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THE EFFECT OF SILICON FOLIAR FERTILIZATION IN SUGAR BEET – Beta vulgaris (L.) ssp. vulgaris conv. crassa (Alef.) prov. altissima (Döll)

Year 2015, , 115 - 119, 18.05.2015





Presented results are extended continuation study of earlier research (2010–2012) on silicon fertilization effect and comes from the research that was conducted in 2013–2014 in the southeastern region of Poland, in Sahryń (50°41' N and 23°46' E). Two variants of silicon foliar fertilization were tested in sugar beet, Danuśka KWS variety. Two kinds of silicon fertilizers (Herbagreen Basic and Optysil) in 3 stages (in the stage of 4-6 sugar leaf, than a week and two weeks later). One of the silicon fertilizer contained marine calcite and silicon (Ca+Si) and the second one contained silicon (Si) only. Seven variants of foliar fertilization including control variant were tested as total. Foliar fertilization regardless of the kind of fertilizer resulted in increases of: 1) the root yield (for Ca+Si variant 10.4–16.2% and for Si variant 13.7–15.9%), 2) biological sugar yield (respectively 11.4–18.1% and 13.7–15.9%), 3) technological sugar yield (respectively 12.2–17.7% and 12.2–15.6%) compared with the control variant. However the tested variants had no effect for technological root quality compared with the control. A tendencies to decrease content of sodium as a result of foliar fertilizations were observed only.


Keywords: Beta vulgaris L.; Biological sugar yield; Roots yield; Sugar content; Technological quality of roots.


