Research Article
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Year 2019, , 195 - 201, 15.12.2019



  • Abdullah, M., R.A. Khan, S. Yaqoob and M. Ahmad. 2013. Mineral profile of browse species used as feed by grazing livestock in Cholistan Rangelands, Pakistan. Pak. J. Nutr. 12, 135-143.
  • Abdurahman, M., G. Sabirhazi, B. Liu, L. Yin and B. Pan. 2012. Comparison of five Calligonum species in tarım basin based on morphological and molecular data. EXCLI Journal 11:776-782.
  • Ahmad, K., M. Ashraf, Z.I. Khan and R.E. Valeem. 2008. Evaluation of macro-mineral concentrations of forages in relation to ruminants requirements: A Case Study in Soone Valley, Punjab. Pakistan. Pak. J. Bot. 40(1): 295-299.
  • Altıntas, A. 2013. Mineral materials. Disability-Overdose Diseases. Ankara University Lecture Notes on Biochemistry Department. 15-16 pp.
  • ANAC. 2018. Maximum Nutrient Values in Small Ruminant (Sheep and Goat) Feeds. Animal Nutrition Association of Canada.
  • Anonymous. 2018. Igdir Provincial Directorate of Meteorology. Igdir, Turkey.
  • Artan, G. and S. Temel. 2018. The effect of Ebu cehil (Calligonum polygonoides L.) shrub used as forage resource in Igdir-Aralık on some soil properties. Igdir International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies 1: 242-249.
  • Aygun, C., C. Kara, H. Hanoglu Oral, I. Erdogan, A.K. Atalay and A.L. Sever. 2018. Macro and micro nutrient contents in seasonal (Spring, Summer, Fall) leaf samples of some shrub plants. Journal of Bahri Dagdas Crop Research 7 (1): 51-65.
  • Brandbyge, J. 1993. Polygonaceae. In K. Kubitzki, J.C. Rohwer and V. Bittrich (eds.). The families and genera of vascular plants, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
  • Buxton, D.R. and S.L. Fales. 1994. Plant environment and quality. In: Forage Quality, Evaluation, and Utilization. (Ed: G.C. Fahey). ASA, CSSA, SSA, Wisconsin, pp: 1559199.
  • Chetri, K., D. Sanyal and L. Kar. 1999. Changes in nutrient element composition of guava leaves in relation to season, cultivar, direction of shoot and zone of leaf sampling. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 30(1-2):121-128.
  • Cook, C.W. and L.E. Harris. 1977. Nutritive value o f seasonal ranges. Utah Agr., Exp. Sta. Bul., 472 p.
  • De Baets, S., J. Poesen, G. Gyssels and A. Knapen. 2006. Effect of grass roots on the erodibility of top soils during concentratedflow. Geomorphology 76: 54-67.
  • Dokulgen, H. and S. Temel. 2015. Seasonal nutrient content changes of leaf and leaf + shoots in deciduous Christ’s thorn (Palirus spina-christi Mill.). Journal of The Institute of Science and Technology 5(3): 57-65.
  • Eren, V. 2009. The effects of additional organic trace minerals on some production traits and determination of tissue accumulation and elimination levels in pregnant ewes and their newborn lambs. Adnan Menderes University Institute of Health Sciences. Department of Animal Nutrition and Nutritional Diseases, Aydin.
  • Gehlot, R.K. 2006. Nutritive value of some edible wild plants of the arid region of Rajasthan. J. Phytol. Res. 19(1): 147-148.
  • Ghazanfar, S., A. Latif, I.H. Mirza and M.A. Nadeem. 2011. Macro-minerals concentrations of major fodder tree leaves and shrubs of District Chakwal, Pakistan. Pak. J. Nutr. 10(5): 480-484.
  • Gokkus, A., A.O. Parlar, H. Baytekin and B.H. Hakyemez. 2013. Change of mineral composition of herbaceous species at the Mediterranean shrublands. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty 10 (1): 1-10.
  • Govind, V.K., V. Kumar, R. Sharma, R.A. Sharma, S. Sharma, J.P. Singh and S. Kumar. 2012. Chemical and genetic diversity among some wild stands of Calligonum polygonoides (Polygonaceae) from the Thar Desert of Rajasthan. Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. 60 (3): 1097- 1108.
