Research Article
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Investigation of the Effect of Level of Family Needs Coverage that Nursing Care Given to Family with Disabled Children

Year 2017, Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 10 - 19, 20.03.2017


purposes of this study are to evaluate disabled children and their parents in
an integrated manner, to determine the needs and to examine the effect of
nursing care services on meeting the family needs.  Method:
The study was planned as quasi-experimental. The target population of the
study consisted of disabled children between 0 and 18 years of age and their
parents who have been registered to the homecare service provided by the Child
and Youth Center Directorate in Gaziantep during January to April 2012. The
sample group of the study consists of 30 mentally/physically/hearing/visually
disabled children who were selected by the simple random sampling method. At
least three home visits were made to each family during the study in order to
determine the needs of the family and to determine the nursing needs related
with these needs, to plan the approaches, apply and evaluate them with at least
one month between each visit. Child Description Form, Caregiver and Family
Description Form, Family Needs Assessment Tool (FNAT) and Child Diagnosis Form
were used during the study. Results: The FNAT total mean score of family was
found to be 64.13 ± 9.79 before nursing care and 51.23±7.27 after nursing care.
These results demonstrate the effect of nursing care with home visit in
reducing the needs of families with disabled children.

Amaç: Bu
araştırma, engelli çocukların ailesine verilen hemşirelik bakımının aile
gereksinimini karşılama düzeyine etkisini incelemek amacıyla yapılmıştır.
Yöntem: Yarı deneysel olarak planlanmıştır. Araştırmanın
evrenini Ocak-Nisan 2012 tarihleri arasında Gaziantep ilinde bulunan Sosyal
Hizmet ve Rehabilitasyon Merkezinin evde bakım hizmetine kayıtlı 0-18 yaş
arasındaki engelli çocuklar ve aileleri oluşturmuştur. Araştırmanın örneklemini
ise basit rastgele örnekleme yöntemiyle seçilen 30
zihinsel/fiziksel/işitme/görme engelli çocuk ve aileleri oluşturmuştur.
Çalışmada ailelerin gereksinimlerini belirlemek ve belirlenen gereksinimlere
göre hemşirelik girişimleri planlamak, uygulamak ve değerlendirmek için her
aileye ziyaretler arasında en az bir ay süre bırakılarak, en az üç kez ev
ziyaretleri yapılmıştır. Araştırmada "Çocuk Tanıtım Formu",
"Aile Tanıtım Formu", "Aile Gereksinimlerini Belirleme Aracı
(AGBA)" ve "Hasta Çocuk Tanılama Formu" kullanılmıştır. Bulgular:
Hemşirelik bakımı öncesi ailelerin AGBA toplam puan ortalaması 64.13±9.79
iken hemşirelik bakımı sonrası 51.23±7.27 olduğu saptanmıştır. Sonuç: Bu
sonuçlar, engelli çocuklar ve ailelerine ev ziyaretleri ile verilen hemşirelik
bakımının ailelerin gereksinimlerini azaltmada etkili olduğunu göstermektedir.