  • Amin, G.A., E.A. Badr and M.H.M Afifi. 2013. Root yield and quality of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) in response to biofertilizer and foliar application with micronutrients. World Appl. Sci. J. 27:1385-1389.
  • Armin, M. and M. Asgharipour. 2012. Effect of time and concentration of boron foliar application on yield and quality of sugar beet. Am-Euras. J. Agric. & Environ. Sci. 12:444-448.
  • Artyszak, A. 2014. The efficiency of foliar boron fertilization of two sugar beet varieties. Part I. The yielding and technological quality of roots. Fragm. Agron. 31:7-18.
  • Artyszak, A., D. Gozdowski and K. Kucińska. 2014. The effect of foliar fertilization with marine calcite in sugar beet. Plant Soil Environ. 60:413-417.
  • Artyszak A., D. Gozdowski, and K. Kucińska. 2015. The effect of calcium and silicon foliar fertilization in sugar beet. Sugar Tech. 1. DOI 10.1007/s12355-015-0371-4
  • Buchholz, K., B. Märländer, H. Puke, H. Glattkowski and K. Thielecke. 1995. Neubewertung des technischen Wertes von Zuckerrüben. Zuckerindustrie. 120:113-121.
  • Cai K., D. Gao, J. Chen, and S. Luo. 2009. Probing the mechanisms of silicon – mediated pathogen resistance. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 4:1-3.
  • Cakmakci, R., E. Oral and F. Kantar. 1998. Root yield and quality of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) in relation to plant population. J. Agron. &Crop. Sci. 180:45-52.
  • Campbell, L.G. 2002. Sugar beet quality improvement. In: Quality improvement in field crops. Basra A.S., L.S. Randhawa (ed.). The Haworth Press Inc. Binghamptom NY:395-413.
  • Casey W.H., Kinrade S.D., Knight C.T.G., Rains D.W., and E. Epstein. 2003. Aqueous silicate complexes in wheat, Triticum aestivum L. Plant, Cell Env., 27:51-54.
  • Černý, I., V. Pačuta, B. Adamčinová, K. Kováčik and M. Kozak. 2009. Production parameters of sugar beet influence of targeted Atonik application and Campofort leaf fertilizer. LCaŘ. 125:130-133.
  • Černý, I., V. Pačuta, R. Pospišil, P. Ondrišík and P. Kováčik. 2011. The effect of Atonic and Pentakeep-V on the production parameters of sugar beet and crop rotating in crop rotatio. LCaŘ. 127:174-177.
  • Fauteux F., W. Remus-Borel, J.G. Menzies, and R.R. Belanger. 2005. Silicon and plant disease resistance against pathogenic fungi. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 249:1-6.
  • Fawe A., M. Abou-Zaid, J.G. Menzies, and R.R. Belanger. 1998. Silicon – mediated accumulation of flavonoid phytoalexins in cucumber. Phytopathology, 885:396-401.
  • Gunes A., A. Inal, E.G. Bagci, and D.J. Pilbeam. 2007. Silicon – mediated changes of some physiological and enzymatic parameters symptomatic for oxidative stress in spinach and tomato grown in sodic-B toxic soil. Plant Soil, 290:103-114.
  • Guntzer F., C. Keller, and J-D. Meunier. 2012. Benefits of plant silicon for crops: a review. Agron. Sustain. Dev., 32:201-213.
  • Hellal, F.A., A.S. Taalab and A.M. Safaa. 2009. Influence of nitrogen and boron nutrition balance and sugar beet yield grown in calcareous Soil. Ozean Journal of Applied Sciences. 2:1-10.
  • Henriet C., X. Draye, I. Oppitz, R. Swennen, and B. Delvaux. 2006. Effects, distribution and uptake of silicon in banana (Musa spp.) under controlled conditions. Plant Soil, 287:359-374.
  • Hradecká, D., J. Urban, L. Kohout, J. Pulkrábek and R. Hnilička. 2009. Utilization of brassinosteroids to stress control during growth and yield formation of sugar beet. LCaŘ. 125:271-273.
  • Jafarnia, B., R. Ghorbani, A.Z. Feizabady and A.R. Ghaemi. 2013. Impact of crop density and soil fertilization on sugar beet. Intl J Agri Crop Sci. 5:2991-2999.
  • Kara, Z. and A. Sabir. 2010. Effects of HerbaGreen application on vegetative developments of some grapevine rootstocks during nursery propagation in glasshouse. In: 2nd International Symposium on Sustainable Development, June 8-9, 2010, Sarajevo:127-132.
  • Kristek, A., B. Stojić and S. Kristek. 2006. Effect of the foliar boron fertilization on sugar beet root yield and quality. Agriculture-Scientific and Professional Review. 12:22-26.
  • Liang Y., H. Hua, Y-G. Zhu, J. Zhang, C. Cheng, and V. Romheld. 2006. Importance of plant species and external silicon concentration to active silicon uptake and transport. New Phytol., 172:63-72.
  • Ma J.F., N. Mitani, S. Nagao, S. Konishi, K. Tamai, T. Iwashita, and M. Yano 2004. Characterization of the silicon uptake system and molecular mapping of the silicon transporter gene in rice. Plant Physiol., 136:3284-3289.
  • Ma J.F., and N. Yamaji. 2006. Silicon uptake and accumulation in higher plants. Trends Plant Sci., 11:392-397.
  • Mitani N. and J.F. Ma. 2005. Uptake system of silicon in different plant species. J Exp. Botany, 56:1255-1261.
  • Pačuta, V. 2013. Influence of preparations containing bioactive substances on sugar beet quantity and production quality. LCaŘ. 129:228-230.
  • Pačuta, V. and M. Buday. 2013. Use of Beta-Liq-BQ and Trichomil-T biopreparations in sugar beet growing system. LCaŘ. 129:92-95.
  • Pačuta, V., I. Černý and J. Pulkrábek. 2013. Influence of variety and foliar preparations containing bioactive substances on root yield, sugar content and polarized sugar yield of sugar beet. LCaŘ. 129:337-340.
  • Pospišil, M., A. Pospišil and S. Sito. 2005. Foliar application of liquid fertilizer Fertina B to sugar beet. LCaŘ. 121:174-177.
  • Raven, J.A. 2003. Cycling silicon – the role of accumulation in plants. New Phytol., 158:419-421.
  • Sacała, E. 2009. Role of silicon in plant resistance to water stress. J. Elem. 14:619-630.
  • Trawczyński, C. 2013. The effect of foliar fertilization of preparation Herbagreen on potato yield. Ziemniak Polski. 2:29-33.
  • Ugrinović, M., S. Oljača, M. Brdar-Jokanović, J. Zdravković, Z. Girek and M. Zdravković. 2011. The effect of liquid and soluble fertilizers on lettuce yield. Contemporary Agriculture – The Serbian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 60:110-115.
  • Weihrauch, F., J. Schwarz and A. Sterler. 2011. Downy mildew control in organic hops: how much copper is actually needed? Proceedings of the Scientific Commission CIH-IHB-IHGC, June 19-23, 2011, Lublin Poland:75-78.
  • Wróbel, S. and K. Domaradzki. 2006. Effect of combined foliar application of boron and manganese with herbicide on yield and chemical composition of sugar beet. Pam. Puł. 142:585-593.
  • Wróbel, S. and K. Domaradzki. 2013. Combined foliar application of boron and manganese with herbicide in sugar beet cultivation. Zesz. Nauk. UP Wroc., Rol. CV. 594:71-80.
Year 2015, , 115 - 119, 18.05.2015



