Research Article
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Year 2015, , 72 - 77, 18.05.2015



  • Akbar, M., J. Anwar, M. Hussain, M.H. Qureshi and S. Khan. 2009. Line×tester analysis in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). J.Agric. Res. 47(1): 411.
  • Borghi, B.And M. Perenzin.1994.Diallel analysis to predict heterosis and combining ability for grain yield, yield components and bread-making quality in bread wheat (T. aestivum). Theoretical and Applied Genetics 89: 975-981.
  • Erkul, A., A. Unay and C. Konak. 2010. Inheritance of Yield and Yield Components in a Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Cross. Turk J Field Crops, 15:137-140.
  • Fellahi, Z.E.A., A.Hannachi, H.Bouzerzour and A.Boutekrabt. 2013.Line×tester mating desing analysis for grain yield and yield related traits in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). International Journal of Agronomy. 2013:9.
  • Hallauer, A.R. andJ.B. Miranda. 1981. Quantitative genetics in maize breeding. Iowa State University Press, Ames, pp 267–298.
  • Hallauer, A.R.,W.A. Russell andK.R. Lamkey. 1988. Corn breeding. In: Sprague GF, Dudley JW, editors. Corn and corn improvement, 3rd ed. Agron Monogr. 18 ASA, CSSA, SSSA, Madison, WI, pp 469–565.
  • Jain, S.K. and E.V.D. Sastry. 2012.Heterosis and combining ability for grain yield and its contributing traits in bread wheat (Triticumaestivum L.). Journal of Agriculture and Allied Science 1:17-22.
  • Kant, L.,V.P. Mani andH.S. Gupta. 2001.Winter×springwheat hybridization a promising avenue for yield enhancement. Plant Breeding 120:255-259.
  • Kempthorne, O. 1957.An Introduction to Genetic Statistics, John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY, USA.
  • Khaliq, I., N. Parveen, M.A. Chowdhry. Correlation and Path Coefficient Analyses in Bread Wheat Internatıonal Journal Of Agrıculture & Bıology 1560–8530/2004/06–4–633–635Krystkowiak,K., T. Adamski, M.Surma and Z. Kaczmarek. 2008. Relationship between phenotypic and genetic diversity of parental genotypes and the specific combining ability and heterosis effects in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Euphytica 165: 419-434.
  • Labate, J.A., K. R. Lamkey, M. Lee and W. L. Woodman. 1997. Molecular genetic diversity after reciprocal recurrent selection in BSSS and BSCB1 maize populations. Crop Sci. 37: 416-423.
  • Longin, C.F.,M. Gowda, J. Mühleisen, E. Ebmeyer, E. Kazman, R. Schachschneider, J. Schacht M. Kirchhoff, Y. Zhao and J. C. Reif. 2013. Hybrid wheat: quantitative genetic parameters and consequences for the design of breeding programs. Theor. Appl. Genet. 126(11):2791-801.
  • Longin, C. F. H., H. F. Utz, A. E. Melchinger and J. C. Reif. 2007. Hybrid maize breeding with doubled haploids. II. Optimum type and number of testers in two-stage selection for general combining ability. Theor Appl Genet 114:393–402.
  • Pomeranz, Y. 1964. Wheat Chemistry and Technology (edited), St. Paul, Minnesota. American Association of Cereal Chemists.
  • Rashid, M.,A.A. Cheema and M. Ashraf. 2007.Line×Tester analysis in basmati rice. Pakistan Journal of Botany. 39(6): 2035-2042.
  • Reif, J.C., F. Gumpert, S. Fischer and A. E. Melchinger. 2007. Impact of genetic divergence and dominance variance in hybrid populations. Genetics 176: 1931-1934.
  • Saeed, A., M. A. Chowdhry, N. Saedd, I. Khalıq and M. Z. Johar. 2001. Line×Tester analysis for some morpho-physiological traits in bread wheat. International journal of Agriculture & Biology 3(4):444-447.
  • Salgotra, R. K., B. B. Gupta and S. Praveen. 2009. Combining ability studies for yield and yield components in Basmati rice. An International Journal on Rice. 46(1):12-16.
  • Shahid M., F. Mohammad, M. Tahir. 2002. Path coefficient analysis in wheat. Sarhad J. Agrirc. 18: 385-388.
  • Sharma, H.C., M.K. Dhillan and B. V. S. Reddy. 2006. Expression of resistance to Atherigona soccata in F1 hybrids involving shoot fly-resistant and susceptible cytoplasmic male-sterile and restorer lines of sorghum. Plant breeding 125: 473-477.
  • Singh, R. K. and B. D. Chaudhary. 1979. Biometrical Methods in Quantitative Genetic Analysis. Second edition, Ed. Kalyani Publishers 191-201., New Delhi, India.
  • Steel, R. G. D. and J. H. Torrie. 1980. Principles and procedures of statistics. 2nd edition. McGraw Hill Book Company Inc., New York.
  • Titan, P., V. Meglic and J. Iskra. 2012. Combining ability and heterosis effect in hexaploid wheat group. Genetika 44: 595-609.
  • Tomerius, A.M. 2001. Optimizing the development of seed-parent lines in hybrid rye breeding. PhD, University of Hohenheim, Germany.
  • Verma, A. K., S. R. Vishwakarma and P. K. Singh. 2007. Line x Tester analysis in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) across environments. Barley Genetics Newsletter 37: 29-33.
  • Warechowska, M., J. Warechowski, A. Markowska. 2013. Interrelations between selected physical and technological properties of wheat grain. Technical Science, 16(4), 281-290


