Research Article
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Year 2019, , 221 - 229, 15.12.2019



  • Ahmed E.H. and C.T. Young. 1982. Composition, nutrition and flavor of peanut. in:peanut science and technology, Ed. By H.E. Pattee, and C.T Young. American Peanut Research and Education Society, Inc. Yoakum, pp. 655-687
  • Andersen P.C. and D.W. Gorbet. 2002. Influence of year and planting date on fatty acid chemistry of high oleic acid and normal peanut genotypes. J. Agric. Food Chem. 50:1298- 1305
  • Anonymous, 2017a. FAO Production Year Book. Availlabe from
  • Anonymous. 2017b. The Meteorological Data for Adana. The Turkish State Meteorological Service Adana Regional Directorship, 2015, 2016 and Long Term.
  • AOCS. 1989. Official and Recommended Methods. American Oil Chemists’ Society Press. Champaing, IL, USA
  • Arioglu H. H. 2014. The oil seed crops growing and breeding. The Publication of University of Cukurova, Faculty of Agriculture, No:A-70, 204 p. Adana-Turkey
  • Arioglu H., H. Bakal, L. Gulluoglu, B. Onat and C. Kurt. 2018. The effect of harvesting dates on some agronomic and quality characteristics of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) varieties grown as a main crop in Mediterranean Region (Turkey). Turkish journal of Field Crops 23(1):27-37, DOİ:10.17557/tjfc.414856
  • Asibuo J.Y., R.Akromah, H.K Adu-Dapaah, O.S. Kantanka. 2008. Evaluation of nutritional quality of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) from Ghana. African Journal of Food Agriculture Nutrition and Development 8: 133-149.
  • Baydar H., B. İpkin. 1995. The Comparation of Oil Yield and Oil Quality Criteria of Virginia, Spanish and Valancia Type Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Varieties. Akdeniz University,The Journal of Agricultural Faculty, 8 (1), 81-90.
  • Bovi M.L.A. 1982. Genotypic and environmental effect on fatty acid composition, iodine value and oil content of peanut (Arachis hypogea L.) Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Florida, p. 119.
  • Brown D.F., M.C. Carl, F.M. Karl and G.D. James. 1975. Effect of variety, growing location and their interaction on the fatty acid composition of peanut. J. Food Sci. 40:1055-1060
  • Caliskan S., M.E. Caliskan, M. Arslan and H. Arioglu. 2008. Effects of sowing date and growth duration on growth and yield of groundnut in a Mediterranean-Type environment in Turkey. Field Crops Res. 105:131-140
  • Canavar O. and M.A. Kaynak. 2013. Determination of yield and yield components and seed quality of peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L.) at different harvest times. Int. J. of Agronomy and Plant Production 4(S):3791-3803
  • Chaiyadee S., S. Jogloy, P. Songsri, N. Singkham, N. Vorasoot, P. Sawatsitang, C.C. Holbrook and A. Patanothai. 2013. Soil moisture affects fatty acids and oil quality parameters in peanut. Int. J. of Plant Production 7(1):81-96
  • Chamberlin K.D., N.A. Barkley, B.L. Tillman, J.W. Dillwith, R. Madden, M.E. Payton and R.S. Bennett. 2014. A comparison of methods used to determine the oleic/linoleic acid ratio in cultivated peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Agricultral Science 5(3):227-237.
  • Chowdhury F.N., D. Hossain, M. Hosen and S. Rahman. 2015. Comperative study on chemical composition of five varieties of groundnut (Arachis Hypogaea L.). World J. of Agricultural Science 11(5)247-254
  • Court W.A., R.C. Roy and J.G. Hendel. 1984. Effect of harvest date on agronomic and chemical characteristics of ontario peanuts. Canadian J. Plant Science 64:521-528
  • Dwivedi S.L., S.N. Nigam and R.C. Nageswara Rao. 2000. Photoperiod effects on seed quality traits in peanut. Crop Sci. 40:1223-1227.