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  • 2. Heiman T. Parents of children with disabilities: resilience, coping, and future expectations. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities. 2002;14:159-171.
  • 3. Akandere M, Acar M, Baştuğ G. Investigating the hopelessness and life satisfaction levels of the parents with mental disabled child. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2009;22:23-33.
  • 4. Keskin G, Bilge A, Engin E, Dülgerler Ş. The evaluation of anxiety, parental attitude and coping strategy in parents of children with mental retardation. Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry. 2010;11:30-37.
  • 5. Akçamete G, Kargın T. Determination of the needs of hearing impaired children’s mothers. Özel Eğitim Dergisi. 1996;2:7-24.
  • 6. Busch SH, Barry CL. Mental health disorders in childhood: assessing the burden on families. Health Affairs. 2007;4:1088-1095.
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  • 8. Aktaş E. The systematic review of the researches which light the way for homecare requirements of physically disabled children and their families. (Unpublished Master’s Thesis). University of Marmara, Institute of Health Sciences, İstanbul. 2010; p. 74.
  • 9. Buran CF, Sawin K, Grayson P, Criss S. Family needs assessment in cerebral palsy clinic. JSPN. 2009;14:87-93.
  • 10. Kılıç S. The effect of homecare needs on the families of the physically disabled children. (Unpublished Master’s Thesis). University of Marmara, Institute of Health Sciences, İstanbul. 2009; p. 36-52.
  • 11. Thyen U, Sperner J, Morfeld M, Meyer C, Ravens-Sieberer U. Unmet health care needs and impact on families with children with disabilities in Germany. Ambulatory Pediatrics. 2003;3:74-81.
  • 12. Altuğ ÖS, Özkahraman Ş, Çallı F. Review of hardships undergone by families with mentally retarded children. Aile ve Toplum Dergisi. 2006;8:69-77.
  • 13. Yıldırım Sarı H, Başbakkal Z. Developing “A family burden assessment scale” for the families of children with intellectual disability. Atatürk Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi. 2008;11(3):86-95.
  • 14. Yavuz B, Çimen S. Investigation of the fulfilment levels of the self-care skills of the children with cerebral palsy and affectional factors. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi. 2007;11(1):17-26.
  • 15. Abelson AG. Respite care needs of parents of children with developmental disabilities. Focus on Autism and Other Disabilities. 2009;14:96-100.
  • 16. Colver A, Fairhurst C, Pharoah POD. Cerebral palsy. Lancet. 2014;383:1240-49.
  • 17. Pane M, Vasta I, Messina S, Sorleti D, Aloysius A, Sciarra F et al. Feeding problems and weight gain in duchenne muscular dystrophy. Europe an Journal of Paedıatrıc Neurology. 2006;10:231-236.
  • 18. Raphaela AR, Couthouisa J, Sakamuri S, Siskind C, Vogel H, Day J W, et al. Congenital muscular dystrophy and generalized epilepsy caused by GMPPB mutations. Brain Res. 2014;5:66-71.
  • 19. Erdoğanoğlu Y, Kerem Günel M. Investigation of the relationship between motor and functional levels with health-related quality of life in children with cerebral palsy. Toplum Hekimliği Bülteni. 2007;26:13-18.
  • 20. Çokpekin F, Köymen G, Başak F, Akbulut E, Altun C. The evaluation of oral health of children attending the school of handicapped children. Gülhane Tıp Dergisi. 2003;45:228-232.
  • 21. Durduran Y. Health problems of disabled children apart from their disabilities and their health service utility: case-control study. (Upublished Doctoral Thesis). University of Selçuk, Institute of Health Sciences, Konya. 2009; p. 35.
  • 22. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Intellectual Disability (Also Known As Mental Retardation) Fact Sheet. 2012 (Accessed 3/7)
  • 23. Öztek Z, Kubilay G, editors. The community health nursing. 3rd ed. Ankara: Palme publishing; 2005. p. 230-249.
  • 24. Bilukha O, Hahn RA, Crosby A, Fullilove MT, Liberman A, Moscicki E et al. The effectiveness of early childhood home visitation in preventing violence, a systematic review. Am J PrevMed 2005;28:11-39.
  • 25. Potts NL, Mandleco BL, editors. Pediatric nursing: caring for children and their families. USA: Delmar Thomson Learning; 2012. p.15-107-108).
  • 26. World Health Organization. Collection on Long-Term Care, Key Policy Issues In Long-Term Care. Geneva. 2003. p.3-15. (Accessed 3/7)
Year 2017, Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 10 - 19, 20.03.2017



