Research Article
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Year 2020, , 1 - 8, 11.06.2020



  • Alcicek, A. and K. Ozkan. 1996. Zur quantitativen Bestimmung von Milch-, Essig- und Buttersäuren in Silage mit Hilfe eines Destillationsverfahren. The Journal of Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture 33(2-3): 191-198 (in Turkish). AOAC. 1991. Official methods of analysis. 15th Edition, Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington DC.
  • Atis, I., N. Celiktas, E. Can and S. Yilmaz. 2019. The effects of cutting intervals and seeding rates on forage yield and quality of alfalfa. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 24(1): 12-20.
  • Bazzaz, F.A., N.R. Chiariello, P.D. Coley and L.F. Pitelka. 1987. Allocating resources to reproduction and defence. Bioscience 37: 58-67.
  • Bernardino, F.S., R. Garcia, F.C. Rocha, Souza and O.G. Pereira. 2005. Production and characteristics of effluent and bromatological composition of elephantgrass with different levels of coffee hulls addition. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia. 34(6): 2185-2191.
  • Campos, F.P., D.P.D. Lanna, M.L.V. Bose, C. Boin and P. Sarmento. 2002. Elephantgrass (Pennisetum purpureum) degradability at different maturity stages evaluated by the in vitro/gas technique, Scientia Agricola 59(2): 217-225.
  • Carpici, E.B., N. Celik and G. Bayram. 2010. Yield and quality of forage maize as influenced by plant density and nitrogen rate. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 15(2): 128-132.
  • Carvalho, C.A.B., J.B.O.X. Menezes and A.C. Cóser. 2000. Effect of fertilization and cutting interval on production and nutritive value of elephantgrass. Ciênc. agrotec. Lavras. 24(1): 233-241.
  • Charmley, E. 2001. Towards improved silage quality – A review. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 81: 157–168.
  • Chong-jian, M., L. Fa-guang, C. Jing-chao and H. Jun-mei. 2011. Correlation analysis between yield and morphological traits of hybrid giant napier of different growth years. Pratacultural Science 28(8): 1473-1478.
  • Comberg, G. 1974. Gärfutter: Betriebswirtschaft, Erzeugung, Verfütterung, Verlag Eugen Ulmer Stuttgart, Gerokstraße 19, Printed in Germany, ISBN:3-8001-4321-6, 260s.
  • Daur, I. 2016. Feed value of blue panic (Panicum antidotale retz.) grass at different growth stages and under varying levels of humic acid in saline condition, Turkish Journal of Field Crops 21(2): 210-217.
  • Ferrari Junior, E., V.T. Paulino, R.A. Possenti and T.L. Lucenas. 2009. Additives in silage of paraisograss (Pennisetum hybridum cv. Paraiso). Arch. Zootec. 58(222): 185-194.
  • Geren, H., 2014a, Dry matter yield and silage quality of some winter cereals harvested at different stages under Mediterranean climate conditions, Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 19(2): 206-211.
  • Geren, H. 2014b. An investigation on some quality characteristics of ensilaged giant kinggrass (Pennisetum hybridum) with different levels of leguminous forages. The Journal of Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture 51(2): 209-217 (in Turkish).
  • Geren, H., R. Avcioglu, Y.T. Kavut, K. Tan and S. Sargin. 2014. An investigation on comparison of some annual warm season grasses with warm season perennial grasses in terms of ensilagable yield, forage quality and bio-ethanol yield under Mediterranean climate. The Journal of Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture 51(3): 243-251 (in Turkish).
  • Geren, H. and Y.T. Kavut. 2015. Effect of different plant densities on the yield and some silage quality characteristics of giant king grass (Pennisetum hybridum) under Mediterranean climatic conditions. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 20(1):85-91.
  • Goering, H.K. and P.J. VanSoest. 1970. Forage Fiber Analysis (apparatus, reagents, prosedures and some applications). USDA Agricultural Handbook No. 379.
