Research Article
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Relationship Between Cardiovascular Disease Risk with Depression and Retirement in the Turkish Population

Year 2020, Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 274 - 280, 20.01.2020


Objective: The present study identifies the factors that can be linked to coronary artery disease, and evaluates the effect of retirement on the development of cardiovascular diseases in the Turkish population. Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried in the Family Health Centers between March and July 2019. The data was collected using the Beck Depression Inventory and Framingham general cardiovascular disease risk assessment tool, sociodemographic form. Results: The mean Framingham risk score of the respondents was 6.440±7.509. A statistically significant relationship was identified between the Framingham risk score and income perception, monthly net income, occupation, educational status, marital status and employment (p<0.05). When the factors related to the Framingham risk score were evaluated, retirement was found to increase the Framingham risk score 13.991 fold (p<0.05). Conclusion: It is worthy of note that the risk of cardiovascular disease is high in the Turkish population. Retirement was found to be the most influential variable on the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. It is important to organize health training programs on the prevention of heart disease and to develop appropriate health policies.


  • 1. World Health Organization. Global Status Report on Noncommunicable Diseases. Geneva, Switzerland: WHO Press; 2014. p.9–22. Available from: Accessed: 10.01.2020.
  • 2. Turkiye İstatistik Kurumu. Olum Nedeni İstatistikleri 2014. Available from: Accessed: 12.01.2020.
  • 3. Perk J, De Backer G, Gohlke H, Graham I, Reiner Z, Verschuren M, et al. European Guidelines on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Clinical Practice (Version 2012). The Fifth Joint Task Force of The European Society of Cardiology and Other Societies on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Clinical Practice (Constituted by Representatives of Nine Societies and by Invited Experts). Eur Heart J 2012;33(13):1635–701.
  • 4. Onat A, Uğur M, Tuncer M. Age at death in the Turkish adult risk factor study: Temporal trend and regional distribution at 56,700 person-years’ follow-up. Türk Kardiyol Dern Arş 2009;37(3):155-60. Available from:
  • 5. D’Agostino R.B, Vasan R.S, Pencina M.J. General cardiovascular risk profile for use in primary care the Framingham Heart Study. Circulation 2008;117:743-53. Available from:
  • 6. Http:// Accesed: 09.01.2020.
  • 7. Can A. S, Bersot TP, Gönen M. Anthropometric indices and their relationship with cardiometabolic risk factors in a sample of Turkish adults. Public Health Nutr. 2009; 12(4):538-546.
  • 8. Canpolat U, Yorgun H, Aytemir K, Hazrolan T, Kaya E. B, Ates A. H. Cardiovascular risk and coronary atherosclerotic plaques detected by multidetector computed tomography: Framingham and SCORE risk models underestimate coronary atherosclerosis in the symptomatic low-risk Turkish population. Coronary Artery Dis. 2012; 23(3):195-200. doi: 10.1097/MCA.0b013e3283511608.
  • 9. Bayındır Çevik A, Özcan Ş, Satman İ. Sensitivity of framingham, procam and score models in Turkish people with Type 2 diabetes: comparison of three cardiovascular risk calculations. Contemp Nurse. 2015;50(2-3):183-195.
  • 10. Aksu A. E. K, Saraçoğlu Z. N, Metintaş S, Sabuncu İ, Çetin Y. Age and gender differences in Framingham risk score and metabolic syndrome in psoriasis patients: A cross-sectional study in the Turkish population. Anatol J Cardio. 2017;17(1):66. Available from:
  • 11. Tuglu C, Ture M, Dagdeviren N, Akturk Z. The reliability and validity analysis of the Turkish version of beck depression inventory for primary care. Turk Aile Hek Derg. 2005; 9(3):117-122. Available from:
  • 12. Nakhaie M. R, Koor B. E, Salehi S. O, Karimpour F. Prediction of cardiovascular disease risk using framingham risk score among office workers, Iran, 2017. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl. 2018;29(3): 608. Available from:
  • 13. Damen J. A, Hooft L, Schuit E, Debray T.P, Collins G.S, Tzoulaki I, et al. Prediction models for cardiovascular disease risk in the general population: systematic review. BMJ. 2016;353:2416. Available from:
  • 14. Setayeshgar S, Whiting S. J, Pahwa P, Vatanparast H. Predicted 10-year risk of cardiovascular disease among Canadian adults using modified Framingham Risk Score in association with dietary intake. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 2015;40(10):1068-1074.
  • 15. Ibrahim N. K, Mahnashi M, Al-Dhaheri A, Al-Zahrani B, Al Wadie E, Aljabri M, et al. Risk factors of coronary heart disease among medical students in King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. BMC Public Health. 2014:14(1): 411. Available from:
  • 16. Pikula A, Beiser A. S, Wang J, Himali J. J, Kelly-Hayes M, Kase C. S. Lipid and lipoprotein measurements and the risk of ischemic vascular events: Framingham Study Neurology. 2015;84(5):472-479.
  • 17. Nakhaie M. R, Koor B. E, Salehi S. O, Karimpour F. Prediction of cardiovascular disease risk using framingham risk score among office workers, Iran, 2017. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl. 2018;29(3):608. Availablefrom:;year=2018;volume=29;issue=3;spage=608;epage=614;aulast=Nakhaie.
  • 18. Geldsetzer P, Manne-Goehler J, Theilmann M, Davies J.I, Awasthi A, Danaei G, et al. Geographic and sociodemographic variation of cardiovascular disease risk in India: A cross-sectional study of 797,540 adults. PLoS Med. 2018;15(6): e1002581.
  • 19. Dyck G.J.B, Raj P, Zieroth S, Dyck J.R.B, Ezekowitz J.A. The Effects of Resveratrol in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease and Heart Failure: A Narrative Review. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019; 20: 904.
  • 20. Pappas N. A, Alamanos Y, Dimoliatis I. D. K. Self-rated health, work characteristics and health related behaviours among nurses in Greece: a cross sectional study. BMC Nursing 2005, 4:8.

