Research Article
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Year 2017, , 81 - 88, 15.06.2017



  • Biel, W., Bobko, K. and R. Maciorowski. 2009. Chemical composition and nutritive value of husked and naked oats grain. J. Cereal Sci. 49: 413-418.
  • Brunava, L. Alsina, I. Zute, S. Sterna, V. and Z. Vicupe. 2014. Some chemical, yield and quality properties of domestic oat cultivars. Foodbalt. dings_2014-72-76.pdf
  • Dumlupinar, Z., H. Maral, R. Kara, T. Dokuyucu and A. Akkaya. 2011. Evaluation of Turkish oat landraces based on grain yield, yield components and some quality traits. Turk J Field Crops. 16(2): 190-196.
  • El-Metwally, El-M.Am, Hassanein, M.A. Hussein, M.M. ElNoemani, A.A. and H.K. Keheal. 2012. Triticale (Triticosecale) yield as affected by sowing dates and NPK fertilizers in Egyptian new reclaimed sandy soils. J. Apply. Sci. Res., 8(4): 2412-2418.
  • Gauer L.E., C.A. Grant, D.T. Gehl and L.D. Bailey. 1992. Effects of nitrogen fertilization on grain protein content, nitrogen uptake and nitrogen use efficiency of six spring wheat cultivars in relation to estimated moisture supply. Can. J. Plant Sci., 72 (1): 235–241.
  • Hisir, Y. Kara, R. and T. Dokuyucu. 2012. Evaluation of oat (Avena sativa L.) genotypes for grain yield and physiological traits. Zemdirbyste=Agriculture, vol. 99, no. 1, pp. 55-60.
  • Hussain, G., Al-Jaloud A.A. and S. Karimulla. 1996. Effect of treated effluent irrigation and nitrogen on yield and nitrogen use efficiency of wheat. Agric. Water Manage., 30: 175-184.
  • ISTA, 2006. International Rules for Seed Testing. International Seed Testing Association, Basserdorf, Switzerland. IUSS Working Group WRB. 2006. World reference base for soil resources. 2nd edition. World Soil Resources Reports 103. FAO, Rome: pp. 132.
  • Karczmarczyk S., Koszański Z., Podsiadło C. and A. Kocmit. 1997. Effect of irrigation and mineral fertilization on spring cereals cultivated on a sandy soil. Part I. Yield of plants. Romanian Agricultural Research. 7-8: 21-24.
  • Koziara, W. 1996. Growth, development and yielding of spring and winter triticale depending on weather and cultivation factors. Rocz. AR Poznań. Rozprawy Naukowe. 269: pp. 99.
  • Koziara W., Panasiewicz K. and H. Sulewska. 2005. Yielding and chemical composition of oats grain depending on irrigation and nitrogen fertilization. Scientific Papers of Agricultural University of Poznań, series Agriculture vol. 5:13-23.
  • Koziara W., Panasiewicz K. and H. Sulewska. 2006. Effects of nitrogen fertilization in spring triticale in non-irrigated and irrigated fields. Folia Universitatis Agriculturae Stetinensis (247): 89-95.
  • Krasowicz S., Stuczyński T. and A. Doroszewski. 2009. Plant production in Poland in view of natural and economic and organisational conditions. Studia i Raporty IUNG-PIB, Puławy,14: 27-54.
  • Maral, H., Dumlupinar, Z., Dokuyucu, T. and A. Akkaya. 2013. Response of six oat (Avena sativa L.) cultivars to nitrogen fertilization for agronomical traits. Turk J Field Crops, 18(2), 254-259.
  • Marcinek, J. and J. Komisarek. (red.) 2011. Classification of soils in Poland. Roczniki Gleboznawcze. vol. 62 book 3 pp. 193.
  • Mohr, R. M., Grant, C. A., May, W. E. and F. C. Stevenson. 2007. The influence of nitrogen, phosphorus and potash fertilizer application on oat yield and quality. Can. J. Soil Sci. 87: 459–468.
  • Novoa, R. and R.S. Loomis.1981. Nitrogen and plant production. Plant and Soil, vol. 58: 177-204.
  • Olejniczak, E. 1989. Natural conditions for agricultural production. IUNG Puławy, A 76, 32.
  • Panasiewicz, K. 2013. The effect of weather and cultivation conditions on growth and yielding of spring triticale. Rozprawy Naukowe 453. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Poznaniu. pp. 142.
  • Peltonen-Sainio, P., Jauhiainen, L., Trnka, M., Olesen, J. E., Calanca P., Eckersten, H., Eitzinger, J., Gobin, A., Kersebaum, K. C., Kozyra, J., Kumar, S., Marta, A. D., Micale, F., Schaap, B., Seguin, B., Skjelvåg, A. O. and S. Orlandini. 2010. Coincidence of variation in yield and climate in Europe. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 139 (4): 483-489.
  • Sułek, A., Podolska, G., Leszczyńska, D. and K. Noworolnik. 2007. Response of cereals to nitrogen fertilization. Studia i Raporty IUNG-PIB. 9: 29–36.
  • Sykut-Domańska, E. 2012. Characteristics of selected physical traits of grain in naked and common oat (Avena sativa L.). Acta Agrophysica 19 (4): 845 - 856.
  • Szmigiel, A. and A. Oleksy. 2005. Yielding of naked and husked forms of spring barley and oat in mixed and pure sowing on soils of the very good wheat complex. Biul IHAR 236:173- 182.
  • Tamm, I. 2003. Genetic and environmental variation of grain yield of oat varieties. Agronomy Research 1, 93-97.
  • Tobiasz-Salach, R. Jankowska, D. Bobrecka-Jamro, D. and E. Szpunar–Krok. 2011. Yield and chemical composition of the grain of new dwarf breeding lines of oat (Avena sativa L.). Acta Sci. Pol. Agricultura 10(4):161-171.
  • Van Soest, P.J. 1963. Use of detergents in the analysis of fibrous feeds. II. A rapid method of determination of fibre and lignin. J.A.O.A.C 4.6 ,82.


