Research Article
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Year 2024, , 54 - 63, 21.06.2024



  • Allart, K., A. Almoussawi, L. Kerbey, M. Catterou, D. Roger, D. Mortier, E. Blanc, B. Robert, F. Spicher, L. Emery, B. Hirel and F. Dubois. 2023. Splitting nitrogen fertilization is more important than nitrogen level when mixed wheat varieties are cultivated in a conservation agriculture system. Agronomy 13: 1295.
  • Alomari, D. Z., M. Schierenbeck, A. M. Alqudah, M. D. Alqahtani, S. Wagner, H. Rolletschek, L. Borisjuk and M. S. Roder. 2023. Wheat grains as a sustainable source of protein for health. Nutrients 15: 4398.
  • Altinbas, M., M. Tosun, S. Yuce, C. Konak, E. Kose, R. A. Can. 2004. Effects of genotype and location on the grain yield and some quality traits in bread wheats (T. aestivum L.). Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege Univ. 41 (1): 65-74 (in Turkish).
  • Anonymous. 2015. United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. 15-report.html, (Accessed December 15, 2023)
  • Anonymous. 2022. FAOSTAT, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Statistics Division., (Accessed May 01, 2024)
  • Avci, R. 2007. The determination of the effects of different nitrogen fertilizer applications on yield and quality components in some bread wheat cultivars. Trakya University Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences Graduate Thesis, Tekirdag (in Turkish).
  • Aydogan, S. and S. Soylu. 2017. Determination of yield, yield components and some quality properties of bread wheat varieties. Journal of Central Research Institute for Field Crops 26(1): 24-30.
  • Colkesen, M., N. Eren, S. Aslan and A. Oktem. 1993. A Research on the effect of nitrogen applied at different doses on yield and yield components of Diyarbakır-81 durum wheat variety under ırrigated and dry conditions in Suanlıurfa. In: Durum Wheat Products Symposium, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Demirel, U., I. Koken, M. E. Calıskan and H. Ozkan. 2023. Quality performance of durum wheat (Triticum durum L.) germplasm under rainfed and irrigated field conditions. Turkish Journal Field Crops 28(1): 102-110.
  • Dere, S. and C. Koycu. 2007. The effects of timing nitrogen fertilization and herbicide application on protein and gluten of bread wheat under Samsun ecological conditions. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 12: 64-69.
  • Egesel, C.O., F. Kahriman, S. Tayyar and H. Baytekin. 2009. Interrelations of flour quality traits with grain yield in bread wheat and choosing suitable cultivars. Anadolu J. Agric. Sci. 24(2): 76- 83.
  • Erekul, O., K. Gotz and Y. Koca. 2012. Effect of sulphur and nitrogen fertilization on bread-making quality of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties under Mediterranean climate conditions. Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality 85: 17-22.
  • Eser, A., K. M. Kassai, H. Kato, V. Kunos, A. Tarnava and M. Jolankai. 2020. Impact of nitrogen topdressing on the quality parameters of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yield. Acta Alimentaraia 49(3): 244-253.
  • Evlice, A.K., A. Pehlivan, S. Kulen, A. Keceli, T. Sanal, K. Karaca and A. Salantur. 2016. Investigation of relationships between bread volume and some quality parameters in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes. Journal of Central Research Institute for Field Crops 25 (Special issue-1): 12-18.
  • Gaile, Z., B. Bankina, I. Pluduma-Paunina, L. Sterna, G. Bimsteine, A. Svarta, J. Kaneps, I. Arhipova and A. Sutka. 2023. Performance of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) depending on fungicide application and nitrogen top-dressing rate. Agronomy 13: 318.
  • Gokmen, S., M.A. Sakın, A. Yildirim and M.E. Tugay. 2001. Effect of nitrogen dose and application time on yield, yield components and quality in durum wheat. In: 4th Field Crops Congress, Tekirdag, Turkey.
  • Guo, B.B., B.C. Liu, L. He, Y.Y. Wang, W. Feng, Y.J. Zhu, N.Y. Jiao, C.Y. Wang and T.C. Guo. 2019. Root and nitrate-N distribution and optimization of N input in winter wheat. Scientific Reports 9(1): 18018.
  • Gucdemir, I. 2006. Turkey Fertilizer and Fertilization Guide. Central Research Institute of Soil Fertilizer and Water Resources, Ankara.
  • Hamani, A.K.M., S.A. Abubakar, Z. Si, R. Kama, Y. Gao and A. Duan. 2023. Suitable split nitrogen application increases grain yield and photosynthetic capacity in drip-irrigated winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under different water regimes in the North China Plain. Frontiers in Plant Science 13: 1105006.
  • Kahriman, F. and C.O. Egesel. 2011. Evaluation of different bread wheat cultivars for agronomic and quality traits. Ordu Univ. J. Sci. Tech. 1(1): 22-35.
  • Kara, B., H. Dizlek, N. Uysal and H. Gul. 2009. Influence on grain protein and some physics-chemical quality in flour of lateseason nitrogen application in wheat. Suleyman Demirel University Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences 13(1): 25- 32.
  • Karacal, I., M. Aktas and M. Teceren. 1988. The effect of nitrogen fertilizer application pattern on yield and nitrogen utilization in rice cultivation. Doga Journal of Agr. And Forestry 12 (1): 37-47.
  • Karasahin, M. 2014. Nitrogen uptake efficiency in plant production and negative effects of reactive nitrogen on environment. Journal of Engineering and Science 2(3): 15-21.
  • Koc, M. and I. Genc. 1990. Studies on nitrogen uptake and nitrogen harvest index in three bread wheat genotypes. Doga Journal of Agr. and. Forestry 14: 280-288 (in Turkish).
  • Ongoren, S. 2013. Effect of different nıtrogen fertilizer forms on yield and quality of wheat varieties (Triticum aestivum L.). Adnan Menderes University Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences Graduate Thesis, Aydın (in Turkish).
  • Peterson, C.J., R.A. Graybosch, P.S. Baenziger and A.W. Grombacher. 1992. Genotype, environment effects on quality characteristics of hard red winter wheat. Crop Sci. 32: 98-103. Raun, W.R. and G.V. Johnson. 1999. Improving nitrogen use efficiency for cereal production. Agronomy Journal 91(3): 357-363.
  • Steel, R.G.D., J.H. Torrie. 1980. Principles and procedures of statistics. McGaw-Hill Book Company Inc., New York. Yao, C., J. Li, Z. Zhang, Y. Liu, Z. Wang, Z. Sun and Y. Zhang. 2023. Improving wheat yield, quality and resource utilization efficiency through nitrogen management based on microsprinkler irrigation. Agricultural Water Management 283:108277.
  • Zadoks, J.C., T.T. Chang, C.F. Konzak. 1974. A decimal code for growth stages of cereals. Weed Res. 14: 415-421.
  • Zhang, Z., Z. Yu, T. Zhang and Y. Shi. 2021. Split nitrogen fertilizer application improved grain yield in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) via modulating antioxidant capacity and 13C photosynthate mobilization under water-saving irrigation conditions. Ecological Proceses 10(21): 1-13.
  • Zheng, J.C., H. Zhang, J. Yu, Q.W. Zhan, W.Y. Li, F. Xu, G.J. Wang, T. Liu and J.C. Li. 2021. Late sowing and nitrogen application to optimize canopy structure and grain yield of bread wheat in a fluctuating climate. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 26(2): 170-179.


