Research Article
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Year 2020, , 208 - 215, 07.12.2020



  • Anonymous. 2010. In: Utah Fertilizer Guide. Editors: James D. F., Topper K. F. Utah State University Cooperative Extension. Anonymous. 2019a. Cultivars. Transitional Zone Agricultural Research Institute.şitlerimiz/Yulaf/checota.pdf (Accessed March 12, 2019. In Turkish).
  • Anonymous. 2019b. Yeni Yulaf Cesidimiz Yeniceri. Bahri Dağdas International Agricultural Research Institute.
  • (Accessed March 12, 2019. In Turkish).
  • Anonymous. 2019c. Cultivars catalouge. Bahri Dagdas International Agricultural Research Institute. (Accessed March 12, 2019. In Turkish).
  • Anonymous. 2019d. Cultivars. Trakya Tarim Offical Website. (Accessed March 12, 2019. In Turkish).
  • Anonymous. 2019e. Cultivars. Trakya Agricultural Research Institute. (Accessed March 12, 2019. In Turkish).
  • Arendt, E.K., E. Zannini. 2013. Oats, In: Cereal grains for the food and beverage industries, . Arendt E., Zannini E., Eds., Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition, Cambridge, UK, pp. 243–283.
  • Braaten, J.T., P.J. Wood, F.W. Scott, M.S. Wolynetz, M.K. Lowe, P. Bradley-White, M.W. Collins. 1994. Oat beta-glucan reduces blood cholesterol concentration in hypercholesterolemic subjects. European journal of clinical nutrition. 48(7): 465-474.
  • Ciampitti, I.A. and T.J. Vyn. 2012. Physiological perspectives of changes over time in maize yield dependency on nitrogen uptake and associated nitrogen efficiencies: A review. Field Crops Research 133: 48–67.
  • Dai, X., X. Zhou, D. Jia, L. Xiao, H. Kong, M. He. 2013. Managing the seeding rate to improve nitrogen-use efficiency of winter wheat. Field Crops Research 154: 100–109.
  • Delogu, G., L. Cattivelli, N. Pecchioni, D. De Falcis, T. Maggiore, A.M. Stanca. 1998. Uptake and agronomic efficiency of nitrogen in winter barley and winter wheat. European Journal of Agronomy 9(1): 11–20.
  • Duncan, E.G., C.A. O’Sullivan, M.M. Roper, J.S. Biggs, M.B. Peoples. 2018. Influence of co-application of nitrogen with phosphorus, potassium and sulphur on the apparent efficiency of nitrogen fertiliser use, grain yield and protein content of wheat. Field crops research 226: 56–65.
  • Dumlupinar, Z., A. Tekin, S. Herek, A. Tanrikulu, T. Dokuyucu, A. Akkaya. 2012. Evaluating Some Turkish Originated Oat Genotypes for Some Agronomic Traits. Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology 5(7): 763–772.
  • Ercan, K., A, Tekin, S. Herek, A. Kurt, E. Kekec, M.F. Olgun, T. Dokuyucu, Z. Dumlupinar, A. Akkaya. 2016. Performance of Local Oat Lines in Kahramanmara Conditions. KSU J. Nat. Sci. 19(4): 438–444 (In Turkish).
  • Fageria, N.K. and V.C. Baligar. 2003. Methodology for evaluation of lowland rice genotypes for nitrogen use efficiency. Journal of Plant nutrition 26(6): 1315–1333.
  • Guttieri, M. J., K. Frels, T. Regassa, B.M. Waters, P.S. Baenziger. 2017. Variation for nitrogen use efficiency traits in current and historical great plains hard winter wheat. Euphytica 213(4), 87.
  • Ilker, E., H. Geren, R.,Unsal, I. Sevim, F. A. Tonk, M. Tosun. 2011. AMMI-biplot analysis of yield performances of bread wheat cultivars grown at different locations. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 16(1): 64-68.
  • JMP, 2016. JMP® Version 13.2. SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, 1989-2019.
  • Kahraman, T., C. Kurt, A. Seis Subasi, T. Özderen, O. Yıldız, C. Buyukkileci, T. Sanal. 2017. Determination of Oat (Avena sativa L.) Genotypes Suitable for Human Nutrition in Trakya-Marmara Region. Journal of Central Research Institute for Field Crops 26 (Special Issue): 105−111 (In Turkish).
  • Kant, S., Y.M. Bi, S.J. Rothstein. 2010. Understanding plant response to nitrogen limitation for the improvement of crop nitrogen use efficiency. Journal of experimental Botany 62(4), 1499–1509.
