Research Article
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Year 2019, , 178 - 184, 15.12.2019


In an attempt to investigate the turf alternatives most adaptable to sports fields under Mediterranean ecology,
three different turf alternatives (1- Tall Fescue 100%, 2- Tall Fescue 60% + Perennial Rye Grass 40% and 3-
Traditional Cool Season Sports Turf Mixture: Perennial Rye Grass 50%, Creeping Red Fescue 20%,
Chewing's Red Fescue 10%, Sheep Fescue 10%, Kentucky Blue Grass 10%) under three vertical cutting
height regimes (12 - 22 - 32 mm) were tested in the turf experimental fields of Ege University Bayindir
Vocational School, Izmir/Turkey in 2012-2014. Turf color and cover were determined to evaluate the
adaptability of selected turf alternatives in the experiment. Ball rebound, ball roll, and evenness were also
measured to identify the playing quality parameters of these turf stands in the same experimental plots. The
overall results obtained from the experiment revealed that statistically significant differences occurred among
the turf alternatives and different cutting heights. However, pure tall fescue turf and the 60% tall fescue +
40% perennial rye grass turf mixture performed better than the traditional mixture. Although significant
differences were recorded among the mowing heights, pure tall fescue turf displayed better performance
compared to traditional cool season sports turf mixture. 

Supporting Institution


Project Number



Research study (112O130) founded by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK).