Türk Popülasyonunda Kardiyovasküler Hastalık Riski ile Depresyon ve Emeklilik Arasındaki İlişki

Year 2020, Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 274 - 280, 20.01.2020


Amaç: Bu çalışmada koroner arter hastalığına bağlanabilecek faktörler tanımlanmış ve emekliliğin Türk popülasyonunda kardiyovasküler hastalıkların gelişimine etkisini değerlendirmiştir. Yöntem: Bu kesitsel çalışma Mart ve Temmuz 2019 tarihleri arasında Aile Sağlığı Merkezleri'nde yapıldı. Veriler, Beck Depresyon Envanteri ve Framingham genel CVD risk değerlendirme aracı sosyodemografik formu kullanılarak toplandı. Bulgular: Ankete katılanların ortalama Framingham risk skoru 6.440 ± 7.509 idi. Framingham risk skoru ile gelir algısı, aylık net gelir, meslek, eğitim durumu, medeni durum ve istihdam arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki tespit edildi (p <0,05). Framingham risk skoruna ilişkin faktörler değerlendirildiğinde, emeklilik Framingham risk skorunu 13.991 kat arttırdığı tespit edildi (p<0.05). Sonuç: Türk popülasyonunda kardiyovasküler hastalık riskinin yüksek olduğu unutulmamalıdır. Emekliliğin, kardiyovasküler hastalık gelişme riskinde en etkili değişken olduğu bulundu. Kalp hastalığının önlenmesi konusunda sağlık eğitimi programları düzenlemek ve uygun sağlık politikalarını geliştirmek önemlidir.


