Research Article
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Year 2016, , 156 - 161, 01.06.2016



  • Aliu S, Fetahu Sh. 2010. Determination on Genetic Variation for Morphological Traits and YieldComponents of New Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Lines. Notulae Scientia Biologica 2 (1) .121-124.
  • Aliu S, Salihu S, Rusinovci I,Fetahu Sh , Zeka D, Ibishi E. 2015. Variacioni gjenetik i qiqrës (cicer arietinum l.) për veçori morfologjike dhe vlera ushqyese. Java e shkences, Prishtine.
  • Anbessa Y, Warkentin T, Bueckert R, Vandenberg A, 2007. Short internode, double podding and early flowering effects on maturity and other agronomic characters in chickpea. Field Crops Research.102: 43-50.
  • Caliskan, S., Erdogan, C., Arslan, M. and M.E. Caliskan. 2013. Comparison of organic and traditional production systems in chickpea (Cicer arietinium L.). Turkish Journal Field Crops 18:34-29.
  • Caliskan S., Erdogan C., Arslan M., Caliskan M. 2013.Comparison of organic and traditional production systems in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Turkish Journal of Field Crops. 18(1), 34-39.
  • De Almeida Costa, G.E., Da Silva Queiroz-Monici, K., Pissini Machado Reis, S. and Costa De Oliveira, A. 2006. Chemical composition, dietary fibre and resistant starch contents of raw and cooked pea, common bean, chickpea and lentil legumes. Food Chemistry, 94, 327-330.
  • El-Adaway, T. 2002. Nutritional composition and nutritional factors of chickpeas (Cicer arietinum L.) undergoing different cooking methods and germination. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 57, 83-97.
  • Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. 2013. FAO Statistical Databases. Available at http://faostat.fao.orgl FAO, Rome.
  • Gargo M. 1997.Zitarice i zrnate mahunarke. Zagreb. 238-241 pp. Harlan J.R. 1992. Crops and Man. Foundation for Modern Crop Science. American Society of Agronomy, Madison.
  • Hasanuzzaman M., Karim M., Quazi A and Kamrun N. 2007. Yield Performance of Chickpea Varieties Following Application of Growth Regulator. American-Eurasian Journal of Scientific Research 2 (2): 117-120.
  • Hulse JH, 1991. Nature, composition and utilization of grain legumes. In: Uses of tropical Legumes: Proceedings of a Consultants’ Meeting. 27-30 March 1989, ICRISAT Center ICRISAT, Patancheru, A.P. 502324 India, pp. 11-27.
  • HMIK. 2014. Hydro-meteorological Institute of Kosovo; Data base for sum of Temperatures and Rainfall, Prishtine. Insel P, Ross D, Mc Mahon K, Bernstein M .2011. Nutrition, Sudbury Massachusetts, 4th edn. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, USA.
  • Ladizinsky and Adler 1976. Genetic relationship among the Annual species of cicer L. Theoretical and applied genetics 48,197-203.
  • Miller, P.R., McConkey, B.G., Clayton, G.W., Brandt, S.A., Staricka, J.A., Johnston, A.M., Lafond, G.P., Schatz, B.G., Baltensperger, D.D. and K.E. Neill. 2002. Pulse crop adaptation in the northern Great Plains. Agronomy Journal. 94:261-272.
  • Neugschwandtner, R., H. Wagentrist H., H.-P. Kaul. 2014. Nitrogen concentrations and nitrogen yields of above-ground dry matter of chickpea during crop growth compared to pea, barley and oat in central Europe. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 19(1), 136-141.
  • Neugschwandtner, R., H. Wagentrist H., H.-P. Kaul. 2015. Concentrations and uptake of macro and micronutrients by chickpea compared to pea, barley and oat in Central Europe. Journal fuer Kulturpflanzen 67(12), in press.