  • Acikgoz, N., E. Ilker and A. Gokcol, 2004. Assessment of Biological Research on the Computer. EU, TOTEM, Izmir.
  • Avcioglu, R. 1997. Turf Technique (Turf Establishment & Management). Izmir. Ege University Press (In Turkish).
  • Avcioglu, R., B. Kir, A. Salman, S.S. Ozkan and T. Erasik, 2013. Turf quality and soccer playing characteristics of some turf alternatives mowed at different heights. In: Proceedings of the 24th International Scientific-Expert-Conference of Agriculture and Food Industry, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 25-28 September 2013. Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences, University of Sarajevo, 2013. p. 352-356.
  • Baker, S.W. and M.J. Bell. 1986. The playing characteristics of natural turf and synthetic turf surfaces for association football. Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. 62:9-35
  • Baker, S.W. and P.M. Canaway. 1993. Concepts of playing quality: criteria and measurement. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 20(7): 172-181.
  • Beard, J.B., 1973. Turfgrass Science and Culture, Englewood Cliffs, N, J. Printice Hall, London.
  • Bell, M.J., S.W. Baker and P.M. Canaway. 1985. Playing Quality of Sports Surfaces: A Review. Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute, 61: 26-45.
  • Beyrouty, C.A., C.P. West and E.E. Gbur. 1991. Root Development of Bermudagrass and Tall Fescue as Affected by Cuting Interval and Growth Regulators. Plant and Soil. 127(1): 23-30.
  • Bilgili, U. and E. Acikgoz. 2005. Year-Round Nitrogen Fertilization Effects on Growth and Quality of Sports Turf Mixtures. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 28(2): 299-307.
  • Bilgili, U. and E. Acikgoz. 2011. Effects of slow-release fertilizers on turf quality in a turf mixture, Turkish Journal of Field Crops 16(2): 130-136.
  • Demiroglu, G., H. Geren, B. Kir and R. Avcioglu. 2010. Performances of some cool season turfgrass cultivars in Mediterranean environment: II. Festuca arundinaceae Schreb., Festuca ovina L., Festuca rubra spp. rubra L., Festuca rubra spp. trichophylla Gaud and Festuca rubra spp. commutata Gaud., Turkish Journal of Field Crops 15(2): 180-187.
  • FIFA. 2005. The FIFA quality concept for football turf. FIFA Marketing XTVAG, Grafenciuweg 2, P.O. Box 4250, Switzerland.
  • FIFA. 2009a. The FIFA quality concept for football turf, handbook of requirements May edition. FIFA Marketing XTVAG, Grafenciuweg 2, P.O. Box 4250, Switzerland, pp:24.
  • FIFA. 2009b. The FIFA quality concept for football turf, handbook of test methods May 2009 edition. FIFA Marketing XTVAG, Grafenciuweg 2, P.O. Box 4250, Switzerland, pp: 42.
  • Grossi, N., M. Volterrani, S. Magni and S. Miele. 2004. Tall fescue turf quality and soccer playing characteristics as affected by moving height. Acta Hortic: 661: 319-322 DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2004.661.41.
  • Gul, A. and R. Avcioglu. 1997. Investigations on the Suitability of Some Turfgrass Alternatives for the Coastal Parts of Ege Region and Their Performance in Various Sods, Ph. D. Thesis, Ege University, Institude of Science and Technology, Bornova-Izmir.
  • Harivandi, M.A., V.A. Gibeault, M.J. Henry, L. Wu, P.M. Geisel and C.L. Unruh. 2008. Turfgrass selection for the home landscape. UCANR Publications.
  • Hessayon, D.G. 1982. The Lawn Expert. Britannica House, Waltham Cross, Herts England.
  • Huang, B. and H. Gao. 2000. Root Physiological Characteristics Associated with Drought Resistance in Tall Fescue Cultivars. Crop Science. 40: 196-203.
  • Kir, B., R. Avcioglu, G. Demiroglu and A. Simic. 2010. Performances of some cool season turfgrass species in Mediterranean environment: I. Lolium perenne L., Festuca arundinacea Schreb., Poa pratensis L., Turkish Journal of Field Crops 15(2): 174-179
  • Kir, B., R. Avcioglu, A. Salman and S.S. Ozkan. 2014. Soccer Playing Characteristics of Some Soccer Fields Around Izmir/Turkey under Mediterranean Conditions, 25th International Scientific-Expert Conference of Agriculture and Food Industry, 25-27 September 2014, Book of Abstracts, Pp: 17, Cesme/Turkey.
  • Lulli, F., M. Volterrani, S. Magni, N. Grossi, M. Gaetani and A. Pompeiano. 2004. Evaluation of the playing characteristics of a new hybrid natural-artificial grass pitch. 1st European Turfgrass Society Conference. pp: 117-118.
  • Martin, D. 2007. Selecting a Lawn Grass for Oklahoma. Accessed on May 31, 2019 from docushare/dsweb/Get/Document-997/F-6418web.pdf
  • Martiniello, P. 2005. Variability of turf quality and phytocoenoses in areas of play in football grounds in Mediterranean environments. Agri. Med. 135: 209–220
  • Miller, G.L. 2004. Analysis of soccer field surface hardness. Acta Hortic. 661, 287-294 DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2004.661.36.
  • Morris, K.N. and R.C. Shearman. 1998. NTEP Turfgrass Evaluation Guidelines, In NTEP Turfgrass Evaluation Workshop, Beltsville, MD, 5p.
  • Orchard, J. 2002. Is there a relationship between ground and climatic conditions and injuries in football. Sports Med.; 32 (7):419-432.
  • Ozkan, S.S., B. Kir and R. Avcioglu. 2014. Effect of mowing heights on the performances of some turf alternatives in Mediterranean ecology. 24th International Scientific-Expert Conference of Agriculture and Food Industry. pp. 337-340.
  • Salisbury, F. B. and C. W. Ross. 1992. Plant Physiology, Wadsworth Pub. Com., Inc., Belmont, California-USA.
  • Salman, A., R. Avcioglu, M. Yılmaz and G. Demiroglu. 2011a. Performances of newly introduced Festuca arundinacea Schreb. cultivars versus Lolium perenne L. in a Mediterranean environment, Turkish Journal of Field Crops 16(2): 215-219
  • Salman, A., R. Avcioglu, H. Oztarhan, A.C. Cevheri and H. Okkaoglu. 2011b. Performances of Different Cool Season Turf Grasses and Some Mixtures under Mediterranean Environmental Condition. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 13: 529-534.
  • Saunders, N., D. Twomey and L. Otage. 2011. Clegg hammer measures and human external landing forces: is there a relationship? International Journal of Sports Science and Engineering 5(4): 231-236.
  • Schildrick, J. 1984. Turfgrass Manual, The Sports Turf Research Institute Publ., Bingley, England, 60 pp.
  • Steel, R.G.D., J.H. Torrie. 1980. Principles and Procedures of Statistics. A biometrical approach. 2nd edition. McGrawHill, New York, USA, pp. 20-90.
  • Uzun, P. and U. Bilgili. 2011. Effects of wastewater sludge on growth of perennial ryegrass (Lolium Perenne L.). Turkish Journal of Field Crops 16(2): 203-209.
  • Volterrani, M. and S. Magni. 2004. Species and growing media for sports turfs in Mediterranean area. Acta Hortic. 661, 359- 364 DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2004.661.48.
  • Watschke, T.L. and R.E. Schmidt. 1992. Ecological aspects of turf communities. Waddington, D.V., Carrow, R.N. And Shearman, C.R. (Eds.). Turfgrass, American Society of Agronomy, Inc. Agronomy. 32: 129-174.
Year 2019, , 178 - 184, 15.12.2019


