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Year 2015, , 31 - 37, 18.05.2015




This research was conducted to determine forage quality characteristics of duo (alfalfa + one grass) and trio ( alfalfa + two grasses)  mixtures of some warm season perennial grass species such as dallis grass (Paspalum dilatatum Poir.), Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana L.) and Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.)  with alfalfa as well as their pure sowings under irrigated conditions of Cukurova during the years of 2009-2011. In the study, crude protein contents, crude protein yields, acid detergent fiber contents (ADF), neutral detergent fiber contents (NDF) and relative feed values (RFV) of the mixtures and pure sowings were determined. The experimental design was completely randomized block design with three replications. The results of the study showed that there were significant differences among mixtures and pure sowings in the forage quality characteristics. The highest crude protein yield (2.32 t ha-1) was obtained from the mixture of dallis grass + alfalfa. The highest crude protein ratio (20.6 %) and RFV (164.8) was obtained from the pure alfalfa. The highest ADF (40.2 %) and NDF (70.9 %) was obtained from the pure dallis grass. The result of the study indicated that duo mixture of alfalfa with dallis grass may be used to establish artificial pastures under irrigated conditions of Cukurova or of similar ecologies owing to its high forage quality and high crude protein yield.


Key words: Warm season perennial grasses, alfalfa, mixture, quality


  • Acikgoz, E. 2001. Forage Crops. Uludag University Faculty of Agriculture Publications, Bursa
  • Aganoglu, V. 1985. A Research on the possibility of growing Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana Kunth) and alfalfa (M. sativa L.) in mixture under Cukurova conditions. Msc thesis, Field Crops Department of Institute for Natural and Applied Sciences, Cukurova University, Adana.
  • Albayrak, S., H. Ekiz. 2005. An investigation on the establishment of artificial pasture under Ankara’s ecological conditions. Turk J Agric For 29:69-74
  • Albayrak, S., M. Turk, O. Yuksel and M. Yilmaz. 2011. Forage yield and the quality of perennial legume-grass mixtures under rainfed conditions. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj, 2011, 39(1):114-118.
  • Anonymous. 2007. Chemical Analysis Results, University of Cukurova Laboratory of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Adana, Turkey.
  • Anonymous.2012a. Meteorological data for Adana. (Accessed May, 10, 10,2013) (
  • Anonymous, 2012b. Paspalum dilatatum Poir. (Accessed January, 10,2012)
  • Avci, M. 2000. Determining suitable mixtures of cool season perennial grasses and legumes for establishment of short term pastures in Cukurova Region. Cukurova University, Institue of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Field Crops, 113 p. Adana
  • Aydin, N., Z.Mut, H.Mut, and İ.Ayan. 2010. Effect of autumn and spring sowing dates on hay yield and quality of oat (Avena sativa L.) genotypes. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 9 (10):1539-1545
  • Bani, P., A.Minuti, A. O. Luraschi, M.Ligabue, and F.Ruozzi. 2007. Genetic and Enviromental Influences on In Vitro Digestibility of Alfalfa. Italia. Journal Animal Science., 6(1), 251-253.
  • Baytekin, H., ve İ.Gül. 2009. Forage Crops Harvest, Hay Yield and Storage, Forage, (Avcıoğlu, R., Hatipoğlu, R. Karadağ, Y. Editor) Cilt III. TÜGEM, Emre p, İzmir, s: 121-141
  • Belyea, R., R.Restrepo, F.Martz, and M.Ellersieck. 1999. Effect of Year and Cutting on Equations for Estimating Net Energy of Alfalfa. Journal of Dairy Science, 82(9),1943-1949.
  • Berdahl, D. J., J.K.Karn, and J.R.Hendrickson. 2001. Dry Matter Yields of Cool-Season Grass Monocultures and Grass-Alfalfa Binary Mixtures. Agronomy Journals, 93, 463-467.
  • Blanchet, K.M., J.R. George, R.M. Gettle, D.R. Buxton, and K.J. Moore. 1995. Establishment and persistence of legumes interseeded into switchgrass. Agron. J. 87: 935-941
  • Brown, B.A., R.I. Munsell. 1943. Grasses fertilized with nitrogen compared with legumes for hay and pasture. Agronomy Journal 35: 811-816