Year 2017, , 81 - 88, 15.06.2017


The aim of this study was to assess the effect of sprinkling irrigation and nitrogen fertilization on the leaf area
index (LAI), chlorophyll content (SPAD), grain quality, as well as grain yield and yield components in three
oat forms (tall husked, dwarf husked and hulles). Field trials were conducted in 2008 and 2009 on the fields of
the Experimental and Teaching Station in Gorzyń (the branch in Złotniki), which belongs to the Poznań
University of Life Sciences. Sprinkling irrigation increased the grain yield of oat by 1.45 t ha-1
, (51.8%). The
highest grain yield was recorded for the tall husked form (STH 8007). Nitrogen fertilization significantly
increased the oat grain yield as the increase in the rate of nitrogen application to 100 kg N ha-1 was observed.
The greatest contents of protein and fat, as well as the highest SPAD value and chlorophyll content were found in
the hulless oat form. The best quality sowing material was produced by the tall husked form. It was manifested
with a higher germination energy and germination capacity as well as lower shares of healthy non-germinating
and abnormally germinating kernels.


  • Biel, W., Bobko, K. and R. Maciorowski. 2009. Chemical composition and nutritive value of husked and naked oats grain. J. Cereal Sci. 49: 413-418.
  • Brunava, L. Alsina, I. Zute, S. Sterna, V. and Z. Vicupe. 2014. Some chemical, yield and quality properties of domestic oat cultivars. Foodbalt. dings_2014-72-76.pdf
  • Dumlupinar, Z., H. Maral, R. Kara, T. Dokuyucu and A. Akkaya. 2011. Evaluation of Turkish oat landraces based on grain yield, yield components and some quality traits. Turk J Field Crops. 16(2): 190-196.
  • El-Metwally, El-M.Am, Hassanein, M.A. Hussein, M.M. ElNoemani, A.A. and H.K. Keheal. 2012. Triticale (Triticosecale) yield as affected by sowing dates and NPK fertilizers in Egyptian new reclaimed sandy soils. J. Apply. Sci. Res., 8(4): 2412-2418.
  • Gauer L.E., C.A. Grant, D.T. Gehl and L.D. Bailey. 1992. Effects of nitrogen fertilization on grain protein content, nitrogen uptake and nitrogen use efficiency of six spring wheat cultivars in relation to estimated moisture supply. Can. J. Plant Sci., 72 (1): 235–241.
  • Hisir, Y. Kara, R. and T. Dokuyucu. 2012. Evaluation of oat (Avena sativa L.) genotypes for grain yield and physiological traits. Zemdirbyste=Agriculture, vol. 99, no. 1, pp. 55-60.
  • Hussain, G., Al-Jaloud A.A. and S. Karimulla. 1996. Effect of treated effluent irrigation and nitrogen on yield and nitrogen use efficiency of wheat. Agric. Water Manage., 30: 175-184.
  • ISTA, 2006. International Rules for Seed Testing. International Seed Testing Association, Basserdorf, Switzerland. IUSS Working Group WRB. 2006. World reference base for soil resources. 2nd edition. World Soil Resources Reports 103. FAO, Rome: pp. 132.
  • Karczmarczyk S., Koszański Z., Podsiadło C. and A. Kocmit. 1997. Effect of irrigation and mineral fertilization on spring cereals cultivated on a sandy soil. Part I. Yield of plants. Romanian Agricultural Research. 7-8: 21-24.
  • Koziara, W. 1996. Growth, development and yielding of spring and winter triticale depending on weather and cultivation factors. Rocz. AR Poznań. Rozprawy Naukowe. 269: pp. 99.
  • Koziara W., Panasiewicz K. and H. Sulewska. 2005. Yielding and chemical composition of oats grain depending on irrigation and nitrogen fertilization. Scientific Papers of Agricultural University of Poznań, series Agriculture vol. 5:13-23.
