Year 2017,
, 71 - 80, 15.06.2017
Bihter Onat
Halil Bakal
Leyla Gulluoglu
Halis Arıoglu
- Ahmad, A., M. Rahim and U. Khan. 2007. Evaluation of
Different Varieties, Seed Rates and Row Spacing of
Groundnut, Planted Under Agro-Ecological
Conditions of Malakand Division. Journal of
Agronomy, 6(2):385-387
- Anonymous. 2015. Crop Production Statistics. Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,Rome,
Italy ( statistics).
- Anonymous, 2016. The Meteorological Data for
Adana.The Turkish State Meteorological Service
Adana Regional Directorship, 2013, 2014 and long
- AOCS. 1989. Official and Recommended Methods.
American Oil Chemists’ Society Press. Champaing,
- Awal, M.A, L. Aktar. 2015. Effect of Row Spacing on the
Growth and Yield of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
Stands. International Journal of Agriculture, Forestry
and Fisheries. Vol. 3, No. 1, 2015, pp. 7-11.
- Dapaah, H.K, I. Mohammed, and R.T. Awuah, 2014.
Growth Yield Performance of Groundnuts (Arachis
hypogaea L.) in Response to Plant Density.
International Journal of Plant and Soil Science
3(9):1069-1082, 2014.
- Donald, C.M. 1963. Competition Among Crops and
Pasture Plants. Advences in Agronomy, 15: 17-27.
Egli, D.B. 1988. Plant Density and Soybean Yield. Crop
Science, 28:977-980
- Gardner, F.P. and E.Q. Auma, 1989. Canopy Structure,
Light Interception and Yield and Market Quality of
Peanut Genotypes as Influenced by Planting Pattern
and Planting Date. Field CropRes., 20: 13-29
- Giayetto,O., G.A. Cerioni and W.E. Asnal. 1998. Effect of
Sowing Spacing on Vegetative Growth, Dry Matter
Production and Peanut Pod Yield. Peanut Science, 25:
- Gulluoglu, L. 2011. Effects of Regulator Applications on
Pod Yield and Some Agronomic Characters of Peanut
in Mediterranean Region. Turk J Field Crops.
- Gulluoglu, L., H. Bakal, B. Onat, C. Kurt, and H. Arioglu.
2016a. The Effect of Harvesting Dates on Yield and
Some Agronomic and Quality Characteristics of
Peanut Grown in Mediterranean Region (Turkey) Turk
J Field Crops. 21(2): 224-232 (DOI:10.17557/
- Gulluoglu, L., H. Bakal, B.Onat, A. El Sabagh, and H.
Arioglu. 2016b. Characterization of Peanut (Arachis
hypogeal L.) Seed Oil and Fatty Acids Composition
Under Different Growing Season Under Mediterraean
Environment. Journal of Experimental Biology and
Agricultural Sciences.
- DOI:, 4(5S):564-571
Gulluoglu, L., H. Bakal, H. Arioglu. 2016c. The Effects of
Twin-row Planting Pattern and Plant Population on
Seed Yield and Yield Components of Soybean at Late
Double-Crop Planting in Cukurova Region. Turk J
Field Crops. 21(1):59-65
- Hosseini, N.M., R.H. Ellis and B. Yazdi-Samadi. 2001.
Effects of Plant Population Density on Yield and Yield
Components of Eight Isolines of cv. Clark (Glycine
max L.). J. Agric. Sci. Technol., 3: 131-139.
- Jaaffar, Z. and F.P. Gardner.1988. Canopy Development,
Yield and Market Quality in Peanut as Affected by
Genotype and Planting Pattern. CropSci. 28:299-305
- Kadiroglu, A. 2012. Yerfıstığı (Arachis hypogaea L.)
Yetiştiriciliğinde Farklı Çeşitler ve Sıra Üzeri
Mesafelere Gore Tek ve Çift Sıralı Ekim
Yöntemlerinin Karşılaştırılması. Suleyman Demirel
University, Institute of Science. PhD Thesis (in
- Kaushik, M.K. and A.K. Chaubey. 2000. Response of
Rainy Season Bunch Groundnut (Arachis hypogeal L.)
to Row Spacing and Seed Rate. Field Crops Research,
20: 407-410.
- Konlan, S., J. Sarkodie-addo, E. Asareand and M.J.
Kombiok. 2013. Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
Varietal Response to Spacing in the Guinea Savanna
Agro-Ecological Zone of Ghana. Growth and Yield.
- African J. of Agriculture Research, 8(22): 2769-2777.
Kvien, C.S. and C.L. Bergmark. 1987. Growth and
Development of the Florunner Peanut Cultivar as
Influenced by Population, Planting Date and Water
Availability. Peanut Science: January 1987, Vol. 14,
No. 1, pp. 11-16.