  • 1. World Health Organization. World Report on Disability. Geneva. 2011 (Accessed 18/9)
  • 2. Heiman T. Parents of children with disabilities: resilience, coping, and future expectations. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities. 2002;14:159-171.
  • 3. Akandere M, Acar M, Baştuğ G. Investigating the hopelessness and life satisfaction levels of the parents with mental disabled child. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2009;22:23-33.
  • 4. Keskin G, Bilge A, Engin E, Dülgerler Ş. The evaluation of anxiety, parental attitude and coping strategy in parents of children with mental retardation. Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry. 2010;11:30-37.
  • 5. Akçamete G, Kargın T. Determination of the needs of hearing impaired children’s mothers. Özel Eğitim Dergisi. 1996;2:7-24.
  • 6. Busch SH, Barry CL. Mental health disorders in childhood: assessing the burden on families. Health Affairs. 2007;4:1088-1095.
  • 7. Xiong N, Yang L, Yu Y, Hou J, Li J, Li Y. et al. Investigation of raisingburden of children with autism, physical disability and mental disability in China. Research in Developmental Disabilities. 2011;32:306–311.
  • 8. Aktaş E. The systematic review of the researches which light the way for homecare requirements of physically disabled children and their families. (Unpublished Master’s Thesis). University of Marmara, Institute of Health Sciences, İstanbul. 2010; p. 74.
  • 9. Buran CF, Sawin K, Grayson P, Criss S. Family needs assessment in cerebral palsy clinic. JSPN. 2009;14:87-93.
  • 10. Kılıç S. The effect of homecare needs on the families of the physically disabled children. (Unpublished Master’s Thesis). University of Marmara, Institute of Health Sciences, İstanbul. 2009; p. 36-52.
  • 11. Thyen U, Sperner J, Morfeld M, Meyer C, Ravens-Sieberer U. Unmet health care needs and impact on families with children with disabilities in Germany. Ambulatory Pediatrics. 2003;3:74-81.
  • 12. Altuğ ÖS, Özkahraman Ş, Çallı F. Review of hardships undergone by families with mentally retarded children. Aile ve Toplum Dergisi. 2006;8:69-77.
  • 13. Yıldırım Sarı H, Başbakkal Z. Developing “A family burden assessment scale” for the families of children with intellectual disability. Atatürk Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi. 2008;11(3):86-95.
  • 14. Yavuz B, Çimen S. Investigation of the fulfilment levels of the self-care skills of the children with cerebral palsy and affectional factors. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi. 2007;11(1):17-26.
  • 15. Abelson AG. Respite care needs of parents of children with developmental disabilities. Focus on Autism and Other Disabilities. 2009;14:96-100.
  • 16. Colver A, Fairhurst C, Pharoah POD. Cerebral palsy. Lancet. 2014;383:1240-49.
  • 17. Pane M, Vasta I, Messina S, Sorleti D, Aloysius A, Sciarra F et al. Feeding problems and weight gain in duchenne muscular dystrophy. Europe an Journal of Paedıatrıc Neurology. 2006;10:231-236.
  • 18. Raphaela AR, Couthouisa J, Sakamuri S, Siskind C, Vogel H, Day J W, et al. Congenital muscular dystrophy and generalized epilepsy caused by GMPPB mutations. Brain Res. 2014;5:66-71.
  • 19. Erdoğanoğlu Y, Kerem Günel M. Investigation of the relationship between motor and functional levels with health-related quality of life in children with cerebral palsy. Toplum Hekimliği Bülteni. 2007;26:13-18.
  • 20. Çokpekin F, Köymen G, Başak F, Akbulut E, Altun C. The evaluation of oral health of children attending the school of handicapped children. Gülhane Tıp Dergisi. 2003;45:228-232.
  • 21. Durduran Y. Health problems of disabled children apart from their disabilities and their health service utility: case-control study. (Upublished Doctoral Thesis). University of Selçuk, Institute of Health Sciences, Konya. 2009; p. 35.
  • 22. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Intellectual Disability (Also Known As Mental Retardation) Fact Sheet. 2012 (Accessed 3/7)
  • 23. Öztek Z, Kubilay G, editors. The community health nursing. 3rd ed. Ankara: Palme publishing; 2005. p. 230-249.
  • 24. Bilukha O, Hahn RA, Crosby A, Fullilove MT, Liberman A, Moscicki E et al. The effectiveness of early childhood home visitation in preventing violence, a systematic review. Am J PrevMed 2005;28:11-39.
  • 25. Potts NL, Mandleco BL, editors. Pediatric nursing: caring for children and their families. USA: Delmar Thomson Learning; 2012. p.15-107-108).
  • 26. World Health Organization. Collection on Long-Term Care, Key Policy Issues In Long-Term Care. Geneva. 2003. p.3-15. (Accessed 3/7)
There are 26 citations in total.


Journal Section Orijinal Articles

Elif Bilsin

Zümrüt Başbakkal

Publication Date March 20, 2017
Submission Date March 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 11 Issue: 1


Vancouver Bilsin E, Başbakkal Z. Investigation of the Effect of Level of Family Needs Coverage that Nursing Care Given to Family with Disabled Children. TJFMPC. 2017;11(1):10-9.

English or Turkish manuscripts from authors with new knowledge to contribute to understanding and improving health and primary care are welcome. 

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