  • Cassida, K. A., T. S. Griffin, J.Rodriguez, S. C. Patching, O. B. Hesterman, and S. R.Rust. 2000. Protein Degradability and Forage Quality in Maturing Alfalfa, Red Clover and Birdsfoot Trefoil. Crop Science, 40, p: 209-215.
  • Casler, M.D. 1988. Performance of orchardgrass, smooth bromrgrass and ryegrass in binary mixtures with alfalfa. Agronomy Journal 80:509-514
  • Charles, J.P., and J. Lehman. 1989. The İmportance Of Grass/Legume Mixtures İn Forage Production İn Switzerland. Fourages. 119:311-320
  • Cinar, S., and R. Hatipoglu. 2014. Forage yield and botanical composition of mixtures of some perennial warm season grasses with alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) under Mediterranean conditions. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 19(1): 13-18
  • Corletto, A., E. Cazzato, P.Ventricelli, S.L.Cesentino, F.Gresta, G.Testa, M.Maiorana, F.Fornaro, D.De Giorgio. 2009. Performance of Perennial Tropical Grasses in Different Mediterannean Environments in Southern Italy. Tropical Grasslands Volume 43, (2009) p: 129–138.
  • Gettle, R.M., J.R. George, K.M. Blanchet, D.R. Buxton, and K.J. Moore. 1996. Frost-seeding legumes into established switchgrass. Establishment, density, persistence, and sward composition. Agron. J. 88: 98-103
  • Horner, L.J., J.Bush, G.D.Adams, and C.M.Taliaferro. 1985. Comparative Nutritional Value of Eastern Gama grass and Alfalfa Hay for Dairy Cows, Journal of Dairy Science,( 68) p:15-26.
  • Hoy, M.D., K.J.Moore, J.R. George and E.E. Brummer. 2002. Alfalfa yield and quality as influenced by establishment method. Agron. J., 94:65-71
  • Jeranyama, P., and A.Garcia. 2004. Understanding Relative Feed Value (RFV) and Relative Forage Quality (RFQ). (Accessed May, 20, 2014)
  • Joachim, H., and G.Jung. 1997. Analysis of forage fiber and cell walls in ruminant nutrition. Journal of Nutrition 127:810-813
  • Jones, C,A. 1985. C4 Grassess and Cereals, John Willey&Sons, Newyork,
  • Jung, G.A., C.F.Gross. R.E. Kocher, L.A.Burdette, and W.C.Sharp. 1978. Warm season range grasses extend beef cattle forage. Penn.Agric.Exp.Stn.Sci.Agric. 64:211-219
  • Kiraz, A.B. 2011. Determination of Relative Feed Value of Some Legume Hays Harvested at Flowering Stage, Asian Journal of Animal Veterinary Advances 6 (5): 525-530
  • Larbi, A., J.Lazier, J.Ochang, and A.Addie. 1995. Dry Matter Production of Thirteen Tropical Legumes İn Association with Rhodes Grass (Chloris gayana cv. Callide) on an Acid Soil in Etiopia. Tropical Grasslands Volume 29 p: 88-91.
  • Lemus, R. 2009. Seeding Warm Season Perennial Grasses. Forage News, Missisippi State University Extension Service, March-2009.
  • Linn, J. G., and N.P.Martin. 1999. Forage Quality Tests and Interpretations, (Accessed June, 10, 2014)
  • Pinkerton,B.W.andCross, D.L., 1992. Forage quality. psapublishing/ Pages/AGRO/forage16.pdf (Accessed June, 15, 2014)
  • Serin, Y., A.Gokkus, M.Tan, A.Koc and B. Comakli. 1998. Determination of appropriate mixtures artificial grass and forage crops, Tr. J. of Agriculture and Forestry, 22, 13-20
  • Sheaffer, C.C., M.A. Peterson, M.Mccalin, J.J.Volene, J.H.Cherney, K.D.Johnson, Woodward, W.T., and Viands, D. R., 1995. Acid Detergent Fiber, Neutral Detergent Fiber Concentration and Relative Feed Value, North American Alfalfa İmprovement Conference, Minneapolis
  • Skerman, P.J., and F.Riveros. 1990. Tropical Grasses. FAO Plant Production and Protection Series 23, Roma. 832 p.
  • Spandl, E., and O.B.Hesterman. 1997. Forage Quality and Alfalfa Characteristics in Binary Mixtures of Alfalfa and Bromegrass or Timothy. Crop Science, 37 p:1581-1585.
  • Steel, R.G.D. and J.H.Torrie. 1960. Principles and Procedures of Statistics With Special Reference to the Biological Sciences. Mc Graw-Hill Book Co., Inc., London.
  • Tansi, V. 2009. Rhodes grass, Forage Grasses and Other Forage Plants from Other Families, (Avcıoğlu, R., Hatipoğlu, R., Karadağ,Y (editors), Vol III. TÜGEM, Emre Basımevi, İzmir, (2009), P: 733-737.
  • Tessema, Z. and R.M.T.Baars. 2006. Chemical Composition Dry Matter Production and Yield Dynamics of Tropical Grasses Mixed With Perennial Forage Legumes, Tropical Grasslands Volume 40 p: 150-156
  • Uzun, F. 2010. Changes in hay yield and quality of bulbous barley at different phonological stages. Turk J Agric For 34: 1-9
Year 2015, , 31 - 37, 18.05.2015



