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Year 2015, , 85 - 91, 18.05.2015




The aims of this study were to determine the adaptability of giant king grass (Pennisetum hybridum) under Mediterranean climate conditions, and also to determine whether proper plant densities could improve growth and yield. Study site was located at Bornova, Turkey (38°27.236 N, 27°13.576 E and 20 m). Treatment consisted of four densities of plant population (D1:57,143; D2:28,571; D3:19,048 and D4:14,286 plant ha-1) with three replicates per treatment in a randomized block design. Setts were planted in mid June of 2010 and allowed to grow for 4 full growing seasons. Average result of four years indicated that there were significant effects of plant densities on the dry matter yield and other yield characteristics of giant king grass but not on silage pH. It was recommended that the production of giant king grass using D2 (70x50 cm) was the most successful planting density regarding the dry matter (32.6 t ha-1) and crude protein yield to the regions with Mediterranean-type climates under irrigation.


Key words: Giant king grass, plant density, dry matter yield, silage quality.


  • Acar,Z., C.O.Sabanci, M.Tan, C.Sancak, M.Kizilşimşek, U.Bilgili, I.Ayan, A.Karagöz, H.Mut, Ö.Ö.Aşçi, U.Başaran, B.Kir, S.Temel, G.B.Yavuzer, R.Kirbaş and M.A.Pelen. 2015. Changes in forage crop production and new quests, 8th Technical Congress, The Chamber of Turkish Agricultural Engineers, 12 January 2015, Vol:1:508-547.
  • Alcicek,A. and K.Ozkan. 1996. Zur quantitativen Bestimmung von Milch-, Essig- und Buttersäuren in Silage mit Hilfe eines Destillationsverfahren, J.of Agr.Fac.of Ege Univ, 33(2-3):191-198.
  • Ansah,T., E.L.K.Osafo and H.H.Hansen. 2010. Herbage yield and chemical composition of four varieties of Napier (Pennisetum purpureum) grass harvested at three different days after planting. Agricultural and Biology Journal of North America 1, 923–929.
  • Ball,D.M., C.S.Hovelend and G.D.Lacefield. 1996. Forage quality in Southern Forages, Potash & Phosphate Institute, Norcross, Georgia, p:124-132.
  • Bernardino,F.S., R.Garcia, F.C.Rocha, Souza and O.G.Pereira. 2005. Production and characteristics of effluent and bromatological composition of elephantgrass with different levels of coffee hulls addition, Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia., 34(6):2185-2191.
  • Çarpıcı,E.B., N.Çelik and G.Bayram. 2010. Yield and quality of forage maize as influenced by plant density and nitrogen rate, Turk J Field Crops, 15(2):128-132.
  • Danalatos,N.G., S.V.Archontoulis and I.Mitsios. 2007. Potential growth and biomass productivity of Miscanthus x giganteus as affected by plant density and N-fertilization in central Greece, Biomass and Bioenergy 31:145–152.
  • Ferrari Junior,E., V.T.Paulino, R.A.Possenti and T.L.Lucenas. 2009. Additives in silage of paraisograss (Pennisetum hybridum cv. Paraiso), Arch. Zootec. 58(222):185-194.
  • Geren,H. and Y.T.Kavut. 2009. An investigation on comparison of sorghum (Sorghum sp.) species with corn (Zea mays L.) grown under second crop production, The Journal of Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture, 46(1):9-16.
  • Geren,H. 2014. An investigation on some quality characteristics of ensilaged giant kinggrass (Pennisetum hybridum) with different levels of leguminous forages, The Journal of Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture, 51(2): 209-217.
  • Hanna,W.W., T.P.Gaines, B.Gonzales and W.G.Monson. 1984. Effects of ploid on yield and quality of pearl millet x Napier grass hybrids. Agron. J. 76:669-971
  • Hartmann,H.T., D.E.Kester, F.T.Davies,Jr. and R.L.Geneve. 2002. Plant Propagation: Principles and Practice, Prentice Hall, 7th ed.
  • Ishii,Y., N.Yamaguchi and S.Idota. 2005. Dry matter production and in vitro dry matter digestibility of tillers among napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach) varieties, Japanese Journal of Grassland Science 51, 153–163.