  • Neugschwandtner, R.W., S. Wichmann, D.M. Gimplinger, H. Wagentristl, H.-P. Kaul. 2013. Chickpea performance compared to pea, barley and oat in central Europe: growth analysis and yield. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 18(2), 179-184.
  • Payne, W. J. A. 1990. An Introduction to Animal Husbandry in the Trophics. Longman Publishers Singapore ; 92-110.
  • Sahin, N., and H.H. Gecit, 2006. The effects of different fertilizing methods on yield and yield components in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Journal of Agricultural Scientia., 12 (3): 252-258.
  • SPSS-16. 2006. Statistical package programme. Šimič D., R. Sudar, T.Ledencan, A. Jamnrovic, Z. Zdunic, I. Brkic, V. Kovacevic .2009. Genetic variation of bioavailable iron and zinc in grain of a maize population. Journal of Cereal science. 50. .392-397.
  • Shad, M.A., Pervez, H., Zafar, Z.I., Zia-Ul-Haq, M. and Nawaz, H. 2009. Evaluation of biochemical composition and physicoquemical parameters of oil from seeds of desi chickpea varieties cultivated in arid zone of Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 41, 655-662.
  • Smýkal, P., CJ Coyne, MJ Ambrose, N Maxted, H Schaefer, MW Blair, Jens Berger, Stephanie L. Greene, MatthewN. Nelson, Naghmeh Besharat, Tomáš Vymyslický, Cengiz Toker, Rachit K.Saxena, Manish Roorkiwal, Manish K. Pandey, Jinguo Hu, Ying H. Li, Li X.Wang, Yong Guo, Li J. Qiu, Robert J. Redden & Rajeev K. Varshney ..2015.
  • Legume crops phylogeny and genetic diversity for science and breeding. Critical Reviews in lant Sciences 34 (1-3), 43-104.
  • Talebi R, Fayaz R, Mardi M, Pirsyedi SM, Naji AM. 2008. Genetic relationships among chickpea (Cicer arietinum) elite lines based on RAPD and agronomic markers. International Journal of Agricultural Biology,8:1560-8530.
  • Toker, C. 2004. Evaluation of yield criteria with phenotypic correlations and factor analysis in chickpea. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica. Section B-Soil & Plant Science 54 (1), 45-48.
  • Toker, C., B. Uzun, F.O. Ceylan, and C. Ikten, 2014. Chickpea. In: Alien Gene Transfer in Crop Plants, A. Pratap and J. Kumar Eds., Volume 2, Springer, Dordrecht, pp: 121-151.
  • Toker, C., M.I. Cagirgan, 2004. The use of phenotypic correlation and factor analysis in determining characters for grain yield in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Hereditas, 140 (3): 226-228.
  • Tonk, F.A., E. Ilker, M. Tosun, 2010. A study to incorporate high protein content from tetraploid wheat (T. turgidum dicoccoides) to hexaploid wheat (T. aestivum vulgare). Turk J Field Crops 15: 69-72.
  • Talebi R, Rokhzadi. A. 2013. Genetic diversity and interrelationships between agronomic traits in landrace chickpea accessions collected from ‘Kurdistan’ province, north-west of Iran. International Journal of Agriculture and Crop Sciences. Vol., 5 (19), 2203-2209.
  • United States Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Re- search Service 2012. Nutrient database for standard reference. Updegraff, D. M. 1969. Semimicro determination of cellulose in biological materials. Analytical Biochemistry, 32, 420-424.
  • van Der Maesen LJG. 1987. Origin, history and taxonomy of chickpea. In: Saxena MC, Singh K (eds.): The Chickpea. CAB Inter, Wallingford: 11–34.
  • Zia-Ul-Haq, M., M. Ahmad, S. Iqbal, S. Ahmad and A. Hakoomat, 2007. Characterization and compositional study of oil from seeds of desi chickpea (Cicer areitinum L.) cultivars grown in Pakistan. Journal of American Oil Chem. Society., 84: 1143–1148.
  • Zohary D., Hopf M. 2000. Domestication of Plants in the Old World. 3rd Ed. Oxford University Press, Oxford. World Health Organization (WHO). 2002. The world health report, Geneva


