Research Article
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Year 2020, , 174 - 180, 07.12.2020



  • Ahloowalia, B.S. 1994. Production of mini-seed tubers using a modular system of plant micropropagation. Potato Research 42: 569-575.
  • Ahloowalia, B.S. 1999. Production and performance of potato mini-tubers. Euphytica 75: 163-172.
  • Ahloowalia, B.S. 2000. Stability of micropropagated plants and mini-tubers of potato, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Methods and Markers for Quality Assurance in Micropropagation Symposium 4& Cloning Strategies, (Eds. B.M Doyle, R.F. Curry, & A.C. Cassells), Department of Plant Science, National University of Ireland, Cork 24.
  • Al-Ani, M., W.A. Abdulmajed, E.A.J. El-Kaaby, A.M. Ibrahim, F. Naser, A. Redha, M. Ahmed, S. Abdalzahra. 2017. Field performance evaluation of two potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars propagated in vitro. International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Current Research ISSN: 2321-3124.
  • Ali, M.A., K.M. Nasiruddin, M.S. Haque, S.M. Faisal. 2013. Virus elimination in potato through meristem culture followed by thermotherapy. SAARC J. Agri. 11(1): 71-80.
  • Awati, R., A. Bhattacharya, B. Char. 2018. Rapid multiplication technique for production of high-quality seed potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers. Journal of Applied Biology&Biotechnology (available online: http://www.jabonline. in)
  • Danci, M., D. Oana, M. Luiza, B. Anca, O. Daniela, P. Cerasela, F. Berbentea, I. David. 2012. Production of virus free potato plantlets. Journal of Horticulture. Forestry and Biotechnology 16(1): 232-238.
  • Gopal, J. and N.S. Chamman. 2010. Slow growth in vitro conservation of potato germplasm at low temperatue. Potato Research 53: 141-149.
  • Loebenstein, G., P.H. Berger, A.A. Brunt, R.H. Lawson. 2001. Virus and virus-like disease of potatoes and production of seed potatoes. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Olando.
  • Mohapatra, P.P. and V.K. Batra. 2017. Tissue culture of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.): a review. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci. 6(4): 489-495.
  • Morais, T.P., S.A. Asmar, J. Silva, Q. Luz, B. Melo. 2018. Application of tissue culture techniques in potato. Biosci. J. 34(49): 952-969.
  • Murashige, T. and F. Skoog. 1962. A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassay with tobacco cultures. Physiol. Plant. 15: 473-479.
  • Nagib, A., S.A. Hossain, M.F. Alam, M.M. Hossain, R. Islam, R.S. Sultana. 2003. Virus free potato tuber seed production through meristem culture in Tropical Asia. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences 2(8): 616-622.
  • Novak, F.J., J. Zadina, V. Horackova and I. Maskova. 1980. The effect of growth regulators on meristem tip development and in vitro multiplication of Solanum tuberosum L. plants. Potato Research 23(2): 155-166.
  • Ozkaynak, E. and B. Samanci. 2005. Yield and yield components of greenhouse, field and seedbed grown potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plantlets. Journal of Akdeniz University. 18: 125-129.
  • Ozturk, G. and Z. Yildirim. 2011. Uniformity of potato minitubers derived from meristem cultures of nuclear seed stocks. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 16: 149-152.
  • Ozturk, G. and Z. Yildirim. 2014. Comparison of old and new clones of potato nuclear seed stocks for tuber uniformity in the greenhouse. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 19: 90-95.
  • Ozturk, G. 2017. Comparison of minitubers of in vitro potato seedlings in seedbed conditions, 5th International Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Congress. 25-19 August 2016, Macedonia.
  • Ozturk, G. and Z. Yildirim. 2018. Production of potato clones through crossing suitable to the conditions of the Ege Region. Project Final Report No: 2014-ZRF-052 (in Turkish).
  • Pruski, K. 2007. The canon of potato science: in vitro multiplication through nodal cuttings. Potato Research 50: 293-296.
  • Quak, F. 1972. Therapy, (virusses of potatoes and seed potato production Edi.J.A. de Box), Pudok, Wageningen-Holland, 158-166 pp.
  • Ranalli, P., E. Forti, G. Mandolino, B. Casarini. 1990. Improving production and health of seed potato stocks in Italy. Potato Research 33: 377-387.
  • Ražukas, A. 2002. Effect of genotype on distribution of diseases and viruses in potato. Biologija, ISSN: 1392-0146, Nr.1
  • Roosenberg, V., J. Edesi, K. Liiv, K. Kotkas. 2013. Overview of in vitro preservation of potato and use of the gene bank material in Estonia. Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences 67: 219-223.
  • Sarkar, D. and P.S. Naik. 1998. Factors affecting minimal growth conservation of potato micro pants in vitro. Euphytica 102: 275-280.
  • Sharma, A.K. and K.K. Pandey. 2013. Potato minituber production through direct transplanting of in vitro plantlets in green or screen houses- a review. Potato J. 40(2): 95-103.
  • Steel, R.G.D. and J.H. Torrie. 1980. Principles and Procedures of Statistics. McGaw-Hill Book Company, Inc. N.Y.
  • Struik, P. 2007. The canon of potato science: minitubers. Potato Research 50: 305-308.
  • Vinterhalter, D. 2008. Potato in vitro culture technique and biotechnology. Fruit, Vegetable and Cereal Science and Biotechnology 2 (special issue 1): 17-45.
  • Yildirim, M.B. and Z. Yildirim. 1984. Research on obtaining virus-free potato seeds through meristem culture. Journal of Ege University Faculty of Agriculture 21:45-50 .
  • Yildirim, Z. 1995. (Solanum tuberosum L.) In vitro tuber production. Journal of Ege University Faculty of Agriculture 32:73-77 (in Turkish).
  • Yildirim, Z. 1995. Mini tuber production from potato seedlings. Journal of Ege University Faculty of Agriculture 32: 91-97 (in Turkish).
  • Yildirim, Z., S. Erkan, M. Gumus. 2009. Development of national seed potato systems. Public Project-TUBITAK, TOVAG (in Turkish).
  • Wescott, R. 1981a. Tissue culture storage of potato germplasm 1. minimal growth storage. Potato Research 24: 331-342.
  • Wescott, R. 1981b. Tissue culture storage of potato germplasm 2. use of growth retarders. Potato Research 24: 343-352.