  • Johnson,H.E., R.J.Merry, D.R.Davies, D.B.Kell, M.K.Theodorou and G.W.Griffith. 2005. Vacuum packing: a model system for laboratory-scale silage fermentations, Journal of Applied Microbiology, 98:106–113.
  • Kukkonen,C. 2009. Giant king grass, an energy crop for cellulosic biofuels & electric power plants, VIASPACE Inc. Irvine, California USA
  • Lyon,D.J. 2009. How do plant populations affect yield? Agricultural Research Division of IANR, University of Nebraska – Lincoln.
  • Mannetje,L.‘t. 1992. Pennisetum purpureum Schumach. In:'t Mannetje,L. and Jones,R.M. (eds) Plant Resources of South-East Asia, No:4, Forages, pp:191-192. (Pudoc Scientific Publishers, Wageningen, the Netherlands).
  • Masuda,Y., F.Kubota, W.Agata and K.Ito. 1991. Analytical study on high productivity of napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach) 1. Comparison of the characteristics of dry matter production between napier grass and corn plants. Journal of Japanese Grassland Science 37, 150–156.
  • Mukhtar,M., Y.Ishii, S.Tudsri, S.Idota and T.Sonoda. 2003. Dry matter productivity and overwintering ability of dwarf and normal napier grass as affected by planting density and cutting frequency. Plant Production Science 6, 65–73.
  • Nyambati,E.M., F.N.Muyekho, E.Onginjo and C.M.Lusweti. 2010. Production, characterization and nutritional quality of napier grass [Pennisetum purpureum (Schum.)] cultivars in Western Kenya. African Journal of Plant Science, 4:496–502.
  • Pires,A.J.V., G.G.P.Carvalho, R.Garcia, J.N.D.Carvalho Junior, L.S.O.Ribeiro and D.M.T.Chagas. 2009. Elephant grass ensiled with coffee hulls, cocoa meal and cassava meal. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 38:34–39.
  • Rohweder,D.A., R.F.Barnes and N.Jorgensen. 1978. Proposed hay grading standards based on laboratory analyses for evaluating quality, J. Anim. Sci., 47(3):747–759.
  • Ruviaro,C., A.B.Lazzeri, H.A.S.Thomaz and Z.B.Oliveira. 2008. Effects of nitrogen fertilization management on irrigated Elephant grass cv. Paraíso productivity, Irriga, Botucatu 13(1):26-35.
  • Santos,R.J.C.d., M.d.A.Lira, A.Guim, M.V.F.d.Santos, J.C.B.D.Junior and A.C.d.L.d.Mello. 2013. Elephant grass clones for silage production, Sci. Agric. 70(1):6-11.
  • SAS Institute. 1998. INC SAS/STAT user’s guide release 7.0, Cary, NC, USA.
  • Shen,C., X.Shang, X.Chen, Z.Dong and J.Zhang. 2012. Growth, chemical components and ensiling characteristics of king grass at different cuttings, African Journal of Biotechnology, 11(64):12749-12755.
  • Singh,B.P., H.P.Singh and E.Obeng. 2013. Biofuel Crops: Production, Physiology and Genetics; 13th section: Elephant grass, (ed. B.P. Singh), CAB International, p:271-291.
  • Stell,R.G.D., J.A.Torrie and D.A.Dickey. 1997. Principles and Procedures of Statistics. A. Biometrical Approach 3rd Edi. Mc Graw Hill Book. INC. NY.
  • Tegami Neto,Â. and S.Mello. 2007. Avaliação da produtividade e qualidade do capim paraíso (Pennisetum hybridum), em função de diferentes doses de nitrogênio em cobertura e freqüência de corte, Nucleus, 4(1-2):9-12.
  • Trotter,DJ and K.D.Johnson. 1992. Forage-testing: why, how, and where, Purdue Univ. Cooperative Extension Service Paper:337.
  • Wijitphan,S., P.Lorwilai and C.Arkaseang. 2009. Effects of plant spacing on yields and nutritive values of napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) under intensive management of nitrogen fertilizer and irrigation, Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 8(8):1240-1243.
  • Woodard,K.R., G.M.Prine and D.B.Bates. 1991. Silage characteristics of elephant grass as affected by harvest frequency and genotype, Agronomy Journal 83(3):547-551.
  • Zewdu,T. 2008. Effect of plant density on morphological characteristics, yield and chemical composition of napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum (L.) Schumach), East African Journal of Sciences, 2(1):55-61.
  • Živanović,L., J.Ikanović, V.Popović, D.Simić, L.Kolarić, V.Maklenović, R.Bojović and P.Stevanović, 2014, Effect of planting density and supplemental nitrogen nutrition on the productivity of Miscanthus, Romanian Agricultural Research, No:31, 291-298.
Year 2015, , 85 - 91, 18.05.2015