Year 2016, , 156 - 161, 01.06.2016


Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is an important pulse crop with a wide range of potential nutritional benefits
because of its chemical composition. Seeds from seven chickpea genotypes were evaluated for their proximate
analysis for quantitative traits, protein, oil and mineral composition. The experimental material comprising 7
genotypes of chickpea was grown in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications
during the vegetation periods 2013 and 2014 in Ferizaj locality, in the southern part of Kosova 35 km away
from capital city Pristina. The results showed that there was wide variation among chickpea genotypes. Grain
yield was 22.72 g plant-1 while protein was 28.85 g/100 g. Genotypes FBV-RA and FBV-FE exhibited the
highest protein content (mean = 29.70 g/100 g and 29.66 g/100 g, respectively). Oil content was 2.878 g/100 g.
Also genotypic differences for mineral content were statistically significant. It was observed that the first three
principal components explained 96.3% of the variability. Based on cluster analyses, the chickpea genotypes
were classified into four main groups. Generally, results and findings suggest to be a great chance of genetic
improvements in chickpea.


  • Aliu S, Fetahu Sh. 2010. Determination on Genetic Variation for Morphological Traits and YieldComponents of New Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Lines. Notulae Scientia Biologica 2 (1) .121-124.
  • Aliu S, Salihu S, Rusinovci I,Fetahu Sh , Zeka D, Ibishi E. 2015. Variacioni gjenetik i qiqrës (cicer arietinum l.) për veçori morfologjike dhe vlera ushqyese. Java e shkences, Prishtine.
  • Anbessa Y, Warkentin T, Bueckert R, Vandenberg A, 2007. Short internode, double podding and early flowering effects on maturity and other agronomic characters in chickpea. Field Crops Research.102: 43-50.
  • Caliskan, S., Erdogan, C., Arslan, M. and M.E. Caliskan. 2013. Comparison of organic and traditional production systems in chickpea (Cicer arietinium L.). Turkish Journal Field Crops 18:34-29.
  • Caliskan S., Erdogan C., Arslan M., Caliskan M. 2013.Comparison of organic and traditional production systems in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Turkish Journal of Field Crops. 18(1), 34-39.
  • De Almeida Costa, G.E., Da Silva Queiroz-Monici, K., Pissini Machado Reis, S. and Costa De Oliveira, A. 2006. Chemical composition, dietary fibre and resistant starch contents of raw and cooked pea, common bean, chickpea and lentil legumes. Food Chemistry, 94, 327-330.
  • El-Adaway, T. 2002. Nutritional composition and nutritional factors of chickpeas (Cicer arietinum L.) undergoing different cooking methods and germination. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 57, 83-97.
  • Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. 2013. FAO Statistical Databases. Available at http://faostat.fao.orgl FAO, Rome.
  • Gargo M. 1997.Zitarice i zrnate mahunarke. Zagreb. 238-241 pp. Harlan J.R. 1992. Crops and Man. Foundation for Modern Crop Science. American Society of Agronomy, Madison.
  • Hasanuzzaman M., Karim M., Quazi A and Kamrun N. 2007. Yield Performance of Chickpea Varieties Following Application of Growth Regulator. American-Eurasian Journal of Scientific Research 2 (2): 117-120.
  • Hulse JH, 1991. Nature, composition and utilization of grain legumes. In: Uses of tropical Legumes: Proceedings of a Consultants’ Meeting. 27-30 March 1989, ICRISAT Center ICRISAT, Patancheru, A.P. 502324 India, pp. 11-27.
  • HMIK. 2014. Hydro-meteorological Institute of Kosovo; Data base for sum of Temperatures and Rainfall, Prishtine. Insel P, Ross D, Mc Mahon K, Bernstein M .2011. Nutrition, Sudbury Massachusetts, 4th edn. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, USA.
  • Ladizinsky and Adler 1976. Genetic relationship among the Annual species of cicer L. Theoretical and applied genetics 48,197-203.
  • Miller, P.R., McConkey, B.G., Clayton, G.W., Brandt, S.A., Staricka, J.A., Johnston, A.M., Lafond, G.P., Schatz, B.G., Baltensperger, D.D. and K.E. Neill. 2002. Pulse crop adaptation in the northern Great Plains. Agronomy Journal. 94:261-272.
  • Neugschwandtner, R., H. Wagentrist H., H.-P. Kaul. 2014. Nitrogen concentrations and nitrogen yields of above-ground dry matter of chickpea during crop growth compared to pea, barley and oat in central Europe. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 19(1), 136-141.