Year 2024, , 54 - 63, 21.06.2024


This study was carried out to determine the effect of different divided top-dressing applications of different nitrogen fertilizers on grain yield and quality traits of four bread wheat varieties (Selimiye, Esperia, Gelibolu and Rumeli). The experiment was conducted in a randomized split-plot design with 3 replicates during the 2017 and 2018 seasons. In the experiment, varieties were allotted as main plots and top-dressing applications were allotted as subplots. Five different pure nitrogen (N) top-dressing applications were done in the form of urea and calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN) at the beginning of tillering, the end of tillering, the beginning of stem elongation and the end of stem elongation stages. Grain yield, thousand kernel weight, test weight, protein content, wet gluten content, gluten index, Zeleny sedimentation value and delayed sedimentation value were investigated in the study. Gelibolu variety for grain yield, Rumeli and Esperia varieties for grain quality were prominent. The considering the ease of application for grain yield and quality, 2nd application (80 kg ha-1 pure N in the form of urea at the beginning of tillering, 40 kg ha-1 pure N in the form of urea at the beginning of stem elongation) can be proposed in the years when April and May rainfalls are sufficient, and 3rd application ( 40 kg ha-1 pure N in the form of urea at the beginning of tillering, 40 kg ha-1 pure N in the form of urea at the end of tillering, 40 kg ha-1 pure N in the form of CAN at the beginning of stem elongation) can be proposed in the years when April and May rainfalls are insufficient.


