Research Article
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Year 2020, , 92 - 99, 11.06.2020



  • Abdullah, T., A.A. Rahmanna, S. Hardaningsih and F. Rozi. 2007. Increasing Groundnut Yield on Dry Land Alfisols in Indonesia. Journal of Semi-Arid Tropics. Agricultural Research, 5(1):84-86
  • Ahmad, N., M. Rahim and U. Khan. 2007. Evaluation of Different Varieties, Seed Rates and Row Spacing of Groundnut, Planted under Agro-Ecological Conditions of Malakand division. Journal of Agronomy, 6(2):385-387
  • Annadurai, K., N. Puppala, S. Angadi and P. Masilamani. 2009. Agronomic Management Technologies for Peanut Production: a review, Indian Agricultural Review, 30(4):235-261
  • Arioglu, H., H. Bakal, L. Gulluoglu, B. Onat and C. Kurt. 2018. The Effect of Harvesting Dates on Some Agronomic and Quality Characteristics of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Varieties Grown as a Main Crop in Mediterranean Region (Turkey). Turkish journal of Field Crops, 23(1):27-37
  • Awal, M.A and L. Aktar. 2015. Effect of Row Spacing on the Growth and Yield of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Stands. International Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. 3(1):7-11.
  • Caliskan, S., M.E. Caliskan, M. Arslan and H. Arioglu. 2008. Effects of Sowing Date and Growth Duration on Growth and Yield of Groundnut in a Mediterranean-type Environment in Turkey. Field Crops Res., 105:131-140
  • Dapaah, H.K., I. Mohammed and R.T. Awuah. 2014. Phenological Development and Yield of Three Groundnut Varieties as Influenced by Plant Density in a Forest-savanna Transition Zone. International Journal of Agricultural Research, 9:87-98
  • Egli, D.B. 1988. Plant Density and Soybean Yield. Crop Science, 28:977-980
  • El Naim, A.K., M.A. Eldouma, E.A. Ibrahim and M.M.B. Zaled. 2011. Infulence of Plant Spacing and Weeds Growth and Yield of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in Rain-Fed of Sudan. Advances in Life Sciences, 1(2):45-48
  • Fao. 2018. www. internet page Gabisa, M., T. Tana and E. Urage. 2017. Effect of Planting Density on Yield Components and Yield of Groundnut (Arachis hypogeae L.) Varieties at Abeya, Borena Zone Southern Ethiopia. International J. of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science, 3(3):189-206
  • Giayetto, O., G.A. Cerioni and W.E. Asnal. 1998. Effect of Sowing Spacing on Vegetative Growth, Dry Matter Production and Peanut Pod Yield. Peanut Science, 25:86-92
  • Gulluoglu, L., H. Bakal, B. Onat, C. Kurt and H. Arioglu. 2017. Comparison of Agronomic and Quality Characteristics of Some Peanut Varieties Grown as Main and Double Crop in Mediterranean Region. Turkish Journal of Field Crops. 22 (2):166-177,
  • Gulluoglu, L., H. Bakal, B. Onat, A. El Sabagh and H. Arioglu. 2016. Characterization of Peanut (Arachis hypogeal L.) Seed Oil and Fatty Acids Composition under Different Growing Season Under Mediterraean Environment, Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences, 4(5S):564- 571
  • Hassan, F., A. Manaf and M. Ejaz. 2005. Determination of oil and Fatty Acid Accumulation in Peanut. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 7(6):895-899
  • Hassan, F and M. Ahmed. 2012. Oil and Fatty Acid Composition of Peanut Cultivars Grown in Pakistan. Pakistan journal of Botany, 44(2):627-630
  • Konlan, S., J. Sarkodie-Addo, E. Asare and M.J. Kombiok. 2013. Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Varietal Response to Spacing in the Guinea Savana Agro-Ecological Zone of Ghana: Growth and Yield. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 8(22): 2769-2777
  • Kurt, C., H. Bakal, L. Gulluoglu and H. Arioglu. 2017. The Effect of Twin Row Planting Pattern and Plant Population on Yield and Yield Components of Peanut (Arachis hypogeal L.) at Main Crop Planting in Cukurova Region of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 22 (1):24-31
  • Magagula,N., P.M. Mabuza and N.Zubuko. 2019. Effects of Plant Density and Planting Pattern on Growth and Seed Yield of Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in The Wet Middleveld of Eswatini. Asian Plant Research Journal, 3(2):1-12
  • Naab, J.B., K.J. Boote, P.V.V. Parasad, S.S. Seini and J.W. Jones. 2009. Influence of Fungicide and Sowing Density on the Growth and Yield of Two Groundnut Cultivars. The Journal of Agricultural Science, 147(2): 179-191
  • Nakagawa J., T. Nojimoto, C.A. Rosolem, A.M. Almeida and D.H.C. Lasca. 1983. Efeitos da Densidade de Semeadura na Produçao de Vagens de Amendoim. Cientifica, 1(11):79-86
  • Onat, B., H. Bakal, L. Gulluoglu and H. Arioglu. 2017. The Effects of Row Spacing and Plant Density on Yield and Yield Components of Peanut Grown as a Double Cropped in Mediterranean Environment in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 22 (1):71-80.
  • Rasekh, H., J. Asgharı, M.N. Safaızadeh and R. Zakerınejad. 2010. Effect of Planting Pattern and Plant Density on Physiological Characteristics and Yield of Peanut in İran. Research Journal of Biological Sciences, 5(8): 542-547
  • Sconyers, L.E., T.B. Brenneman, K.L. Stevenson and B.G. Mullinix. 2007. Effect of Row Pattern, Seeding Rate, and Inoculation Date on Fungicide Efficacy and Development of Peanut Stem Rot. Plant Disease, 91(3):273-278
  • Virk, A.S., J.N. Kaul, B.S. Bhangoo and A. Singh. 2005. Influence of Planting Techniques and Plant Population on Biology and Pod Productivity of Summer Groundnut Varieties. Oil Crops Research, 6(1):173-174
  • Wells R.J., J.W. Burton and T.C. Kilen. 1993. Soybean Growth and Light Interception: Response to Differing Leaf and Stem Morphology. Crop Science, 33:520-524
  • Yousif, D.P. and A. Hussain. 2019. Effect of Genotype and Plant Density on Growth Characteristics and Yield of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in Central Region of Iraq. Agricultural Research and Technology :Open Access Journal, 19(3): 101-106
  • Zhao, C., C. Shao, Z. Yang, Y. Wang, X. Zhang, M. Wang and M.E. McGiffen. 2017. Effect of Planting Density on Pod Development and Yield of Peanut Under the Pattern of Precision Planted Peanuts. Legume Research, 40(5):901-905.