  • Dwivedi S.L., S.N. Nigam, R. Jambunathan, K.L. Sahrawat, G.V.S. Nagabhushanam and K. Raghunath. 1996. Effect of genotypes and environments on oil and oil quality parameters and their correlation in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Peanut Science 20:84-89
  • Dwivedi SL, D.V.R. Reddy, S.N. Nigam, G.V. Ranga Rao, J.A. Wightman, P.W. Amin, G.V.S. Nagabhushanam, A.S. Reddy, E. Scholberg, V.M. Ramraj. 1993 Registration of ICGV 86031 peanut germplasm. Crop Science 33:220
  • Escobedo R.V., P.H. Luna, I.J.C. Torres, A.O. Mopreno and M.C.R. Ramirez. 2015. Physicochemical properties and fatty acid profile of eight peanut varieties grown in Mexico. Journal of Food 13(2):300-304
  • Golukcu M.,R. Toker, H. Tokgoz and A. Kadiroglu. 2016. Oil Content and Fatty Acid Composition of Some Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Cultivars Grown in Antalya. Food , 41(1):31-36
  • Gulluoglu L., H. Bakal, B. Onat, C. Kurt and H. Arioglu. 2017. Comparison of agronomic and quality characteristics of some peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) varieties grown as main and double crop in Mediterranean Region. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 22(2):166-177, DOI:10.17557/TJFC.356208
  • Gulluoglu L., H. Bakal, B. Onat, C.Kurt and H. Arioglu. 2016. The effect of harvesting dates on yield and some agronomic and quality characteristics of peanut grown in Mediterranean Region (Turkey). Turkish Journal of Field Crops 21(2): 224- 232
  • Harris D., R.B. Matthews, R.C. Nageswara Rao and J.H. Williams. 2008. The physiological basis for yield differences between four genotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in response to drought. Experimental Agriculture 24: 215- 226.
  • Hashim J.B., P.E. Koehler. R.R. Eitenmiller and C.K. Kvien. 1993. Fatty acid composition and tocopherol content of drought stressed Florunner peanuts. Peanut Sci. 20:21-24
  • Hassan F. and M. Ahmed. 2012. Oil and fatty acid composition of peanut cultivars grown in pakistan. Pakistan J. of Botany. 44(2):627-630
  • Hassan F., A. Manaf and M. Ejaz. 2005. Determinants of oil and fatty acid accumulation in peanut. Int. J. of Agriculture and Biology. 7(6):895-899
  • Hinds M.J. 1995. Fatty acid composition of caribbean-grown peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L.) at three maturity stages. Food Chemistry 53:7-14
  • Holaday C.E. and J.L. Pearson.1974. Effects of genotype and production area on the fatty acid composition, total oil and protein in peanuts. Journal of Food Science 39(6):1206-1209
  • How J.S.L. and C.T. Young. 1983. Comparison of fatty acid content of imported peanuts. JAOCS 6(5)945-947
  • Isleib T.G., B.L. Tilman, H.E. Patte, T.H. Sanders, K.W. Hendrix and L.O. Dean. 2008. Genotype-by-environment interaction for seed composition traits of breeding lines in the uniform peanut performance test. Peanut Science 35:130- 138
  • Knauft A., A.J. Norden and D.W. Gorbet. 1986. The effect of three digging dates on oil quality, yield, and grade of five peanut genotypes grown without leaf spot control. Peanut Science 13: 86-89
  • Kris-Etherton, P. M., T. A. Pearson, Y. Wan, R. L. Hargrove, K. Moriarty and V. Fishell, 1999. High-monounsaturated fatty aciddiets lower both plasma cholesterol and triacylglycerol concentra-tion.American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 70: 1009–101
  • Lue K.C., M.S. Yeh, K.H. Yang and H.S. Lu. 1997. Effects of genotype, population density and harvest date on yield and quality of peanut. J. Of Agric. Res. China. 46(2):116-131
  • Mozingo R.W., S.F. O’Keefe, T.H. Sanders and K.W. Hendrix. 2004. Improving shelf life of roasted and salted inshell peanuts using high oleic fatty acid chemistry. Peanut Sci. 31:40–45. doi:10.3146/ pnut.31.1.0009
  • Mzimbiri R., A.M. Shi, H. Liu and Q. Wang. 2014. A review: peanut fatty acids determination using hyper spectroscopy imagine and its significance on food quality and safety. Food Science and Quality Management 28:90-97
  • Norden A.J., D.W. Gorbet, D. A. Knauft and C.Y.Young. 1987. Variability in oilquality among peanut genotypes in the Florida breeding programe. Peanut Science, 14:7-11
  • Onemli F. 2012. Impact of climate changes on oil fatty acid composition of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in three market classes. Chilean J. Agri. Res. 72(4):383-488
  • Ozcan M. and S. Seven. 2003. Physical and chemical analysis and fatty acid composition of peanut, peanut oil and peanut butter from COM and NC-7 cultivars. Grasas Y Aceites 54(1):12-18
  • Raheja R.K., S.K. Battai, K.L. Ahuja, K.S. Labana and M. Singh. 1987. Comparison of oil content and fatty acid composition of peanut genotypes differing in growth habit. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 37:103-108
  • Sanders T.H., H.A. Pate, J.R. Vercellotti and K.I. Bett. 1995. Advances in peanut flovor quality. P.528-553. In H.E. Pattee and H.T. Stalker (eds.) Advances in Peanut Science. Amer. Peanut Res. Education Soc. Inc., Stillwarer. Okla.