  • Greene, L.W., W.E. Pinchak and R.K. Heitschmidt. 1987. Seasonal dynamics of minerals of forages at the Texas Expertmental Ranch. J. Range Manag. 40: 502-506.
  • Gyssels, G., J. Poesen, E. Bochet and Y. Li. 2005. Impact of plant roots on the resistance of soils to erosion by water: a review. Prog. Phys. Geogr. 29: 189_217.
  • Hoveland, C.S. and W.G. Monson. 1980. Genetic and environmental effects on forage quality. In. “Crop Quality, Storage, and Utilization,” American Society of Agronomy and Crop Science Society of America, Madison, WI, USA, pp. 139-168.
  • Jones Jr, J.B., B. Wolf and H.A. Mills. 1991. Plant analysis handbook: a practical sampling, preparation, analysis and interperation guide, Micro-Macro Publishing, Athens, GA.
  • Judson, G.J., I.W. Caple, J.P. Langlands and D.W. Peter. 1987. Mineral nutrition of grazing ruminants in southern Australia. Temperate Pastures Their Production, Utilization and Management (Ed. J. L. Wheeler, C. J. Pearson and G. E. Robards). 377-385. Australian Wool Corporation/CSIRO: East Melbourne.
  • Kacar, B. 1972. Chemical analysis of soil and plant: II. Plant Analysis. Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture Publication No: 453, Ankara, 464 p.
  • Kacar, B. and A.V. Katkat. 1997. Phosphorus in agriculture. Bursa Commodity Exchange Publication No: 5, Uludag Univ. Printing house, Bursa.
  • Kaya, C. and D. Higgs. 2002. Improvements in the physiological and nutritional developments of tomato cultivars grown at high zinc by foliar application of phosphorus and iron. Journal of Plant Nutrition 25(9): 1881-1894.
  • Kerven, C., I.I. Alimaev, R. Behnke, G. Davidson, L. Franchois, N. Malmakov, E. Mathijs, A. Smailov, S. Temirbekov and I. Wright. 2004. Retraction and expansion of flock mobility in Central Asia: Costs and Consequences. African Journal of Range and Forage Science 21: 159–169.
  • Keskin, B., S. Temel, I.H. Yılmaz and U. Simsek. 2016. The effect of halomorphic soil on B, Cu, Mn, Fe and Zn content of some forage grasses. Sylwan 160(9):230-249.
  • Kutlu, H.R., M. Gorgulu and L.B. Celik. 2005. General animal feeding. Lecture notes. Cukurova University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Animal Science Department of Feed and Animal Nutrition, Adana.
  • Lambers, H., M.D. Cramer, M.W. Shane, M. Wouterlood, P. Poot and E.J. Veneklass. 2003. Structure and functioning of cluster roots and plant responses to phosphate deficiency. Plant and Soil 248: 9-19.
  • Liu, X.M., M.N. Zakaria, M.W. Islam, R. Radhakrishnan, A. Ismail, H.B. Chen, K. Chan and A. Al-Attas. 2001. Antiinflamatory and anti-ulcer activity of Calligonum comosum in rats. Fitoterapia 72: 487-491.
  • Mandal, L. 1997. Nutritive values of tree leaves of some tropical species for goats. Small Rumin. Res. 24: 95-105.
  • McDonald, P., R.A. Edwards, J.F.D. Greenhalgh, C.A. Morgan, L.A. Sinclair and R.G. Wilkinson. 2011. Animal nutrition. Seventh Edition. Publisher: Pearson.
  • McDowell, L.R. 1992. Minerals in animals and human nutrition. Department of Animal Science, University of Florida, Gainesille, Academic Press San Diego New York, USA.
  • McDowell, L.R. 2000. Vitamins in animal and human nutrition. Second Edition, Iowa State University Press, U.S.A.
  • Mertens, D. 2005a. AOAC official method 922.02. Plants Preparation of Laboratuary Sample. Official Methods of Analysis, 18th edn. Horwitz, w., and G.W. Latimer, (Eds). Chapter 3, pp1-2, AOAC-International Suite 500, 481. North Frederick Avenue, Gaitherburg, Maryland 20877-2417, USA.
