Evaluation of Vaccination Hesitancy in Medical Faculty Students
Year 2025,
Volume: 19 Issue: 1, 98 - 105, 07.03.2025
Mustafa Çakır
Deniz Elbay Durmaz
Cem Malakcıoğlu
Merve Kırlangıç
Hatice İkiışık
Hasan Hüseyin Mutlu
Işıl Maral
Aim: This research aims to assess vaccine hesitancy among medical students.
Method: This descriptive study was conducted with 615 students in years 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 at a medical faculty in Istanbul. The first nine questions of the online survey developed by the researchers focused on socio-demographic characteristics, while the next 14 questions were prepared to address vaccine hesitancy. A significance level of p < 0.05 was considered in all analyses.
Results: The participants in the study were between the ages of 17 and 29; 58% were female. General vaccine hesitancy was observed in 7.6% of the students. The frequency of hesitancy regarding the COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease 2019) vaccine among the participants was 17.4%, and a higher rate of indecision regarding the COVID-19 vaccine was found (18.9%). The frequency of general vaccine hesitancy in preclinical students was higher than in clinical students (p < 0.05).
Conclusions: In this study, COVID-19 vaccine acceptance rates were higher compared to the general population, and general vaccine hesitancy was significantly lower in clinical term students compared to preclinical students. Vaccine information and advocacy training starting from the first year of medical education could help future physicians guide society.
Ethical Statement
Ethics committee approval of the study was obtained from Göztepe Education and Research Hospital, Clinical Research Ethics Committee (issue date: October 27,2021 and decision number: 2021/0540).
Supporting Institution
There are no funding sources available
- 1. World Health Organization (WHO). [Internet]. World Health Organization (WHO).; [cited 2024 Oct 8]. Available from: https://www.who.int/health-topics/vaccines-and-immunization
- 2. Dubé E, Vivion M, MacDonald NE. Vaccine hesitancy, vaccine refusal and the anti-vaccine movement: influence, impact and implications. Expert Rev Vaccines. 2015 Jan; 14(1):99–117.
- 3. World Health Organization (WHO) [Internet]. World Health Organization (WHO); 2024 Oct. Available from: https://www.who.int/groups/strategic-advisory-group-of-experts-on-immunization/about
- 4. MacDonald NE, SAGE Working Group on Vaccine Hesitancy. Vaccine hesitancy: Definition, scope and determinants. Vaccine. 2015 Aug 14;33(34):4161–4.
- 5. SAGE working group revised report on vaccine hesitancy [Internet]. World Health Organization; [cited 2024 Oct 8]. Available from: . http://www.who.int/immunization/sage/meetings/2014/october/SAGE_working_group_revised_report_vaccine_hesitancy.pdf
- 6. Lane S, MacDonald NE, Marti M, Dumolard L. Vaccine hesitancy around the globe: Analysis of three years of WHO/UNICEF joint reporting form data-2015-2017. Vaccine. 2018 Jun 18;36(26):3861–7.
- 7. World Health Organization (WHO). Ten health issues WHO will tackle this year [İnternet]. [cited 2024 Oct
8]. Available from: https://www.who.int/news-room/spotlight/ten-threats-to-global-health-in-2019
- 8. Kılınçarslan MG, Sarıgül B, Toraman Ç, Şahin EM. Development of valid and reliable scale of vaccine hesitancy in Turkish language. Konuralp Med J. 2020 Oct 20;12(3):420–9.
- 9. Lucia VC, Kelekar A, Afonso NM. COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among medical students. J Public Health Oxf Engl. 2021 Sep 22;43(3):445–9.
- 10. Alıcılar HE, Türk MT, Toprak ÖN, Şahin D, Üsküdar A, Dalkıran D, et al. Attitudes of Ankara University Medical Faculty term 3 students towards COVID-19 vaccines and related factors. Ank Univ Tip Fak Mecmuasi J Ank Univ Fac Med. 2022 Mar; 75(1):69–76.
- 11. Jain J, Saurabh S, Kumar P, Verma MK, Goel AD, Gupta MK, et al. COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among medical students in India. Epidemiol Infect. 2021 May 20;149:e132.