  • Kim, G.W., J., Gutierrez-Suson, P.J., Kim. 2019. Optimum N rate for grain yield coincides with minimum greenhouse gas intensity in flooded rice fields. Field Crops Research 237: 23–31.
  • Krobel, R., C.A., Campbell, R.P., Zentner, R., Lemke, R.L., Desjardins, Y, Karimi-Zindashty. 2012. Effect of N, P and cropping frequency on nitrogen use efficiencies of spring wheat in the Canadian semi-arid prairie. Can. J. Plant Sci. 92:141-154.
  • Langeroodi, A.R.S. 2015. Sunflower and soil response to seven years of tillage, residue management and nitrogen fertilizer. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 20(2):194-202.
  • Lemaire, G., F., Gastal. 2009. Quantifying crop responses to nitrogen deficiency and avenues to improve nitrogen use efficiency. In Crop physiology: Applications for genetic improvement and agronomy (pp. 171-211). Academic Press San Diego.
  • Lollato, R.P., B.M. Figueiredo, J.S. Dhillon, D.B. Arnall, W.R. Raun. 2019. Wheat grain yield and grain-nitrogen relationships as affected by N, P, and K fertilization: A synthesis of long-term experiments. Field Crops Research 236: 42-57.
  • Mantai, R.D., J.A.G. da Silva, E.G. Arenhardt, T.G. Heck, A.T.Z.R. Sausen, C.A.M.B. Kruger, A.M. Cardoso, C.J.G. Neto, D.K. Krysczun. 2015. The effect of nitrogen dose on the yield indicators of oats. African Journal of Agricultural Research 10(39): 3773–3781.
  • Maral, H., Z. Dumlupinar, T. Dokuyucu, A. Akkaya. 2012. Impact of genotype and nitrogen fertilizer rate on yield and nitrogen use by oat (Avena sativa L.) in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 17(2):177–184.
  • Maral, H., Z. Dumlupinar. T. Dokuyucu, A. Akkaya. 2013. Response of six oat (Avena sativa L.) cultivars to nitrogen fertilization for agronomical traits. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 18(2): 254–259.
  • Mengel, K., E.A. Kirkby, H. Kosegarten, T. Appel. 2001. Nitrogen. In Principles of Plant Nutrition (pp. 397–434). Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands. Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Turkey, 2020. Plant Nutrition Statistics. (Assessed May 20, 2020). In Turkish.
  • Moreau, R., A. Kamal-Eldin (Eds.). 2015. Gourmet and health-promoting specialty oils. Elsevier, Netherlands. Muurinen, S., G.A. Slafer, P. Peltonen-Sainio. 2006. Breeding effects on nitrogen use efficiency of spring cereals under northern conditions. Crop Science 46(2): 561–568.
  • Muftuoglu, N.M. 2008. Basic Principles of Fertilization. Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University Publication No: 70. ISBN: 978–975–8100–76–7 (In Turkish).
  • Ortiz-Monasterio, R., K.D. Sayre, S. Rajaram, M. McMahon. 1997. Genetic progress in wheat yield and nitrogen use efficiency under four nitrogen rates. Crop Science 37(3): 898–904.
  • Pask, A.J.D., R. Sylvester-Bradley, P.D. Jamieson, M.J. Foulkes. 2012. Quantifying how winter wheat crops accumulate and use nitrogen reserves during growth. Field Crops Research 126:104–118.
  • Rasmussen, I.S., D.B. Dresbøll, K. Thorup-Kristensen. 2015. Winter wheat cultivars and nitrogen (N) fertilization—effects on root growth, N uptake efficiency and N use efficiency. European Journal of Agronomy 68:38–49.
  • Sari, N. 2012. The Relationships between yield and yield components of oat (Avena sativa L.). M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Field Crops, Adnan Menderes University, Aydın. (Assessed 10 December, 2018). TURKSTAT 2020. (Assessed May 20, 2020).
  • Wrigley, C. 2017. Cereal-Grain Morphology and Composition, In: Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition, Cereal Grains (Second Edition), Ed. Wrigley, C., Batey, I. And Miskelly, D., Woodhead Publishing (pp. 55-87).
  • Yan, W. 2014. Crop variety trials: Data management and analysis. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN:9781118688649.
  • Zwer, P. 2010. Oats: characteristics and quality requirements. In: Cereal Grains Ed. Wrigley, C., Batey, Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition, CRC Press, UK (pp. 163–182).