Project Number



  • Acikgoz, N., E. Ilker and A. Gokcol, 2004. Assessment of Biological Research on the Computer. EU, TOTEM, Izmir.
  • Avcioglu, R. 1997. Turf Technique (Turf Establishment & Management). Izmir. Ege University Press (In Turkish).
  • Avcioglu, R., B. Kir, A. Salman, S.S. Ozkan and T. Erasik, 2013. Turf quality and soccer playing characteristics of some turf alternatives mowed at different heights. In: Proceedings of the 24th International Scientific-Expert-Conference of Agriculture and Food Industry, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 25-28 September 2013. Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences, University of Sarajevo, 2013. p. 352-356.
  • Baker, S.W. and M.J. Bell. 1986. The playing characteristics of natural turf and synthetic turf surfaces for association football. Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. 62:9-35
  • Baker, S.W. and P.M. Canaway. 1993. Concepts of playing quality: criteria and measurement. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 20(7): 172-181.
  • Beard, J.B., 1973. Turfgrass Science and Culture, Englewood Cliffs, N, J. Printice Hall, London.
  • Bell, M.J., S.W. Baker and P.M. Canaway. 1985. Playing Quality of Sports Surfaces: A Review. Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute, 61: 26-45.
  • Beyrouty, C.A., C.P. West and E.E. Gbur. 1991. Root Development of Bermudagrass and Tall Fescue as Affected by Cuting Interval and Growth Regulators. Plant and Soil. 127(1): 23-30.
  • Bilgili, U. and E. Acikgoz. 2005. Year-Round Nitrogen Fertilization Effects on Growth and Quality of Sports Turf Mixtures. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 28(2): 299-307.
  • Bilgili, U. and E. Acikgoz. 2011. Effects of slow-release fertilizers on turf quality in a turf mixture, Turkish Journal of Field Crops 16(2): 130-136.
  • Demiroglu, G., H. Geren, B. Kir and R. Avcioglu. 2010. Performances of some cool season turfgrass cultivars in Mediterranean environment: II. Festuca arundinaceae Schreb., Festuca ovina L., Festuca rubra spp. rubra L., Festuca rubra spp. trichophylla Gaud and Festuca rubra spp. commutata Gaud., Turkish Journal of Field Crops 15(2): 180-187.
  • FIFA. 2005. The FIFA quality concept for football turf. FIFA Marketing XTVAG, Grafenciuweg 2, P.O. Box 4250, Switzerland.
  • FIFA. 2009a. The FIFA quality concept for football turf, handbook of requirements May edition. FIFA Marketing XTVAG, Grafenciuweg 2, P.O. Box 4250, Switzerland, pp:24.
  • FIFA. 2009b. The FIFA quality concept for football turf, handbook of test methods May 2009 edition. FIFA Marketing XTVAG, Grafenciuweg 2, P.O. Box 4250, Switzerland, pp: 42.
  • Grossi, N., M. Volterrani, S. Magni and S. Miele. 2004. Tall fescue turf quality and soccer playing characteristics as affected by moving height. Acta Hortic: 661: 319-322 DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2004.661.41.
  • Gul, A. and R. Avcioglu. 1997. Investigations on the Suitability of Some Turfgrass Alternatives for the Coastal Parts of Ege Region and Their Performance in Various Sods, Ph. D. Thesis, Ege University, Institude of Science and Technology, Bornova-Izmir.
  • Harivandi, M.A., V.A. Gibeault, M.J. Henry, L. Wu, P.M. Geisel and C.L. Unruh. 2008. Turfgrass selection for the home landscape. UCANR Publications.
  • Hessayon, D.G. 1982. The Lawn Expert. Britannica House, Waltham Cross, Herts England.
  • Huang, B. and H. Gao. 2000. Root Physiological Characteristics Associated with Drought Resistance in Tall Fescue Cultivars. Crop Science. 40: 196-203.
  • Kir, B., R. Avcioglu, G. Demiroglu and A. Simic. 2010. Performances of some cool season turfgrass species in Mediterranean environment: I. Lolium perenne L., Festuca arundinacea Schreb., Poa pratensis L., Turkish Journal of Field Crops 15(2): 174-179
