Year 2024,
, 73 - 81, 21.06.2024
Tanee Sreewongchaı
Thanakorn Wangsawang
Sumana Wangsawang
Weerachai Matthayatthaworn
Orawan Kumdee
Khin Sandar Cho
- Akagi, H., Y. Yokozeki, A. Inagaki and T. Fujimura. 1996.
Microsatellite DNA markers for rice chromosomes. Theor
Appl Genet. 93: 1071-1077.
- Bao, J., L. Jin, P. Xiao, S. Shen, M. Sun and H. Corke.
2008. Starch physicochemical properties and their
associations with microsatellite alleles of starchsynthesizing genes in a rice RIL population. J Agric Food
Chem. 56(5): 1589-1594.
- Benbouza, H., J.M. Jacquemin, J.P. Baudoin and G.
Mergeai. 2006. Optimization of a reliable, fast, cheap and
sensitive silver staining method to detect SSR markers in
polyacrylamide gels. Biotechnol Agron Soc Environ.
10(2): 77-81.
- Bligh, H., R. Till and C. Jones. 1995. A microsatellite
sequence closely linked to the Waxy gene of Oryza sativa.
Euphytica. 86: 83-85.
- Bouquet, A. 1986. Introduction dansl’espece Vitis vinifera
L. d’un caractere de resistance al’oidium
(UncinulanecatorSchw. Burr) issul’espece Muscadinia
rotundifolia (Michx) Small. Vignevini. 12(suppl): 141-146.
- Calingacion, M., A. Laborte, A. Nelson, A. Resurreccion,
J.C. Concepcion, V.D. Daygon, R. Mumm, R. Reinke, S.
Dipti and P.Z. Bassinello. 2014. Diversity of global rice
markets and the science required for consumer-targeted rice
breeding. PloS one. 9(1): e85106.
- Chen, Y. 2019. Understanding and assessing cultural
differences in sensory preferences. Cereal Foods World.
- Cho, K.S., P. Kongsil, T. Wangsawang and T.
Sreewongchai. 2020. Marker-assisted pseudo-backcross
breeding for improvement of amylose content and aroma in
Myanmar rice cultivar Sinthukha. Sci Asia. 46(5): 539-547.
- Collard, B.C., M. Jahufer, J. Brouwer and E.C.K. Pang.
2005. An introduction to markers, quantitative trait loci
(QTL) mapping and marker-assisted selection for crop
improvement: the basic concepts. Euphytica. 142: 169-196.
- Cruz, N.D. and G. Khush. 2000. Rice grain quality
evaluation procedures. Aromatic rices. 3: 15-28.
- Fan, C., X. Yu, Y. Xing, C. Xu, L. Luo and Q. Zhang. 2005.
The main effects, epistatic effects and environmental
interactions of QTLs on the cooking and eating quality of
rice in a doubled-haploid line population. Theor Appl
Genet. 110: 1445-1452.
- Hasan, M.M., M.Y. Rafii, M.R. Ismail, M. Mahmood, H.A.
Rahim, M.A. Alam, S. Ashkani, M.A. Malek and M.A.
Latif. 2015. Marker-assisted backcrossing: a useful method
for rice improvement. Biotechnol Biotechnol Equip. 29(2):
- Juliano, B.O. 1971. A simplified assay for milled-rice
amylose. Cereal Sci Today. 12: 334-360.
- Lanceras, J.C., Z.-L. Huang, O. Naivikul, A. Vanavichit, V.
Ruanjaichon and S. Tragoonrung. 2000. Mapping of genes
for cooking and eating qualities in Thai jasmine rice
(KDML105). DNA Res. 7(2): 93-101.
- McCouch, S.R., L. Teytelman, Y. Xu, K.B. Lobos, K.
Clare, M. Walton, B. Fu, R. Maghirang, Z. Li and Y. Xing.
2002. Development and mapping of 2240 new SSR
markers for rice (Oryza sativa L.). DNA Res. 9(6): 199-
- Murray, M. and W. Thompson. 1980. Rapid isolation of
high molecular weight plant DNA. Nucleic Acids Res.
