Year 2017,
, 89 - 95, 15.06.2017
Amir Shakeel
Muhammad Naeem
İmtiaz Ali
Sami Ul Allah
İrfan Afzal
Asif Saeed
Muhammad Iqbal
- Abbas, G. 2011a. The genetic basis of salt tolerance in
Gossypium hirsutum L. Ph.D. Thesis, Dept. Plant Breed.
Genet. Univ. Agri., Faisalabad, Pakistan.
- Abbas, G., T.M. Khan, A.A. Khan and A.I. Khan. 2011b.
Discrimination of salt tolerant and susceptible cotton
genotypes at seedling stage using selection index. Int. J.
Agric. Biol. 13: 339-345.
- Akhtar, J., J. Gorham, R.H. Qureshi and M. Aslam. 1998. Dose
tolerance of wheat to salinity and hypoxia come late with
root dehydrogenize activities or parenchyma formation.
Plant soil. 201: 275-284.
- Akhtar, J., Z. Saqib, M. Sarfraz, I. Saleem and M. Haq. 2010.
Evaluating salt tolerant cotton genotypes at different levels
of NaCl stress in solution and soil culture. Pak. J. Bot. 42:
- Ali M.A. and I.A. Shahid. 2009. Inheritance Pattern of Seed and
Lint Traits in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum). Int. J. Agric.
Bio. 11:44-48
- Ali, Z., A. Salam, F.M. Azhar and I.A. Khan. 2007. Genotypic
variation in salinity tolerance among spring and winter wheat
(Triticum aestivum L.) accessions. South African J. Bot. 73:
- Allah S U, M. Iqbal and M. Naeem. 2015. Genetic dissection of
within boll yield components in Cotton. Plant Genetic
resources. Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization and
Utilization; 1–8. doi:10.1017/S1479262115000489
- Aragues, R., V. Urdanoz, M. Cetin, C. Kirda, H. Daghari, W.
ltifi, M. Lahlou and A. Douaik. 2011. Soil salinity related to
physical soil characteristics and irrigation management in
four Mediterranean irrigation districts. Agric. Water
Manage. 98, 959-966. doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2011.01.004
- Arzani A. 2008. Improving Salinity Tolerance in Crop Plants: A
Biotechnological View. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental
Biology. Plant. 44:373-383
- Ashraf, M. 2002. Salt tolerance of cotton: some new advances.
Crit. Rev. Plant Sci. 21:1-30.
- Ashraf, M. and N.A. Akram. 2009. Improving salinity tolerance
of plants through conventional breeding and genetic
engineering: an analytical comparison. Biotech. Adv. 27:
- Ashraf, M. and S. Ahmad. 2000a. Influence of sodium chloride
on ion accumulation, yield components and fibre
characteristics in salt-tolerant and salt-sensitive lines of
cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Field Crops Res. 66: 115-
- Ashraf, M. and S. Ahmad. 2000b. Genetic effects for yield
components and fibre characteristics in upland cotton
(Gossypium hirsutum L.) cultivated under salinized (NaCl)
conditions. Agronomie 20:917-926.
- Aslam, M., S.M. Basra, M.A. Maqbool, H. Bilal, Q.U. Zaman
and S. Bano. 2013. Physio-chemical Distinctiveness and
Metroglyph Analysis of Cotton Genotypes at Early Growth
Stage under Saline Hydroponics. Int. J. Agric. Biol. 15:
- Azhar, F.M., A.A. Khan and N. Saleem. 2007. Genetic
mechanisms controlling salt tolerance In Gossypium
hirsutum L. seedlings. Pakistan J. Bot., 39: 115-121.
- Bhatti, M. and F. Azhar. 2002. Salt tolerance of nine Gossypium
hirsutum L. varieties to NaCl salinity at early stage of plant
development. Int. J. Agric. Biol. 4: 544-546.
- Blum, A. 1988. Plant breeding for stress environments. (CRC
Press: Boca Raton, FL)
Burton, G.W. 1951. Quantitative inheritance in pearl millet
(Pennisetum glaucum). Agronomy Journal, 43: 409-417.
