Research Article
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Year 2020, , 156 - 160, 07.12.2020



  • Amin, M.N., M. Amiruzzaman, A. Ahmed and M.R. Ali. 2014. Combining ability study in waterlogged tolerant maize (Zea mays L.). Bangladesh Journal Agril. Res. 39(2): 283-291.
  • Anjos e Silva, S.D., M.J.D. Sereno, M, Lemons, C.F. Barbosa and J.F. Neto. 2006. Combining ability of maize genotypes for flooding tolerance. Ciencia Rural 36: 391-396.
  • Bailey-Serres, J. and L.A. Voesenek. 2008. Flooding stress: Acclimations and genetic diversity. Annual Review of Plant Biology, 59, 313-339.
  • Blum, A. and A. Ebercon. 1981. Cell membrane stability as a measure of drought and heat tolerance in wheat. Crop Science 21:43-47.
  • Boru G,, M. vanGinkel, W.E. Kronstad and L. Boersma. 2001. Expression and inheritance of tolerance to waterlogging stress in wheat. Euphytica117:91–98.
  • Boru, G. 1996. Expression and inheritance of tolerance to waterlogging stress in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). PhD Thesis. Oregon State University.
  • Cao, Y. S. B., Z.S. Cai, W. Wu, X. Zhu, W. Fang and E. H. Xiong, 1995. Studies on genetic features of waterlogging tolerance in wheat. Jiangsu J. Agric. Sci., 11:11-15.
  • Cao, Y., S. B. Cai, W. Zhu, and X. W. Fang. 1992. Genetic evaluation of waterlogging tolerance in the wheat variety Nonglin 46. Crop Genet. Res., 4: 31-32.
  • Cao, Y.,S.B. Cai, W. Zhu, E.H. Xiong and X.W. Fang. 1994. Combining ability analysis of waterlogging tolerance and main agronomic traits in common wheat. Scientia Agric Sinica 27:50-55.
  • Collaku, A. and S.A. Harrison. 2005. Heritability of waterlogging tolerance in wheat. Crop Science, 45, 722-727
  • Fageria, V.D. 2001. Nutrient interactions in crop plants. J. Plant Nutr. 24, 1269-1290.
  • Huang, B., J. W. Johnson, S. Nesmith and D. C. Bridges. 1994. Growth, physiological and anatomical response of two wheat genotypes to waterlogging and nutrient supply. J. Exp. Bot., 45:193-202.
  • Jinks, J.L. and B.I. Hayman. 1953. The Analysis of Diallel Table. Heredity,20: 117-121, 27: 48-54.
  • Li, H.B., R. Vaillancourt, N.J. Mendham and M.X. Zhou. 2008. Comparative mapping of quantitative trait loci associated with waterlogging tolerance in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). BMC Genomics,9, 401.
  • Musgrave, M. E. 1994. Waterlogging effects on yield and photosynthesis in eight winter wheat cultivars. Crop Sci., 34:1314-1318.
  • Ozcan, K. and N. Açıkgoz. 1999. A statistical analysis program for population genetics. 3 th The symposium of computer application for agriculture. 3-6 October 1999. Çukurova University, Adana, Turkey.
  • Ozseven, I. and T. Genctan. 2018. Bazı Ekmeklik Buğday (Triticum aestivum L.) Genotiplerinde Uzun Süreli Su Baskınlarının Bayrak Yaprağı Klorofil İçeriğine Etkisi. ANADOLU, J. of AARI 28 (2) 2018, 1 – 16
  • Parry M.L., O.F. Canziani, J.P. Palutikof, P.J. van der Linden and C.E. Hanson. 2007. Climate Change 2007: Impacts, adaptation and vulnerability. Contribution of working Group II to the fourth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on climate change. IPCC.
  • Ponnamperuma, F.N. 1972. The chemistry of submerged soils. Advances in Agronomy 24, 29–96.
  • Poysa, V.W. 1984. The genetic control of low temperature, iceencasement, and flooding tolerances by chromosomes 5A, 5B and 5D in wheat. Cereal Res. Commun.12: 135- 141.
  • Reuter D. and J.B. Robinson. 1997. Plant Analysis: An interpretation manual. 2nd Edition, CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne.
  • Sayre, K.D., M. van Ginkel, S. Rajaram and I. Ortiz-Monasterio. 1994. Tolerance to waterlogging losses in spring bread wheat: Effect of time of onset on expression. Annual Wheat Newsl 40:165–171.
  • Setter T., P. Burgess, I. Waters, and J. Kuo. 1999. Genetic diversity of barley and wheat for waterlogging tolerance in Western Australia. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 9th Australian Barley Technical Symposium. Melbourne, Australia.
  • Settler, T.L. and I. Waters. 2003. Reviews of prospects for germplasm improvement for waterlogging tolerance in wheat, barley and oats. Plant Soil,253,1-34.
  • Sharma, D. P. and A. Swarup, 1989. Effect of short-term waterlogging on growth, yield and nutrient composition of wheat in alkaline soils. J. Agric. Sci. (Camb.), 112: 191-197.
  • Stieger, P.A. and U. Feller. 1994. Nutrient accumulation and translocation in maturing wheat plants grown on waterlogged soil. Plant and Soil. 160(1): 87-95.
  • Thomson, C. J., T. D. Colmer, E. L. J. Watkin and H. Greenway. 1992. Tolerance of wheat (Triticum aestivum Cvs. Gamenya and Kite)andTriticale (Tritico secale Cv. Muir) to waterlogging. New Phyt, 120: 335-344.
  • Valipour, M. 2014. Dranaige, waterlogging and salinity. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science.
  • Yavas, I., A. Unay, and M. Aydin. 2012. The Waterlogging Tolerance of Wheat Varieties in Western of Turkey. The Scientific World Journal Volume 2012, Article ID 529128, 7 pages
  • Zaidi, P.H., A. Srivastava, P. Maniselvan and P.Yadav. 2010. Genetic analysis of water-logging tolerance in tropical maize (Zea Mays L.) Maydica 55(1):17-26.
  • Zhou,H.B. Li and N.J. Mendham. 2007. Combining ability of waterlogging tolerance in barley (Hordeum vulgareL.). Crop Science,47, 278-284.
  • Zhou, M.X., H. Li, H., N. Mendham and S. Salter. 2004. Inheritance of water logging tolerance of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). In: Proceedings of the 4th international crop science Congress, Brisbane, Australia, 26 Sept-1 Oct.