  • Allart, K., A. Almoussawi, L. Kerbey, M. Catterou, D. Roger, D. Mortier, E. Blanc, B. Robert, F. Spicher, L. Emery, B. Hirel and F. Dubois. 2023. Splitting nitrogen fertilization is more important than nitrogen level when mixed wheat varieties are cultivated in a conservation agriculture system. Agronomy 13: 1295.
  • Alomari, D. Z., M. Schierenbeck, A. M. Alqudah, M. D. Alqahtani, S. Wagner, H. Rolletschek, L. Borisjuk and M. S. Roder. 2023. Wheat grains as a sustainable source of protein for health. Nutrients 15: 4398.
  • Altinbas, M., M. Tosun, S. Yuce, C. Konak, E. Kose, R. A. Can. 2004. Effects of genotype and location on the grain yield and some quality traits in bread wheats (T. aestivum L.). Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege Univ. 41 (1): 65-74 (in Turkish).
  • Anonymous. 2015. United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. 15-report.html, (Accessed December 15, 2023)
  • Anonymous. 2022. FAOSTAT, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Statistics Division., (Accessed May 01, 2024)
  • Avci, R. 2007. The determination of the effects of different nitrogen fertilizer applications on yield and quality components in some bread wheat cultivars. Trakya University Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences Graduate Thesis, Tekirdag (in Turkish).
  • Aydogan, S. and S. Soylu. 2017. Determination of yield, yield components and some quality properties of bread wheat varieties. Journal of Central Research Institute for Field Crops 26(1): 24-30.
  • Colkesen, M., N. Eren, S. Aslan and A. Oktem. 1993. A Research on the effect of nitrogen applied at different doses on yield and yield components of Diyarbakır-81 durum wheat variety under ırrigated and dry conditions in Suanlıurfa. In: Durum Wheat Products Symposium, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Demirel, U., I. Koken, M. E. Calıskan and H. Ozkan. 2023. Quality performance of durum wheat (Triticum durum L.) germplasm under rainfed and irrigated field conditions. Turkish Journal Field Crops 28(1): 102-110.
  • Dere, S. and C. Koycu. 2007. The effects of timing nitrogen fertilization and herbicide application on protein and gluten of bread wheat under Samsun ecological conditions. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 12: 64-69.
  • Egesel, C.O., F. Kahriman, S. Tayyar and H. Baytekin. 2009. Interrelations of flour quality traits with grain yield in bread wheat and choosing suitable cultivars. Anadolu J. Agric. Sci. 24(2): 76- 83.
  • Erekul, O., K. Gotz and Y. Koca. 2012. Effect of sulphur and nitrogen fertilization on bread-making quality of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties under Mediterranean climate conditions. Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality 85: 17-22.
  • Eser, A., K. M. Kassai, H. Kato, V. Kunos, A. Tarnava and M. Jolankai. 2020. Impact of nitrogen topdressing on the quality parameters of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yield. Acta Alimentaraia 49(3): 244-253.
  • Evlice, A.K., A. Pehlivan, S. Kulen, A. Keceli, T. Sanal, K. Karaca and A. Salantur. 2016. Investigation of relationships between bread volume and some quality parameters in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes. Journal of Central Research Institute for Field Crops 25 (Special issue-1): 12-18.
  • Gaile, Z., B. Bankina, I. Pluduma-Paunina, L. Sterna, G. Bimsteine, A. Svarta, J. Kaneps, I. Arhipova and A. Sutka. 2023. Performance of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) depending on fungicide application and nitrogen top-dressing rate. Agronomy 13: 318.
  • Gokmen, S., M.A. Sakın, A. Yildirim and M.E. Tugay. 2001. Effect of nitrogen dose and application time on yield, yield components and quality in durum wheat. In: 4th Field Crops Congress, Tekirdag, Turkey.
