Year 2024,
, 18 - 27, 21.06.2024
Zeinab Khoshouei
Majid Ashouri
Hamid Reza Doroudian
Ebrahim Amiri
Naser Mohammadıyan Roshan1
Present study was done to investigate the effect of municipal waste compost and nitrogen fertilizer on yield and some physiological traits of peanut under both irrigation and no-irrigation conditions. A split-split plot experiment was conducted based on randomized complete block design with three replications and performed in two years (2018 and 2019). The main plot consisted of irrigation at two levels of with and without irrigation. Compost treatment (at two levels of application of 5 t/ha and no application) was considered as a sub plot. Nitrogen fertilizer (at four levels of 0.0, 20.0, 40.0 and 60.0 kg of pure nitrogen per hectare) was considered as sub-sub plot. The results showed that application of 5 t/ha compost significantly increased carotenoids and rate of kernel production by 16.1% and 15.2%, respectively. In interaction of irrigation and compost, the highest seed protein and seed yield were obtained in two levels of compost and irrigation conditions. In both years, the highest seed yield was observed in the treatments of irrigation and application of 40 and 60 kg N/ha. Besides, the application of compost along with 40 and 60 kg N/ha caused a significant increase in seed yield. In the second year compared to the first year, under no-irrigation and no-application of nitrogen, seed yield was 21% higher. It seems that application of 40 kg/ha N along with 5 t/ha of municipal waste compost in peanut cultivation can be effective in improving the physiological traits and seed yield, especially under no-irrigation.
Ethical Statement
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
- Abbott, L.K., L.M. Macdonald, M.T.F. Wong, M.J. Webb, S.N.
Jenkins and M, Farrell. 2018. Potential roles of biological
amendments for profitable grain production-A review.
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 256: 34-50.
- Abdzad Gohari, A and E. Amiri. 2018. Evaluations of
Production Function and Water Productivity of Peanut Plant
(Guil cv.) under Irrigation Conditions and Nitrogen
Fertilizer. Journal of Water Research in Agriculture 32(1):
- Agassi, M., G.J. Levy, A. Hadas, Y. Benyamini, H., Zhevelev,
E. Fizik, M. Gotessman and Sasson, N. 2004. Mulching with
composted municipal solid wastes in Central Negev, Israel.
Effects on minimizing rainwater losses and on hazards to the
environment. Soil and Tillage Research 78: 103-113.
- Anonymous. 2019. Information bank of database and statistic of
agricultural Jihad organization of Guilan province. Ministry
of Agriculture.
- Arshadi, J and M.R. Asgharipour. 2011. The effects of seed size
on germination and early seedling growth of pelleted seeds
of sugar beet. Journal of Applied Sciences Research 7(8):
- Arshadi, M., M. Parsa, A. Lakzian and M. Kafi. 2021. Effects of
mycorrhiza symbiosis on seed yield and some physiological
responses of chickpea genotypes. Agriculture, Environment
and Society 1(1): 31-37.
- Damian, M.M., O.L. Diana, M.M. Jose, L.L. Alicia, A.Z. Julio
and A.G. Carlos. 1998. Seed composition of soybean cultivar
evaluated in different environmental regions. J. Sci Food
Agric., 77: 494 - 8.
- Doan, T.T., T. Henry-des-Tureaux, C. Rumpel. J.L. Janeaua and
P. Jouquet. 2015. Impact of compost, vermicompost and
biochar on soil fertility, maize yield and soil erosion in
Northern Vietnam: A three year mesocosm experiment.
Science of the Total Environment 514: 147-154.
- Dragicevic, V., S. Kratovalieva, Z. Dumanović, Z. Dimov and
N. Kravić. 2015. Variations in level of oil, protein, and some
antioxidants in chickpea and peanut seeds. Chemical and
Biological Technologies in Agriculture 2(2): 1-6.
- El-Sabagh, A., A. Hossain, C. Barutcular, O. Gormus, Z.
Ahmad, S. Hussain, M. Islam, H. Alharby, A. Bamagoos, N.