Heritability of Waterlogging Tolerance in Wheat (Triticuma aestivum L.)

Year 2020, , 156 - 160, 07.12.2020


One of the most important objectives of wheat breeding is tolerance to waterlogging stress in high rainfall during critical stages and poorly drained areas. This study was conducted to estimate heritability parameters of characters associated with waterlogging tolerance by 5 x 5 complete diallel analysis in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The genetic material were evaluated for SPAD, CCI, MTS, Fe root and shoot contents, Mn root and shoot contents under waterlogging during Zadox Growing Stage 12 and 31 for 10 days and untreated conditions. The differences among genotypes for mostly studied characters were found to be significant under both treatments. The heritability of observed characters were controlled by both additive and dominance genes under two treatments. Also, significant reciprocals differences depends on items (c) and (d) showed the presence of maternal effects for observed characters. Consequently, the determination of maternal parents were very important for waterlogging tolerance. Moderately broad sense heritability (h2b) and low magnitude narrow sense heritability (h2n) values indicated that non-additive gene effects were more considerable on inheritance of studied characters. Therefore, the selection in later generations was recommended for waterlogging tolerant in wheat breeding programme.


  • Amin, M.N., M. Amiruzzaman, A. Ahmed and M.R. Ali. 2014. Combining ability study in waterlogged tolerant maize (Zea mays L.). Bangladesh Journal Agril. Res. 39(2): 283-291.
  • Anjos e Silva, S.D., M.J.D. Sereno, M, Lemons, C.F. Barbosa and J.F. Neto. 2006. Combining ability of maize genotypes for flooding tolerance. Ciencia Rural 36: 391-396.
  • Bailey-Serres, J. and L.A. Voesenek. 2008. Flooding stress: Acclimations and genetic diversity. Annual Review of Plant Biology, 59, 313-339.
  • Blum, A. and A. Ebercon. 1981. Cell membrane stability as a measure of drought and heat tolerance in wheat. Crop Science 21:43-47.
  • Boru G,, M. vanGinkel, W.E. Kronstad and L. Boersma. 2001. Expression and inheritance of tolerance to waterlogging stress in wheat. Euphytica117:91–98.
  • Boru, G. 1996. Expression and inheritance of tolerance to waterlogging stress in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). PhD Thesis. Oregon State University.
  • Cao, Y. S. B., Z.S. Cai, W. Wu, X. Zhu, W. Fang and E. H. Xiong, 1995. Studies on genetic features of waterlogging tolerance in wheat. Jiangsu J. Agric. Sci., 11:11-15.
  • Cao, Y., S. B. Cai, W. Zhu, and X. W. Fang. 1992. Genetic evaluation of waterlogging tolerance in the wheat variety Nonglin 46. Crop Genet. Res., 4: 31-32.
  • Cao, Y.,S.B. Cai, W. Zhu, E.H. Xiong and X.W. Fang. 1994. Combining ability analysis of waterlogging tolerance and main agronomic traits in common wheat. Scientia Agric Sinica 27:50-55.
  • Collaku, A. and S.A. Harrison. 2005. Heritability of waterlogging tolerance in wheat. Crop Science, 45, 722-727
  • Fageria, V.D. 2001. Nutrient interactions in crop plants. J. Plant Nutr. 24, 1269-1290.
  • Huang, B., J. W. Johnson, S. Nesmith and D. C. Bridges. 1994. Growth, physiological and anatomical response of two wheat genotypes to waterlogging and nutrient supply. J. Exp. Bot., 45:193-202.
  • Jinks, J.L. and B.I. Hayman. 1953. The Analysis of Diallel Table. Heredity,20: 117-121, 27: 48-54.
  • Li, H.B., R. Vaillancourt, N.J. Mendham and M.X. Zhou. 2008. Comparative mapping of quantitative trait loci associated with waterlogging tolerance in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). BMC Genomics,9, 401.