- Comstock, R.E. and H.F. Robinson. 1952. Estimation of average
dominance of genes in Heterosis. Iowa State College Press,
Ames, IA: 494-516.
- Comstock, R.E. and H.F. Robinson. 1948. The components of
genetic variance in populations of biparental progenies and
their use in estimating the average degree of dominance.
Biometrics, 4: 254-266.
- Comstock, R.E. and R.H. Moll. 1963. Genotype-Environment
interactions. P161-196. In W. D. Hanson and H.F. Robinson
(eds), Statistical Genetics and Plant Breeding. Publ. 982.
- Natl. Acad. Sci.-Natl. Res. Counc., Washington DC
Coyle, G.G. and C.W. Smith. 1997. Combining ability for
within-boll yield components in cotton, Gossypium hirsutum
L. Crop Sci. 37: 1118-1122.
- Dhivya, R., P. Amalabalu, R. Pushpa and D. Kavithamani. 2014.
Variability, heritability and genetic advance in upland cotton
(Gossypium hirsutum L.). African J. Plant Sci. 8: 1-5.
- FAO. 2015. FAO Soil management of some problem soil and
salt affected soil. Available online at:
- Flowers, T.J. and A.R. Yeo. 1995. Breeding for salinity
resistance in crop plants; where next. Austra. J. Plant
Physiol. 22: 875-884.
- Gopikannan M. and S.K. Ganesh 2013. Investigation on
combining ability and heterosis for sodicity tolerance in rice
(Oryza sativa L.). African Journal Agric. Research. 8:4326-
- Govt. of Pakistan. 2014-15. Govt. of Pakistan, Ministry of
Finance, Economic Advisor’s Wing, Islamabad.
- Gregorio, G.B. and D. Senadhira. 1993. Genetic analysis of
salinity tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Theor. Appl. Gen.
86: 333-338.
- Hameed, M., M. Asraf, N. Naz and A.F. Al-qurainy. 2010.
Anatomical adaptation of Cynodon dactylon L. Pers, from
the Salt Range Pakistan, to salinity stress. 1. Root and stem
anatomy. Pak. J. Bot., 42: 279-289.
- Hoffman, A.A. and P.A. Parsons. 1991. Evolutionary Genetics
and Environmental Stress. Oxford Uni. Press, New York,
- Hoffmann, A.A. and J. Merila. 1999. Heritable variation and
evolution under favorable and unfavourable conditions.
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 14: 96–101.
- Imran M., A. Shakeel, F.M. Azhar, J. Farooq, M.F. Saleem, A.
Saeed, W. Nazeer, M. Riaz, M. Naeem, and A. Javaid.
Combining ability analysis for within-boll yield components
in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). 2012. Genetics
and Mol. Research.11:2790-2800
- James, R.A., C. Blake, C.S. Byrt and R. Munns. 2011. Major
genes for Na+ exclusion, Nax1 and Nax2 (wheat HKT1;4
and HKT1;5), decrease Na+ accumulation in bread wheat
leaves under saline and waterlogged conditions. J. Exper.
Botany. 62(8):2939-47
- Kent, L.A. and A. Lauchli. 1985. Germination and seedling
growth of cotton: salinity calcium interactions. Plant Cell
Environt., 8: 115-159.
- Khan, A.A., T. McNeilly, F.M. Azhar. 2001. Stress tolerance in
crop plants. (Review). Int. J. Agri. Biol., 3: 250-55.
- Khan, A.N., R.H. Qureshi and N. Ahmad. 1998. Performance of
cotton cultivars as affected by type of salinity. Ion
composition. Sarhad J. Agri. Res., 14: 73-78.
- Leidi, E.O., J.F. Saiz. 1997. Is salinity tolerance related to Na+
accumulation upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
Seedling. Plant Soil. 190: 67-75.
- Mahmood, A.M., T.M. El-Ameen, A.A. Mohamed and M.A.
Ali. 2004. Inheritance of some agro-economic traits in
interspecific cotton cross using six parameters model under
two locations. J. Agric. Sci., 3: 95–106
- Melchinger, A.E., H.F. Utz, H.P. Piepho, Z.B. Zeng and C.C.