  • Sarkees N.A. 2015. Effect of sowing dates on development, seed yield and quality of some peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) genotypes. Jordan J. Of Agricultural Sciences 11(2):367-380
  • Sattayarak S. 1997. Effects of harvesting dates on different characters and seed quality of peanut grown in Southern Thailand. http://Agris.Fao.Org/Agris-Search/.Do Recordid = TH2000000950
  • Savage G.P. and J.I. Keenan. 1994. The composition and nutritive value of groundnut kernels. in: smart, j., ed., the groundnut crop: Scientific Basis for Improvement, Chapman and Hall, London, 173-213.
  • Shin C.M., S.J. Compadre, R.A. Maleki, H. Kopper, S.K. Sam pson A.W. Huang, G.A. BurksBannon. 2010. Biochemical and structural analysis of the ıge binding sites on ara H1, an abundant and highly allergenic peanut Protein J. Biol. Chem. 273 (1998), pp. 13753-13759.
  • Sogut T., F. Ozturk, S. Kızıl. 2016. Effect of sowing time on peanut (Arachis hypogaea L) cultivars yield, yield components, oil and protein content. Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LIX:415-419
  • Wang Z. and Z. Xu. 2013. Effect of peanut hull biochar on amelioration of typical orchard acidic soil in northern china. Periodical Ocean Univ. China 43 (8), 86-91.
  • Wolf R.B., J.F. Cavins., R.Kleiman, L.T. Black.1982. Effect of temperature on soybean seed constituents: oil, protein, fatty acids, amino acids and sugars. J. of the American Oil Chemists’ Society (JAOCS) Vol.59: (5):230-232
  • Worthington R. E., R. O. Hammons. and A. J. R.llison. 1972. Varietal differences and seasonal effects on fatty acid composition and stability of oil from 82. Peanut Genotypes. J. Agric. Food Chem. 20: 727 .
  • Yav A.S., A. Richard, A.K. Osei, A.D.H. Kofi, O.D. Seth and A. Adelaide. 2008. Chemical composition of groundnut, (Arachis hypogaea L.) Landraces. African J. Of Biotechnology 7(13):2203-2208
  • Young C. T., M.E. Manson, R.S. Matlock and G.R. Waller. 1972. Effect of maturity on the fatty acid composition of eight varieties of peanut grown at parkins, Oklahoma in 1968. JAOCS, 49:314-317
  • Young C.T. and M.E. Manson. 1972. Free arginine content of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) as a measure of seed maturity. Journal of Food Science 37:722-725
  • Young C.Y. and R.E. Worthington, 1974. Fatty acid composition of Spanish peanut oil as influenced by planting location, Soil Moisture Conditions, Variety, and Season. AOCS 51:312- 315.


Year 2019, , 221 - 229, 15.12.2019


The objective of this study was to determine the fatty acids composition and oil quality factors of some peanut varieties having different market types at different harvesting times in main and double crop growing seasons in Mediterranean region. This study was conducted in the experimental area of the Cukurova University
Faculty of Agriculture Department of Field Crops as a main and double crop in 2015 and 2016. The experimental design was a split plot with three replications. Five peanut varieties, including Halisbey, NC-7, G.Green, Florispan and G.Red, belonging to four different market types, were used as plant material in this
research. According to a two-year average, the differences between the peanut varieties were significant for the oil content, oleic, linoleic, palmitic, stearic and lignoceric acids percentage and oil quality values at different harvesting times in the main and double crop growing season. The results indicated that the data
belonging to oil content, oleic and stearic acids percentage were increased when the harvesting was delayed, and that linoleic, palmitic and lignoceric acids percentage of seed was decreased. Stearic acid and oleic acid percentage and O/L ratio was higher in main crop growing season and oil content, linoleic acid percentage and
iodine value was higher in double crop growing season.