8(19): 4321-4326.
- Rattanapol, P., P. Sripichitt and T. Sreewongchai (2011).
Development of functional DNA marker specific to
aromatic gene in rice. Proceeding of 49th Kasetsart
University Annual Conference, Kasetsart University,
Bangkok, Thailand.
- Ruengphayak, S., E. Chaichumpoo, S. Phromphan, W.
Kamolsukyunyong, W. Sukhaket, E. Phuvanartnarubal, S.
Korinsak, S. Korinsak and A. Vanavichit. 2015. Pseudobackcrossing design for rapidly pyramiding multiple traits
into a preferential rice variety. Rice. 8(1): 1-16.
- Saosaovaphak, A., C. Chaiboonsri and S. Wannapan. 2022.
Causal statistics of structural dependence space-based trend
simulations for the coalition of rice exporters: the cases of
India, Thailand, and Vietnam. Int J Comput Econ Econ.
12(1-2): 4-28.
- Sreewongchai, T., P. Rattanapol and V. Vichukit. 2014.
Alternate phenotype-genotype selection method for
developing photoperiod insensitive, good cooking quality
and potential high yielding rice lines. Agric Nat Resour.
48(6): 851-859.
- Suh, J.P., J.U. Jeung, T.H. Noh, Y.C. Cho, S.H. Park, H.S.
Park, M.S. Shin, C.K. Kim and K.K. Jena. 2013.
Development of breeding lines with three pyramided
resistance genes that confer broad-spectrum bacterial blight
resistance and their molecular analysis in rice. Rice. 6: 1-
- Sun, X. and R.H. Mumm. 2015. Optimized breeding
strategies for multiple trait integration: III. Parameters for
success in version testing. Mol Breed. 35: 1-9.
- Tan, Y.F., Y.Z. Xing, J.X. Li, S.B. Yu, C.G. Xu and Q.
Zhang. 2000. Genetic bases of appearance quality of rice
grains in Shanyou 63, an elite rice hybrid. Theor Appl
Genet. 101: 823-829.
- Wangsawang, T., T. Sreewongchai, P. Sripichitt and F.
Worede. 2018. Developing blast disease resistance of
jasmine rice by phenotypic-genotypic simultaneous
selection. Agrivita J agricultural sci. 40(2): 320-327.
- Wangsawang, T., A. Waiyalert, C. Nonsiri, P. Sripichitt, P.
Songkumarn, R. Changsri, K. Cho and T. Sreewongchai
(2019). Assistance of phenotype-genotype selections for
developing blast disease resistance of Thai jasmine rice,
RD15. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental
Science, IOP Publishing.
- Yanjie, X., Y. Yining, O. Shuhong, D. Xiaoliang, S. Hui, J.
Shukun, S. Shichen and B. Jinsong. 2018. Factors affecting
sensory quality of cooked japonica rice. Rice Sci. 25(6):
- Zhong, L., F. Cheng, X. Wen, Z. Sun and G. Zhang. 2005.
The deterioration of eating and cooking quality caused by
high temperature during grain filling in early‐season indica
rice cultivars. J Agron Crop Sci. 191(3): 218-225.
- Zhou, P., Y. Tan, Y. He, C. Xu and Q. Zhang. 2003.
Simultaneous improvement for four quality traits of
Zhenshan 97, an elite parent of hybrid rice, by molecular
marker-assisted selection. Theor Appl Genet. 106: 326-
Year 2024,
, 73 - 81, 21.06.2024
Tanee Sreewongchaı
Thanakorn Wangsawang
Sumana Wangsawang
Weerachai Matthayatthaworn
Orawan Kumdee
Khin Sandar Cho
The objective of this research was to introgression of high amylose content into CH1 rice variety by using pseudo-backcrossing breeding. Crossing between CH1 and RD49 was performed to produce F1 progenies. After that, the progenies will backcross to CH1 to develop BC1F1 population. Then, the selected plants from the BC1F1 population were continuously selfed to develop BC1F2 and BC1F3 populations, respectively. For marker assisted selection, the OSR19 DNA marker that is specific to Wx gene was used for assisting the selection of plants with high amylose content in foreground selection to choose favorite genotype. Total 67 SSR markers used genetic background selection was done twice in BC1F1 and BC1F2 populations. The results showed that selection could be achieved for BC1F1 and BC1F2 plants having high amylose content and first highest ranking of genetic background similar to recurrent parent exhibited 91.04 and 97.76 percent, respectively. The marker assisted selection could accelerate 4 generations in backcross breeding program. The BC1F3 seeds of 6 selected lines were planted in paddy field for preliminary yield test. It was found that agronomic characters and yield of the selected lines were not statistically different from those of CH1 variety and high amylose content as donor parent.
