Research Article
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Year 2017, , 96 - 103, 15.06.2017



  • Acikgoz, N., E. Ilker, A. Gokcol, 2004. Evaluation of biological research on the computer. E.U. TOTEM No:2 (in Turkish).
  • Abdelmajeed, N.A., E.N. Danial, H.S. Ayad, 2013. The effect of environmental stress on qualitative and quantitative essential oil of aromatic and medicinal plants. Archives Des Sciences 66(4): 100-120.
  • Anonim, 2011-2012-2013, Turkish State Meteorological Service in İzmir. Observation Records.
  • Arabaci O. 1995. Izmir oregano (Origanum onites L.)'s growing technical and quality specifications. Ph.D. Thesis. Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences. Ege University. 125 p (in Turkish).
  • Atallah, S.S., I. Saliby, R. Baalbaki, and S.N. Talhouk, 2010. Effects of different irrigation. drying and production scenarios on the productivity postharvest quality and economic feasibility of Origanum syriacum a species typically over-collected from the wild in Lebanon. J Sci Food Agric, 91:337–343
  • Azizi. A., F. Yang, B. Honermeier, 2009. Herbage yield. essential oil content and composition of three oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) populations as affected by soil moisture regimes and nitrogen supply. Industrial Crops and Products. 29:554– 561.
  • Baher, Z. F., M. Mirza, M. Ghorbanli, M. R. Rezaii, 2002. The influence of water stress on plant height herbal and essential oil yield and composition in Satureja hortensis L. Flavour Fragr. J. 17: 275–277.
  • Bahreininejad, B., J. Razmjoo, M. Mirza, 2013. Influence of water stress on morpho-physiological and phytochemical traits in Thymus daenensis. International Journal of Plant Production. ISSN: 1735-6814 (Print). 1735-8043 (Online) 7(1): 151-166.
  • Benzie, I. F. F. and J. J. Strain, 1999. Ferric reducing antioxidant power assay: direct measure of total antioxidant activity of biological fluids and modified version of simultaneous measurement of total antioxidant power and ascorbic acid concentration. In Methods in Enzymology. 299:15-17.
  • Bernotiene, G., R. Butkiene, D. Mockute, 2007. Essential oil composition variability in sage (Salvia officinalis L.). CHEMIJA 18(4):38-43.
  • Bettaieb, I., N. Zakhama, W.A. Wannes, M. E. Kchouk, B. Marzouk, 2009. Water deficit effects on Salvia officinalis fatty acids and essential oils composition. Scientia Horticulturae 120(2): 271-275
  • Bettaieb, I., I. Hamrouni-Sellami , S. Bourgou, F. Limam, B. Marzouk, 2011. Drought effects on polyphenol composition and antioxidant activities in aerial parts of Salvia officinalis L. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum - Acta Physiol Plant. 33(4):1103-1111
  • Ceylan, A., E. Bayram, N. Ozay. H. Otan, A.O. Sarı, M. Polat, 1994. Research on some agronomic and quality characteristics in Salvia officinalis L. (Medicinal Sage) Grown in Different Locations. Congress of Field Crops. Agronomy Reports 1.
  • Ceylan, A., M.Y. Yurtsever, Ozonsoy, 1979. research on the effect of nitrogen fertilization on agronomical and technological properties of Salvia officinalis L. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University. 16(3):83-96
  • Corell , M., M.C. Garcia, J.I. Contreras, M.L. Segura, P. Cermeno, 2012. Effect of water stress on salvia officinalis l. bioproductivity and its bioelement concentrations Communications. Soil Science and Plant Analysis 43:419–42
  • Ekren, S., C. Sonmez, E. Ozcakal, Y.S. Kukul Kurttas, E. Bayram, H. Gurgulu, 2012. The effect of different irrigation water levels on yield and quality characteristics of purple basil (Ocimum basilicum L.). Agricultural Water Management. 109:155-161
  • Ekren, S., C. Sonmez, Y.S. Kukul Kurttas, E. Ozcakal, E. Bayram, 2011. Effect of ırrigation on Yield and Quality Characteristics of Medicinal Sage (Salvia officinalis L.) and Anatolian Sage (Salvia fruticosa Mill.) Scientific Research Project Final Report, University of Ege. Project number: 2009-ZRF-026. Bornova/Izmir. pp:36 (in Turkish).
  • Farahani, H.A., S.A. Valadabadi, J. Daneshian, A.F. Shiranirad, M. A Khalvati,. 2009. Medicinal and aromatic plants farming under drought conditions. Journal of Horticulture and Forestry 1(6):086-092.