  • Mertens, D. 2005b. AOAC official method 975.03. Metal in Plants and Pet Foods. Official Methods of Analysis, 18th edn. Horwitz, W., and G.W. Latimer, (Eds). Chapter 3, pp 3- 4, AOAC-International Suite 500, 481. North Frederick Avenue, Gaitherburg, Maryland 20877-2417, USA.
  • NRC. 2001. Nutrient requirements of dairy cattle. Seventh Revised Edition, The National Academies Press, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
  • NRC. 2005. Nutrient requirements of small ruminants (Sheep, Goats, Vervids, and new World Canelids). The National Academies Press, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
  • Oktay, G. and S. Temel. 2015a. Determination of annual fodder value of Ebu cehil (Calligonum polygonoides L. ssp. comosum (L’Hér.)) shrub. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Gaziosmanpasa University 32(1): 30-36.
  • Oktay, G. and S. Temel. 2015b. Determination of the growth patterns of Ebu cehil (Calligonum polygonoides L. ssp. comosum (L’Hér.)) shrub in terms of grazing management. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Gaziosmanpasa University 32(2): 1-6.
  • Sher, Z., F. Hussain and M. Saleem. 2011. Macro-mineral status at three phenological stages of some range shrubs of gadoon hills, district Swabi, Khyber Pukhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Pak. J. Bot. 44(2): 711-716.
  • Spears, J.W. 1994. Minerals in forages. In: Fahey, G.C.J., Moser, L.E., Martens, D.R. and Collins, M., Eds., Forage Quality, Evaluation, and Utilization. ASA. CSSA. SSSA. Madison, 281-317 pp.
  • Tan, M. and S. Temel. 2012. Alternative feed crops. Ataturk University Agricultural Faculty Course Publications No: 246, 195-207 pp.
  • Temel, S. 2019. The determination of changes in monthly mineral contents of thorny saltworth (Noaea mucronata subsp. mucronata). Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 28(4): 2421-2425.
  • Temel, S., B. Keskin, U. Simsek and I.B. Yilmaz. 2016. The effect of soils having different salt content on mineral accumulations of some forage legume species. Fressenius Enviromental Bulletin 25(4): 1038-1050.
  • Temel, S. and A.E. Kir. 2015. Determination of grazing preferences of the small ruminants based on seasonal periods of some shrub and tree species. International Journal of Agriculture and Wildlife Science 1(1): 31-39.
  • Temel, S. and M. Tan. 2011. Fodder Values of shrub species in maquis in different altitudes and slope aspects. The Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences 21: 508-512.
  • Temel, S. and M. Surmen. 2018. Mineral content changes of some halophyte species evaluated as alternative forage crops for ruminants’ nutrition. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 27(11): 7340-7347.
  • Temel, S., M. Surmen and M. Tan. 2015. Effects of growth stages on the nutritive value of specific halophyte species in saline grasslands. The Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences 25(5): 1419-1428.
  • Temel, S. and I. Temel. 2018. Determination of some plant and yield characteristics with preference conditions in grazing of endemic Calligonum polygonoides L. ssp. comosum (L’Hér.) shrub for Turkey. Ataturk Univ., J. of the Agricultural Faculty 49(1): 7-13.
  • Underwood, E.J. and N.F. Suttle. 1999. The mineral nutrition of livestock. 3rd Ed. CABI Publishing, 614 p.
  • Vardar, Y. 1983. Plant Physiology Courses II. Growth and development events in plants. Ege Univ., the Science Faculty, Textbook No: 69, Izmir.


Year 2019, , 195 - 201, 15.12.2019


Phog (Calligonum polygonoides L.) is widely grown in arid Igdir-Aralık wind erosion site and is an alternative
feed source for grazing small ruminant (sheep and goat) in terms of its yield and quality. However, there are
no studies on the mineral content during the plant’s active growth period. Our aim is to determine the macro
and micro mineral contents during plant’s development and to check whether it meets with the daily mineral
requirements of small ruminant. The research was carried out in a protected-area in 2016 and 2017. Samples
were taken from 20 selected shrub clusters for 7 months (April-October) at the 15th of each month. Results
showed that mineral contents (except copper, zinc and manganese) differs as to months and phosphorus,
potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, copper, zinc and manganese contents ranged between 0.33-
0.63%, 1.45-2.03%, 1.32-1.81%, 0.65-0.99%, 0.20-0.30%, 99.73-190.43 ppm, 2.00-2.67 ppm, 24.77-31.83 ppm
and 34.16-45.56 ppm, respectively. According to these findings, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sodium, iron,
zinc and manganese contents of plant can sufficiently meet the daily requirements of small ruminant while
copper content is not enough for the daily requirement. On the other hand, magnesium content was detected
to be higher than the recommended level.