The first authors would like to deliver sincere thanks to Hybrid Rice breeding for high yield and quality for industrial processing project for financial support.
- Akagi, H., Y. Yokozeki, A. Inagaki and T. Fujimura. 1996.
Microsatellite DNA markers for rice chromosomes. Theor
Appl Genet. 93: 1071-1077.
- Bao, J., L. Jin, P. Xiao, S. Shen, M. Sun and H. Corke.
2008. Starch physicochemical properties and their
associations with microsatellite alleles of starchsynthesizing genes in a rice RIL population. J Agric Food
Chem. 56(5): 1589-1594.
- Benbouza, H., J.M. Jacquemin, J.P. Baudoin and G.
Mergeai. 2006. Optimization of a reliable, fast, cheap and
sensitive silver staining method to detect SSR markers in
polyacrylamide gels. Biotechnol Agron Soc Environ.
10(2): 77-81.
- Bligh, H., R. Till and C. Jones. 1995. A microsatellite
sequence closely linked to the Waxy gene of Oryza sativa.
Euphytica. 86: 83-85.
- Bouquet, A. 1986. Introduction dansl’espece Vitis vinifera
L. d’un caractere de resistance al’oidium
(UncinulanecatorSchw. Burr) issul’espece Muscadinia
rotundifolia (Michx) Small. Vignevini. 12(suppl): 141-146.
- Calingacion, M., A. Laborte, A. Nelson, A. Resurreccion,
J.C. Concepcion, V.D. Daygon, R. Mumm, R. Reinke, S.
Dipti and P.Z. Bassinello. 2014. Diversity of global rice
markets and the science required for consumer-targeted rice
breeding. PloS one. 9(1): e85106.
- Chen, Y. 2019. Understanding and assessing cultural
differences in sensory preferences. Cereal Foods World.
- Cho, K.S., P. Kongsil, T. Wangsawang and T.
Sreewongchai. 2020. Marker-assisted pseudo-backcross
breeding for improvement of amylose content and aroma in
Myanmar rice cultivar Sinthukha. Sci Asia. 46(5): 539-547.
- Collard, B.C., M. Jahufer, J. Brouwer and E.C.K. Pang.
2005. An introduction to markers, quantitative trait loci
(QTL) mapping and marker-assisted selection for crop
improvement: the basic concepts. Euphytica. 142: 169-196.
- Cruz, N.D. and G. Khush. 2000. Rice grain quality
evaluation procedures. Aromatic rices. 3: 15-28.
- Fan, C., X. Yu, Y. Xing, C. Xu, L. Luo and Q. Zhang. 2005.
The main effects, epistatic effects and environmental
interactions of QTLs on the cooking and eating quality of
rice in a doubled-haploid line population. Theor Appl
Genet. 110: 1445-1452.
- Hasan, M.M., M.Y. Rafii, M.R. Ismail, M. Mahmood, H.A.
Rahim, M.A. Alam, S. Ashkani, M.A. Malek and M.A.
Latif. 2015. Marker-assisted backcrossing: a useful method
for rice improvement. Biotechnol Biotechnol Equip. 29(2):
- Juliano, B.O. 1971. A simplified assay for milled-rice
amylose. Cereal Sci Today. 12: 334-360.
- Lanceras, J.C., Z.-L. Huang, O. Naivikul, A. Vanavichit, V.