Year 2020, , 174 - 180, 07.12.2020


Potato seedlings of various potato genotypes free from the following viruses PVS (potato viruses S), PVX (potato viruses X), PVY (potato viruses Y), PLRV (potato leafroll virus), PVA (potato viruses A) and PMTV (potato mop-top viruses) were obtained via meristem culture and they were increased in vitro. Seedlings were grown in the greenhouse and mini tubers obtained were tested in the seed bed and in the field trials.
When the results of greenhouse experiment were evaluated: clone Nif-1 was found to be high for single tuber number (3.0). Clone 6/7-1 had high means as compared to the remaining for single tuber weight (5.2 g) and single plant yield (14.5 g). The highest mini tuber number was obtained from Clone 6/7 in seedbed experiment. Also Hermes-1 had higher means for single tuber weight and Clone 122-1 had the higher means for plant yield and plot yield than that of other clones. Clones Atlantic-2; 3 and 1 (5.8 cm) had high tuber width and clone Hermes-1 and 2 (6.6 cm) had the highest means for tuber length in the seedbed trial. Based on the results of field experiment the highest minituber numbers were obtained from Clone 6/7-2 (10.7) and Clone 6/7-2 (10.3). Atlantic-1 (136.5 g) had high mean for tuber weight as compared to other clones. Nif-1 had the highest mean for plant yield as 920.2 g. Clone 122-1 was found to be higher than the other clones for plot yield (5.3 kg). Clones of Atlantic-1; 2 and 3 (5.9 cm) had high tuber width and clones of Juwel-1; 2 and Hermes-2 (6.8 cm) had the highest means for tuber length.