Schön. 2007. The role of epistasis in the manifestation of
heterosis: a systems-oriented approach. Genetics 177: 1815–
- Munns, R. and M. Tester. 2008. Mechanisms of Salinity
Tolerance. Ann. Rev. Plant Biol.,59: 651-681.
- Murtaza, N., A.A. Khan and K.T. Ashrat. 1995. Assessment of
gene action in some quantitative characters of upland cotton.
J. Anim. Plt. Sci., 5: 33–5.
- Nabi, G., F.M. Azhar and A.A. Khan. 2010. Genetic
Mechanisms Controlling Variation for Salinity Tolerance in
Upland Cotton at Plant Maturity. Int. J. Agric. Bio., 12:521–
- Neelima, S., V. Reddy and A. Reddy. 2004. Combining ability
studies for yield and yield components in American cotton
(Gossypium hirsutum L.). Ann. Agri. Bio. Res. 9:1-6.
- Noor, E., F.M. Azhar and A.A. Khan. 2001. Differences in
responses of Gossypium hirsutum L. Varieties to NaCl
salinity level at seedling satage. Int. J. Agric. Biol., 3: 345–
- Perkins, H.D., D.E. Ethridge and C.K. Bragg. 1984. Fiber. p.
438-465. In R. J. Kohel and C. F. Lewis (ed). Cotton.
Agronomy Monograph No. 24. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA.
Madison, WI.
- Qadir, M. and M. Shams. 1997. Some agronomic and
physiological aspects of salt tolerance in cotton (Gossypium
hirsutum L.). J. Agron. Crop Sci. 179: 101-106.
- Qureshi, R.H. and E.G. Barrett-Lennard. 1998. Saline
Agriculture for Irrigated Land in Pakistan. A Handbook.
ACIAR Monograph No.50. Canberra, Australia.
- Rumbaugh, M.O., K.H. Asay and O.A. Johnson. 1984. Influence
of drought stress on genetic variance of alfalfa and wheat
grass seedling. Crop Sci. 24: 297–303.
- Salam, A. 1993. Physiological / genetical studies on the aspects
of salt tolerance in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Ph.D.
Thesis, University Wales, UK.
- Saranga, Y., M. Menz, C.X. Jiang, R.J. Wright, D. Yakir and
A.H. Paterson. 2001. Genomic dissection of genotype ×
environment interactions conferring adaptation of cotton to
arid conditions. Genome Research 11: 1988–1995.
- Shrivastava, P. and R. Kumar. 2015. Soil salinity: A serious
environmental issue and plant growth promoting bacteria as
one of the tools for its alleviation. Saudi. J. Boil. Sci. 22:
- Steel, R.G.D., J.H. Torrie and D.A. Dickey, 1997. Principles and
Procedures of Statistics, A Biometrical Approach, pp: 204–
251. McGraw Hill Book Co. NewYork, USA.
- Storey, R. and R.G.W. Jones. 1978. Salt stress and comparative
physiology in the Gramineae. I. Ion relations of two salt and
water stressed barley cultivars, California, Marriout and
Arimar. Aust. J. Plant Physiol. 5: 801-806.
- Tripathi, I.D. and M. Singh. 1983. Triple test cross analysis in
three barley populations under saline alkali soil conditions. J.
Agr. Sci. 101: 317–321.
- Wang, W., B. Vinocur and A. Altman. 2003. Plant responses to
drought, salinity and extreme temperatures: towards genetic
engineering for stress tolerance. Planta, 218: 1-14.
- Williams, W.D. 1999. Wetlands, salinity and the River Murray:
three elements of a changing environmental scenario. Rivers
for the Future 10: 30-33.
Year 2017,
, 89 - 95, 15.06.2017
Amir Shakeel
Muhammad Naeem
İmtiaz Ali
Sami Ul Allah
İrfan Afzal
Asif Saeed
Muhammad Iqbal
An experiment was conducted to elucidate the genetic governance of within boll yield components and
physiological trait of cotton under control and salinity stress. Ionic concentration varied in all of the genotypes
at both salinity levels, ie., higher Na+ concentration was observed in stress condition. Male, female interaction
was significant in lint mass per unit seed surface area, chlorophyll content, K+
ratio, concluding that
within boll yield components and ionic concentration in cell are controlled by non-additive type of gene action.