  • Hanna, W.W., T.P. Gaines, B. Gonzales and W.G. Monson. 1984. Effects of ploid on yield and quality of pearl millet x Napier grass hybrids. Agron. J. 76:669-971.
  • Johnson, H.E., R.J. Merry, D.R. Davies, D.B. Kell, M.K. Theodorou and G.W. Griffith. 2005. Vacuum packing: a model system for laboratory-scale silage fermentations. Journal of Applied Microbiology 98: 106–113.
  • Kukkonen, C. 2009. Giant king grass, an energy crop for cellulosic biofuels & electric power plants, Viaspace Inc. Irvine, California USA
  • Lounglawan, P., W. Lounglawan and W. Suksombat. 2014. Effect of cutting interval and cutting height on yield and chemical composition of King Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum x Pennisetum americanum). APCBEE Procedia. 8: 27-31.
  • Magalhães, J.A., E.A. Lopes, B.H.N. Rodrigues, N.L. Costa, N.N. Barros and D.A. Mattei. 2006. Influence of the nitrogen fertilization and of the cut age on the forage yield of the elephant grass. Revista Ciência Agronômica 37(1): 91-96.
  • Mbuthia, E.W. 2003. Effect of inclusion of protein-rich forages on quality of Napier grass silage. University of Nairobi, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ph.D. Thesis, 149p.
  • Mohammad, N., N.M. Butt and L.A. Qamar. 1988. Effect of nitrogen fertilization and harvest intervals on the yield and nutritional value of Napier grass, Pakistan J. Agric. Res., 9(4):478-482.
  • Mushtaque, M., M. Ishaque and M.A.A.H.A. Bukhsh. 2010. Growth and herbage yield of Setaria sphacelata grass in response to varying clipping stages. The J. Anim. Pl. Sci. 20(4):261-265.
  • Nazli, RI., V. Tansi, H.H. Ozturk and A. Kusvuran. 2018. Miscanthus, switchgrass, giant reed, and bulbous canary grass as potential bioenergy crops in a semi-arid Mediterranean environment. Industrial Crops & Products 125: 9–23.
  • NRC. 1978. Nutrient requirements of domestic animals. Nutrient requirements of dairy cattle. 5th edition. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C.
  • Rengsirikul, K., Y. Ishii, K. Kangvansaichol, P. Pripanapong, P. Sripichitt, V. Punsuvon, P. Vaithanomsat, G. Nakamanee and S. Tudsri. 2011. Effects of inter-cutting interval on biomass yield, growth components and chemical composition of napiergrass (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach) cultivars as bioenergy crops in Thailand. Japanese Society of Grassland Science. Grassland Science 57: 135–141.
  • Ruviaro, C., A.B. Lazzeri, H.A.S. Thomaz and Z.B. Oliveira. 2008. Effects of nitrogen fertilization management on irrigated Elephant grass cv. Paraíso productivity. Irriga, Botucatu 13(1): 26-35.
  • SAS Institute. 1998. INC SAS/STAT user’s guide release 7.0, Cary, NC, USA.
  • Shen, C., X. Shang, X. Chen, Z. Dong and J. Zhang. 2012. Growth, chemical components and ensiling characteristics of king grass at different cuttings. African Journal of Biotechnology 11(64):12749-12755.
  • Singh, B.P., H.P. Singh and E. Obeng. 2013. Biofuel Crops: Production, Physiology and Genetics; 13th section: Elephant grass, (ed. B.P. Singh), CAB International, p: 271-291.
  • Stell, R.G.D., J.A. Torrie and D.A .Dickey. 1997. Principles and Procedures of Statistics. A. Biometrical Approach 3rd Edi. Mc Graw Hill Book. INC. NY.
  • Tegami Neto, Â. and S. Mello. 2007. Avaliação da produtividade e qualidade do capim paraíso (Pennisetum hybridum), em função de diferentes doses de nitrogênio em cobertura e freqüência de corte. Nucleus, 4(1-2): 9-12.