  • Fathi, T., A. Golchin, F. Safikhani, 2012. Effect of drought stress and vermicompost on clary sage. Annals of Biological Research 3(7):3346-3349.
  • Ipek , A. 2007. Effects of nitrogen fertilization on herbal supplements and certain properties in medical sage (S. officinalis L.) lines. Ph.D. Thesis. Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences. Ankara University. 100 p (in Turkish).
  • Khalil, Y.M., M.A.M. Kandil, H.M.F. Swaefy, 2008. Effect of three different compost levels on fennel and salvia growth character and their essential oils. Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences. 4(1):34-39.
  • Khazaie, H.R., F. Nadjafi, M. Bannayan, 2008. Effect of irrigation frequency and planting density on herbage biomass and oil production of thyme (Thymus vulgaris) and hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis). Industrial Crops and Products, 27:315–321pp.
  • Koc , H. 2000. Effects of nitrogen fertilization on herbal supplements and certain properties in medical sage (S. officinalis L.) lines, Journal of Agriculture Faculty Gaziosmanpasa University. 17(1): 89-93.
  • Lier, H. N. 1999. CIGR Handbook of Agricultural Engineering. Land and Water Engineering 1:1-558
  • Manukyan, A. 2011. Effect of growing factors on productivity and qualilty of lemon catmint. lemon balm and sage under soilless grenhouse production:I drought stress. Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Science and Biotechonology. 5(2):119-125.
  • Munne-Bosch, S., T. Jubany-Mari, R. Alegre, 2001. Droughtinduced senescence is characterized by a loss of antioxidant defenses in chloroplasts. Plant. Cell and Environment. 24:1319-1327.
  • Nakatani, N., 2003. Biologically functional constituents of species and herbs. J. Japanase Soc. Nutr. Food Sci. 56 (6),389- 395.
  • Oktay Koc, P. 2006. Effect of Nitrogen and Sulphur Sage (S. officinalis L.) on plant yield and certain quality parameters, Master Thesis. Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences. Ankara University. 48 p (in Turkish).
  • Ozturk , A., A. Unlukara, A. Ipek, B. Gurbuz, 2004. Effects of Salt Stress And Water Defıcit On Plant Growth And Essential Oil Content Of Lemon Balm (Melissa offıcinalis L.) Pak. J. Bot. 36(4):787-792.
  • Pellegrini, E., A. Francini, G. Lorenzini, C. Nali, 2015. Ecophysiological and antioxidant traits of Salvia officinalis under ozone stress. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 22:13083– 13093.
  • Porte, A., R.L.O. Godoy, L.H. Maia-Prtoe, 2013. Chemical composition of sage (Salvia officinalis L.) essential oil from the Rio de Janeiro State (Brazil). Rev. Bras. Pl. Med., Campinas 15(3):438-441.
  • Putievsky, E., U. Ravid, N. Dudai, 1986. The Influence of season and harvest frequency on essential oil and herbal yields from a pure clone of sage (Salvia officinalis) grown under cultivated conditions. Journal of Natural Proaducts. 49(2): 326-329.
  • Said-Al Ahl, H., M.S. Hussein, A.S.H. Gendy, K.G. Tkachenko, 2015. Quality of sage (Salvia officinalis L.) essential oil grown in Egypt. Internat. J. Plant Sci. Ecol. 1(4):119–123.
  • Steel, R.G.D. and J.H. Torrie, 1980. Principles and procedures of statistics. McGaw-Hill book Company. Inc. N.Y.
  • Sonmez, C., E. Bayram, 2009. Determination of some agronomic and technological properties in different originated of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis). Turkish VIII. Congress of Field Crops. Agronomy Reports 1. 19-22 October, Hatay, p:50-54 (in Turkish).
  • Tosun, A., S. Khan, Y.S. Kim, A. Calin-Sanchez, X. Hysenaj, A.A. Carbonell-Barrachina, 2014. Essential oil composition and anti-inflammatory activity of Salvia officinalis L. (Lamiaceae) in murin macrophages. Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 13(6):937-942.
  • Wichtl, M. 1971. Die Pharmakognostichemische Analys, Band 2., Frankfurt/M.
  • Zervoudakis, G., G. Salahas, G. Kaspiris, E. Konstantopoulou , 2012. Influence of light intensity on growth and physiological characteristics of common sage (Salvia officinalis L.). Braz. arch. biol. technol. 55 (1): 89-95


