability: Application of Geospatial
Technology (pp. 261-281). Cham: Springer International
- Khan, M.H., M.Y. Rafi, S.I. Ramlee, M. Jusoh and A. Mamun.
2022. Path-coefcient and correlation analysis in Bambara
groundnut (Vigna subterranea [L.] Verdc.) accessions over
environments. Nature, 12, 245.
Koivunen, E., P. Tuunainen, E. Valkonen and J. Valaja. 2015.
Use of semi-leafless peas (Pisum sativum L.) in laying hen
diets. Agric. Food Sci. 24(2): 84–91.
- Luo, M., J. Gao, R. Liu, S. Wang and G. Wang, 2023.
Morphological and anatomical changes during dormancy
break of the seeds of Fritillaria taipaiensis. Plant Signal.
Behav., 18(1): 2194748.
- MacCallum, R.C., S. Zhang, K.J. Preacher and D.D. Rucker.
2002. On the practise of dichotomization of quantitative
variables. Psychol. Methods, 7(1): 19-40.
- Meltzer, H.M., A.L. Brantsater, E. Trolle, H. Eneroth, M.
Fogelholm, T.A. Ydersbond and B.E. Birgisdottir. 2019.
Environmental sustainability perspectives of the Nordic diet.
Nutrients, 11(9): 2248.
- Oner, E.K., M. Yesil and M.S. Odabas, 2023. Prediction of
matabolites content of laurel (Laurus nobilis L.) with
artificial neural networks based on different temperature and
storage times. Journal of Chemistry, 3942303.
- Ozaktan, H. 2021. Technological characteristics of chickpea
(Cicer arietinum L.) cultivars grown under natural
conditions. Turkish J. Field Crop. 26(2): 235-243
- Pushkarnath, K.M., A.J. Reddy, G.M. Lai and G.R. Lavanya.
2022. Direct and indirect effects of yield contributing
characters on grain yield in rice. Int. J. Plant Soil Sci 34(21):
- Rouyendegh, B.D. and S. Savalan. 2022. An integrated fuzzy
MCDM hybrid methodology to analyse agricultural
production. Sustainability, 14, 4835.
- Saaty, T.L. 1980. The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) for
decision making. Kobe, Japan, p.1-69
Shimelis, E.A. and S.K. Rakshit. 2005. Proximate composition
and physico chemical properties of improved dry bean
(Phaseolus vulgaris L.) varieties grown in Ethiopia. LWT -
Food Sci. Technol. 38(4): 331-338.
- Sengupta, S., S. Mohinuddin, M. Arif, B. Sengupta and W.
Zhang. 2022. Assessment of agricultural land suitability
using GIS and fuzzy analytical hierarchy process approach in
Ranchi District, India. Geocarto Int. 37(26): 13337-13368.
- Sozen, O. and U. Karadavut. 2020. A study on determination of
some quality traits of dry bean genotypes (Phaseolus
vulgaris L.) grown in different locations. TURKJANS, 7(4):
- Taner, A., Y.B. Oztekin, A. Tekguler, H. Sauk and H. Duran.
2018. Classification of varieties of grain species by artificial
neural networks. Agron. 8(7): 123-128.
- Unal, H., E. Isık, N. Izli and Y. Tekin. 2008. Geometric and
mechanical properties of mung bean (Vigna radiata L.)
grain: Effect of moisture. Int. J. Food Prop. 11(3): 585-599.
- Ziemba, P. 2022. Application framework of multi-criteria
methods in sustainability assessment. Energies, 15(23):