- Lanier, J.E., D.L. Jordan, J.F. Spears, R. Wells, P.D.
Johnson, J.S. Barnes, C.A. Hurt, R.L. Brandenburg
and J.E. Bailey 2004. Peanut Response to Planting,
Row Spacing, and Irrigation. Agronomy Journal, 96:
- Madkour, M.A., S.I. El- Mohandes, A.M.El-wakil 1992.
Effect of Row-Spacing, Phosphorus, Potassium and
Born Application on Some Peanut Cultivars. Egypt J.
Agron., 17:127-140.
- Nandanıa, V.A., M.M. Modhawadia, J.C. Patel, S.G.
Sadariaand, B.S. Patel 1993. Resonse of Rainy-season
Bunch Groundnut to Row Spacing and Seed
Rate. Indian Journal of Agronomy 37(3): 597-599.
- Papastylianou, I., 1995. Spacing of Peanut Plants (Arachis
hypogaea L.) Under Irrigation. Eur. J. Agron., 4: 101-
- Patil, H.M., P.T. Kolekar and B.T. Shete. 2007. Effect of
Layouts and Spacing on Yield Quality of Bold Seeded
Summer groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Int’l J.
Agric. Sci., 3 (2): 210-213.
- Phillips, L.J., M.J.T. Norman. 1962. The Influence of
Inter-Row Spacing and Plant Population on The Yield
of Peanuts at Katherine, N.T. Australian Journal of
Experimental Agriculture and Animal
Husbandry, 2(4): 54 – 60.
- Prasad, P.V.V., P.Q. Craufurdand, R.J. Summerfield.
2000. Effect of High Air and Soil Temperature on Dry
Matter Production, Pod Yield and Yield Components
of Groundnut. Plant and Soil. 222: 231- 239.
- Rasekh, H., J. Asghari, M.N. Safarzadeh Wishkai, S.L.
Massoumi and R. Zakerinejad. 2010. Effect of
Planting Pattern and Plant Density on Physiological
Characteristics and Yield of Peanut (Arachis hypogeal
L.) in Iran. Research J. of Biological Sciences.,
- Schilling, R and R. Gibbons, 2002. Groundnut. The
Tropical Agriculturist. Translated by Chater S and
revised by Gibbons R, Nigam S, Chater S,
Shambhakar DA, Dharne PK, Bahale TM, Anjali D,
Surywanshi RT, Jadhav RB (2006). Assesment of
Integrated Pest Management Modules in Groundnut on
Farmers Fields. International Arachis Newsletter.
- Shiwlong, T., C. Tehming. 1996. Effects of Plant Density
on Dry Matters Production and Partitionning in
Groundnut. Bulletin of National Pingtung Polytechnic
Instute (1996) 5 (1), 1-8. Department of PlantIndustry,
National Pingtung Polytechnic Instute, Taiwan.
- Silvertooth, J.C, K.L. Edmisten, W.H. McCarty. 1999.
Production Practices. In: Cotton Origin, History,
Technology and Production, eds C. W. Smith and J. T.
Cothren, pp. 451–488. New York: John Wiley&Sons
- Sorensen, R.B, D. Sternitzke and M. Lamb. 2005. Row
Orientation and Seeding Rate on Yield, Grade, and
Disease Incidence of Peanut with Subsurface Drip
Irrigation. Peanut Science, 28, 15-18.
- Sternitzke, D.A, M.C. Lamb, J.I. Davidson, Jr.R.T.
Barron and C.T. Bennet, 2000. Impact of Plant
Spacing and Population on Yield for Single-Row Non
irrigated Peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L.). Peanut
Science: July 2000, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 52-56.
- Tavora, F.A.J.F., P.F. Silva, O.D.I.F. Melo, B.J.
Pitombeire and C.V.F. Neto. 2002. Yield Adaptability
and Stability of Peanut Genotypes Estimated Under
Different Environments. Ciência Agronmica. 33: 10-
- Wright, G.C. and M.J. Bell. 1992. Plant Population
Studies on Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in
Subtropical Australia. 3. Growth and Water Use
During a Termal Drought Stress. Aust J. Exp.
Agriculture, 32: 197-203.