Year 2020, , 92 - 99, 11.06.2020


This study was conducted at the University of Cukurova, Faculty of Agriculture research area in 2018 and
2019 in Adana, Turkey. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of plant density on pod yield
and some agronomic characteristics of different growth type peanut varieties (Halisbey and NC-7) in main
crop growing condition. In this research; five different intra-row spacing (5, 10, 15. 20 and 25 cm) were used in
single row planting pattern. The experimental design was a split plot with three replications. Pod number and
pod weight per plant, 100 seed weight, shelling percentage, oil and protein content, pod and kernel yield per
hectare characteristics of varieties were investigated.
As a result; pod number and weight per plant and 100 seed weight values were decreased when the plant
density was increased, but shelling percentage, pod and kernel yield and protein percentage values were
increased. The oil content was not affected by the plant density. The highest pod yield (6652 kg ha-1
) was
obtained when the seeds planted at 5 cm inter-row spacing (28.5 plants m-2 plant density). The highest pod
yield was obtained from Halisbey variety.


  • Abdullah, T., A.A. Rahmanna, S. Hardaningsih and F. Rozi. 2007. Increasing Groundnut Yield on Dry Land Alfisols in Indonesia. Journal of Semi-Arid Tropics. Agricultural Research, 5(1):84-86
  • Ahmad, N., M. Rahim and U. Khan. 2007. Evaluation of Different Varieties, Seed Rates and Row Spacing of Groundnut, Planted under Agro-Ecological Conditions of Malakand division. Journal of Agronomy, 6(2):385-387
  • Annadurai, K., N. Puppala, S. Angadi and P. Masilamani. 2009. Agronomic Management Technologies for Peanut Production: a review, Indian Agricultural Review, 30(4):235-261
  • Arioglu, H., H. Bakal, L. Gulluoglu, B. Onat and C. Kurt. 2018. The Effect of Harvesting Dates on Some Agronomic and Quality Characteristics of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Varieties Grown as a Main Crop in Mediterranean Region (Turkey). Turkish journal of Field Crops, 23(1):27-37
  • Awal, M.A and L. Aktar. 2015. Effect of Row Spacing on the Growth and Yield of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Stands. International Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. 3(1):7-11.
  • Caliskan, S., M.E. Caliskan, M. Arslan and H. Arioglu. 2008. Effects of Sowing Date and Growth Duration on Growth and Yield of Groundnut in a Mediterranean-type Environment in Turkey. Field Crops Res., 105:131-140
  • Dapaah, H.K., I. Mohammed and R.T. Awuah. 2014. Phenological Development and Yield of Three Groundnut Varieties as Influenced by Plant Density in a Forest-savanna Transition Zone. International Journal of Agricultural Research, 9:87-98
  • Egli, D.B. 1988. Plant Density and Soybean Yield. Crop Science, 28:977-980
  • El Naim, A.K., M.A. Eldouma, E.A. Ibrahim and M.M.B. Zaled. 2011. Infulence of Plant Spacing and Weeds Growth and Yield of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in Rain-Fed of Sudan. Advances in Life Sciences, 1(2):45-48
  • Fao. 2018. www. internet page Gabisa, M., T. Tana and E. Urage. 2017. Effect of Planting Density on Yield Components and Yield of Groundnut (Arachis hypogeae L.) Varieties at Abeya, Borena Zone Southern Ethiopia. International J. of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science, 3(3):189-206
  • Giayetto, O., G.A. Cerioni and W.E. Asnal. 1998. Effect of Sowing Spacing on Vegetative Growth, Dry Matter Production and Peanut Pod Yield. Peanut Science, 25:86-92
  • Gulluoglu, L., H. Bakal, B. Onat, C. Kurt and H. Arioglu. 2017. Comparison of Agronomic and Quality Characteristics of Some Peanut Varieties Grown as Main and Double Crop in Mediterranean Region. Turkish Journal of Field Crops. 22 (2):166-177,