Kumar, H. Akdeniz, S. Fahad, R.S. Meena, M. Abdelhamid,
A. Wasaya, M. Hasanuzzaman, S. Sorour and H. Saneoka.
2019. Effects of drought stress on the quality of major
oilseed crops: Implications and possible mitigation
strategies. A review. Applied Ecology and Environmental
Research, 17: 4019-4043.
- Fageria, N.K. 2009. The use of nutrients in crop plants. CRC
Press. Publisher Taylor and Francis Group. New York.
Denison, R.F and E.T. Kiers. 2011. Life histories of symbiotic
rhizobia and mycorrhizal fungi. Current Biology, 21(18):
- Gardner, F.P., R.B. Pearce and R.L. Mitchell. 1988. Physiology
of Crop Plants (2nd Edition). Scientific Publishers 327 pp.
- Governog, J., J. Gaskin, B. Faucette and D. Borden. 2003. The
compost white paper (large-scale composting in Georgia).
Prepared for the Pollution Pre-Ventation Assistance
Division. Department of Natural Resource Atlanta, Georgia.
Hargreaves, J.C., M.S. Adl and P.R. Warman. 2008. A review of
the use of composted municipal solid waste in agriculture.
Journal of Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment 123: 1-
- Ichie, T., Y. Kitahashi, S. Matsuki, Y. Maruyama and T. Koike.
2002. The use of a portable non- destructive type nitrogen
meter for leaves of woody plants in field studies.
Photosynthetica, 40(2): 289-292.
- Inze, D and M.V. Montagu. 2000. Oxidative stress in plants.
Cornavall, Great Britain 105-135.
- Karami, S., H. Hadi, M. Tajbaksh and S.A.M. ModarresSanavy. 2020. Effect of Zeolite on Nitrogen Use Efficiency
and Physiological and Biomass Traits of Amaranth
(Amaranthus hypochondriacus) Under Water-Deficit Stress
Conditions. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 20:
- Khalid, M.F., S. Hussain, S. Ahmad, S. Ejaz, I. Zakir, M.A. Ali,
N. Ahmed and M.A. Anjum. 2019. Impacts of Abiotic
Stresses on Growth and Development of Plants. In Plant
Tolerance to Environmental Stress. CRC Press: Boca Raton,
FL, USA P 1–8.
- Kumar, V., M.P. Ghewande, I.K. Girdhar, R.D. Padavi and P.K.
Bhalodia. 2010. Effect of salinity stress on foliar fungal
diseases of peanut. Indian Phytopathol 63: 273–277.
- Lichtenthaler, H.K and A.R. Wellburn. 1983. Determinations of
total carotenoids and chlorophylls a and b of leaf extracts in
different solvents. Portland Press Ltd., South Portland. 591-
- McDonagh, J.F., T. Birch Thomsen and J. Majid. 2001. Soil
organic matter decline and compositional change associated
with cereal cropping in southern Tanzania. Land
Degradation and Development 12(1): 13-26.
- Moshki, A., E. Nouri and N. Soleyman Dehkordi. 2017. The
pattern of soil carbon sequestration changes regarding
physico-chemical soil properties (Case study: Semnan Sokan
forest park). Iranian Journal of Forest and Poplar Research,
25(2): 244-253.
- Nikolaeva, M.K., S.N. Maevskaya, A.G. Shugaev and N.G.
Bukhov. 2010. Effect of Drought on Chlorophyll Content
and Antioxidant Enzyme Activities in Leaves of Three
Wheat Cultivars Varying in Productivity. Russian Journal of
Plant Physiology, 57(1): 87–95.
- Nouri, E., M. Matinizadeh. A. Moshki, A. Zolfaghari, S. Rajaei
and M. Janoušková. 2020. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
benefit drought-stressed S alsola laricina. Plant Ecology.
221: 683-694.
- Ozturk, G. and Z. Yildirim. 2013. Effect of bio-activators on the
tuber yield and tuber size of potatoes. Turkish Journal of
Field Crops 18(1): 82-86.
- Papkyadeh, S.M.S., N.M. Roshan, S.M. Sadeghi, E. Amiri and
M. Ashouri. 2023. Evaluation of nitrogen fertilizer and row
spacing effect on yield and physiological characteristics of
maize (Zea mays l.) under irrigated and rainfed conditions.