  • Ahmed E.H. and C.T. Young. 1982. Composition, nutrition and flavor of peanut. in:peanut science and technology, Ed. By H.E. Pattee, and C.T Young. American Peanut Research and Education Society, Inc. Yoakum, pp. 655-687
  • Andersen P.C. and D.W. Gorbet. 2002. Influence of year and planting date on fatty acid chemistry of high oleic acid and normal peanut genotypes. J. Agric. Food Chem. 50:1298- 1305
  • Anonymous, 2017a. FAO Production Year Book. Availlabe from
  • Anonymous. 2017b. The Meteorological Data for Adana. The Turkish State Meteorological Service Adana Regional Directorship, 2015, 2016 and Long Term.
  • AOCS. 1989. Official and Recommended Methods. American Oil Chemists’ Society Press. Champaing, IL, USA
  • Arioglu H. H. 2014. The oil seed crops growing and breeding. The Publication of University of Cukurova, Faculty of Agriculture, No:A-70, 204 p. Adana-Turkey
  • Arioglu H., H. Bakal, L. Gulluoglu, B. Onat and C. Kurt. 2018. The effect of harvesting dates on some agronomic and quality characteristics of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) varieties grown as a main crop in Mediterranean Region (Turkey). Turkish journal of Field Crops 23(1):27-37, DOİ:10.17557/tjfc.414856
  • Asibuo J.Y., R.Akromah, H.K Adu-Dapaah, O.S. Kantanka. 2008. Evaluation of nutritional quality of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) from Ghana. African Journal of Food Agriculture Nutrition and Development 8: 133-149.
  • Baydar H., B. İpkin. 1995. The Comparation of Oil Yield and Oil Quality Criteria of Virginia, Spanish and Valancia Type Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Varieties. Akdeniz University,The Journal of Agricultural Faculty, 8 (1), 81-90.
  • Bovi M.L.A. 1982. Genotypic and environmental effect on fatty acid composition, iodine value and oil content of peanut (Arachis hypogea L.) Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Florida, p. 119.
  • Brown D.F., M.C. Carl, F.M. Karl and G.D. James. 1975. Effect of variety, growing location and their interaction on the fatty acid composition of peanut. J. Food Sci. 40:1055-1060
  • Caliskan S., M.E. Caliskan, M. Arslan and H. Arioglu. 2008. Effects of sowing date and growth duration on growth and yield of groundnut in a Mediterranean-Type environment in Turkey. Field Crops Res. 105:131-140
  • Canavar O. and M.A. Kaynak. 2013. Determination of yield and yield components and seed quality of peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L.) at different harvest times. Int. J. of Agronomy and Plant Production 4(S):3791-3803
  • Chaiyadee S., S. Jogloy, P. Songsri, N. Singkham, N. Vorasoot, P. Sawatsitang, C.C. Holbrook and A. Patanothai. 2013. Soil moisture affects fatty acids and oil quality parameters in peanut. Int. J. of Plant Production 7(1):81-96
  • Chamberlin K.D., N.A. Barkley, B.L. Tillman, J.W. Dillwith, R. Madden, M.E. Payton and R.S. Bennett. 2014. A comparison of methods used to determine the oleic/linoleic acid ratio in cultivated peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Agricultral Science 5(3):227-237.
  • Chowdhury F.N., D. Hossain, M. Hosen and S. Rahman. 2015. Comperative study on chemical composition of five varieties of groundnut (Arachis Hypogaea L.). World J. of Agricultural Science 11(5)247-254
  • Court W.A., R.C. Roy and J.G. Hendel. 1984. Effect of harvest date on agronomic and chemical characteristics of ontario peanuts. Canadian J. Plant Science 64:521-528
  • Dwivedi S.L., S.N. Nigam and R.C. Nageswara Rao. 2000. Photoperiod effects on seed quality traits in peanut. Crop Sci. 40:1223-1227.