  • Acar,Z., C.O.Sabanci, M.Tan, C.Sancak, M.Kizilşimşek, U.Bilgili, I.Ayan, A.Karagöz, H.Mut, Ö.Ö.Aşçi, U.Başaran, B.Kir, S.Temel, G.B.Yavuzer, R.Kirbaş and M.A.Pelen. 2015. Changes in forage crop production and new quests, 8th Technical Congress, The Chamber of Turkish Agricultural Engineers, 12 January 2015, Vol:1:508-547.
  • Alcicek,A. and K.Ozkan. 1996. Zur quantitativen Bestimmung von Milch-, Essig- und Buttersäuren in Silage mit Hilfe eines Destillationsverfahren, J.of Agr.Fac.of Ege Univ, 33(2-3):191-198.
  • Ansah,T., E.L.K.Osafo and H.H.Hansen. 2010. Herbage yield and chemical composition of four varieties of Napier (Pennisetum purpureum) grass harvested at three different days after planting. Agricultural and Biology Journal of North America 1, 923–929.
  • Ball,D.M., C.S.Hovelend and G.D.Lacefield. 1996. Forage quality in Southern Forages, Potash & Phosphate Institute, Norcross, Georgia, p:124-132.
  • Bernardino,F.S., R.Garcia, F.C.Rocha, Souza and O.G.Pereira. 2005. Production and characteristics of effluent and bromatological composition of elephantgrass with different levels of coffee hulls addition, Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia., 34(6):2185-2191.
  • Çarpıcı,E.B., N.Çelik and G.Bayram. 2010. Yield and quality of forage maize as influenced by plant density and nitrogen rate, Turk J Field Crops, 15(2):128-132.
  • Danalatos,N.G., S.V.Archontoulis and I.Mitsios. 2007. Potential growth and biomass productivity of Miscanthus x giganteus as affected by plant density and N-fertilization in central Greece, Biomass and Bioenergy 31:145–152.
  • Ferrari Junior,E., V.T.Paulino, R.A.Possenti and T.L.Lucenas. 2009. Additives in silage of paraisograss (Pennisetum hybridum cv. Paraiso), Arch. Zootec. 58(222):185-194.
  • Geren,H. and Y.T.Kavut. 2009. An investigation on comparison of sorghum (Sorghum sp.) species with corn (Zea mays L.) grown under second crop production, The Journal of Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture, 46(1):9-16.
  • Geren,H. 2014. An investigation on some quality characteristics of ensilaged giant kinggrass (Pennisetum hybridum) with different levels of leguminous forages, The Journal of Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture, 51(2): 209-217.
  • Hanna,W.W., T.P.Gaines, B.Gonzales and W.G.Monson. 1984. Effects of ploid on yield and quality of pearl millet x Napier grass hybrids. Agron. J. 76:669-971
  • Hartmann,H.T., D.E.Kester, F.T.Davies,Jr. and R.L.Geneve. 2002. Plant Propagation: Principles and Practice, Prentice Hall, 7th ed.
  • Ishii,Y., N.Yamaguchi and S.Idota. 2005. Dry matter production and in vitro dry matter digestibility of tillers among napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach) varieties, Japanese Journal of Grassland Science 51, 153–163.
  • Johnson,H.E., R.J.Merry, D.R.Davies, D.B.Kell, M.K.Theodorou and G.W.Griffith. 2005. Vacuum packing: a model system for laboratory-scale silage fermentations, Journal of Applied Microbiology, 98:106–113.
  • Kukkonen,C. 2009. Giant king grass, an energy crop for cellulosic biofuels & electric power plants, VIASPACE Inc. Irvine, California USA
  • Lyon,D.J. 2009. How do plant populations affect yield? Agricultural Research Division of IANR, University of Nebraska – Lincoln.
  • Mannetje,L.‘t. 1992. Pennisetum purpureum Schumach. In:'t Mannetje,L. and Jones,R.M. (eds) Plant Resources of South-East Asia, No:4, Forages, pp:191-192. (Pudoc Scientific Publishers, Wageningen, the Netherlands).