  • Amin, G.A., E.A. Badr and M.H.M Afifi. 2013. Root yield and quality of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) in response to biofertilizer and foliar application with micronutrients. World Appl. Sci. J. 27:1385-1389.
  • Armin, M. and M. Asgharipour. 2012. Effect of time and concentration of boron foliar application on yield and quality of sugar beet. Am-Euras. J. Agric. & Environ. Sci. 12:444-448.
  • Artyszak, A. 2014. The efficiency of foliar boron fertilization of two sugar beet varieties. Part I. The yielding and technological quality of roots. Fragm. Agron. 31:7-18.
  • Artyszak, A., D. Gozdowski and K. Kucińska. 2014. The effect of foliar fertilization with marine calcite in sugar beet. Plant Soil Environ. 60:413-417.
  • Artyszak A., D. Gozdowski, and K. Kucińska. 2015. The effect of calcium and silicon foliar fertilization in sugar beet. Sugar Tech. 1. DOI 10.1007/s12355-015-0371-4
  • Buchholz, K., B. Märländer, H. Puke, H. Glattkowski and K. Thielecke. 1995. Neubewertung des technischen Wertes von Zuckerrüben. Zuckerindustrie. 120:113-121.
  • Cai K., D. Gao, J. Chen, and S. Luo. 2009. Probing the mechanisms of silicon – mediated pathogen resistance. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 4:1-3.
  • Cakmakci, R., E. Oral and F. Kantar. 1998. Root yield and quality of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) in relation to plant population. J. Agron. &Crop. Sci. 180:45-52.
  • Campbell, L.G. 2002. Sugar beet quality improvement. In: Quality improvement in field crops. Basra A.S., L.S. Randhawa (ed.). The Haworth Press Inc. Binghamptom NY:395-413.
  • Casey W.H., Kinrade S.D., Knight C.T.G., Rains D.W., and E. Epstein. 2003. Aqueous silicate complexes in wheat, Triticum aestivum L. Plant, Cell Env., 27:51-54.
  • Černý, I., V. Pačuta, B. Adamčinová, K. Kováčik and M. Kozak. 2009. Production parameters of sugar beet influence of targeted Atonik application and Campofort leaf fertilizer. LCaŘ. 125:130-133.
  • Černý, I., V. Pačuta, R. Pospišil, P. Ondrišík and P. Kováčik. 2011. The effect of Atonic and Pentakeep-V on the production parameters of sugar beet and crop rotating in crop rotatio. LCaŘ. 127:174-177.
  • Fauteux F., W. Remus-Borel, J.G. Menzies, and R.R. Belanger. 2005. Silicon and plant disease resistance against pathogenic fungi. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 249:1-6.
  • Fawe A., M. Abou-Zaid, J.G. Menzies, and R.R. Belanger. 1998. Silicon – mediated accumulation of flavonoid phytoalexins in cucumber. Phytopathology, 885:396-401.
  • Gunes A., A. Inal, E.G. Bagci, and D.J. Pilbeam. 2007. Silicon – mediated changes of some physiological and enzymatic parameters symptomatic for oxidative stress in spinach and tomato grown in sodic-B toxic soil. Plant Soil, 290:103-114.
  • Guntzer F., C. Keller, and J-D. Meunier. 2012. Benefits of plant silicon for crops: a review. Agron. Sustain. Dev., 32:201-213.
  • Hellal, F.A., A.S. Taalab and A.M. Safaa. 2009. Influence of nitrogen and boron nutrition balance and sugar beet yield grown in calcareous Soil. Ozean Journal of Applied Sciences. 2:1-10.
  • Henriet C., X. Draye, I. Oppitz, R. Swennen, and B. Delvaux. 2006. Effects, distribution and uptake of silicon in banana (Musa spp.) under controlled conditions. Plant Soil, 287:359-374.
  • Hradecká, D., J. Urban, L. Kohout, J. Pulkrábek and R. Hnilička. 2009. Utilization of brassinosteroids to stress control during growth and yield formation of sugar beet. LCaŘ. 125:271-273.