- 12. Saied SM, Saied EM, Kabbash IA, Abdo SAEF. Vaccine hesitancy: Beliefs and barriers associated with COVID-19 vaccination among Egyptian medical students. J Med Virol. 2021 Jul; 93(7):4280–91.
- 13. Sadaqat W, Habib S, Tauseef A, Akhtar S, Hayat M, Shujaat SA, et al. Determination of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among university students. Cureus. 2021 Aug; 13(8):e17283.
- 14. Salali GD, Uysal MS. COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy is associated with beliefs on the origin of the novel coronavirus in the UK and Turkey. Psychol Med. 2020 Oct 19;1–3.
- 15. Sallam M. COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Worldwide: A concise systematic review of vaccine acceptance rates. Vaccines. 2021 Feb 16;9(2):160.
- 16. İkiışık H, Akif Sezerol M, Taşçı Y, Maral I. COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy: A community-based research in Turkey. Int J Clin Pract. 2021 Aug; 75(8):e14336.
- 17. Baran Aksakal FN, Orhon EN, Topbaş M, editors. Basic definitions and concepts regarding vaccination and immunization. In: vaccine communication. Ankara: Nobel Publishing; 2022. p71–87.
- 18. Maral I, Yaylalı E, Güçlü H, İkiışık H, Güner AE. Evaluation of non-pharmaceutical interventions for reducing contact rate in COVID-19 pandemic: R0 estimation and modeling for Istanbul. Mikrobiyol Bul. 2021 Jul; 55(3):389–405.
- 19. Bou Hamdan M, Singh S, Polavarapu M, Jordan TR, Melhem NM. COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among university students in Lebanon. Epidemiol Infect. 2021 Nov 2;149:e242.
Tıp Fakültesi Öğrencilerinde Aşı Tereddütünün Değerlendirilmesi
Year 2025,
Volume: 19 Issue: 1, 98 - 105, 07.03.2025
Mustafa Çakır
Deniz Elbay Durmaz
Cem Malakcıoğlu
Merve Kırlangıç
Hatice İkiışık
Hasan Hüseyin Mutlu
Işıl Maral
Amaç: Araştırmada tıp fakültesi öğrencilerinde aşı tereddütünün değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmaktadır.
Yöntem: Araştırma tanımlayıcı tipte olup, İstanbul’da bir tıp fakültesinde dönem 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ve 6 olan 615 öğrencide yürütülmüştür. Araştırmacılar tarafından geliştirilen çevrimiçi anketin ilk dokuz sorusu sosyo-demografik özelliklere odaklanırken, sonraki 14 soru aşı tereddüdüne yönelik hazırlanmıştır. Tüm analizlerde anlamlılık düzeyi p< 0,05 olarak kabul edilmiştir.
Bulgular: Çalışmaya katılanların yaşları 17-29 arasında değişmektedir; %58'i kadındır. Öğrencilerin %7,6’sı genel olarak aşılarla ilgili tereddütlü bulunmuştur. Araştırmaya katılanların koronavirüs (Coronavirus disease 2019-COVID -19) aşısı ile ilgili tereddütlü olma sıklığı %17,4’tür ve COVID-19 aşı tereddütü konusunda kararsız kalanların oranı daha yüksek saptanmıştır (%18,9). Preklinik öğrencilerin genel aşılarla ilgili tereddütlü olma sıklığı klinik öğrencilere göre daha yüksek tespit edilmiştir (p<0.05).
Sonuç: Araştırmamızda genel popülasyona kıyasla COVID-19 aşılama kabul oranları daha yüksek bulunmuş ve genel aşı tereddütü klinik dönem öğrencilerinde preklinik döneme kıyasla anlamlı bir şekilde düşük bulunmuştur. Tıp fakültesi öğrencilerine ilk sınıftan itibaren başlanacak aşı bilgilendirme ve savunuculuk eğitimleri geleceğin hekimlerinin bu konuda topluma ışık tutmalarının yolunu açacaktır.