  • Ahloowalia, B.S. 1994. Production of mini-seed tubers using a modular system of plant micropropagation. Potato Research 42: 569-575.
  • Ahloowalia, B.S. 1999. Production and performance of potato mini-tubers. Euphytica 75: 163-172.
  • Ahloowalia, B.S. 2000. Stability of micropropagated plants and mini-tubers of potato, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Methods and Markers for Quality Assurance in Micropropagation Symposium 4& Cloning Strategies, (Eds. B.M Doyle, R.F. Curry, & A.C. Cassells), Department of Plant Science, National University of Ireland, Cork 24.
  • Al-Ani, M., W.A. Abdulmajed, E.A.J. El-Kaaby, A.M. Ibrahim, F. Naser, A. Redha, M. Ahmed, S. Abdalzahra. 2017. Field performance evaluation of two potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars propagated in vitro. International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Current Research ISSN: 2321-3124.
  • Ali, M.A., K.M. Nasiruddin, M.S. Haque, S.M. Faisal. 2013. Virus elimination in potato through meristem culture followed by thermotherapy. SAARC J. Agri. 11(1): 71-80.
  • Awati, R., A. Bhattacharya, B. Char. 2018. Rapid multiplication technique for production of high-quality seed potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers. Journal of Applied Biology&Biotechnology (available online: http://www.jabonline. in)
  • Danci, M., D. Oana, M. Luiza, B. Anca, O. Daniela, P. Cerasela, F. Berbentea, I. David. 2012. Production of virus free potato plantlets. Journal of Horticulture. Forestry and Biotechnology 16(1): 232-238.
  • Gopal, J. and N.S. Chamman. 2010. Slow growth in vitro conservation of potato germplasm at low temperatue. Potato Research 53: 141-149.
  • Loebenstein, G., P.H. Berger, A.A. Brunt, R.H. Lawson. 2001. Virus and virus-like disease of potatoes and production of seed potatoes. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Olando.
  • Mohapatra, P.P. and V.K. Batra. 2017. Tissue culture of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.): a review. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci. 6(4): 489-495.
  • Morais, T.P., S.A. Asmar, J. Silva, Q. Luz, B. Melo. 2018. Application of tissue culture techniques in potato. Biosci. J. 34(49): 952-969.
  • Murashige, T. and F. Skoog. 1962. A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassay with tobacco cultures. Physiol. Plant. 15: 473-479.
  • Nagib, A., S.A. Hossain, M.F. Alam, M.M. Hossain, R. Islam, R.S. Sultana. 2003. Virus free potato tuber seed production through meristem culture in Tropical Asia. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences 2(8): 616-622.
  • Novak, F.J., J. Zadina, V. Horackova and I. Maskova. 1980. The effect of growth regulators on meristem tip development and in vitro multiplication of Solanum tuberosum L. plants. Potato Research 23(2): 155-166.
  • Ozkaynak, E. and B. Samanci. 2005. Yield and yield components of greenhouse, field and seedbed grown potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plantlets. Journal of Akdeniz University. 18: 125-129.
  • Ozturk, G. and Z. Yildirim. 2011. Uniformity of potato minitubers derived from meristem cultures of nuclear seed stocks. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 16: 149-152.
  • Ozturk, G. and Z. Yildirim. 2014. Comparison of old and new clones of potato nuclear seed stocks for tuber uniformity in the greenhouse. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 19: 90-95.
  • Ozturk, G. 2017. Comparison of minitubers of in vitro potato seedlings in seedbed conditions, 5th International Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Congress. 25-19 August 2016, Macedonia.
  • Ozturk, G. and Z. Yildirim. 2018. Production of potato clones through crossing suitable to the conditions of the Ege Region. Project Final Report No: 2014-ZRF-052 (in Turkish).
  • Pruski, K. 2007. The canon of potato science: in vitro multiplication through nodal cuttings. Potato Research 50: 293-296.
  • Quak, F. 1972. Therapy, (virusses of potatoes and seed potato production Edi.J.A. de Box), Pudok, Wageningen-Holland, 158-166 pp.
  • Ranalli, P., E. Forti, G. Mandolino, B. Casarini. 1990. Improving production and health of seed potato stocks in Italy. Potato Research 33: 377-387.
  • Ražukas, A. 2002. Effect of genotype on distribution of diseases and viruses in potato. Biologija, ISSN: 1392-0146, Nr.1
  • Roosenberg, V., J. Edesi, K. Liiv, K. Kotkas. 2013. Overview of in vitro preservation of potato and use of the gene bank material in Estonia. Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences 67: 219-223.
  • Sarkar, D. and P.S. Naik. 1998. Factors affecting minimal growth conservation of potato micro pants in vitro. Euphytica 102: 275-280.
  • Sharma, A.K. and K.K. Pandey. 2013. Potato minituber production through direct transplanting of in vitro plantlets in green or screen houses- a review. Potato J. 40(2): 95-103.
  • Steel, R.G.D. and J.H. Torrie. 1980. Principles and Procedures of Statistics. McGaw-Hill Book Company, Inc. N.Y.
  • Struik, P. 2007. The canon of potato science: minitubers. Potato Research 50: 305-308.
  • Vinterhalter, D. 2008. Potato in vitro culture technique and biotechnology. Fruit, Vegetable and Cereal Science and Biotechnology 2 (special issue 1): 17-45.
  • Yildirim, M.B. and Z. Yildirim. 1984. Research on obtaining virus-free potato seeds through meristem culture. Journal of Ege University Faculty of Agriculture 21:45-50 .
  • Yildirim, Z. 1995. (Solanum tuberosum L.) In vitro tuber production. Journal of Ege University Faculty of Agriculture 32:73-77 (in Turkish).
  • Yildirim, Z. 1995. Mini tuber production from potato seedlings. Journal of Ege University Faculty of Agriculture 32: 91-97 (in Turkish).
  • Yildirim, Z., S. Erkan, M. Gumus. 2009. Development of national seed potato systems. Public Project-TUBITAK, TOVAG (in Turkish).
  • Wescott, R. 1981a. Tissue culture storage of potato germplasm 1. minimal growth storage. Potato Research 24: 331-342.
  • Wescott, R. 1981b. Tissue culture storage of potato germplasm 2. use of growth retarders. Potato Research 24: 343-352.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Gulsum Ozturk This is me

Zihin Yıldırım This is me

Publication Date December 7, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Ozturk, G., & Yıldırım, Z. (2020). TUBER CHARACTERISTICS OF DISEASE FREE MERISTEM CLONES OF POTATO GENOTYPES. Turkish Journal Of Field Crops, 25(2), 174-180.

Turkish Journal of Field Crops is published by the Society of Field Crops Science and issued twice a year.
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Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture,Department of Field Crops
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