High broad sense heritability and mild narrow sense heritability estimates revealed that within boll yield
components and physiological traits are probably controlled by additive and non-additive gene action with
pronounced effect of non-additive gene action under control and salt stress condition. Genotypic and
phenotypic coefficient of variability was vigorous in stress condition due to the interaction of salinity tolerant
genes of tolerant genotypes. Genetic governance is influenced due to specific environmental factors therefore
care should be taken in the entitlement of genetic governance of particular traits.
- Abbas, G. 2011a. The genetic basis of salt tolerance in
Gossypium hirsutum L. Ph.D. Thesis, Dept. Plant Breed.
Genet. Univ. Agri., Faisalabad, Pakistan.
- Abbas, G., T.M. Khan, A.A. Khan and A.I. Khan. 2011b.
Discrimination of salt tolerant and susceptible cotton
genotypes at seedling stage using selection index. Int. J.
Agric. Biol. 13: 339-345.
- Akhtar, J., J. Gorham, R.H. Qureshi and M. Aslam. 1998. Dose
tolerance of wheat to salinity and hypoxia come late with
root dehydrogenize activities or parenchyma formation.
Plant soil. 201: 275-284.
- Akhtar, J., Z. Saqib, M. Sarfraz, I. Saleem and M. Haq. 2010.
Evaluating salt tolerant cotton genotypes at different levels
of NaCl stress in solution and soil culture. Pak. J. Bot. 42:
- Ali M.A. and I.A. Shahid. 2009. Inheritance Pattern of Seed and
Lint Traits in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum). Int. J. Agric.
Bio. 11:44-48
- Ali, Z., A. Salam, F.M. Azhar and I.A. Khan. 2007. Genotypic
variation in salinity tolerance among spring and winter wheat
(Triticum aestivum L.) accessions. South African J. Bot. 73:
- Allah S U, M. Iqbal and M. Naeem. 2015. Genetic dissection of
within boll yield components in Cotton. Plant Genetic
resources. Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization and
Utilization; 1–8. doi:10.1017/S1479262115000489
- Aragues, R., V. Urdanoz, M. Cetin, C. Kirda, H. Daghari, W.
ltifi, M. Lahlou and A. Douaik. 2011. Soil salinity related to
physical soil characteristics and irrigation management in
four Mediterranean irrigation districts. Agric. Water
Manage. 98, 959-966. doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2011.01.004
- Arzani A. 2008. Improving Salinity Tolerance in Crop Plants: A
Biotechnological View. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental
Biology. Plant. 44:373-383
- Ashraf, M. 2002. Salt tolerance of cotton: some new advances.
Crit. Rev. Plant Sci. 21:1-30.
- Ashraf, M. and N.A. Akram. 2009. Improving salinity tolerance
of plants through conventional breeding and genetic
engineering: an analytical comparison. Biotech. Adv. 27:
- Ashraf, M. and S. Ahmad. 2000a. Influence of sodium chloride
on ion accumulation, yield components and fibre
characteristics in salt-tolerant and salt-sensitive lines of
cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Field Crops Res. 66: 115-
- Ashraf, M. and S. Ahmad. 2000b. Genetic effects for yield
components and fibre characteristics in upland cotton
(Gossypium hirsutum L.) cultivated under salinized (NaCl)
conditions. Agronomie 20:917-926.
- Aslam, M., S.M. Basra, M.A. Maqbool, H. Bilal, Q.U. Zaman
and S. Bano. 2013. Physio-chemical Distinctiveness and
Metroglyph Analysis of Cotton Genotypes at Early Growth
Stage under Saline Hydroponics. Int. J. Agric. Biol. 15:
- Azhar, F.M., A.A. Khan and N. Saleem. 2007. Genetic
mechanisms controlling salt tolerance In Gossypium
hirsutum L. seedlings. Pakistan J. Bot., 39: 115-121.