Year 2017, , 96 - 103, 15.06.2017


The effect of different water and nitrogen applications on some yield parameters and antioxidant activity on
sage (Salvia officinalis L. var. Extrakta) was investigated. A field trial was arranged in the split plot design with
four replications under the Bornova ecological conditions in 2012 and 2013. The following water regimes were
used as main plots: S1 (irrigated when it’s needed), S2 (20 days dry before harvesting) and S3 (40 days dry
before harvesting) and nitrogen applications were used as sub-plots such as 0 kg ha-1 and 60 kg ha
. The
following plant characteristics such as plant height (cm), fresh herbage yield (kg ha
), drug herbage yield (kg
), drug leaf yield (kg ha
), essential oil ratio (%), essential oil yield, essential oil content (%), antioxidant
capacity (μmol FRAPgDM) were recorded. The highest essential oil ratio was obtained from the S3 water dose
such as 2.07%. The main component in the essential oils recovered by both experiments were α+β thujone
showing a large variation. Considering the N fertilization combined with the S2 irrigation had positive effect on
the characteristics measured. It could be concluded that the antioxidant activity tended to increase as the soil
moisture decreased.


  • Acikgoz, N., E. Ilker, A. Gokcol, 2004. Evaluation of biological research on the computer. E.U. TOTEM No:2 (in Turkish).
  • Abdelmajeed, N.A., E.N. Danial, H.S. Ayad, 2013. The effect of environmental stress on qualitative and quantitative essential oil of aromatic and medicinal plants. Archives Des Sciences 66(4): 100-120.
  • Anonim, 2011-2012-2013, Turkish State Meteorological Service in İzmir. Observation Records.
  • Arabaci O. 1995. Izmir oregano (Origanum onites L.)'s growing technical and quality specifications. Ph.D. Thesis. Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences. Ege University. 125 p (in Turkish).
  • Atallah, S.S., I. Saliby, R. Baalbaki, and S.N. Talhouk, 2010. Effects of different irrigation. drying and production scenarios on the productivity postharvest quality and economic feasibility of Origanum syriacum a species typically over-collected from the wild in Lebanon. J Sci Food Agric, 91:337–343
  • Azizi. A., F. Yang, B. Honermeier, 2009. Herbage yield. essential oil content and composition of three oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) populations as affected by soil moisture regimes and nitrogen supply. Industrial Crops and Products. 29:554– 561.
  • Baher, Z. F., M. Mirza, M. Ghorbanli, M. R. Rezaii, 2002. The influence of water stress on plant height herbal and essential oil yield and composition in Satureja hortensis L. Flavour Fragr. J. 17: 275–277.
  • Bahreininejad, B., J. Razmjoo, M. Mirza, 2013. Influence of water stress on morpho-physiological and phytochemical traits in Thymus daenensis. International Journal of Plant Production. ISSN: 1735-6814 (Print). 1735-8043 (Online) 7(1): 151-166.
  • Benzie, I. F. F. and J. J. Strain, 1999. Ferric reducing antioxidant power assay: direct measure of total antioxidant activity of biological fluids and modified version of simultaneous measurement of total antioxidant power and ascorbic acid concentration. In Methods in Enzymology. 299:15-17.
  • Bernotiene, G., R. Butkiene, D. Mockute, 2007. Essential oil composition variability in sage (Salvia officinalis L.). CHEMIJA 18(4):38-43.