  • Kir, B., R. Avcioglu, A. Salman and S.S. Ozkan. 2014. Soccer Playing Characteristics of Some Soccer Fields Around Izmir/Turkey under Mediterranean Conditions, 25th International Scientific-Expert Conference of Agriculture and Food Industry, 25-27 September 2014, Book of Abstracts, Pp: 17, Cesme/Turkey.
  • Lulli, F., M. Volterrani, S. Magni, N. Grossi, M. Gaetani and A. Pompeiano. 2004. Evaluation of the playing characteristics of a new hybrid natural-artificial grass pitch. 1st European Turfgrass Society Conference. pp: 117-118.
  • Martin, D. 2007. Selecting a Lawn Grass for Oklahoma. Accessed on May 31, 2019 from docushare/dsweb/Get/Document-997/F-6418web.pdf
  • Martiniello, P. 2005. Variability of turf quality and phytocoenoses in areas of play in football grounds in Mediterranean environments. Agri. Med. 135: 209–220
  • Miller, G.L. 2004. Analysis of soccer field surface hardness. Acta Hortic. 661, 287-294 DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2004.661.36.
  • Morris, K.N. and R.C. Shearman. 1998. NTEP Turfgrass Evaluation Guidelines, In NTEP Turfgrass Evaluation Workshop, Beltsville, MD, 5p.
  • Orchard, J. 2002. Is there a relationship between ground and climatic conditions and injuries in football. Sports Med.; 32 (7):419-432.
  • Ozkan, S.S., B. Kir and R. Avcioglu. 2014. Effect of mowing heights on the performances of some turf alternatives in Mediterranean ecology. 24th International Scientific-Expert Conference of Agriculture and Food Industry. pp. 337-340.
  • Salisbury, F. B. and C. W. Ross. 1992. Plant Physiology, Wadsworth Pub. Com., Inc., Belmont, California-USA.
  • Salman, A., R. Avcioglu, M. Yılmaz and G. Demiroglu. 2011a. Performances of newly introduced Festuca arundinacea Schreb. cultivars versus Lolium perenne L. in a Mediterranean environment, Turkish Journal of Field Crops 16(2): 215-219
  • Salman, A., R. Avcioglu, H. Oztarhan, A.C. Cevheri and H. Okkaoglu. 2011b. Performances of Different Cool Season Turf Grasses and Some Mixtures under Mediterranean Environmental Condition. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 13: 529-534.
  • Saunders, N., D. Twomey and L. Otage. 2011. Clegg hammer measures and human external landing forces: is there a relationship? International Journal of Sports Science and Engineering 5(4): 231-236.
  • Schildrick, J. 1984. Turfgrass Manual, The Sports Turf Research Institute Publ., Bingley, England, 60 pp.
  • Steel, R.G.D., J.H. Torrie. 1980. Principles and Procedures of Statistics. A biometrical approach. 2nd edition. McGrawHill, New York, USA, pp. 20-90.
  • Uzun, P. and U. Bilgili. 2011. Effects of wastewater sludge on growth of perennial ryegrass (Lolium Perenne L.). Turkish Journal of Field Crops 16(2): 203-209.
  • Volterrani, M. and S. Magni. 2004. Species and growing media for sports turfs in Mediterranean area. Acta Hortic. 661, 359- 364 DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2004.661.48.
  • Watschke, T.L. and R.E. Schmidt. 1992. Ecological aspects of turf communities. Waddington, D.V., Carrow, R.N. And Shearman, C.R. (Eds.). Turfgrass, American Society of Agronomy, Inc. Agronomy. 32: 129-174.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Ali Salman

Behcet Kır

Rıza Avcıoglu

Sukru Sezgi Ozkan

Project Number 112O130
Publication Date December 15, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019



Turkish Journal of Field Crops is published by the Society of Field Crops Science and issued twice a year.
Owner : Prof. Dr. Behçet KIR
Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture,Department of Field Crops
Editor in Chief : Prof. Dr. Emre ILKER
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