  • Dwivedi S.L., S.N. Nigam, R. Jambunathan, K.L. Sahrawat, G.V.S. Nagabhushanam and K. Raghunath. 1996. Effect of genotypes and environments on oil and oil quality parameters and their correlation in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Peanut Science 20:84-89
  • Dwivedi SL, D.V.R. Reddy, S.N. Nigam, G.V. Ranga Rao, J.A. Wightman, P.W. Amin, G.V.S. Nagabhushanam, A.S. Reddy, E. Scholberg, V.M. Ramraj. 1993 Registration of ICGV 86031 peanut germplasm. Crop Science 33:220
  • Escobedo R.V., P.H. Luna, I.J.C. Torres, A.O. Mopreno and M.C.R. Ramirez. 2015. Physicochemical properties and fatty acid profile of eight peanut varieties grown in Mexico. Journal of Food 13(2):300-304
  • Golukcu M.,R. Toker, H. Tokgoz and A. Kadiroglu. 2016. Oil Content and Fatty Acid Composition of Some Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Cultivars Grown in Antalya. Food , 41(1):31-36
  • Gulluoglu L., H. Bakal, B. Onat, C. Kurt and H. Arioglu. 2017. Comparison of agronomic and quality characteristics of some peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) varieties grown as main and double crop in Mediterranean Region. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 22(2):166-177, DOI:10.17557/TJFC.356208
  • Gulluoglu L., H. Bakal, B. Onat, C.Kurt and H. Arioglu. 2016. The effect of harvesting dates on yield and some agronomic and quality characteristics of peanut grown in Mediterranean Region (Turkey). Turkish Journal of Field Crops 21(2): 224- 232
  • Harris D., R.B. Matthews, R.C. Nageswara Rao and J.H. Williams. 2008. The physiological basis for yield differences between four genotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in response to drought. Experimental Agriculture 24: 215- 226.
  • Hashim J.B., P.E. Koehler. R.R. Eitenmiller and C.K. Kvien. 1993. Fatty acid composition and tocopherol content of drought stressed Florunner peanuts. Peanut Sci. 20:21-24
  • Hassan F. and M. Ahmed. 2012. Oil and fatty acid composition of peanut cultivars grown in pakistan. Pakistan J. of Botany. 44(2):627-630
  • Hassan F., A. Manaf and M. Ejaz. 2005. Determinants of oil and fatty acid accumulation in peanut. Int. J. of Agriculture and Biology. 7(6):895-899
  • Hinds M.J. 1995. Fatty acid composition of caribbean-grown peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L.) at three maturity stages. Food Chemistry 53:7-14
  • Holaday C.E. and J.L. Pearson.1974. Effects of genotype and production area on the fatty acid composition, total oil and protein in peanuts. Journal of Food Science 39(6):1206-1209
  • How J.S.L. and C.T. Young. 1983. Comparison of fatty acid content of imported peanuts. JAOCS 6(5)945-947
  • Isleib T.G., B.L. Tilman, H.E. Patte, T.H. Sanders, K.W. Hendrix and L.O. Dean. 2008. Genotype-by-environment interaction for seed composition traits of breeding lines in the uniform peanut performance test. Peanut Science 35:130- 138
  • Knauft A., A.J. Norden and D.W. Gorbet. 1986. The effect of three digging dates on oil quality, yield, and grade of five peanut genotypes grown without leaf spot control. Peanut Science 13: 86-89
  • Kris-Etherton, P. M., T. A. Pearson, Y. Wan, R. L. Hargrove, K. Moriarty and V. Fishell, 1999. High-monounsaturated fatty aciddiets lower both plasma cholesterol and triacylglycerol concentra-tion.American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 70: 1009–101
  • Lue K.C., M.S. Yeh, K.H. Yang and H.S. Lu. 1997. Effects of genotype, population density and harvest date on yield and quality of peanut. J. Of Agric. Res. China. 46(2):116-131
  • Mozingo R.W., S.F. O’Keefe, T.H. Sanders and K.W. Hendrix. 2004. Improving shelf life of roasted and salted inshell peanuts using high oleic fatty acid chemistry. Peanut Sci. 31:40–45. doi:10.3146/ pnut.31.1.0009
  • Mzimbiri R., A.M. Shi, H. Liu and Q. Wang. 2014. A review: peanut fatty acids determination using hyper spectroscopy imagine and its significance on food quality and safety. Food Science and Quality Management 28:90-97
  • Norden A.J., D.W. Gorbet, D. A. Knauft and C.Y.Young. 1987. Variability in oilquality among peanut genotypes in the Florida breeding programe. Peanut Science, 14:7-11
  • Onemli F. 2012. Impact of climate changes on oil fatty acid composition of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in three market classes. Chilean J. Agri. Res. 72(4):383-488
  • Ozcan M. and S. Seven. 2003. Physical and chemical analysis and fatty acid composition of peanut, peanut oil and peanut butter from COM and NC-7 cultivars. Grasas Y Aceites 54(1):12-18
  • Raheja R.K., S.K. Battai, K.L. Ahuja, K.S. Labana and M. Singh. 1987. Comparison of oil content and fatty acid composition of peanut genotypes differing in growth habit. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 37:103-108
  • Sanders T.H., H.A. Pate, J.R. Vercellotti and K.I. Bett. 1995. Advances in peanut flovor quality. P.528-553. In H.E. Pattee and H.T. Stalker (eds.) Advances in Peanut Science. Amer. Peanut Res. Education Soc. Inc., Stillwarer. Okla.