  • Bettaieb, I., N. Zakhama, W.A. Wannes, M. E. Kchouk, B. Marzouk, 2009. Water deficit effects on Salvia officinalis fatty acids and essential oils composition. Scientia Horticulturae 120(2): 271-275
  • Bettaieb, I., I. Hamrouni-Sellami , S. Bourgou, F. Limam, B. Marzouk, 2011. Drought effects on polyphenol composition and antioxidant activities in aerial parts of Salvia officinalis L. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum - Acta Physiol Plant. 33(4):1103-1111
  • Ceylan, A., E. Bayram, N. Ozay. H. Otan, A.O. Sarı, M. Polat, 1994. Research on some agronomic and quality characteristics in Salvia officinalis L. (Medicinal Sage) Grown in Different Locations. Congress of Field Crops. Agronomy Reports 1.
  • Ceylan, A., M.Y. Yurtsever, Ozonsoy, 1979. research on the effect of nitrogen fertilization on agronomical and technological properties of Salvia officinalis L. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University. 16(3):83-96
  • Corell , M., M.C. Garcia, J.I. Contreras, M.L. Segura, P. Cermeno, 2012. Effect of water stress on salvia officinalis l. bioproductivity and its bioelement concentrations Communications. Soil Science and Plant Analysis 43:419–42
  • Ekren, S., C. Sonmez, E. Ozcakal, Y.S. Kukul Kurttas, E. Bayram, H. Gurgulu, 2012. The effect of different irrigation water levels on yield and quality characteristics of purple basil (Ocimum basilicum L.). Agricultural Water Management. 109:155-161
  • Ekren, S., C. Sonmez, Y.S. Kukul Kurttas, E. Ozcakal, E. Bayram, 2011. Effect of ırrigation on Yield and Quality Characteristics of Medicinal Sage (Salvia officinalis L.) and Anatolian Sage (Salvia fruticosa Mill.) Scientific Research Project Final Report, University of Ege. Project number: 2009-ZRF-026. Bornova/Izmir. pp:36 (in Turkish).
  • Farahani, H.A., S.A. Valadabadi, J. Daneshian, A.F. Shiranirad, M. A Khalvati,. 2009. Medicinal and aromatic plants farming under drought conditions. Journal of Horticulture and Forestry 1(6):086-092.
  • Fathi, T., A. Golchin, F. Safikhani, 2012. Effect of drought stress and vermicompost on clary sage. Annals of Biological Research 3(7):3346-3349.
  • Ipek , A. 2007. Effects of nitrogen fertilization on herbal supplements and certain properties in medical sage (S. officinalis L.) lines. Ph.D. Thesis. Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences. Ankara University. 100 p (in Turkish).
  • Khalil, Y.M., M.A.M. Kandil, H.M.F. Swaefy, 2008. Effect of three different compost levels on fennel and salvia growth character and their essential oils. Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences. 4(1):34-39.
  • Khazaie, H.R., F. Nadjafi, M. Bannayan, 2008. Effect of irrigation frequency and planting density on herbage biomass and oil production of thyme (Thymus vulgaris) and hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis). Industrial Crops and Products, 27:315–321pp.
  • Koc , H. 2000. Effects of nitrogen fertilization on herbal supplements and certain properties in medical sage (S. officinalis L.) lines, Journal of Agriculture Faculty Gaziosmanpasa University. 17(1): 89-93.
  • Lier, H. N. 1999. CIGR Handbook of Agricultural Engineering. Land and Water Engineering 1:1-558