  • Tessema, Z.K., J. Mihret and M. Solomon. 2010. Effect of defoliation frequency and cutting height on growth, dry-matter yield and nutritive value of Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum (L.) Schumach). Grass and Forage Science 65: 421-430.
  • TSE, 2004. Determination of Metabolisable Energy in Forages (Chemical method), Turkish Standards Institution (TSE), Standard No:9610, Ankara (in Turkish).
  • Wadi, A., Y. Ishii and S. Idota. 2004. Effects of cutting interval and cutting height on dry matter yield and overwintering ability at the established year in Pennisetum species. Plant Prod. Sci. 7(1): 88-96.
  • Wijitphan, S., P. Lorwilai and C. Arkaseang. 2009. Effects of plant spacing on yields and nutritive values of napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) under intensive management of nitrogen fertilizer and irrigation. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition. 8(8): 1240-1243.
  • Woodard, K.R., G.M. Prine and D.B. Bates. 1991. Silage characteristics of elephant grass as affected by harvest frequency and genotype. Agronomy Journal 83(3): 547-551.
  • Zewdu, T. 2008. Effect of plant density on morphological characteristics, yield and chemical composition of napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum (L.) Schumach). East African Journal of Science, 2(1): 55-61.


Year 2020, , 1 - 8, 11.06.2020


This study was conducted in Bornova experimental fields of Department of Field Crops, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ege, Turkey during 2015 and 2016, in order to determine the effect of six different cutting intervals (30-, 60-, 90-, 120-, 150- and 180- days) on the forage yield and some quality properties of giant king grass (Pennisetum hybridum). The experimental design was in complete randomized blocks, with three replications. 6 years old, Paraíso cultivar of giant king grass (GKG) was used as crop material. Some characteristics were measured such as dry matter (DM) yield, concentrations of crude protein (CP), NDF and ADF. Results indicated that there were significant effects of cutting intervals on the yields and some silage quality characteristics of GKG, and, metabolisable energy and relative forage values decreased as inter-cutting interval increased. It was recommended that the production of GKG using 60- day intervals were the most successful cutting frequency regarding the forage yield and silage quality to the regions with Mediterranean-type climates under irrigation.


  • Alcicek, A. and K. Ozkan. 1996. Zur quantitativen Bestimmung von Milch-, Essig- und Buttersäuren in Silage mit Hilfe eines Destillationsverfahren. The Journal of Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture 33(2-3): 191-198 (in Turkish). AOAC. 1991. Official methods of analysis. 15th Edition, Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington DC.
  • Atis, I., N. Celiktas, E. Can and S. Yilmaz. 2019. The effects of cutting intervals and seeding rates on forage yield and quality of alfalfa. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 24(1): 12-20.
  • Bazzaz, F.A., N.R. Chiariello, P.D. Coley and L.F. Pitelka. 1987. Allocating resources to reproduction and defence. Bioscience 37: 58-67.
  • Bernardino, F.S., R. Garcia, F.C. Rocha, Souza and O.G. Pereira. 2005. Production and characteristics of effluent and bromatological composition of elephantgrass with different levels of coffee hulls addition. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia. 34(6): 2185-2191.
  • Campos, F.P., D.P.D. Lanna, M.L.V. Bose, C. Boin and P. Sarmento. 2002. Elephantgrass (Pennisetum purpureum) degradability at different maturity stages evaluated by the in vitro/gas technique, Scientia Agricola 59(2): 217-225.
  • Carpici, E.B., N. Celik and G. Bayram. 2010. Yield and quality of forage maize as influenced by plant density and nitrogen rate. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 15(2): 128-132.
  • Carvalho, C.A.B., J.B.O.X. Menezes and A.C. Cóser. 2000. Effect of fertilization and cutting interval on production and nutritive value of elephantgrass. Ciênc. agrotec. Lavras. 24(1): 233-241.
