Case Report
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Perianal Tuberculosis in A Male Patient with Diabetes Mellitus

Year 2017, Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 64 - 66, 20.03.2017


Perianal tuberculosis is a rare form of
tubercular infection, and has variable clinical pictures such as acute abscess,
chronic ulcer, nodulary lesion, and fistula. Although it can be presented in
ulcerative, verruous, lupoid and miliary forms, superficial ulceration is the
most commonly reported morphological type. Crohn’s disease, herpetic ulcer,
malignancy, and other granulomatous diseases should be considered in the
differential diagnosis of perianal tuberculosis. The diagnosis mainly depends
on histologic and/or bacteriologic examination. Six-month anti-tuberculous
therapy is the standard treatment, and surgery is only indicated for fistula
and abscess. Herein, a rare case of perianal tuberculosis in a male patient
with diabetes mellitus was presented.

Perianal tüberküloz (TB) tüberküler enfeksiyonun nadir
bir formudur ve akut apse, kronik ülser, nodüler lezyon ve fistül gibi değişken
klinik şekilleri vardır. Ülseratif, verrüköz, lupoid ve miliyer formlarda
prezente olmasına karşın, yüzeysel ülser en sık bildirilen morfolojik tiptir.
Crohn hastalığı, herpetik ülser, malignite ve diğer granülomatöz hastalıklar
perianal tüberkülozun ayırıcı tanısında düşünülmelidir. Tanı esas olarak
histolojik ve/veya bakteriyolojik incelemelere dayanır. Altı aylık
anti-tüberküloz tedavisi standart tedavidir, ve cerrahi sadece fistül ve apsede
endikedir. Burada, diabetes mellituslu bir erkek hastada nadir bir perianal
tüberküloz olgusu sunuldu.


  • 1. Yurt S, Kosar F, Isik N, Urer HN. Two cases of pulmonary tuberculosis with extrapulmonary involvement in tongue and anus. Respiratory Medicine Extra 2005;1:1-3.
  • 2. Matthew S. Anal tuberculosis: report of a case and review of literature. Int J Surg 2008;6:e36-9.
  • 3. Tago S, Hirai Y, Ainoda Y, Fujita T, Takamori M, Kikuchi K. Perianal tuberculosis: A case report and review of the literature.World J Clin Cases 2015;3:848-52.
  • 4. Ibn Majdoub Hassani K, Ait Laalim S, Toughrai I, Mazaz K. Perianal tuberculosis: a case report and a review of the literature. Case Rep Infect Dis 2012;2012:852763
Year 2017, Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 64 - 66, 20.03.2017



  • 1. Yurt S, Kosar F, Isik N, Urer HN. Two cases of pulmonary tuberculosis with extrapulmonary involvement in tongue and anus. Respiratory Medicine Extra 2005;1:1-3.
  • 2. Matthew S. Anal tuberculosis: report of a case and review of literature. Int J Surg 2008;6:e36-9.
  • 3. Tago S, Hirai Y, Ainoda Y, Fujita T, Takamori M, Kikuchi K. Perianal tuberculosis: A case report and review of the literature.World J Clin Cases 2015;3:848-52.
  • 4. Ibn Majdoub Hassani K, Ait Laalim S, Toughrai I, Mazaz K. Perianal tuberculosis: a case report and a review of the literature. Case Rep Infect Dis 2012;2012:852763
There are 4 citations in total.


Journal Section Case Report

Murat Özgür Kılıç

Cemile Sağlam This is me

Cevat Can This is me

Publication Date March 20, 2017
Submission Date March 2, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 11 Issue: 1


Vancouver Kılıç MÖ, Sağlam C, Can C. Perianal Tuberculosis in A Male Patient with Diabetes Mellitus. TJFMPC. 2017;11(1):64-6.

English or Turkish manuscripts from authors with new knowledge to contribute to understanding and improving health and primary care are welcome. 

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