- Bhatti, M. and F. Azhar. 2002. Salt tolerance of nine Gossypium
hirsutum L. varieties to NaCl salinity at early stage of plant
development. Int. J. Agric. Biol. 4: 544-546.
- Blum, A. 1988. Plant breeding for stress environments. (CRC
Press: Boca Raton, FL)
Burton, G.W. 1951. Quantitative inheritance in pearl millet
(Pennisetum glaucum). Agronomy Journal, 43: 409-417.
- Comstock, R.E. and H.F. Robinson. 1952. Estimation of average
dominance of genes in Heterosis. Iowa State College Press,
Ames, IA: 494-516.
- Comstock, R.E. and H.F. Robinson. 1948. The components of
genetic variance in populations of biparental progenies and
their use in estimating the average degree of dominance.
Biometrics, 4: 254-266.
- Comstock, R.E. and R.H. Moll. 1963. Genotype-Environment
interactions. P161-196. In W. D. Hanson and H.F. Robinson
(eds), Statistical Genetics and Plant Breeding. Publ. 982.
- Natl. Acad. Sci.-Natl. Res. Counc., Washington DC
Coyle, G.G. and C.W. Smith. 1997. Combining ability for
within-boll yield components in cotton, Gossypium hirsutum
L. Crop Sci. 37: 1118-1122.
- Dhivya, R., P. Amalabalu, R. Pushpa and D. Kavithamani. 2014.
Variability, heritability and genetic advance in upland cotton
(Gossypium hirsutum L.). African J. Plant Sci. 8: 1-5.
- FAO. 2015. FAO Soil management of some problem soil and
salt affected soil. Available online at:
- Flowers, T.J. and A.R. Yeo. 1995. Breeding for salinity
resistance in crop plants; where next. Austra. J. Plant
Physiol. 22: 875-884.
- Gopikannan M. and S.K. Ganesh 2013. Investigation on
combining ability and heterosis for sodicity tolerance in rice
(Oryza sativa L.). African Journal Agric. Research. 8:4326-
- Govt. of Pakistan. 2014-15. Govt. of Pakistan, Ministry of
Finance, Economic Advisor’s Wing, Islamabad.
- Gregorio, G.B. and D. Senadhira. 1993. Genetic analysis of
salinity tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Theor. Appl. Gen.
86: 333-338.
- Hameed, M., M. Asraf, N. Naz and A.F. Al-qurainy. 2010.
Anatomical adaptation of Cynodon dactylon L. Pers, from
the Salt Range Pakistan, to salinity stress. 1. Root and stem
anatomy. Pak. J. Bot., 42: 279-289.
- Hoffman, A.A. and P.A. Parsons. 1991. Evolutionary Genetics
and Environmental Stress. Oxford Uni. Press, New York,
- Hoffmann, A.A. and J. Merila. 1999. Heritable variation and
evolution under favorable and unfavourable conditions.
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 14: 96–101.
- Imran M., A. Shakeel, F.M. Azhar, J. Farooq, M.F. Saleem, A.
Saeed, W. Nazeer, M. Riaz, M. Naeem, and A. Javaid.
Combining ability analysis for within-boll yield components
in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). 2012. Genetics
and Mol. Research.11:2790-2800
- James, R.A., C. Blake, C.S. Byrt and R. Munns. 2011. Major
genes for Na+ exclusion, Nax1 and Nax2 (wheat HKT1;4
and HKT1;5), decrease Na+ accumulation in bread wheat
leaves under saline and waterlogged conditions. J. Exper.
Botany. 62(8):2939-47
- Kent, L.A. and A. Lauchli. 1985. Germination and seedling
growth of cotton: salinity calcium interactions. Plant Cell
Environt., 8: 115-159.
- Khan, A.A., T. McNeilly, F.M. Azhar. 2001. Stress tolerance in
crop plants. (Review). Int. J. Agri. Biol., 3: 250-55.
- Khan, A.N., R.H. Qureshi and N. Ahmad. 1998. Performance of
cotton cultivars as affected by type of salinity. Ion
composition. Sarhad J. Agri. Res., 14: 73-78.