Ruanjaichon and S. Tragoonrung. 2000. Mapping of genes
for cooking and eating qualities in Thai jasmine rice
(KDML105). DNA Res. 7(2): 93-101.
- McCouch, S.R., L. Teytelman, Y. Xu, K.B. Lobos, K.
Clare, M. Walton, B. Fu, R. Maghirang, Z. Li and Y. Xing.
2002. Development and mapping of 2240 new SSR
markers for rice (Oryza sativa L.). DNA Res. 9(6): 199-
- Murray, M. and W. Thompson. 1980. Rapid isolation of
high molecular weight plant DNA. Nucleic Acids Res.
8(19): 4321-4326.
- Rattanapol, P., P. Sripichitt and T. Sreewongchai (2011).
Development of functional DNA marker specific to
aromatic gene in rice. Proceeding of 49th Kasetsart
University Annual Conference, Kasetsart University,
Bangkok, Thailand.
- Ruengphayak, S., E. Chaichumpoo, S. Phromphan, W.
Kamolsukyunyong, W. Sukhaket, E. Phuvanartnarubal, S.
Korinsak, S. Korinsak and A. Vanavichit. 2015. Pseudobackcrossing design for rapidly pyramiding multiple traits
into a preferential rice variety. Rice. 8(1): 1-16.
- Saosaovaphak, A., C. Chaiboonsri and S. Wannapan. 2022.
Causal statistics of structural dependence space-based trend
simulations for the coalition of rice exporters: the cases of
India, Thailand, and Vietnam. Int J Comput Econ Econ.
12(1-2): 4-28.
- Sreewongchai, T., P. Rattanapol and V. Vichukit. 2014.
Alternate phenotype-genotype selection method for
developing photoperiod insensitive, good cooking quality
and potential high yielding rice lines. Agric Nat Resour.
48(6): 851-859.
- Suh, J.P., J.U. Jeung, T.H. Noh, Y.C. Cho, S.H. Park, H.S.
Park, M.S. Shin, C.K. Kim and K.K. Jena. 2013.
Development of breeding lines with three pyramided
resistance genes that confer broad-spectrum bacterial blight
resistance and their molecular analysis in rice. Rice. 6: 1-
- Sun, X. and R.H. Mumm. 2015. Optimized breeding
strategies for multiple trait integration: III. Parameters for
success in version testing. Mol Breed. 35: 1-9.
- Tan, Y.F., Y.Z. Xing, J.X. Li, S.B. Yu, C.G. Xu and Q.
Zhang. 2000. Genetic bases of appearance quality of rice
grains in Shanyou 63, an elite rice hybrid. Theor Appl
Genet. 101: 823-829.
- Wangsawang, T., T. Sreewongchai, P. Sripichitt and F.
Worede. 2018. Developing blast disease resistance of
jasmine rice by phenotypic-genotypic simultaneous
selection. Agrivita J agricultural sci. 40(2): 320-327.
- Wangsawang, T., A. Waiyalert, C. Nonsiri, P. Sripichitt, P.
Songkumarn, R. Changsri, K. Cho and T. Sreewongchai
(2019). Assistance of phenotype-genotype selections for
developing blast disease resistance of Thai jasmine rice,
RD15. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental
Science, IOP Publishing.
- Yanjie, X., Y. Yining, O. Shuhong, D. Xiaoliang, S. Hui, J.
Shukun, S. Shichen and B. Jinsong. 2018. Factors affecting
sensory quality of cooked japonica rice. Rice Sci. 25(6):
- Zhong, L., F. Cheng, X. Wen, Z. Sun and G. Zhang. 2005.
The deterioration of eating and cooking quality caused by
high temperature during grain filling in early‐season indica
rice cultivars. J Agron Crop Sci. 191(3): 218-225.
- Zhou, P., Y. Tan, Y. He, C. Xu and Q. Zhang. 2003.
Simultaneous improvement for four quality traits of
Zhenshan 97, an elite parent of hybrid rice, by molecular
marker-assisted selection. Theor Appl Genet. 106: 326-