  • Neugschwandtner, R., H. Wagentrist H., H.-P. Kaul. 2015. Concentrations and uptake of macro and micronutrients by chickpea compared to pea, barley and oat in Central Europe. Journal fuer Kulturpflanzen 67(12), in press.
  • Neugschwandtner, R.W., S. Wichmann, D.M. Gimplinger, H. Wagentristl, H.-P. Kaul. 2013. Chickpea performance compared to pea, barley and oat in central Europe: growth analysis and yield. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 18(2), 179-184.
  • Payne, W. J. A. 1990. An Introduction to Animal Husbandry in the Trophics. Longman Publishers Singapore ; 92-110.
  • Sahin, N., and H.H. Gecit, 2006. The effects of different fertilizing methods on yield and yield components in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Journal of Agricultural Scientia., 12 (3): 252-258.
  • SPSS-16. 2006. Statistical package programme. Šimič D., R. Sudar, T.Ledencan, A. Jamnrovic, Z. Zdunic, I. Brkic, V. Kovacevic .2009. Genetic variation of bioavailable iron and zinc in grain of a maize population. Journal of Cereal science. 50. .392-397.
  • Shad, M.A., Pervez, H., Zafar, Z.I., Zia-Ul-Haq, M. and Nawaz, H. 2009. Evaluation of biochemical composition and physicoquemical parameters of oil from seeds of desi chickpea varieties cultivated in arid zone of Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 41, 655-662.
  • Smýkal, P., CJ Coyne, MJ Ambrose, N Maxted, H Schaefer, MW Blair, Jens Berger, Stephanie L. Greene, MatthewN. Nelson, Naghmeh Besharat, Tomáš Vymyslický, Cengiz Toker, Rachit K.Saxena, Manish Roorkiwal, Manish K. Pandey, Jinguo Hu, Ying H. Li, Li X.Wang, Yong Guo, Li J. Qiu, Robert J. Redden & Rajeev K. Varshney ..2015.
  • Legume crops phylogeny and genetic diversity for science and breeding. Critical Reviews in lant Sciences 34 (1-3), 43-104.
  • Talebi R, Fayaz R, Mardi M, Pirsyedi SM, Naji AM. 2008. Genetic relationships among chickpea (Cicer arietinum) elite lines based on RAPD and agronomic markers. International Journal of Agricultural Biology,8:1560-8530.
  • Toker, C. 2004. Evaluation of yield criteria with phenotypic correlations and factor analysis in chickpea. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica. Section B-Soil & Plant Science 54 (1), 45-48.
  • Toker, C., B. Uzun, F.O. Ceylan, and C. Ikten, 2014. Chickpea. In: Alien Gene Transfer in Crop Plants, A. Pratap and J. Kumar Eds., Volume 2, Springer, Dordrecht, pp: 121-151.
  • Toker, C., M.I. Cagirgan, 2004. The use of phenotypic correlation and factor analysis in determining characters for grain yield in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Hereditas, 140 (3): 226-228.
  • Tonk, F.A., E. Ilker, M. Tosun, 2010. A study to incorporate high protein content from tetraploid wheat (T. turgidum dicoccoides) to hexaploid wheat (T. aestivum vulgare). Turk J Field Crops 15: 69-72.
  • Talebi R, Rokhzadi. A. 2013. Genetic diversity and interrelationships between agronomic traits in landrace chickpea accessions collected from ‘Kurdistan’ province, north-west of Iran. International Journal of Agriculture and Crop Sciences. Vol., 5 (19), 2203-2209.
  • United States Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Re- search Service 2012. Nutrient database for standard reference. Updegraff, D. M. 1969. Semimicro determination of cellulose in biological materials. Analytical Biochemistry, 32, 420-424.
  • van Der Maesen LJG. 1987. Origin, history and taxonomy of chickpea. In: Saxena MC, Singh K (eds.): The Chickpea. CAB Inter, Wallingford: 11–34.
  • Zia-Ul-Haq, M., M. Ahmad, S. Iqbal, S. Ahmad and A. Hakoomat, 2007. Characterization and compositional study of oil from seeds of desi chickpea (Cicer areitinum L.) cultivars grown in Pakistan. Journal of American Oil Chem. Society., 84: 1143–1148.
  • Zohary D., Hopf M. 2000. Domestication of Plants in the Old World. 3rd Ed. Oxford University Press, Oxford. World Health Organization (WHO). 2002. The world health report, Geneva
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Sali Alıu This is me

H.-p. Kaul This is me

İmer Rusınovcı This is me

Vitore Shala-mayrhofer This is me

Shukri Fetahu This is me

Dukagjin Zeka This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016


APA Alıu, S., Kaul, H.-p., Rusınovcı, İ., Shala-mayrhofer, V., et al. (2016). GENETIC DIVERSITY FOR SOME NUTRITIVE TRAITS OF CHICKPEA (Cicer arietinum L.) FROM DIFFERENT REGIONS IN KOSOVA. Turkish Journal Of Field Crops, 21(1), 156-161.

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Turkish Journal of Field Crops is published by the Society of Field Crops Science and issued twice a year.
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