- Leidi, E.O., J.F. Saiz. 1997. Is salinity tolerance related to Na+
accumulation upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
Seedling. Plant Soil. 190: 67-75.
- Mahmood, A.M., T.M. El-Ameen, A.A. Mohamed and M.A.
Ali. 2004. Inheritance of some agro-economic traits in
interspecific cotton cross using six parameters model under
two locations. J. Agric. Sci., 3: 95–106
- Melchinger, A.E., H.F. Utz, H.P. Piepho, Z.B. Zeng and C.C.
Schön. 2007. The role of epistasis in the manifestation of
heterosis: a systems-oriented approach. Genetics 177: 1815–
- Munns, R. and M. Tester. 2008. Mechanisms of Salinity
Tolerance. Ann. Rev. Plant Biol.,59: 651-681.
- Murtaza, N., A.A. Khan and K.T. Ashrat. 1995. Assessment of
gene action in some quantitative characters of upland cotton.
J. Anim. Plt. Sci., 5: 33–5.
- Nabi, G., F.M. Azhar and A.A. Khan. 2010. Genetic
Mechanisms Controlling Variation for Salinity Tolerance in
Upland Cotton at Plant Maturity. Int. J. Agric. Bio., 12:521–
- Neelima, S., V. Reddy and A. Reddy. 2004. Combining ability
studies for yield and yield components in American cotton
(Gossypium hirsutum L.). Ann. Agri. Bio. Res. 9:1-6.
- Noor, E., F.M. Azhar and A.A. Khan. 2001. Differences in
responses of Gossypium hirsutum L. Varieties to NaCl
salinity level at seedling satage. Int. J. Agric. Biol., 3: 345–
- Perkins, H.D., D.E. Ethridge and C.K. Bragg. 1984. Fiber. p.
438-465. In R. J. Kohel and C. F. Lewis (ed). Cotton.
Agronomy Monograph No. 24. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA.
Madison, WI.
- Qadir, M. and M. Shams. 1997. Some agronomic and
physiological aspects of salt tolerance in cotton (Gossypium
hirsutum L.). J. Agron. Crop Sci. 179: 101-106.
- Qureshi, R.H. and E.G. Barrett-Lennard. 1998. Saline
Agriculture for Irrigated Land in Pakistan. A Handbook.
ACIAR Monograph No.50. Canberra, Australia.
- Rumbaugh, M.O., K.H. Asay and O.A. Johnson. 1984. Influence
of drought stress on genetic variance of alfalfa and wheat
grass seedling. Crop Sci. 24: 297–303.
- Salam, A. 1993. Physiological / genetical studies on the aspects
of salt tolerance in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Ph.D.
Thesis, University Wales, UK.
- Saranga, Y., M. Menz, C.X. Jiang, R.J. Wright, D. Yakir and
A.H. Paterson. 2001. Genomic dissection of genotype ×
environment interactions conferring adaptation of cotton to
arid conditions. Genome Research 11: 1988–1995.
- Shrivastava, P. and R. Kumar. 2015. Soil salinity: A serious
environmental issue and plant growth promoting bacteria as
one of the tools for its alleviation. Saudi. J. Boil. Sci. 22:
- Steel, R.G.D., J.H. Torrie and D.A. Dickey, 1997. Principles and
Procedures of Statistics, A Biometrical Approach, pp: 204–
251. McGraw Hill Book Co. NewYork, USA.
- Storey, R. and R.G.W. Jones. 1978. Salt stress and comparative
physiology in the Gramineae. I. Ion relations of two salt and
water stressed barley cultivars, California, Marriout and
Arimar. Aust. J. Plant Physiol. 5: 801-806.
- Tripathi, I.D. and M. Singh. 1983. Triple test cross analysis in
three barley populations under saline alkali soil conditions. J.
Agr. Sci. 101: 317–321.
- Wang, W., B. Vinocur and A. Altman. 2003. Plant responses to
drought, salinity and extreme temperatures: towards genetic
engineering for stress tolerance. Planta, 218: 1-14.
- Williams, W.D. 1999. Wetlands, salinity and the River Murray:
three elements of a changing environmental scenario. Rivers
for the Future 10: 30-33.