  • Charmley, E. 2001. Towards improved silage quality – A review. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 81: 157–168.
  • Chong-jian, M., L. Fa-guang, C. Jing-chao and H. Jun-mei. 2011. Correlation analysis between yield and morphological traits of hybrid giant napier of different growth years. Pratacultural Science 28(8): 1473-1478.
  • Comberg, G. 1974. Gärfutter: Betriebswirtschaft, Erzeugung, Verfütterung, Verlag Eugen Ulmer Stuttgart, Gerokstraße 19, Printed in Germany, ISBN:3-8001-4321-6, 260s.
  • Daur, I. 2016. Feed value of blue panic (Panicum antidotale retz.) grass at different growth stages and under varying levels of humic acid in saline condition, Turkish Journal of Field Crops 21(2): 210-217.
  • Ferrari Junior, E., V.T. Paulino, R.A. Possenti and T.L. Lucenas. 2009. Additives in silage of paraisograss (Pennisetum hybridum cv. Paraiso). Arch. Zootec. 58(222): 185-194.
  • Geren, H., 2014a, Dry matter yield and silage quality of some winter cereals harvested at different stages under Mediterranean climate conditions, Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 19(2): 206-211.
  • Geren, H. 2014b. An investigation on some quality characteristics of ensilaged giant kinggrass (Pennisetum hybridum) with different levels of leguminous forages. The Journal of Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture 51(2): 209-217 (in Turkish).
  • Geren, H., R. Avcioglu, Y.T. Kavut, K. Tan and S. Sargin. 2014. An investigation on comparison of some annual warm season grasses with warm season perennial grasses in terms of ensilagable yield, forage quality and bio-ethanol yield under Mediterranean climate. The Journal of Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture 51(3): 243-251 (in Turkish).
  • Geren, H. and Y.T. Kavut. 2015. Effect of different plant densities on the yield and some silage quality characteristics of giant king grass (Pennisetum hybridum) under Mediterranean climatic conditions. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 20(1):85-91.
  • Goering, H.K. and P.J. VanSoest. 1970. Forage Fiber Analysis (apparatus, reagents, prosedures and some applications). USDA Agricultural Handbook No. 379.
  • Hanna, W.W., T.P. Gaines, B. Gonzales and W.G. Monson. 1984. Effects of ploid on yield and quality of pearl millet x Napier grass hybrids. Agron. J. 76:669-971.
  • Johnson, H.E., R.J. Merry, D.R. Davies, D.B. Kell, M.K. Theodorou and G.W. Griffith. 2005. Vacuum packing: a model system for laboratory-scale silage fermentations. Journal of Applied Microbiology 98: 106–113.
  • Kukkonen, C. 2009. Giant king grass, an energy crop for cellulosic biofuels & electric power plants, Viaspace Inc. Irvine, California USA
  • Lounglawan, P., W. Lounglawan and W. Suksombat. 2014. Effect of cutting interval and cutting height on yield and chemical composition of King Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum x Pennisetum americanum). APCBEE Procedia. 8: 27-31.
  • Magalhães, J.A., E.A. Lopes, B.H.N. Rodrigues, N.L. Costa, N.N. Barros and D.A. Mattei. 2006. Influence of the nitrogen fertilization and of the cut age on the forage yield of the elephant grass. Revista Ciência Agronômica 37(1): 91-96.
  • Mbuthia, E.W. 2003. Effect of inclusion of protein-rich forages on quality of Napier grass silage. University of Nairobi, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ph.D. Thesis, 149p.
  • Mohammad, N., N.M. Butt and L.A. Qamar. 1988. Effect of nitrogen fertilization and harvest intervals on the yield and nutritional value of Napier grass, Pakistan J. Agric. Res., 9(4):478-482.