  • 1. World Health Organization. Global Status Report on Noncommunicable Diseases. Geneva, Switzerland: WHO Press; 2014. p.9–22. Available from: Accessed: 10.01.2020.
  • 2. Turkiye İstatistik Kurumu. Olum Nedeni İstatistikleri 2014. Available from: Accessed: 12.01.2020.
  • 3. Perk J, De Backer G, Gohlke H, Graham I, Reiner Z, Verschuren M, et al. European Guidelines on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Clinical Practice (Version 2012). The Fifth Joint Task Force of The European Society of Cardiology and Other Societies on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Clinical Practice (Constituted by Representatives of Nine Societies and by Invited Experts). Eur Heart J 2012;33(13):1635–701.
  • 4. Onat A, Uğur M, Tuncer M. Age at death in the Turkish adult risk factor study: Temporal trend and regional distribution at 56,700 person-years’ follow-up. Türk Kardiyol Dern Arş 2009;37(3):155-60. Available from:
  • 5. D’Agostino R.B, Vasan R.S, Pencina M.J. General cardiovascular risk profile for use in primary care the Framingham Heart Study. Circulation 2008;117:743-53. Available from:
  • 6. Http:// Accesed: 09.01.2020.
  • 7. Can A. S, Bersot TP, Gönen M. Anthropometric indices and their relationship with cardiometabolic risk factors in a sample of Turkish adults. Public Health Nutr. 2009; 12(4):538-546.
  • 8. Canpolat U, Yorgun H, Aytemir K, Hazrolan T, Kaya E. B, Ates A. H. Cardiovascular risk and coronary atherosclerotic plaques detected by multidetector computed tomography: Framingham and SCORE risk models underestimate coronary atherosclerosis in the symptomatic low-risk Turkish population. Coronary Artery Dis. 2012; 23(3):195-200. doi: 10.1097/MCA.0b013e3283511608.
  • 9. Bayındır Çevik A, Özcan Ş, Satman İ. Sensitivity of framingham, procam and score models in Turkish people with Type 2 diabetes: comparison of three cardiovascular risk calculations. Contemp Nurse. 2015;50(2-3):183-195.
  • 10. Aksu A. E. K, Saraçoğlu Z. N, Metintaş S, Sabuncu İ, Çetin Y. Age and gender differences in Framingham risk score and metabolic syndrome in psoriasis patients: A cross-sectional study in the Turkish population. Anatol J Cardio. 2017;17(1):66. Available from:
  • 11. Tuglu C, Ture M, Dagdeviren N, Akturk Z. The reliability and validity analysis of the Turkish version of beck depression inventory for primary care. Turk Aile Hek Derg. 2005; 9(3):117-122. Available from:
  • 12. Nakhaie M. R, Koor B. E, Salehi S. O, Karimpour F. Prediction of cardiovascular disease risk using framingham risk score among office workers, Iran, 2017. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl. 2018;29(3): 608. Available from:
  • 13. Damen J. A, Hooft L, Schuit E, Debray T.P, Collins G.S, Tzoulaki I, et al. Prediction models for cardiovascular disease risk in the general population: systematic review. BMJ. 2016;353:2416. Available from:
  • 14. Setayeshgar S, Whiting S. J, Pahwa P, Vatanparast H. Predicted 10-year risk of cardiovascular disease among Canadian adults using modified Framingham Risk Score in association with dietary intake. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 2015;40(10):1068-1074.
  • 15. Ibrahim N. K, Mahnashi M, Al-Dhaheri A, Al-Zahrani B, Al Wadie E, Aljabri M, et al. Risk factors of coronary heart disease among medical students in King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. BMC Public Health. 2014:14(1): 411. Available from:
  • 16. Pikula A, Beiser A. S, Wang J, Himali J. J, Kelly-Hayes M, Kase C. S. Lipid and lipoprotein measurements and the risk of ischemic vascular events: Framingham Study Neurology. 2015;84(5):472-479.
  • 17. Nakhaie M. R, Koor B. E, Salehi S. O, Karimpour F. Prediction of cardiovascular disease risk using framingham risk score among office workers, Iran, 2017. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl. 2018;29(3):608. Availablefrom:;year=2018;volume=29;issue=3;spage=608;epage=614;aulast=Nakhaie.
  • 18. Geldsetzer P, Manne-Goehler J, Theilmann M, Davies J.I, Awasthi A, Danaei G, et al. Geographic and sociodemographic variation of cardiovascular disease risk in India: A cross-sectional study of 797,540 adults. PLoS Med. 2018;15(6): e1002581.
  • 19. Dyck G.J.B, Raj P, Zieroth S, Dyck J.R.B, Ezekowitz J.A. The Effects of Resveratrol in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease and Heart Failure: A Narrative Review. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019; 20: 904.
  • 20. Pappas N. A, Alamanos Y, Dimoliatis I. D. K. Self-rated health, work characteristics and health related behaviours among nurses in Greece: a cross sectional study. BMC Nursing 2005, 4:8.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Public Health, Environmental Health
Journal Section Orijinal Articles

Nükhet Kırağ 0000-0001-8223-2996

Gizem Çalışkan 0000-0002-7522-6739

Publication Date January 20, 2020
Submission Date January 9, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 14 Issue: 2


Vancouver Kırağ N, Çalışkan G. Relationship Between Cardiovascular Disease Risk with Depression and Retirement in the Turkish Population. TJFMPC. 2020;14(2):274-80.

English or Turkish manuscripts from authors with new knowledge to contribute to understanding and improving health and primary care are welcome. 

Turkish Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care © 2024 by Academy of Family Medicine Association is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0