  • Acikgoz, E. 2001. Forage Crops. Uludag University Faculty of Agriculture Publications, Bursa
  • Aganoglu, V. 1985. A Research on the possibility of growing Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana Kunth) and alfalfa (M. sativa L.) in mixture under Cukurova conditions. Msc thesis, Field Crops Department of Institute for Natural and Applied Sciences, Cukurova University, Adana.
  • Albayrak, S., H. Ekiz. 2005. An investigation on the establishment of artificial pasture under Ankara’s ecological conditions. Turk J Agric For 29:69-74
  • Albayrak, S., M. Turk, O. Yuksel and M. Yilmaz. 2011. Forage yield and the quality of perennial legume-grass mixtures under rainfed conditions. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj, 2011, 39(1):114-118.
  • Anonymous. 2007. Chemical Analysis Results, University of Cukurova Laboratory of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Adana, Turkey.
  • Anonymous.2012a. Meteorological data for Adana. (Accessed May, 10, 10,2013) (
  • Anonymous, 2012b. Paspalum dilatatum Poir. (Accessed January, 10,2012)
  • Avci, M. 2000. Determining suitable mixtures of cool season perennial grasses and legumes for establishment of short term pastures in Cukurova Region. Cukurova University, Institue of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Field Crops, 113 p. Adana
  • Aydin, N., Z.Mut, H.Mut, and İ.Ayan. 2010. Effect of autumn and spring sowing dates on hay yield and quality of oat (Avena sativa L.) genotypes. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 9 (10):1539-1545
  • Bani, P., A.Minuti, A. O. Luraschi, M.Ligabue, and F.Ruozzi. 2007. Genetic and Enviromental Influences on In Vitro Digestibility of Alfalfa. Italia. Journal Animal Science., 6(1), 251-253.
  • Baytekin, H., ve İ.Gül. 2009. Forage Crops Harvest, Hay Yield and Storage, Forage, (Avcıoğlu, R., Hatipoğlu, R. Karadağ, Y. Editor) Cilt III. TÜGEM, Emre p, İzmir, s: 121-141
  • Belyea, R., R.Restrepo, F.Martz, and M.Ellersieck. 1999. Effect of Year and Cutting on Equations for Estimating Net Energy of Alfalfa. Journal of Dairy Science, 82(9),1943-1949.
  • Berdahl, D. J., J.K.Karn, and J.R.Hendrickson. 2001. Dry Matter Yields of Cool-Season Grass Monocultures and Grass-Alfalfa Binary Mixtures. Agronomy Journals, 93, 463-467.
  • Blanchet, K.M., J.R. George, R.M. Gettle, D.R. Buxton, and K.J. Moore. 1995. Establishment and persistence of legumes interseeded into switchgrass. Agron. J. 87: 935-941
  • Brown, B.A., R.I. Munsell. 1943. Grasses fertilized with nitrogen compared with legumes for hay and pasture. Agronomy Journal 35: 811-816
  • Cassida, K. A., T. S. Griffin, J.Rodriguez, S. C. Patching, O. B. Hesterman, and S. R.Rust. 2000. Protein Degradability and Forage Quality in Maturing Alfalfa, Red Clover and Birdsfoot Trefoil. Crop Science, 40, p: 209-215.
  • Casler, M.D. 1988. Performance of orchardgrass, smooth bromrgrass and ryegrass in binary mixtures with alfalfa. Agronomy Journal 80:509-514
  • Charles, J.P., and J. Lehman. 1989. The İmportance Of Grass/Legume Mixtures İn Forage Production İn Switzerland. Fourages. 119:311-320
  • Cinar, S., and R. Hatipoglu. 2014. Forage yield and botanical composition of mixtures of some perennial warm season grasses with alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) under Mediterranean conditions. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 19(1): 13-18
  • Corletto, A., E. Cazzato, P.Ventricelli, S.L.Cesentino, F.Gresta, G.Testa, M.Maiorana, F.Fornaro, D.De Giorgio. 2009. Performance of Perennial Tropical Grasses in Different Mediterannean Environments in Southern Italy. Tropical Grasslands Volume 43, (2009) p: 129–138.