Turkish Journal of Field Crops 28(2):183-193.
- Reddy, T.Y., V.R. Reddy and V. Anbumozhi. 2003.
Physiological responses of peanut (Arachis hypogea L.) to
drought stress and its amelioration: a critical review. Plant
Growth Regulation 41: 75–88.
- Salvagiotti, F., K.G. Cassman, J.E. Specht, D.T. Walters, A.
Weiss and A. Dobermann. 2008. Nitrogen uptake, fixation
and response to fertilizer N in soybeans: A review. Field
Crops Research 108(1): 1–13.
- Silvia, P and B. Frantisek. 2012. Signaling and Communication
in Plant Symbiosis. Springer – Verlang Berlin Heidelberg. Sirousmehr, A., J. Arbabi and M.R. Asgharipour. 2014. Effect of drought stress levels and organic manures on yield, essential
oil content and some morphological characteristics of sweet
basil (Ocimum basilicum). Advances in Environmental
Biology 8(4): 880-885.
- Smart, J. 1994. The groundnut crop: A scientific basis for
improvement. London. Chapman and Hall 734 pp.
Taiz, L and E. Zeiger. 2010. Plant Physiology. Sinauer
Associates is an Imprint of Oxford University Press; 5th
edition 782 pp.
- Tepecik, M., A.R. Ongun, H.H. Kayikcioglu, S. Delibacak, O.L.
Elmaci, A.E. Celen and E. Ilker. 2022. Change in cotton
plant quality in response to application of anaerobically
digested sewage sludge. Saudi Journal of Biological
Sciences, 29(1): 615-621.
- Tepecik, M., A.R. Ongun, H.H. Kayikcioglu, S. Delibacak, T.
Birisci, E. Aktas, A.K. Onac and G. Balik. 2023. Effects of
Sewage Sludge on Marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) and Garden
Verbena (Verbena hybrida) Plants and Soil. Kahramanmaras
Sutcu Imam University Journal of Agriculture and Nature,
- Tran, T.T., M. Kano-Nakata, M. Takeda, D. Menge, S. Mitsuya,
Y. Inukai and A. Yamauchi. 2014. Nitrogen application
enhanced the expression of developmental plasticity of root
systems triggered by mild drought stress in rice. Plant and
Soil 378: 139-152.
- Waqas, M., B. Ahmad, M. Arif, F. Munsif, A.L. Khan, M. Amin,
S.M. Kang, Y.H. Kim and I.J. Lee. 2014. Evaluation of
humic acid application methods for yield and yield
components of mungbean. American Journal of Plant
Sciences 5: 2269-2276.
Year 2024,
, 18 - 27, 21.06.2024
Zeinab Khoshouei
Majid Ashouri
Hamid Reza Doroudian
Ebrahim Amiri
Naser Mohammadıyan Roshan1
- Abbott, L.K., L.M. Macdonald, M.T.F. Wong, M.J. Webb, S.N.
Jenkins and M, Farrell. 2018. Potential roles of biological
amendments for profitable grain production-A review.
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 256: 34-50.
- Abdzad Gohari, A and E. Amiri. 2018. Evaluations of
Production Function and Water Productivity of Peanut Plant
(Guil cv.) under Irrigation Conditions and Nitrogen
Fertilizer. Journal of Water Research in Agriculture 32(1):
- Agassi, M., G.J. Levy, A. Hadas, Y. Benyamini, H., Zhevelev,
E. Fizik, M. Gotessman and Sasson, N. 2004. Mulching with
composted municipal solid wastes in Central Negev, Israel.
Effects on minimizing rainwater losses and on hazards to the
environment. Soil and Tillage Research 78: 103-113.
- Anonymous. 2019. Information bank of database and statistic of
agricultural Jihad organization of Guilan province. Ministry
of Agriculture.