Year 2015, , 72 - 77, 18.05.2015


Estimating of combining ability is useful to assess genotypes and elucidate the nature and magnitude of gene actions involved. Aim of this study was to determine the combining abilities of some wheat genotypes for yield and some yield related traits by using line × tester mating design. Four advanced wheat lines and one cultivar were used as lines and four wheat genotypes were used as testers. The specific combining ability (SCA) effects were generally found higher than general combining ability effects (GCA) in terms of the agronomic traits studied. As a result, low ratios of ,  and low narrow sense heritabilities showed that non-additive effects controlled the traits studied. Hence, the selection process for superior individual plants should be postponed to further generations like F4 or F5.


Keywords: Bread Wheat, General combining ability, Line × Tester analysis, Specific combining ability, Triticum aestivum L.


  • Akbar, M., J. Anwar, M. Hussain, M.H. Qureshi and S. Khan. 2009. Line×tester analysis in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). J.Agric. Res. 47(1): 411.
  • Borghi, B.And M. Perenzin.1994.Diallel analysis to predict heterosis and combining ability for grain yield, yield components and bread-making quality in bread wheat (T. aestivum). Theoretical and Applied Genetics 89: 975-981.
  • Erkul, A., A. Unay and C. Konak. 2010. Inheritance of Yield and Yield Components in a Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Cross. Turk J Field Crops, 15:137-140.
  • Fellahi, Z.E.A., A.Hannachi, H.Bouzerzour and A.Boutekrabt. 2013.Line×tester mating desing analysis for grain yield and yield related traits in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). International Journal of Agronomy. 2013:9.
  • Hallauer, A.R. andJ.B. Miranda. 1981. Quantitative genetics in maize breeding. Iowa State University Press, Ames, pp 267–298.
  • Hallauer, A.R.,W.A. Russell andK.R. Lamkey. 1988. Corn breeding. In: Sprague GF, Dudley JW, editors. Corn and corn improvement, 3rd ed. Agron Monogr. 18 ASA, CSSA, SSSA, Madison, WI, pp 469–565.
  • Jain, S.K. and E.V.D. Sastry. 2012.Heterosis and combining ability for grain yield and its contributing traits in bread wheat (Triticumaestivum L.). Journal of Agriculture and Allied Science 1:17-22.
  • Kant, L.,V.P. Mani andH.S. Gupta. 2001.Winter×springwheat hybridization a promising avenue for yield enhancement. Plant Breeding 120:255-259.
  • Kempthorne, O. 1957.An Introduction to Genetic Statistics, John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY, USA.
  • Khaliq, I., N. Parveen, M.A. Chowdhry. Correlation and Path Coefficient Analyses in Bread Wheat Internatıonal Journal Of Agrıculture & Bıology 1560–8530/2004/06–4–633–635Krystkowiak,K., T. Adamski, M.Surma and Z. Kaczmarek. 2008. Relationship between phenotypic and genetic diversity of parental genotypes and the specific combining ability and heterosis effects in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Euphytica 165: 419-434.
  • Labate, J.A., K. R. Lamkey, M. Lee and W. L. Woodman. 1997. Molecular genetic diversity after reciprocal recurrent selection in BSSS and BSCB1 maize populations. Crop Sci. 37: 416-423.