- 1. World Health Organization (WHO). [Internet]. World Health Organization (WHO).; [cited 2024 Oct 8]. Available from: https://www.who.int/health-topics/vaccines-and-immunization
- 2. Dubé E, Vivion M, MacDonald NE. Vaccine hesitancy, vaccine refusal and the anti-vaccine movement: influence, impact and implications. Expert Rev Vaccines. 2015 Jan; 14(1):99–117.
- 3. World Health Organization (WHO) [Internet]. World Health Organization (WHO); 2024 Oct. Available from: https://www.who.int/groups/strategic-advisory-group-of-experts-on-immunization/about
- 4. MacDonald NE, SAGE Working Group on Vaccine Hesitancy. Vaccine hesitancy: Definition, scope and determinants. Vaccine. 2015 Aug 14;33(34):4161–4.
- 5. SAGE working group revised report on vaccine hesitancy [Internet]. World Health Organization; [cited 2024 Oct 8]. Available from: . http://www.who.int/immunization/sage/meetings/2014/october/SAGE_working_group_revised_report_vaccine_hesitancy.pdf
- 6. Lane S, MacDonald NE, Marti M, Dumolard L. Vaccine hesitancy around the globe: Analysis of three years of WHO/UNICEF joint reporting form data-2015-2017. Vaccine. 2018 Jun 18;36(26):3861–7.
- 7. World Health Organization (WHO). Ten health issues WHO will tackle this year [İnternet]. [cited 2024 Oct
8]. Available from: https://www.who.int/news-room/spotlight/ten-threats-to-global-health-in-2019
- 8. Kılınçarslan MG, Sarıgül B, Toraman Ç, Şahin EM. Development of valid and reliable scale of vaccine hesitancy in Turkish language. Konuralp Med J. 2020 Oct 20;12(3):420–9.
- 9. Lucia VC, Kelekar A, Afonso NM. COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among medical students. J Public Health Oxf Engl. 2021 Sep 22;43(3):445–9.
- 10. Alıcılar HE, Türk MT, Toprak ÖN, Şahin D, Üsküdar A, Dalkıran D, et al. Attitudes of Ankara University Medical Faculty term 3 students towards COVID-19 vaccines and related factors. Ank Univ Tip Fak Mecmuasi J Ank Univ Fac Med. 2022 Mar; 75(1):69–76.
- 11. Jain J, Saurabh S, Kumar P, Verma MK, Goel AD, Gupta MK, et al. COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among medical students in India. Epidemiol Infect. 2021 May 20;149:e132.
- 12. Saied SM, Saied EM, Kabbash IA, Abdo SAEF. Vaccine hesitancy: Beliefs and barriers associated with COVID-19 vaccination among Egyptian medical students. J Med Virol. 2021 Jul; 93(7):4280–91.
- 13. Sadaqat W, Habib S, Tauseef A, Akhtar S, Hayat M, Shujaat SA, et al. Determination of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among university students. Cureus. 2021 Aug; 13(8):e17283.
- 14. Salali GD, Uysal MS. COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy is associated with beliefs on the origin of the novel coronavirus in the UK and Turkey. Psychol Med. 2020 Oct 19;1–3.
- 15. Sallam M. COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Worldwide: A concise systematic review of vaccine acceptance rates. Vaccines. 2021 Feb 16;9(2):160.
- 16. İkiışık H, Akif Sezerol M, Taşçı Y, Maral I. COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy: A community-based research in Turkey. Int J Clin Pract. 2021 Aug; 75(8):e14336.
- 17. Baran Aksakal FN, Orhon EN, Topbaş M, editors. Basic definitions and concepts regarding vaccination and immunization. In: vaccine communication. Ankara: Nobel Publishing; 2022. p71–87.
- 18. Maral I, Yaylalı E, Güçlü H, İkiışık H, Güner AE. Evaluation of non-pharmaceutical interventions for reducing contact rate in COVID-19 pandemic: R0 estimation and modeling for Istanbul. Mikrobiyol Bul. 2021 Jul; 55(3):389–405.
- 19. Bou Hamdan M, Singh S, Polavarapu M, Jordan TR, Melhem NM. COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among university students in Lebanon. Epidemiol Infect. 2021 Nov 2;149:e242.