- Arshadi, J and M.R. Asgharipour. 2011. The effects of seed size
on germination and early seedling growth of pelleted seeds
of sugar beet. Journal of Applied Sciences Research 7(8):
- Arshadi, M., M. Parsa, A. Lakzian and M. Kafi. 2021. Effects of
mycorrhiza symbiosis on seed yield and some physiological
responses of chickpea genotypes. Agriculture, Environment
and Society 1(1): 31-37.
- Damian, M.M., O.L. Diana, M.M. Jose, L.L. Alicia, A.Z. Julio
and A.G. Carlos. 1998. Seed composition of soybean cultivar
evaluated in different environmental regions. J. Sci Food
Agric., 77: 494 - 8.
- Doan, T.T., T. Henry-des-Tureaux, C. Rumpel. J.L. Janeaua and
P. Jouquet. 2015. Impact of compost, vermicompost and
biochar on soil fertility, maize yield and soil erosion in
Northern Vietnam: A three year mesocosm experiment.
Science of the Total Environment 514: 147-154.
- Dragicevic, V., S. Kratovalieva, Z. Dumanović, Z. Dimov and
N. Kravić. 2015. Variations in level of oil, protein, and some
antioxidants in chickpea and peanut seeds. Chemical and
Biological Technologies in Agriculture 2(2): 1-6.
- El-Sabagh, A., A. Hossain, C. Barutcular, O. Gormus, Z.
Ahmad, S. Hussain, M. Islam, H. Alharby, A. Bamagoos, N.
Kumar, H. Akdeniz, S. Fahad, R.S. Meena, M. Abdelhamid,
A. Wasaya, M. Hasanuzzaman, S. Sorour and H. Saneoka.
2019. Effects of drought stress on the quality of major
oilseed crops: Implications and possible mitigation
strategies. A review. Applied Ecology and Environmental
Research, 17: 4019-4043.
- Fageria, N.K. 2009. The use of nutrients in crop plants. CRC
Press. Publisher Taylor and Francis Group. New York.
Denison, R.F and E.T. Kiers. 2011. Life histories of symbiotic
rhizobia and mycorrhizal fungi. Current Biology, 21(18):
- Gardner, F.P., R.B. Pearce and R.L. Mitchell. 1988. Physiology
of Crop Plants (2nd Edition). Scientific Publishers 327 pp.
- Governog, J., J. Gaskin, B. Faucette and D. Borden. 2003. The
compost white paper (large-scale composting in Georgia).
Prepared for the Pollution Pre-Ventation Assistance
Division. Department of Natural Resource Atlanta, Georgia.
Hargreaves, J.C., M.S. Adl and P.R. Warman. 2008. A review of
the use of composted municipal solid waste in agriculture.
Journal of Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment 123: 1-
- Ichie, T., Y. Kitahashi, S. Matsuki, Y. Maruyama and T. Koike.
2002. The use of a portable non- destructive type nitrogen
meter for leaves of woody plants in field studies.
Photosynthetica, 40(2): 289-292.
- Inze, D and M.V. Montagu. 2000. Oxidative stress in plants.
Cornavall, Great Britain 105-135.
- Karami, S., H. Hadi, M. Tajbaksh and S.A.M. ModarresSanavy. 2020. Effect of Zeolite on Nitrogen Use Efficiency
and Physiological and Biomass Traits of Amaranth
(Amaranthus hypochondriacus) Under Water-Deficit Stress
Conditions. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 20:
- Khalid, M.F., S. Hussain, S. Ahmad, S. Ejaz, I. Zakir, M.A. Ali,
N. Ahmed and M.A. Anjum. 2019. Impacts of Abiotic
Stresses on Growth and Development of Plants. In Plant
Tolerance to Environmental Stress. CRC Press: Boca Raton,
FL, USA P 1–8.
- Kumar, V., M.P. Ghewande, I.K. Girdhar, R.D. Padavi and P.K.
Bhalodia. 2010. Effect of salinity stress on foliar fungal
diseases of peanut. Indian Phytopathol 63: 273–277.
- Lichtenthaler, H.K and A.R. Wellburn. 1983. Determinations of
total carotenoids and chlorophylls a and b of leaf extracts in
different solvents. Portland Press Ltd., South Portland. 591-
- McDonagh, J.F., T. Birch Thomsen and J. Majid. 2001. Soil
organic matter decline and compositional change associated
with cereal cropping in southern Tanzania. Land
Degradation and Development 12(1): 13-26.