Year 2020, , 208 - 215, 07.12.2020


While oat is a major cold-climate cereal in Marmara region of Turkey, little is known about the nitrogen use efficiencies (NUE) of Turkish oat cultivars. This research aims to evaluate NUE, grain yield, and several agronomic traits of 5 oat cultivars in 5 nitrogen applications doses. Field trials were conducted in the Canakkale, Turkey for two growing seasons where NUE, grain yield, plant height, panicle length, grain number per panicle, and grain weight per panicle were determined. Results of variance analysis indicated statistical significance for year, genotype, N dose, and Genotype x N dose effects for all traits. New oat cultivars (Kahraman, Yeniceri, and Sebat) were found to have higher grain yield and NUE compared to the older cultivars (Chekota and Seydisehir). Grain yield response of each cultivar to the increasing N levels were further investigated with regression analysis and Princial Component Analysis (PCA) Biplot. Results suggested that Kahraman has the highest grain yield potential when Sebat and Yeniceri can be recommended for the higher N doses. We conclude that oat breeding efforts of the last decade may have contributed to higher NUE along with improving grain yield of oat cultivars in Turkey.


  • Anonymous. 2010. In: Utah Fertilizer Guide. Editors: James D. F., Topper K. F. Utah State University Cooperative Extension. Anonymous. 2019a. Cultivars. Transitional Zone Agricultural Research Institute.şitlerimiz/Yulaf/checota.pdf (Accessed March 12, 2019. In Turkish).
  • Anonymous. 2019b. Yeni Yulaf Cesidimiz Yeniceri. Bahri Dağdas International Agricultural Research Institute.
  • (Accessed March 12, 2019. In Turkish).
  • Anonymous. 2019c. Cultivars catalouge. Bahri Dagdas International Agricultural Research Institute. (Accessed March 12, 2019. In Turkish).
  • Anonymous. 2019d. Cultivars. Trakya Tarim Offical Website. (Accessed March 12, 2019. In Turkish).
  • Anonymous. 2019e. Cultivars. Trakya Agricultural Research Institute. (Accessed March 12, 2019. In Turkish).
  • Arendt, E.K., E. Zannini. 2013. Oats, In: Cereal grains for the food and beverage industries, . Arendt E., Zannini E., Eds., Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition, Cambridge, UK, pp. 243–283.
  • Braaten, J.T., P.J. Wood, F.W. Scott, M.S. Wolynetz, M.K. Lowe, P. Bradley-White, M.W. Collins. 1994. Oat beta-glucan reduces blood cholesterol concentration in hypercholesterolemic subjects. European journal of clinical nutrition. 48(7): 465-474.
  • Ciampitti, I.A. and T.J. Vyn. 2012. Physiological perspectives of changes over time in maize yield dependency on nitrogen uptake and associated nitrogen efficiencies: A review. Field Crops Research 133: 48–67.
  • Dai, X., X. Zhou, D. Jia, L. Xiao, H. Kong, M. He. 2013. Managing the seeding rate to improve nitrogen-use efficiency of winter wheat. Field Crops Research 154: 100–109.
  • Delogu, G., L. Cattivelli, N. Pecchioni, D. De Falcis, T. Maggiore, A.M. Stanca. 1998. Uptake and agronomic efficiency of nitrogen in winter barley and winter wheat. European Journal of Agronomy 9(1): 11–20.
  • Duncan, E.G., C.A. O’Sullivan, M.M. Roper, J.S. Biggs, M.B. Peoples. 2018. Influence of co-application of nitrogen with phosphorus, potassium and sulphur on the apparent efficiency of nitrogen fertiliser use, grain yield and protein content of wheat. Field crops research 226: 56–65.
  • Dumlupinar, Z., A. Tekin, S. Herek, A. Tanrikulu, T. Dokuyucu, A. Akkaya. 2012. Evaluating Some Turkish Originated Oat Genotypes for Some Agronomic Traits. Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology 5(7): 763–772.
  • Ercan, K., A, Tekin, S. Herek, A. Kurt, E. Kekec, M.F. Olgun, T. Dokuyucu, Z. Dumlupinar, A. Akkaya. 2016. Performance of Local Oat Lines in Kahramanmara Conditions. KSU J. Nat. Sci. 19(4): 438–444 (In Turkish).
  • Fageria, N.K. and V.C. Baligar. 2003. Methodology for evaluation of lowland rice genotypes for nitrogen use efficiency. Journal of Plant nutrition 26(6): 1315–1333.
  • Guttieri, M. J., K. Frels, T. Regassa, B.M. Waters, P.S. Baenziger. 2017. Variation for nitrogen use efficiency traits in current and historical great plains hard winter wheat. Euphytica 213(4), 87.
  • Ilker, E., H. Geren, R.,Unsal, I. Sevim, F. A. Tonk, M. Tosun. 2011. AMMI-biplot analysis of yield performances of bread wheat cultivars grown at different locations. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 16(1): 64-68.
  • JMP, 2016. JMP® Version 13.2. SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, 1989-2019.
  • Kahraman, T., C. Kurt, A. Seis Subasi, T. Özderen, O. Yıldız, C. Buyukkileci, T. Sanal. 2017. Determination of Oat (Avena sativa L.) Genotypes Suitable for Human Nutrition in Trakya-Marmara Region. Journal of Central Research Institute for Field Crops 26 (Special Issue): 105−111 (In Turkish).