  • Manukyan, A. 2011. Effect of growing factors on productivity and qualilty of lemon catmint. lemon balm and sage under soilless grenhouse production:I drought stress. Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Science and Biotechonology. 5(2):119-125.
  • Munne-Bosch, S., T. Jubany-Mari, R. Alegre, 2001. Droughtinduced senescence is characterized by a loss of antioxidant defenses in chloroplasts. Plant. Cell and Environment. 24:1319-1327.
  • Nakatani, N., 2003. Biologically functional constituents of species and herbs. J. Japanase Soc. Nutr. Food Sci. 56 (6),389- 395.
  • Oktay Koc, P. 2006. Effect of Nitrogen and Sulphur Sage (S. officinalis L.) on plant yield and certain quality parameters, Master Thesis. Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences. Ankara University. 48 p (in Turkish).
  • Ozturk , A., A. Unlukara, A. Ipek, B. Gurbuz, 2004. Effects of Salt Stress And Water Defıcit On Plant Growth And Essential Oil Content Of Lemon Balm (Melissa offıcinalis L.) Pak. J. Bot. 36(4):787-792.
  • Pellegrini, E., A. Francini, G. Lorenzini, C. Nali, 2015. Ecophysiological and antioxidant traits of Salvia officinalis under ozone stress. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 22:13083– 13093.
  • Porte, A., R.L.O. Godoy, L.H. Maia-Prtoe, 2013. Chemical composition of sage (Salvia officinalis L.) essential oil from the Rio de Janeiro State (Brazil). Rev. Bras. Pl. Med., Campinas 15(3):438-441.
  • Putievsky, E., U. Ravid, N. Dudai, 1986. The Influence of season and harvest frequency on essential oil and herbal yields from a pure clone of sage (Salvia officinalis) grown under cultivated conditions. Journal of Natural Proaducts. 49(2): 326-329.
  • Said-Al Ahl, H., M.S. Hussein, A.S.H. Gendy, K.G. Tkachenko, 2015. Quality of sage (Salvia officinalis L.) essential oil grown in Egypt. Internat. J. Plant Sci. Ecol. 1(4):119–123.
  • Steel, R.G.D. and J.H. Torrie, 1980. Principles and procedures of statistics. McGaw-Hill book Company. Inc. N.Y.
  • Sonmez, C., E. Bayram, 2009. Determination of some agronomic and technological properties in different originated of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis). Turkish VIII. Congress of Field Crops. Agronomy Reports 1. 19-22 October, Hatay, p:50-54 (in Turkish).
  • Tosun, A., S. Khan, Y.S. Kim, A. Calin-Sanchez, X. Hysenaj, A.A. Carbonell-Barrachina, 2014. Essential oil composition and anti-inflammatory activity of Salvia officinalis L. (Lamiaceae) in murin macrophages. Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 13(6):937-942.
  • Wichtl, M. 1971. Die Pharmakognostichemische Analys, Band 2., Frankfurt/M.
  • Zervoudakis, G., G. Salahas, G. Kaspiris, E. Konstantopoulou , 2012. Influence of light intensity on growth and physiological characteristics of common sage (Salvia officinalis L.). Braz. arch. biol. technol. 55 (1): 89-95
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Cigdem Sonmez

Emine Bayram

Publication Date June 15, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017



Cited By

Türkiye’de Adaçayı Yetiştiriciliği ve Ticari Önemi
Uluslararası Doğu Anadolu Fen Mühendislik ve Tasarım Dergisi

Turkish Journal of Field Crops is published by the Society of Field Crops Science and issued twice a year.
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Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture,Department of Field Crops
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