  • Masuda,Y., F.Kubota, W.Agata and K.Ito. 1991. Analytical study on high productivity of napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach) 1. Comparison of the characteristics of dry matter production between napier grass and corn plants. Journal of Japanese Grassland Science 37, 150–156.
  • Mukhtar,M., Y.Ishii, S.Tudsri, S.Idota and T.Sonoda. 2003. Dry matter productivity and overwintering ability of dwarf and normal napier grass as affected by planting density and cutting frequency. Plant Production Science 6, 65–73.
  • Nyambati,E.M., F.N.Muyekho, E.Onginjo and C.M.Lusweti. 2010. Production, characterization and nutritional quality of napier grass [Pennisetum purpureum (Schum.)] cultivars in Western Kenya. African Journal of Plant Science, 4:496–502.
  • Pires,A.J.V., G.G.P.Carvalho, R.Garcia, J.N.D.Carvalho Junior, L.S.O.Ribeiro and D.M.T.Chagas. 2009. Elephant grass ensiled with coffee hulls, cocoa meal and cassava meal. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 38:34–39.
  • Rohweder,D.A., R.F.Barnes and N.Jorgensen. 1978. Proposed hay grading standards based on laboratory analyses for evaluating quality, J. Anim. Sci., 47(3):747–759.
  • Ruviaro,C., A.B.Lazzeri, H.A.S.Thomaz and Z.B.Oliveira. 2008. Effects of nitrogen fertilization management on irrigated Elephant grass cv. Paraíso productivity, Irriga, Botucatu 13(1):26-35.
  • Santos,R.J.C.d., M.d.A.Lira, A.Guim, M.V.F.d.Santos, J.C.B.D.Junior and A.C.d.L.d.Mello. 2013. Elephant grass clones for silage production, Sci. Agric. 70(1):6-11.
  • SAS Institute. 1998. INC SAS/STAT user’s guide release 7.0, Cary, NC, USA.
  • Shen,C., X.Shang, X.Chen, Z.Dong and J.Zhang. 2012. Growth, chemical components and ensiling characteristics of king grass at different cuttings, African Journal of Biotechnology, 11(64):12749-12755.
  • Singh,B.P., H.P.Singh and E.Obeng. 2013. Biofuel Crops: Production, Physiology and Genetics; 13th section: Elephant grass, (ed. B.P. Singh), CAB International, p:271-291.
  • Stell,R.G.D., J.A.Torrie and D.A.Dickey. 1997. Principles and Procedures of Statistics. A. Biometrical Approach 3rd Edi. Mc Graw Hill Book. INC. NY.
  • Tegami Neto,Â. and S.Mello. 2007. Avaliação da produtividade e qualidade do capim paraíso (Pennisetum hybridum), em função de diferentes doses de nitrogênio em cobertura e freqüência de corte, Nucleus, 4(1-2):9-12.
  • Trotter,DJ and K.D.Johnson. 1992. Forage-testing: why, how, and where, Purdue Univ. Cooperative Extension Service Paper:337.
  • Wijitphan,S., P.Lorwilai and C.Arkaseang. 2009. Effects of plant spacing on yields and nutritive values of napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) under intensive management of nitrogen fertilizer and irrigation, Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 8(8):1240-1243.
  • Woodard,K.R., G.M.Prine and D.B.Bates. 1991. Silage characteristics of elephant grass as affected by harvest frequency and genotype, Agronomy Journal 83(3):547-551.
  • Zewdu,T. 2008. Effect of plant density on morphological characteristics, yield and chemical composition of napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum (L.) Schumach), East African Journal of Sciences, 2(1):55-61.
  • Živanović,L., J.Ikanović, V.Popović, D.Simić, L.Kolarić, V.Maklenović, R.Bojović and P.Stevanović, 2014, Effect of planting density and supplemental nitrogen nutrition on the productivity of Miscanthus, Romanian Agricultural Research, No:31, 291-298.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Hakan Geren

Yasar Kavut This is me

Publication Date May 18, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015



Cited By

Turkish Journal of Field Crops is published by the Society of Field Crops Science and issued twice a year.
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