  • Jafarnia, B., R. Ghorbani, A.Z. Feizabady and A.R. Ghaemi. 2013. Impact of crop density and soil fertilization on sugar beet. Intl J Agri Crop Sci. 5:2991-2999.
  • Kara, Z. and A. Sabir. 2010. Effects of HerbaGreen application on vegetative developments of some grapevine rootstocks during nursery propagation in glasshouse. In: 2nd International Symposium on Sustainable Development, June 8-9, 2010, Sarajevo:127-132.
  • Kristek, A., B. Stojić and S. Kristek. 2006. Effect of the foliar boron fertilization on sugar beet root yield and quality. Agriculture-Scientific and Professional Review. 12:22-26.
  • Liang Y., H. Hua, Y-G. Zhu, J. Zhang, C. Cheng, and V. Romheld. 2006. Importance of plant species and external silicon concentration to active silicon uptake and transport. New Phytol., 172:63-72.
  • Ma J.F., N. Mitani, S. Nagao, S. Konishi, K. Tamai, T. Iwashita, and M. Yano 2004. Characterization of the silicon uptake system and molecular mapping of the silicon transporter gene in rice. Plant Physiol., 136:3284-3289.
  • Ma J.F., and N. Yamaji. 2006. Silicon uptake and accumulation in higher plants. Trends Plant Sci., 11:392-397.
  • Mitani N. and J.F. Ma. 2005. Uptake system of silicon in different plant species. J Exp. Botany, 56:1255-1261.
  • Pačuta, V. 2013. Influence of preparations containing bioactive substances on sugar beet quantity and production quality. LCaŘ. 129:228-230.
  • Pačuta, V. and M. Buday. 2013. Use of Beta-Liq-BQ and Trichomil-T biopreparations in sugar beet growing system. LCaŘ. 129:92-95.
  • Pačuta, V., I. Černý and J. Pulkrábek. 2013. Influence of variety and foliar preparations containing bioactive substances on root yield, sugar content and polarized sugar yield of sugar beet. LCaŘ. 129:337-340.
  • Pospišil, M., A. Pospišil and S. Sito. 2005. Foliar application of liquid fertilizer Fertina B to sugar beet. LCaŘ. 121:174-177.
  • Raven, J.A. 2003. Cycling silicon – the role of accumulation in plants. New Phytol., 158:419-421.
  • Sacała, E. 2009. Role of silicon in plant resistance to water stress. J. Elem. 14:619-630.
  • Trawczyński, C. 2013. The effect of foliar fertilization of preparation Herbagreen on potato yield. Ziemniak Polski. 2:29-33.
  • Ugrinović, M., S. Oljača, M. Brdar-Jokanović, J. Zdravković, Z. Girek and M. Zdravković. 2011. The effect of liquid and soluble fertilizers on lettuce yield. Contemporary Agriculture – The Serbian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 60:110-115.
  • Weihrauch, F., J. Schwarz and A. Sterler. 2011. Downy mildew control in organic hops: how much copper is actually needed? Proceedings of the Scientific Commission CIH-IHB-IHGC, June 19-23, 2011, Lublin Poland:75-78.
  • Wróbel, S. and K. Domaradzki. 2006. Effect of combined foliar application of boron and manganese with herbicide on yield and chemical composition of sugar beet. Pam. Puł. 142:585-593.
  • Wróbel, S. and K. Domaradzki. 2013. Combined foliar application of boron and manganese with herbicide in sugar beet cultivation. Zesz. Nauk. UP Wroc., Rol. CV. 594:71-80.
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Arkadiusz Artyszak This is me

Dariusz Gozdowskı This is me

Katarzyna Kucıńska This is me

Publication Date May 18, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015


APA Artyszak, A., Gozdowskı, D., & Kucıńska, K. (2015). THE EFFECT OF SILICON FOLIAR FERTILIZATION IN SUGAR BEET – Beta vulgaris (L.) ssp. vulgaris conv. crassa (Alef.) prov. altissima (Döll). Turkish Journal Of Field Crops, 20(1), 115-119.

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