  • Abdullah, M., R.A. Khan, S. Yaqoob and M. Ahmad. 2013. Mineral profile of browse species used as feed by grazing livestock in Cholistan Rangelands, Pakistan. Pak. J. Nutr. 12, 135-143.
  • Abdurahman, M., G. Sabirhazi, B. Liu, L. Yin and B. Pan. 2012. Comparison of five Calligonum species in tarım basin based on morphological and molecular data. EXCLI Journal 11:776-782.
  • Ahmad, K., M. Ashraf, Z.I. Khan and R.E. Valeem. 2008. Evaluation of macro-mineral concentrations of forages in relation to ruminants requirements: A Case Study in Soone Valley, Punjab. Pakistan. Pak. J. Bot. 40(1): 295-299.
  • Altıntas, A. 2013. Mineral materials. Disability-Overdose Diseases. Ankara University Lecture Notes on Biochemistry Department. 15-16 pp.
  • ANAC. 2018. Maximum Nutrient Values in Small Ruminant (Sheep and Goat) Feeds. Animal Nutrition Association of Canada.
  • Anonymous. 2018. Igdir Provincial Directorate of Meteorology. Igdir, Turkey.
  • Artan, G. and S. Temel. 2018. The effect of Ebu cehil (Calligonum polygonoides L.) shrub used as forage resource in Igdir-Aralık on some soil properties. Igdir International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies 1: 242-249.
  • Aygun, C., C. Kara, H. Hanoglu Oral, I. Erdogan, A.K. Atalay and A.L. Sever. 2018. Macro and micro nutrient contents in seasonal (Spring, Summer, Fall) leaf samples of some shrub plants. Journal of Bahri Dagdas Crop Research 7 (1): 51-65.
  • Brandbyge, J. 1993. Polygonaceae. In K. Kubitzki, J.C. Rohwer and V. Bittrich (eds.). The families and genera of vascular plants, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
  • Buxton, D.R. and S.L. Fales. 1994. Plant environment and quality. In: Forage Quality, Evaluation, and Utilization. (Ed: G.C. Fahey). ASA, CSSA, SSA, Wisconsin, pp: 1559199.
  • Chetri, K., D. Sanyal and L. Kar. 1999. Changes in nutrient element composition of guava leaves in relation to season, cultivar, direction of shoot and zone of leaf sampling. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 30(1-2):121-128.
  • Cook, C.W. and L.E. Harris. 1977. Nutritive value o f seasonal ranges. Utah Agr., Exp. Sta. Bul., 472 p.
  • De Baets, S., J. Poesen, G. Gyssels and A. Knapen. 2006. Effect of grass roots on the erodibility of top soils during concentratedflow. Geomorphology 76: 54-67.
  • Dokulgen, H. and S. Temel. 2015. Seasonal nutrient content changes of leaf and leaf + shoots in deciduous Christ’s thorn (Palirus spina-christi Mill.). Journal of The Institute of Science and Technology 5(3): 57-65.
  • Eren, V. 2009. The effects of additional organic trace minerals on some production traits and determination of tissue accumulation and elimination levels in pregnant ewes and their newborn lambs. Adnan Menderes University Institute of Health Sciences. Department of Animal Nutrition and Nutritional Diseases, Aydin.
  • Gehlot, R.K. 2006. Nutritive value of some edible wild plants of the arid region of Rajasthan. J. Phytol. Res. 19(1): 147-148.
  • Ghazanfar, S., A. Latif, I.H. Mirza and M.A. Nadeem. 2011. Macro-minerals concentrations of major fodder tree leaves and shrubs of District Chakwal, Pakistan. Pak. J. Nutr. 10(5): 480-484.