  • Gettle, R.M., J.R. George, K.M. Blanchet, D.R. Buxton, and K.J. Moore. 1996. Frost-seeding legumes into established switchgrass. Establishment, density, persistence, and sward composition. Agron. J. 88: 98-103
  • Horner, L.J., J.Bush, G.D.Adams, and C.M.Taliaferro. 1985. Comparative Nutritional Value of Eastern Gama grass and Alfalfa Hay for Dairy Cows, Journal of Dairy Science,( 68) p:15-26.
  • Hoy, M.D., K.J.Moore, J.R. George and E.E. Brummer. 2002. Alfalfa yield and quality as influenced by establishment method. Agron. J., 94:65-71
  • Jeranyama, P., and A.Garcia. 2004. Understanding Relative Feed Value (RFV) and Relative Forage Quality (RFQ). (Accessed May, 20, 2014)
  • Joachim, H., and G.Jung. 1997. Analysis of forage fiber and cell walls in ruminant nutrition. Journal of Nutrition 127:810-813
  • Jones, C,A. 1985. C4 Grassess and Cereals, John Willey&Sons, Newyork,
  • Jung, G.A., C.F.Gross. R.E. Kocher, L.A.Burdette, and W.C.Sharp. 1978. Warm season range grasses extend beef cattle forage. Penn.Agric.Exp.Stn.Sci.Agric. 64:211-219
  • Kiraz, A.B. 2011. Determination of Relative Feed Value of Some Legume Hays Harvested at Flowering Stage, Asian Journal of Animal Veterinary Advances 6 (5): 525-530
  • Larbi, A., J.Lazier, J.Ochang, and A.Addie. 1995. Dry Matter Production of Thirteen Tropical Legumes İn Association with Rhodes Grass (Chloris gayana cv. Callide) on an Acid Soil in Etiopia. Tropical Grasslands Volume 29 p: 88-91.
  • Lemus, R. 2009. Seeding Warm Season Perennial Grasses. Forage News, Missisippi State University Extension Service, March-2009.
  • Linn, J. G., and N.P.Martin. 1999. Forage Quality Tests and Interpretations, (Accessed June, 10, 2014)
  • Pinkerton,B.W.andCross, D.L., 1992. Forage quality. psapublishing/ Pages/AGRO/forage16.pdf (Accessed June, 15, 2014)
  • Serin, Y., A.Gokkus, M.Tan, A.Koc and B. Comakli. 1998. Determination of appropriate mixtures artificial grass and forage crops, Tr. J. of Agriculture and Forestry, 22, 13-20
  • Sheaffer, C.C., M.A. Peterson, M.Mccalin, J.J.Volene, J.H.Cherney, K.D.Johnson, Woodward, W.T., and Viands, D. R., 1995. Acid Detergent Fiber, Neutral Detergent Fiber Concentration and Relative Feed Value, North American Alfalfa İmprovement Conference, Minneapolis
  • Skerman, P.J., and F.Riveros. 1990. Tropical Grasses. FAO Plant Production and Protection Series 23, Roma. 832 p.
  • Spandl, E., and O.B.Hesterman. 1997. Forage Quality and Alfalfa Characteristics in Binary Mixtures of Alfalfa and Bromegrass or Timothy. Crop Science, 37 p:1581-1585.
  • Steel, R.G.D. and J.H.Torrie. 1960. Principles and Procedures of Statistics With Special Reference to the Biological Sciences. Mc Graw-Hill Book Co., Inc., London.
  • Tansi, V. 2009. Rhodes grass, Forage Grasses and Other Forage Plants from Other Families, (Avcıoğlu, R., Hatipoğlu, R., Karadağ,Y (editors), Vol III. TÜGEM, Emre Basımevi, İzmir, (2009), P: 733-737.
  • Tessema, Z. and R.M.T.Baars. 2006. Chemical Composition Dry Matter Production and Yield Dynamics of Tropical Grasses Mixed With Perennial Forage Legumes, Tropical Grasslands Volume 40 p: 150-156
  • Uzun, F. 2010. Changes in hay yield and quality of bulbous barley at different phonological stages. Turk J Agric For 34: 1-9
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Selahattin Cınar

Rustu Hatıpoglu This is me

Publication Date May 18, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015



Turkish Journal of Field Crops is published by the Society of Field Crops Science and issued twice a year.
Owner : Prof. Dr. Behçet KIR
Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture,Department of Field Crops
Editor in Chief : Prof. Dr. Emre ILKER
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