- Moshki, A., E. Nouri and N. Soleyman Dehkordi. 2017. The
pattern of soil carbon sequestration changes regarding
physico-chemical soil properties (Case study: Semnan Sokan
forest park). Iranian Journal of Forest and Poplar Research,
25(2): 244-253.
- Nikolaeva, M.K., S.N. Maevskaya, A.G. Shugaev and N.G.
Bukhov. 2010. Effect of Drought on Chlorophyll Content
and Antioxidant Enzyme Activities in Leaves of Three
Wheat Cultivars Varying in Productivity. Russian Journal of
Plant Physiology, 57(1): 87–95.
- Nouri, E., M. Matinizadeh. A. Moshki, A. Zolfaghari, S. Rajaei
and M. Janoušková. 2020. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
benefit drought-stressed S alsola laricina. Plant Ecology.
221: 683-694.
- Ozturk, G. and Z. Yildirim. 2013. Effect of bio-activators on the
tuber yield and tuber size of potatoes. Turkish Journal of
Field Crops 18(1): 82-86.
- Papkyadeh, S.M.S., N.M. Roshan, S.M. Sadeghi, E. Amiri and
M. Ashouri. 2023. Evaluation of nitrogen fertilizer and row
spacing effect on yield and physiological characteristics of
maize (Zea mays l.) under irrigated and rainfed conditions.
Turkish Journal of Field Crops 28(2):183-193.
- Reddy, T.Y., V.R. Reddy and V. Anbumozhi. 2003.
Physiological responses of peanut (Arachis hypogea L.) to
drought stress and its amelioration: a critical review. Plant
Growth Regulation 41: 75–88.
- Salvagiotti, F., K.G. Cassman, J.E. Specht, D.T. Walters, A.
Weiss and A. Dobermann. 2008. Nitrogen uptake, fixation
and response to fertilizer N in soybeans: A review. Field
Crops Research 108(1): 1–13.
- Silvia, P and B. Frantisek. 2012. Signaling and Communication
in Plant Symbiosis. Springer – Verlang Berlin Heidelberg. Sirousmehr, A., J. Arbabi and M.R. Asgharipour. 2014. Effect of drought stress levels and organic manures on yield, essential
oil content and some morphological characteristics of sweet
basil (Ocimum basilicum). Advances in Environmental
Biology 8(4): 880-885.
- Smart, J. 1994. The groundnut crop: A scientific basis for
improvement. London. Chapman and Hall 734 pp.
Taiz, L and E. Zeiger. 2010. Plant Physiology. Sinauer
Associates is an Imprint of Oxford University Press; 5th
edition 782 pp.
- Tepecik, M., A.R. Ongun, H.H. Kayikcioglu, S. Delibacak, O.L.
Elmaci, A.E. Celen and E. Ilker. 2022. Change in cotton
plant quality in response to application of anaerobically
digested sewage sludge. Saudi Journal of Biological
Sciences, 29(1): 615-621.
- Tepecik, M., A.R. Ongun, H.H. Kayikcioglu, S. Delibacak, T.
Birisci, E. Aktas, A.K. Onac and G. Balik. 2023. Effects of
Sewage Sludge on Marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) and Garden
Verbena (Verbena hybrida) Plants and Soil. Kahramanmaras
Sutcu Imam University Journal of Agriculture and Nature,
- Tran, T.T., M. Kano-Nakata, M. Takeda, D. Menge, S. Mitsuya,
Y. Inukai and A. Yamauchi. 2014. Nitrogen application
enhanced the expression of developmental plasticity of root
systems triggered by mild drought stress in rice. Plant and
Soil 378: 139-152.
- Waqas, M., B. Ahmad, M. Arif, F. Munsif, A.L. Khan, M. Amin,
S.M. Kang, Y.H. Kim and I.J. Lee. 2014. Evaluation of
humic acid application methods for yield and yield
components of mungbean. American Journal of Plant
Sciences 5: 2269-2276.