  • Kant, S., Y.M. Bi, S.J. Rothstein. 2010. Understanding plant response to nitrogen limitation for the improvement of crop nitrogen use efficiency. Journal of experimental Botany 62(4), 1499–1509.
  • Kim, G.W., J., Gutierrez-Suson, P.J., Kim. 2019. Optimum N rate for grain yield coincides with minimum greenhouse gas intensity in flooded rice fields. Field Crops Research 237: 23–31.
  • Krobel, R., C.A., Campbell, R.P., Zentner, R., Lemke, R.L., Desjardins, Y, Karimi-Zindashty. 2012. Effect of N, P and cropping frequency on nitrogen use efficiencies of spring wheat in the Canadian semi-arid prairie. Can. J. Plant Sci. 92:141-154.
  • Langeroodi, A.R.S. 2015. Sunflower and soil response to seven years of tillage, residue management and nitrogen fertilizer. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 20(2):194-202.
  • Lemaire, G., F., Gastal. 2009. Quantifying crop responses to nitrogen deficiency and avenues to improve nitrogen use efficiency. In Crop physiology: Applications for genetic improvement and agronomy (pp. 171-211). Academic Press San Diego.
  • Lollato, R.P., B.M. Figueiredo, J.S. Dhillon, D.B. Arnall, W.R. Raun. 2019. Wheat grain yield and grain-nitrogen relationships as affected by N, P, and K fertilization: A synthesis of long-term experiments. Field Crops Research 236: 42-57.
  • Mantai, R.D., J.A.G. da Silva, E.G. Arenhardt, T.G. Heck, A.T.Z.R. Sausen, C.A.M.B. Kruger, A.M. Cardoso, C.J.G. Neto, D.K. Krysczun. 2015. The effect of nitrogen dose on the yield indicators of oats. African Journal of Agricultural Research 10(39): 3773–3781.
  • Maral, H., Z. Dumlupinar, T. Dokuyucu, A. Akkaya. 2012. Impact of genotype and nitrogen fertilizer rate on yield and nitrogen use by oat (Avena sativa L.) in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 17(2):177–184.
  • Maral, H., Z. Dumlupinar. T. Dokuyucu, A. Akkaya. 2013. Response of six oat (Avena sativa L.) cultivars to nitrogen fertilization for agronomical traits. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 18(2): 254–259.
  • Mengel, K., E.A. Kirkby, H. Kosegarten, T. Appel. 2001. Nitrogen. In Principles of Plant Nutrition (pp. 397–434). Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands. Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Turkey, 2020. Plant Nutrition Statistics. (Assessed May 20, 2020). In Turkish.
  • Moreau, R., A. Kamal-Eldin (Eds.). 2015. Gourmet and health-promoting specialty oils. Elsevier, Netherlands. Muurinen, S., G.A. Slafer, P. Peltonen-Sainio. 2006. Breeding effects on nitrogen use efficiency of spring cereals under northern conditions. Crop Science 46(2): 561–568.
  • Muftuoglu, N.M. 2008. Basic Principles of Fertilization. Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University Publication No: 70. ISBN: 978–975–8100–76–7 (In Turkish).
  • Ortiz-Monasterio, R., K.D. Sayre, S. Rajaram, M. McMahon. 1997. Genetic progress in wheat yield and nitrogen use efficiency under four nitrogen rates. Crop Science 37(3): 898–904.
  • Pask, A.J.D., R. Sylvester-Bradley, P.D. Jamieson, M.J. Foulkes. 2012. Quantifying how winter wheat crops accumulate and use nitrogen reserves during growth. Field Crops Research 126:104–118.
  • Rasmussen, I.S., D.B. Dresbøll, K. Thorup-Kristensen. 2015. Winter wheat cultivars and nitrogen (N) fertilization—effects on root growth, N uptake efficiency and N use efficiency. European Journal of Agronomy 68:38–49.
  • Sari, N. 2012. The Relationships between yield and yield components of oat (Avena sativa L.). M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Field Crops, Adnan Menderes University, Aydın. (Assessed 10 December, 2018). TURKSTAT 2020. (Assessed May 20, 2020).
  • Wrigley, C. 2017. Cereal-Grain Morphology and Composition, In: Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition, Cereal Grains (Second Edition), Ed. Wrigley, C., Batey, I. And Miskelly, D., Woodhead Publishing (pp. 55-87).
  • Yan, W. 2014. Crop variety trials: Data management and analysis. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN:9781118688649.
  • Zwer, P. 2010. Oats: characteristics and quality requirements. In: Cereal Grains Ed. Wrigley, C., Batey, Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition, CRC Press, UK (pp. 163–182).
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Onur Hocaoglu This is me

Mevlut Akcura This is me

Publication Date December 7, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020



Turkish Journal of Field Crops is published by the Society of Field Crops Science and issued twice a year.
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Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture,Department of Field Crops
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