  • Koziara W., Panasiewicz K. and H. Sulewska. 2006. Effects of nitrogen fertilization in spring triticale in non-irrigated and irrigated fields. Folia Universitatis Agriculturae Stetinensis (247): 89-95.
  • Krasowicz S., Stuczyński T. and A. Doroszewski. 2009. Plant production in Poland in view of natural and economic and organisational conditions. Studia i Raporty IUNG-PIB, Puławy,14: 27-54.
  • Maral, H., Dumlupinar, Z., Dokuyucu, T. and A. Akkaya. 2013. Response of six oat (Avena sativa L.) cultivars to nitrogen fertilization for agronomical traits. Turk J Field Crops, 18(2), 254-259.
  • Marcinek, J. and J. Komisarek. (red.) 2011. Classification of soils in Poland. Roczniki Gleboznawcze. vol. 62 book 3 pp. 193.
  • Mohr, R. M., Grant, C. A., May, W. E. and F. C. Stevenson. 2007. The influence of nitrogen, phosphorus and potash fertilizer application on oat yield and quality. Can. J. Soil Sci. 87: 459–468.
  • Novoa, R. and R.S. Loomis.1981. Nitrogen and plant production. Plant and Soil, vol. 58: 177-204.
  • Olejniczak, E. 1989. Natural conditions for agricultural production. IUNG Puławy, A 76, 32.
  • Panasiewicz, K. 2013. The effect of weather and cultivation conditions on growth and yielding of spring triticale. Rozprawy Naukowe 453. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Poznaniu. pp. 142.
  • Peltonen-Sainio, P., Jauhiainen, L., Trnka, M., Olesen, J. E., Calanca P., Eckersten, H., Eitzinger, J., Gobin, A., Kersebaum, K. C., Kozyra, J., Kumar, S., Marta, A. D., Micale, F., Schaap, B., Seguin, B., Skjelvåg, A. O. and S. Orlandini. 2010. Coincidence of variation in yield and climate in Europe. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 139 (4): 483-489.
  • Sułek, A., Podolska, G., Leszczyńska, D. and K. Noworolnik. 2007. Response of cereals to nitrogen fertilization. Studia i Raporty IUNG-PIB. 9: 29–36.
  • Sykut-Domańska, E. 2012. Characteristics of selected physical traits of grain in naked and common oat (Avena sativa L.). Acta Agrophysica 19 (4): 845 - 856.
  • Szmigiel, A. and A. Oleksy. 2005. Yielding of naked and husked forms of spring barley and oat in mixed and pure sowing on soils of the very good wheat complex. Biul IHAR 236:173- 182.
  • Tamm, I. 2003. Genetic and environmental variation of grain yield of oat varieties. Agronomy Research 1, 93-97.
  • Tobiasz-Salach, R. Jankowska, D. Bobrecka-Jamro, D. and E. Szpunar–Krok. 2011. Yield and chemical composition of the grain of new dwarf breeding lines of oat (Avena sativa L.). Acta Sci. Pol. Agricultura 10(4):161-171.
  • Van Soest, P.J. 1963. Use of detergents in the analysis of fibrous feeds. II. A rapid method of determination of fibre and lignin. J.A.O.A.C 4.6 ,82.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Katarzyna Panasıewıcz This is me

Wiesław Kozıara This is me

Agnieszka Falıgowska This is me

Publication Date June 15, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Panasıewıcz, K., Kozıara, W., & Falıgowska, A. (2017). RESPONSE OF THREE OAT FORMS TO SPRINKLING IRRIGATION AND NITROGEN FERTILIZATION. Turkish Journal Of Field Crops, 22(1), 81-88.

Turkish Journal of Field Crops is published by the Society of Field Crops Science and issued twice a year.
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Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture,Department of Field Crops
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