  • Mushtaque, M., M. Ishaque and M.A.A.H.A. Bukhsh. 2010. Growth and herbage yield of Setaria sphacelata grass in response to varying clipping stages. The J. Anim. Pl. Sci. 20(4):261-265.
  • Nazli, RI., V. Tansi, H.H. Ozturk and A. Kusvuran. 2018. Miscanthus, switchgrass, giant reed, and bulbous canary grass as potential bioenergy crops in a semi-arid Mediterranean environment. Industrial Crops & Products 125: 9–23.
  • NRC. 1978. Nutrient requirements of domestic animals. Nutrient requirements of dairy cattle. 5th edition. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C.
  • Rengsirikul, K., Y. Ishii, K. Kangvansaichol, P. Pripanapong, P. Sripichitt, V. Punsuvon, P. Vaithanomsat, G. Nakamanee and S. Tudsri. 2011. Effects of inter-cutting interval on biomass yield, growth components and chemical composition of napiergrass (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach) cultivars as bioenergy crops in Thailand. Japanese Society of Grassland Science. Grassland Science 57: 135–141.
  • Ruviaro, C., A.B. Lazzeri, H.A.S. Thomaz and Z.B. Oliveira. 2008. Effects of nitrogen fertilization management on irrigated Elephant grass cv. Paraíso productivity. Irriga, Botucatu 13(1): 26-35.
  • SAS Institute. 1998. INC SAS/STAT user’s guide release 7.0, Cary, NC, USA.
  • Shen, C., X. Shang, X. Chen, Z. Dong and J. Zhang. 2012. Growth, chemical components and ensiling characteristics of king grass at different cuttings. African Journal of Biotechnology 11(64):12749-12755.
  • Singh, B.P., H.P. Singh and E. Obeng. 2013. Biofuel Crops: Production, Physiology and Genetics; 13th section: Elephant grass, (ed. B.P. Singh), CAB International, p: 271-291.
  • Stell, R.G.D., J.A. Torrie and D.A .Dickey. 1997. Principles and Procedures of Statistics. A. Biometrical Approach 3rd Edi. Mc Graw Hill Book. INC. NY.
  • Tegami Neto, Â. and S. Mello. 2007. Avaliação da produtividade e qualidade do capim paraíso (Pennisetum hybridum), em função de diferentes doses de nitrogênio em cobertura e freqüência de corte. Nucleus, 4(1-2): 9-12.
  • Tessema, Z.K., J. Mihret and M. Solomon. 2010. Effect of defoliation frequency and cutting height on growth, dry-matter yield and nutritive value of Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum (L.) Schumach). Grass and Forage Science 65: 421-430.
  • TSE, 2004. Determination of Metabolisable Energy in Forages (Chemical method), Turkish Standards Institution (TSE), Standard No:9610, Ankara (in Turkish).
  • Wadi, A., Y. Ishii and S. Idota. 2004. Effects of cutting interval and cutting height on dry matter yield and overwintering ability at the established year in Pennisetum species. Plant Prod. Sci. 7(1): 88-96.
  • Wijitphan, S., P. Lorwilai and C. Arkaseang. 2009. Effects of plant spacing on yields and nutritive values of napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) under intensive management of nitrogen fertilizer and irrigation. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition. 8(8): 1240-1243.
  • Woodard, K.R., G.M. Prine and D.B. Bates. 1991. Silage characteristics of elephant grass as affected by harvest frequency and genotype. Agronomy Journal 83(3): 547-551.
  • Zewdu, T. 2008. Effect of plant density on morphological characteristics, yield and chemical composition of napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum (L.) Schumach). East African Journal of Science, 2(1): 55-61.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Hakan Geren

Yasar Kavut This is me

Hayrullah Unlu This is me

Publication Date June 11, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020



Turkish Journal of Field Crops is published by the Society of Field Crops Science and issued twice a year.
Owner : Prof. Dr. Behçet KIR
Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture,Department of Field Crops
Editor in Chief : Prof. Dr. Emre ILKER
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