  • Gokkus, A., A.O. Parlar, H. Baytekin and B.H. Hakyemez. 2013. Change of mineral composition of herbaceous species at the Mediterranean shrublands. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty 10 (1): 1-10.
  • Govind, V.K., V. Kumar, R. Sharma, R.A. Sharma, S. Sharma, J.P. Singh and S. Kumar. 2012. Chemical and genetic diversity among some wild stands of Calligonum polygonoides (Polygonaceae) from the Thar Desert of Rajasthan. Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. 60 (3): 1097- 1108.
  • Greene, L.W., W.E. Pinchak and R.K. Heitschmidt. 1987. Seasonal dynamics of minerals of forages at the Texas Expertmental Ranch. J. Range Manag. 40: 502-506.
  • Gyssels, G., J. Poesen, E. Bochet and Y. Li. 2005. Impact of plant roots on the resistance of soils to erosion by water: a review. Prog. Phys. Geogr. 29: 189_217.
  • Hoveland, C.S. and W.G. Monson. 1980. Genetic and environmental effects on forage quality. In. “Crop Quality, Storage, and Utilization,” American Society of Agronomy and Crop Science Society of America, Madison, WI, USA, pp. 139-168.
  • Jones Jr, J.B., B. Wolf and H.A. Mills. 1991. Plant analysis handbook: a practical sampling, preparation, analysis and interperation guide, Micro-Macro Publishing, Athens, GA.
  • Judson, G.J., I.W. Caple, J.P. Langlands and D.W. Peter. 1987. Mineral nutrition of grazing ruminants in southern Australia. Temperate Pastures Their Production, Utilization and Management (Ed. J. L. Wheeler, C. J. Pearson and G. E. Robards). 377-385. Australian Wool Corporation/CSIRO: East Melbourne.
  • Kacar, B. 1972. Chemical analysis of soil and plant: II. Plant Analysis. Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture Publication No: 453, Ankara, 464 p.
  • Kacar, B. and A.V. Katkat. 1997. Phosphorus in agriculture. Bursa Commodity Exchange Publication No: 5, Uludag Univ. Printing house, Bursa.
  • Kaya, C. and D. Higgs. 2002. Improvements in the physiological and nutritional developments of tomato cultivars grown at high zinc by foliar application of phosphorus and iron. Journal of Plant Nutrition 25(9): 1881-1894.
  • Kerven, C., I.I. Alimaev, R. Behnke, G. Davidson, L. Franchois, N. Malmakov, E. Mathijs, A. Smailov, S. Temirbekov and I. Wright. 2004. Retraction and expansion of flock mobility in Central Asia: Costs and Consequences. African Journal of Range and Forage Science 21: 159–169.
  • Keskin, B., S. Temel, I.H. Yılmaz and U. Simsek. 2016. The effect of halomorphic soil on B, Cu, Mn, Fe and Zn content of some forage grasses. Sylwan 160(9):230-249.
  • Kutlu, H.R., M. Gorgulu and L.B. Celik. 2005. General animal feeding. Lecture notes. Cukurova University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Animal Science Department of Feed and Animal Nutrition, Adana.
  • Lambers, H., M.D. Cramer, M.W. Shane, M. Wouterlood, P. Poot and E.J. Veneklass. 2003. Structure and functioning of cluster roots and plant responses to phosphate deficiency. Plant and Soil 248: 9-19.
  • Liu, X.M., M.N. Zakaria, M.W. Islam, R. Radhakrishnan, A. Ismail, H.B. Chen, K. Chan and A. Al-Attas. 2001. Antiinflamatory and anti-ulcer activity of Calligonum comosum in rats. Fitoterapia 72: 487-491.
  • Mandal, L. 1997. Nutritive values of tree leaves of some tropical species for goats. Small Rumin. Res. 24: 95-105.
  • McDonald, P., R.A. Edwards, J.F.D. Greenhalgh, C.A. Morgan, L.A. Sinclair and R.G. Wilkinson. 2011. Animal nutrition. Seventh Edition. Publisher: Pearson.
  • McDowell, L.R. 1992. Minerals in animals and human nutrition. Department of Animal Science, University of Florida, Gainesille, Academic Press San Diego New York, USA.
  • McDowell, L.R. 2000. Vitamins in animal and human nutrition. Second Edition, Iowa State University Press, U.S.A.