Year 2017,
, 71 - 80, 15.06.2017
Bihter Onat
Halil Bakal
Leyla Gulluoglu
Halis Arıoglu
This study was conducted at the Cukurova University research farm as a double crop in 2013 and 2014 in
Adana, Turkey. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of row distance and plant density on
yield and yield components of peanut(Arachis hypogaea L.) grown as a double crop. The experimental design
was a split plot design with three replications. The Halisbey (Virginia type) variety was used as a plant
material in this research. The row spacing was arranged 70 and 75 cm, and intra-row spacing of 5,10,15,20
and 25 cm was arranged for different plants population. According to a two-year average, the highest pods
weight (97.57g plant-1 and 94.83 g plant-1
) and pod number (96.4 pods plant-1and 93.5 pods plant-1
) per plant
was obtained from 70 x 25 cm and 75 x 25 cm planting density, respectively. Pod number and pod weight per
plant was increased when the plant density was decreased. Pod yield per hectare was increased when the plant
density was increased. The highest pod yield (7511.9 kg ha-1
) was obtained from 75x10 cm and the lowest (5171
kg ha-1
) from 75x25 planting density according to a two-year average. As a result; optimum planting density
was found 75x10 cm for Virginia market type varieties in double crop peanut production.
- Ahmad, A., M. Rahim and U. Khan. 2007. Evaluation of
Different Varieties, Seed Rates and Row Spacing of
Groundnut, Planted Under Agro-Ecological
Conditions of Malakand Division. Journal of
Agronomy, 6(2):385-387
- Anonymous. 2015. Crop Production Statistics. Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,Rome,
Italy ( statistics).
- Anonymous, 2016. The Meteorological Data for
Adana.The Turkish State Meteorological Service
Adana Regional Directorship, 2013, 2014 and long
- AOCS. 1989. Official and Recommended Methods.
American Oil Chemists’ Society Press. Champaing,
- Awal, M.A, L. Aktar. 2015. Effect of Row Spacing on the
Growth and Yield of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
Stands. International Journal of Agriculture, Forestry
and Fisheries. Vol. 3, No. 1, 2015, pp. 7-11.
- Dapaah, H.K, I. Mohammed, and R.T. Awuah, 2014.
Growth Yield Performance of Groundnuts (Arachis
hypogaea L.) in Response to Plant Density.
International Journal of Plant and Soil Science
3(9):1069-1082, 2014.
- Donald, C.M. 1963. Competition Among Crops and
Pasture Plants. Advences in Agronomy, 15: 17-27.
Egli, D.B. 1988. Plant Density and Soybean Yield. Crop
Science, 28:977-980
- Gardner, F.P. and E.Q. Auma, 1989. Canopy Structure,
Light Interception and Yield and Market Quality of
Peanut Genotypes as Influenced by Planting Pattern
and Planting Date. Field CropRes., 20: 13-29
- Giayetto,O., G.A. Cerioni and W.E. Asnal. 1998. Effect of
Sowing Spacing on Vegetative Growth, Dry Matter
Production and Peanut Pod Yield. Peanut Science, 25:
- Gulluoglu, L. 2011. Effects of Regulator Applications on
Pod Yield and Some Agronomic Characters of Peanut
in Mediterranean Region. Turk J Field Crops.
- Gulluoglu, L., H. Bakal, B. Onat, C. Kurt, and H. Arioglu.
2016a. The Effect of Harvesting Dates on Yield and
Some Agronomic and Quality Characteristics of
Peanut Grown in Mediterranean Region (Turkey) Turk
J Field Crops. 21(2): 224-232 (DOI:10.17557/
- Gulluoglu, L., H. Bakal, B.Onat, A. El Sabagh, and H.
Arioglu. 2016b. Characterization of Peanut (Arachis
hypogeal L.) Seed Oil and Fatty Acids Composition
Under Different Growing Season Under Mediterraean
Environment. Journal of Experimental Biology and
Agricultural Sciences.
- DOI:, 4(5S):564-571
Gulluoglu, L., H. Bakal, H. Arioglu. 2016c. The Effects of
Twin-row Planting Pattern and Plant Population on
Seed Yield and Yield Components of Soybean at Late
Double-Crop Planting in Cukurova Region. Turk J
Field Crops. 21(1):59-65
- Hosseini, N.M., R.H. Ellis and B. Yazdi-Samadi. 2001.
Effects of Plant Population Density on Yield and Yield
Components of Eight Isolines of cv. Clark (Glycine
max L.). J. Agric. Sci. Technol., 3: 131-139.
- Jaaffar, Z. and F.P. Gardner.1988. Canopy Development,
Yield and Market Quality in Peanut as Affected by
Genotype and Planting Pattern. CropSci. 28:299-305
- Kadiroglu, A. 2012. Yerfıstığı (Arachis hypogaea L.)
Yetiştiriciliğinde Farklı Çeşitler ve Sıra Üzeri
Mesafelere Gore Tek ve Çift Sıralı Ekim
Yöntemlerinin Karşılaştırılması. Suleyman Demirel
University, Institute of Science. PhD Thesis (in
- Kaushik, M.K. and A.K. Chaubey. 2000. Response of
Rainy Season Bunch Groundnut (Arachis hypogeal L.)
to Row Spacing and Seed Rate. Field Crops Research,
20: 407-410.