  • Musgrave, M. E. 1994. Waterlogging effects on yield and photosynthesis in eight winter wheat cultivars. Crop Sci., 34:1314-1318.
  • Ozcan, K. and N. Açıkgoz. 1999. A statistical analysis program for population genetics. 3 th The symposium of computer application for agriculture. 3-6 October 1999. Çukurova University, Adana, Turkey.
  • Ozseven, I. and T. Genctan. 2018. Bazı Ekmeklik Buğday (Triticum aestivum L.) Genotiplerinde Uzun Süreli Su Baskınlarının Bayrak Yaprağı Klorofil İçeriğine Etkisi. ANADOLU, J. of AARI 28 (2) 2018, 1 – 16
  • Parry M.L., O.F. Canziani, J.P. Palutikof, P.J. van der Linden and C.E. Hanson. 2007. Climate Change 2007: Impacts, adaptation and vulnerability. Contribution of working Group II to the fourth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on climate change. IPCC.
  • Ponnamperuma, F.N. 1972. The chemistry of submerged soils. Advances in Agronomy 24, 29–96.
  • Poysa, V.W. 1984. The genetic control of low temperature, iceencasement, and flooding tolerances by chromosomes 5A, 5B and 5D in wheat. Cereal Res. Commun.12: 135- 141.
  • Reuter D. and J.B. Robinson. 1997. Plant Analysis: An interpretation manual. 2nd Edition, CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne.
  • Sayre, K.D., M. van Ginkel, S. Rajaram and I. Ortiz-Monasterio. 1994. Tolerance to waterlogging losses in spring bread wheat: Effect of time of onset on expression. Annual Wheat Newsl 40:165–171.
  • Setter T., P. Burgess, I. Waters, and J. Kuo. 1999. Genetic diversity of barley and wheat for waterlogging tolerance in Western Australia. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 9th Australian Barley Technical Symposium. Melbourne, Australia.
  • Settler, T.L. and I. Waters. 2003. Reviews of prospects for germplasm improvement for waterlogging tolerance in wheat, barley and oats. Plant Soil,253,1-34.
  • Sharma, D. P. and A. Swarup, 1989. Effect of short-term waterlogging on growth, yield and nutrient composition of wheat in alkaline soils. J. Agric. Sci. (Camb.), 112: 191-197.
  • Stieger, P.A. and U. Feller. 1994. Nutrient accumulation and translocation in maturing wheat plants grown on waterlogged soil. Plant and Soil. 160(1): 87-95.
  • Thomson, C. J., T. D. Colmer, E. L. J. Watkin and H. Greenway. 1992. Tolerance of wheat (Triticum aestivum Cvs. Gamenya and Kite)andTriticale (Tritico secale Cv. Muir) to waterlogging. New Phyt, 120: 335-344.
  • Valipour, M. 2014. Dranaige, waterlogging and salinity. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science.
  • Yavas, I., A. Unay, and M. Aydin. 2012. The Waterlogging Tolerance of Wheat Varieties in Western of Turkey. The Scientific World Journal Volume 2012, Article ID 529128, 7 pages
  • Zaidi, P.H., A. Srivastava, P. Maniselvan and P.Yadav. 2010. Genetic analysis of water-logging tolerance in tropical maize (Zea Mays L.) Maydica 55(1):17-26.
  • Zhou,H.B. Li and N.J. Mendham. 2007. Combining ability of waterlogging tolerance in barley (Hordeum vulgareL.). Crop Science,47, 278-284.
  • Zhou, M.X., H. Li, H., N. Mendham and S. Salter. 2004. Inheritance of water logging tolerance of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). In: Proceedings of the 4th international crop science Congress, Brisbane, Australia, 26 Sept-1 Oct.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Aydın Ünay

Serap Simsek This is me

Publication Date December 7, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Ünay, A., & Simsek, S. (2020). Heritability of Waterlogging Tolerance in Wheat (Triticuma aestivum L.). Turkish Journal Of Field Crops, 25(2), 156-160.

Turkish Journal of Field Crops is published by the Society of Field Crops Science and issued twice a year.
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