  • Mertens, D. 2005a. AOAC official method 922.02. Plants Preparation of Laboratuary Sample. Official Methods of Analysis, 18th edn. Horwitz, w., and G.W. Latimer, (Eds). Chapter 3, pp1-2, AOAC-International Suite 500, 481. North Frederick Avenue, Gaitherburg, Maryland 20877-2417, USA.
  • Mertens, D. 2005b. AOAC official method 975.03. Metal in Plants and Pet Foods. Official Methods of Analysis, 18th edn. Horwitz, W., and G.W. Latimer, (Eds). Chapter 3, pp 3- 4, AOAC-International Suite 500, 481. North Frederick Avenue, Gaitherburg, Maryland 20877-2417, USA.
  • NRC. 2001. Nutrient requirements of dairy cattle. Seventh Revised Edition, The National Academies Press, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
  • NRC. 2005. Nutrient requirements of small ruminants (Sheep, Goats, Vervids, and new World Canelids). The National Academies Press, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
  • Oktay, G. and S. Temel. 2015a. Determination of annual fodder value of Ebu cehil (Calligonum polygonoides L. ssp. comosum (L’Hér.)) shrub. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Gaziosmanpasa University 32(1): 30-36.
  • Oktay, G. and S. Temel. 2015b. Determination of the growth patterns of Ebu cehil (Calligonum polygonoides L. ssp. comosum (L’Hér.)) shrub in terms of grazing management. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Gaziosmanpasa University 32(2): 1-6.
  • Sher, Z., F. Hussain and M. Saleem. 2011. Macro-mineral status at three phenological stages of some range shrubs of gadoon hills, district Swabi, Khyber Pukhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Pak. J. Bot. 44(2): 711-716.
  • Spears, J.W. 1994. Minerals in forages. In: Fahey, G.C.J., Moser, L.E., Martens, D.R. and Collins, M., Eds., Forage Quality, Evaluation, and Utilization. ASA. CSSA. SSSA. Madison, 281-317 pp.
  • Tan, M. and S. Temel. 2012. Alternative feed crops. Ataturk University Agricultural Faculty Course Publications No: 246, 195-207 pp.
  • Temel, S. 2019. The determination of changes in monthly mineral contents of thorny saltworth (Noaea mucronata subsp. mucronata). Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 28(4): 2421-2425.
  • Temel, S., B. Keskin, U. Simsek and I.B. Yilmaz. 2016. The effect of soils having different salt content on mineral accumulations of some forage legume species. Fressenius Enviromental Bulletin 25(4): 1038-1050.
  • Temel, S. and A.E. Kir. 2015. Determination of grazing preferences of the small ruminants based on seasonal periods of some shrub and tree species. International Journal of Agriculture and Wildlife Science 1(1): 31-39.
  • Temel, S. and M. Tan. 2011. Fodder Values of shrub species in maquis in different altitudes and slope aspects. The Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences 21: 508-512.
  • Temel, S. and M. Surmen. 2018. Mineral content changes of some halophyte species evaluated as alternative forage crops for ruminants’ nutrition. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 27(11): 7340-7347.
  • Temel, S., M. Surmen and M. Tan. 2015. Effects of growth stages on the nutritive value of specific halophyte species in saline grasslands. The Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences 25(5): 1419-1428.
  • Temel, S. and I. Temel. 2018. Determination of some plant and yield characteristics with preference conditions in grazing of endemic Calligonum polygonoides L. ssp. comosum (L’Hér.) shrub for Turkey. Ataturk Univ., J. of the Agricultural Faculty 49(1): 7-13.
  • Underwood, E.J. and N.F. Suttle. 1999. The mineral nutrition of livestock. 3rd Ed. CABI Publishing, 614 p.
  • Vardar, Y. 1983. Plant Physiology Courses II. Growth and development events in plants. Ege Univ., the Science Faculty, Textbook No: 69, Izmir.
There are 54 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Suleyman Temel

Bilal Keskin This is me

Publication Date December 15, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019



Turkish Journal of Field Crops is published by the Society of Field Crops Science and issued twice a year.
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Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture,Department of Field Crops
Editor in Chief : Prof. Dr. Emre ILKER
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