  • Sarkees N.A. 2015. Effect of sowing dates on development, seed yield and quality of some peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) genotypes. Jordan J. Of Agricultural Sciences 11(2):367-380
  • Sattayarak S. 1997. Effects of harvesting dates on different characters and seed quality of peanut grown in Southern Thailand. http://Agris.Fao.Org/Agris-Search/.Do Recordid = TH2000000950
  • Savage G.P. and J.I. Keenan. 1994. The composition and nutritive value of groundnut kernels. in: smart, j., ed., the groundnut crop: Scientific Basis for Improvement, Chapman and Hall, London, 173-213.
  • Shin C.M., S.J. Compadre, R.A. Maleki, H. Kopper, S.K. Sam pson A.W. Huang, G.A. BurksBannon. 2010. Biochemical and structural analysis of the ıge binding sites on ara H1, an abundant and highly allergenic peanut Protein J. Biol. Chem. 273 (1998), pp. 13753-13759.
  • Sogut T., F. Ozturk, S. Kızıl. 2016. Effect of sowing time on peanut (Arachis hypogaea L) cultivars yield, yield components, oil and protein content. Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LIX:415-419
  • Wang Z. and Z. Xu. 2013. Effect of peanut hull biochar on amelioration of typical orchard acidic soil in northern china. Periodical Ocean Univ. China 43 (8), 86-91.
  • Wolf R.B., J.F. Cavins., R.Kleiman, L.T. Black.1982. Effect of temperature on soybean seed constituents: oil, protein, fatty acids, amino acids and sugars. J. of the American Oil Chemists’ Society (JAOCS) Vol.59: (5):230-232
  • Worthington R. E., R. O. Hammons. and A. J. R.llison. 1972. Varietal differences and seasonal effects on fatty acid composition and stability of oil from 82. Peanut Genotypes. J. Agric. Food Chem. 20: 727 .
  • Yav A.S., A. Richard, A.K. Osei, A.D.H. Kofi, O.D. Seth and A. Adelaide. 2008. Chemical composition of groundnut, (Arachis hypogaea L.) Landraces. African J. Of Biotechnology 7(13):2203-2208
  • Young C. T., M.E. Manson, R.S. Matlock and G.R. Waller. 1972. Effect of maturity on the fatty acid composition of eight varieties of peanut grown at parkins, Oklahoma in 1968. JAOCS, 49:314-317
  • Young C.T. and M.E. Manson. 1972. Free arginine content of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) as a measure of seed maturity. Journal of Food Science 37:722-725
  • Young C.Y. and R.E. Worthington, 1974. Fatty acid composition of Spanish peanut oil as influenced by planting location, Soil Moisture Conditions, Variety, and Season. AOCS 51:312- 315.
There are 54 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Halil Bakal This is me

Halis Arıoglu

Publication Date December 15, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019



Turkish Journal of Field Crops is published by the Society of Field Crops Science and issued twice a year.
Owner : Prof. Dr. Behçet KIR
Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture,Department of Field Crops
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