  • Guo, B.B., B.C. Liu, L. He, Y.Y. Wang, W. Feng, Y.J. Zhu, N.Y. Jiao, C.Y. Wang and T.C. Guo. 2019. Root and nitrate-N distribution and optimization of N input in winter wheat. Scientific Reports 9(1): 18018.
  • Gucdemir, I. 2006. Turkey Fertilizer and Fertilization Guide. Central Research Institute of Soil Fertilizer and Water Resources, Ankara.
  • Hamani, A.K.M., S.A. Abubakar, Z. Si, R. Kama, Y. Gao and A. Duan. 2023. Suitable split nitrogen application increases grain yield and photosynthetic capacity in drip-irrigated winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under different water regimes in the North China Plain. Frontiers in Plant Science 13: 1105006.
  • Kahriman, F. and C.O. Egesel. 2011. Evaluation of different bread wheat cultivars for agronomic and quality traits. Ordu Univ. J. Sci. Tech. 1(1): 22-35.
  • Kara, B., H. Dizlek, N. Uysal and H. Gul. 2009. Influence on grain protein and some physics-chemical quality in flour of lateseason nitrogen application in wheat. Suleyman Demirel University Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences 13(1): 25- 32.
  • Karacal, I., M. Aktas and M. Teceren. 1988. The effect of nitrogen fertilizer application pattern on yield and nitrogen utilization in rice cultivation. Doga Journal of Agr. And Forestry 12 (1): 37-47.
  • Karasahin, M. 2014. Nitrogen uptake efficiency in plant production and negative effects of reactive nitrogen on environment. Journal of Engineering and Science 2(3): 15-21.
  • Koc, M. and I. Genc. 1990. Studies on nitrogen uptake and nitrogen harvest index in three bread wheat genotypes. Doga Journal of Agr. and. Forestry 14: 280-288 (in Turkish).
  • Ongoren, S. 2013. Effect of different nıtrogen fertilizer forms on yield and quality of wheat varieties (Triticum aestivum L.). Adnan Menderes University Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences Graduate Thesis, Aydın (in Turkish).
  • Peterson, C.J., R.A. Graybosch, P.S. Baenziger and A.W. Grombacher. 1992. Genotype, environment effects on quality characteristics of hard red winter wheat. Crop Sci. 32: 98-103. Raun, W.R. and G.V. Johnson. 1999. Improving nitrogen use efficiency for cereal production. Agronomy Journal 91(3): 357-363.
  • Steel, R.G.D., J.H. Torrie. 1980. Principles and procedures of statistics. McGaw-Hill Book Company Inc., New York. Yao, C., J. Li, Z. Zhang, Y. Liu, Z. Wang, Z. Sun and Y. Zhang. 2023. Improving wheat yield, quality and resource utilization efficiency through nitrogen management based on microsprinkler irrigation. Agricultural Water Management 283:108277.
  • Zadoks, J.C., T.T. Chang, C.F. Konzak. 1974. A decimal code for growth stages of cereals. Weed Res. 14: 415-421.
  • Zhang, Z., Z. Yu, T. Zhang and Y. Shi. 2021. Split nitrogen fertilizer application improved grain yield in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) via modulating antioxidant capacity and 13C photosynthate mobilization under water-saving irrigation conditions. Ecological Proceses 10(21): 1-13.
  • Zheng, J.C., H. Zhang, J. Yu, Q.W. Zhan, W.Y. Li, F. Xu, G.J. Wang, T. Liu and J.C. Li. 2021. Late sowing and nitrogen application to optimize canopy structure and grain yield of bread wheat in a fluctuating climate. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 26(2): 170-179.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Cereals and Legumes
Journal Section Articles

Alpay Balkan 0000-0002-9203-6144

Hakan Irmak This is me 0009-0001-9979-1062

Publication Date June 21, 2024
Submission Date December 23, 2023
Acceptance Date May 20, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024



Turkish Journal of Field Crops is published by the Society of Field Crops Science and issued twice a year.
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Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture,Department of Field Crops
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