  • Gulluoglu, L., H. Bakal, B. Onat, A. El Sabagh and H. Arioglu. 2016. Characterization of Peanut (Arachis hypogeal L.) Seed Oil and Fatty Acids Composition under Different Growing Season Under Mediterraean Environment, Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences, 4(5S):564- 571
  • Hassan, F., A. Manaf and M. Ejaz. 2005. Determination of oil and Fatty Acid Accumulation in Peanut. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 7(6):895-899
  • Hassan, F and M. Ahmed. 2012. Oil and Fatty Acid Composition of Peanut Cultivars Grown in Pakistan. Pakistan journal of Botany, 44(2):627-630
  • Konlan, S., J. Sarkodie-Addo, E. Asare and M.J. Kombiok. 2013. Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Varietal Response to Spacing in the Guinea Savana Agro-Ecological Zone of Ghana: Growth and Yield. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 8(22): 2769-2777
  • Kurt, C., H. Bakal, L. Gulluoglu and H. Arioglu. 2017. The Effect of Twin Row Planting Pattern and Plant Population on Yield and Yield Components of Peanut (Arachis hypogeal L.) at Main Crop Planting in Cukurova Region of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 22 (1):24-31
  • Magagula,N., P.M. Mabuza and N.Zubuko. 2019. Effects of Plant Density and Planting Pattern on Growth and Seed Yield of Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in The Wet Middleveld of Eswatini. Asian Plant Research Journal, 3(2):1-12
  • Naab, J.B., K.J. Boote, P.V.V. Parasad, S.S. Seini and J.W. Jones. 2009. Influence of Fungicide and Sowing Density on the Growth and Yield of Two Groundnut Cultivars. The Journal of Agricultural Science, 147(2): 179-191
  • Nakagawa J., T. Nojimoto, C.A. Rosolem, A.M. Almeida and D.H.C. Lasca. 1983. Efeitos da Densidade de Semeadura na Produçao de Vagens de Amendoim. Cientifica, 1(11):79-86
  • Onat, B., H. Bakal, L. Gulluoglu and H. Arioglu. 2017. The Effects of Row Spacing and Plant Density on Yield and Yield Components of Peanut Grown as a Double Cropped in Mediterranean Environment in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 22 (1):71-80.
  • Rasekh, H., J. Asgharı, M.N. Safaızadeh and R. Zakerınejad. 2010. Effect of Planting Pattern and Plant Density on Physiological Characteristics and Yield of Peanut in İran. Research Journal of Biological Sciences, 5(8): 542-547
  • Sconyers, L.E., T.B. Brenneman, K.L. Stevenson and B.G. Mullinix. 2007. Effect of Row Pattern, Seeding Rate, and Inoculation Date on Fungicide Efficacy and Development of Peanut Stem Rot. Plant Disease, 91(3):273-278
  • Virk, A.S., J.N. Kaul, B.S. Bhangoo and A. Singh. 2005. Influence of Planting Techniques and Plant Population on Biology and Pod Productivity of Summer Groundnut Varieties. Oil Crops Research, 6(1):173-174
  • Wells R.J., J.W. Burton and T.C. Kilen. 1993. Soybean Growth and Light Interception: Response to Differing Leaf and Stem Morphology. Crop Science, 33:520-524
  • Yousif, D.P. and A. Hussain. 2019. Effect of Genotype and Plant Density on Growth Characteristics and Yield of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in Central Region of Iraq. Agricultural Research and Technology :Open Access Journal, 19(3): 101-106
  • Zhao, C., C. Shao, Z. Yang, Y. Wang, X. Zhang, M. Wang and M.E. McGiffen. 2017. Effect of Planting Density on Pod Development and Yield of Peanut Under the Pattern of Precision Planted Peanuts. Legume Research, 40(5):901-905.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Halil Bakal This is me

Abdullah Kenetli This is me

Halis Arıoglu This is me

Publication Date June 11, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020



Turkish Journal of Field Crops is published by the Society of Field Crops Science and issued twice a year.
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Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture,Department of Field Crops
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