- Konlan, S., J. Sarkodie-addo, E. Asareand and M.J.
Kombiok. 2013. Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
Varietal Response to Spacing in the Guinea Savanna
Agro-Ecological Zone of Ghana. Growth and Yield.
- African J. of Agriculture Research, 8(22): 2769-2777.
Kvien, C.S. and C.L. Bergmark. 1987. Growth and
Development of the Florunner Peanut Cultivar as
Influenced by Population, Planting Date and Water
Availability. Peanut Science: January 1987, Vol. 14,
No. 1, pp. 11-16.
- Lanier, J.E., D.L. Jordan, J.F. Spears, R. Wells, P.D.
Johnson, J.S. Barnes, C.A. Hurt, R.L. Brandenburg
and J.E. Bailey 2004. Peanut Response to Planting,
Row Spacing, and Irrigation. Agronomy Journal, 96:
- Madkour, M.A., S.I. El- Mohandes, A.M.El-wakil 1992.
Effect of Row-Spacing, Phosphorus, Potassium and
Born Application on Some Peanut Cultivars. Egypt J.
Agron., 17:127-140.
- Nandanıa, V.A., M.M. Modhawadia, J.C. Patel, S.G.
Sadariaand, B.S. Patel 1993. Resonse of Rainy-season
Bunch Groundnut to Row Spacing and Seed
Rate. Indian Journal of Agronomy 37(3): 597-599.
- Papastylianou, I., 1995. Spacing of Peanut Plants (Arachis
hypogaea L.) Under Irrigation. Eur. J. Agron., 4: 101-
- Patil, H.M., P.T. Kolekar and B.T. Shete. 2007. Effect of
Layouts and Spacing on Yield Quality of Bold Seeded
Summer groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Int’l J.
Agric. Sci., 3 (2): 210-213.
- Phillips, L.J., M.J.T. Norman. 1962. The Influence of
Inter-Row Spacing and Plant Population on The Yield
of Peanuts at Katherine, N.T. Australian Journal of
Experimental Agriculture and Animal
Husbandry, 2(4): 54 – 60.
- Prasad, P.V.V., P.Q. Craufurdand, R.J. Summerfield.
2000. Effect of High Air and Soil Temperature on Dry
Matter Production, Pod Yield and Yield Components
of Groundnut. Plant and Soil. 222: 231- 239.
- Rasekh, H., J. Asghari, M.N. Safarzadeh Wishkai, S.L.
Massoumi and R. Zakerinejad. 2010. Effect of
Planting Pattern and Plant Density on Physiological
Characteristics and Yield of Peanut (Arachis hypogeal
L.) in Iran. Research J. of Biological Sciences.,
- Schilling, R and R. Gibbons, 2002. Groundnut. The
Tropical Agriculturist. Translated by Chater S and
revised by Gibbons R, Nigam S, Chater S,
Shambhakar DA, Dharne PK, Bahale TM, Anjali D,
Surywanshi RT, Jadhav RB (2006). Assesment of
Integrated Pest Management Modules in Groundnut on
Farmers Fields. International Arachis Newsletter.
- Shiwlong, T., C. Tehming. 1996. Effects of Plant Density
on Dry Matters Production and Partitionning in
Groundnut. Bulletin of National Pingtung Polytechnic
Instute (1996) 5 (1), 1-8. Department of PlantIndustry,
National Pingtung Polytechnic Instute, Taiwan.
- Silvertooth, J.C, K.L. Edmisten, W.H. McCarty. 1999.
Production Practices. In: Cotton Origin, History,
Technology and Production, eds C. W. Smith and J. T.
Cothren, pp. 451–488. New York: John Wiley&Sons
- Sorensen, R.B, D. Sternitzke and M. Lamb. 2005. Row
Orientation and Seeding Rate on Yield, Grade, and
Disease Incidence of Peanut with Subsurface Drip
Irrigation. Peanut Science, 28, 15-18.
- Sternitzke, D.A, M.C. Lamb, J.I. Davidson, Jr.R.T.
Barron and C.T. Bennet, 2000. Impact of Plant
Spacing and Population on Yield for Single-Row Non
irrigated Peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L.). Peanut
Science: July 2000, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 52-56.
- Tavora, F.A.J.F., P.F. Silva, O.D.I.F. Melo, B.J.
Pitombeire and C.V.F. Neto. 2002. Yield Adaptability
and Stability of Peanut Genotypes Estimated Under
Different Environments. Ciência Agronmica. 33: 10-
- Wright, G.C. and M.J. Bell. 1992. Plant Population
Studies on Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in
Subtropical Australia. 3. Growth and Water Use
During a Termal Drought Stress. Aust J. Exp.
Agriculture, 32: 197-203.