  • Longin, C.F.,M. Gowda, J. Mühleisen, E. Ebmeyer, E. Kazman, R. Schachschneider, J. Schacht M. Kirchhoff, Y. Zhao and J. C. Reif. 2013. Hybrid wheat: quantitative genetic parameters and consequences for the design of breeding programs. Theor. Appl. Genet. 126(11):2791-801.
  • Longin, C. F. H., H. F. Utz, A. E. Melchinger and J. C. Reif. 2007. Hybrid maize breeding with doubled haploids. II. Optimum type and number of testers in two-stage selection for general combining ability. Theor Appl Genet 114:393–402.
  • Pomeranz, Y. 1964. Wheat Chemistry and Technology (edited), St. Paul, Minnesota. American Association of Cereal Chemists.
  • Rashid, M.,A.A. Cheema and M. Ashraf. 2007.Line×Tester analysis in basmati rice. Pakistan Journal of Botany. 39(6): 2035-2042.
  • Reif, J.C., F. Gumpert, S. Fischer and A. E. Melchinger. 2007. Impact of genetic divergence and dominance variance in hybrid populations. Genetics 176: 1931-1934.
  • Saeed, A., M. A. Chowdhry, N. Saedd, I. Khalıq and M. Z. Johar. 2001. Line×Tester analysis for some morpho-physiological traits in bread wheat. International journal of Agriculture & Biology 3(4):444-447.
  • Salgotra, R. K., B. B. Gupta and S. Praveen. 2009. Combining ability studies for yield and yield components in Basmati rice. An International Journal on Rice. 46(1):12-16.
  • Shahid M., F. Mohammad, M. Tahir. 2002. Path coefficient analysis in wheat. Sarhad J. Agrirc. 18: 385-388.
  • Sharma, H.C., M.K. Dhillan and B. V. S. Reddy. 2006. Expression of resistance to Atherigona soccata in F1 hybrids involving shoot fly-resistant and susceptible cytoplasmic male-sterile and restorer lines of sorghum. Plant breeding 125: 473-477.
  • Singh, R. K. and B. D. Chaudhary. 1979. Biometrical Methods in Quantitative Genetic Analysis. Second edition, Ed. Kalyani Publishers 191-201., New Delhi, India.
  • Steel, R. G. D. and J. H. Torrie. 1980. Principles and procedures of statistics. 2nd edition. McGraw Hill Book Company Inc., New York.
  • Titan, P., V. Meglic and J. Iskra. 2012. Combining ability and heterosis effect in hexaploid wheat group. Genetika 44: 595-609.
  • Tomerius, A.M. 2001. Optimizing the development of seed-parent lines in hybrid rye breeding. PhD, University of Hohenheim, Germany.
  • Verma, A. K., S. R. Vishwakarma and P. K. Singh. 2007. Line x Tester analysis in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) across environments. Barley Genetics Newsletter 37: 29-33.
  • Warechowska, M., J. Warechowski, A. Markowska. 2013. Interrelations between selected physical and technological properties of wheat grain. Technical Science, 16(4), 281-290
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Deniz Istıplıler This is me

Emre Ilker

Fatma Aykut Tonk This is me

Gizem Cıvı This is me

Muzaffer Tosun This is me

Publication Date May 18, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015


APA Istıplıler, D., Ilker, E., Aykut Tonk, F., Cıvı, G., et al. (2015). LINE × TESTER ANALYSIS AND ESTIMATING COMBINING ABILITIES FOR YIELD AND SOME YIELD COMPONENTS IN BREAD WHEAT. Turkish Journal Of Field Crops, 20(1), 72-77.

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Turkish Journal of Field Crops is published by the Society of Field Crops Science and issued twice a year.
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