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An evaluation of the diet and physical activity compliance of elderly hypertensive patients in Isparta city centre: A cross-sectional study

Year 2020, , 170 - 182, 27.12.2020


Objective: This study aimed to determine factors related to physical activity and dietary compliance in hypertensive elders living in Isparta. Method: This cross-sectional study included a population living in Isparta city aged >65 years with hypertensive symptoms diagnosed at least 3 months ago. A total of 411 patients were included, with an attainment rate of 91.9% according to the sample size. Dependent variables were physical activity and dietary compliance, and independent variables were sociodemographic and hypertension characteristics. Data was collected using face to face interviews. The chi square test, Fisher’s exact test, independent samples t-test, Mann–Whitney U test, ANOVA, logistic and multiple regression analyses were used for data evaluation. Results: Physical activity compliance was 43.6%, and dietary compliance scores were 5.3 ± 0.9 SD. Physical activity compliance was higher; 3.58 times (p <0.001, 95% CI = 2.18-5.88) in males, 2.01 times (p = 0.004, 95% CI = 1.25-3.23) in patients with regular health checks, 5.84 times (p <0.001, 95% CI = 3.28-10.40) in the group with good/very good health perception, 2.49 times (p = 0.008, 95% CI = 1.26-4.92) in the group with no comorbidities other than hypertension, 2.21 times (p = 0.008, 95% CI = 1.22-3.98) in the group with 1-2 concomitant diseases, 2.10 times (p = 0.013, 95% CI = 1.16-3.79) in the 65-69 age group compared to the 75 years and over group, 2.72 times (p = 0.002, 95% CI = 1.46-5.05) in normal BMI compared to the obese, 2.41 times (p=0.002, 95% CI = 1.37-4.21) in the overweight compared to obese individuals. According to multivariate analysis results, the effects of regular health check-ups (p=0.002) and polypharmacy (p=0.016) variables on dietary compliance are significant.


  • 1. WHO [Internet]. A global brief on hypertension: silent killer, global public health crisis, 2013 [Cited: 01.03.2018]. Available from:
  • 2. Chobanian AV, Bakris GL, Black HR, Cushman WC, Green LA, Izzo JL Jr, et al. The seventh report of the joint national committee on prevention, detection, evaluation, and treatment of high blood pressure: the JNC 7 report. JAMA 2003;289(19):2560-2571. , DOI:10.1001/jama.289.19.2560
  • 3. Onat A, editör. TEKHARF 2017, Chronic diseases of the medical yper lead the approach. İstanbul: Logos; 2017. 104-117 p.
  • 4. Aronow WS, Fleg JL, Pepine CJ, Artinian NT, Bakris G, Brown AS, et al. ACCF/AHA 2011 expert consensus document on hypertension in the elderly: a report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation Task Force on clinical expert consensus documents developed in collaboration with the American Academy of Neurology, ... J Am Coll Cardiol 2011;57(20):2037-2114. DOI:10.1016/j.jacc.2011.01.008
  • 5. Williams B, Mancia G, Spiering W, Agabiti Rosei E, Azizi M, Burnier M, et al. 2018 ESC/ESH Guidelines yperte management of arterial hypertension: The Task Force for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Cardiology and the European Society of Hypertension: The Task Force for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Cardiology and the European Society of Hypertension. J Hypertens 2018;36(10):1953-2041. DOI:10.1097/HJH.0000000000002026
  • 6. Ferrara LA, Ricci F, Viola S, DE Luca G, Ferrara F, DI Fronzo V et al. Dietary pattern and blood pressure control in a hypertension outpatient clinic. Hypertens Res 2007; 30(11): 1043-1050. DOI:10.1291/hypres.30.1043
  • 7. Seangpraw K, Auttama N, Tonchoy P, Panta P. The effect of the behavior modification program Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) on reducing the risk of hypertension among elderly patients in the rural community of Phayao, Thailand. J Multidiscip Healthc 2019;12:109-118. DOI:10.2147/JMDH.S185569
  • 8. Stokes GS. Management of hypertension in the elderly patient. Clin Interv Aging. 2009;4:379-389. DOI:10.2147/cia.s5242
  • 9. WHO [Internet]. Global recommendations on physical activity for health, 65 years and above, 2010. [Cited: 27.01.2016]. Available from:
  • 10. Graves JW. Management of difficult-to-control hypertension. Mayo Clin Proc 2000;75(3):278-284. DOI:10.4065/75.3.278
  • 11. Uchmanowicz B, Jankowska EA, Uchmanowicz I, Morisky DE. Self-reported medication adherence measured with Morisky Medication Adherence Scales and its determinants in hypertensive patients aged ≥60 years: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Front Pharmacol 2019;10:168. DOI:10.3389/fphar.2019.00168
  • 12. Altun B, Arici M, Nergizoglu G, Derici U, Karatan O, Turgan C, et al. Prevalence, awareness, treatment and control of hypertension in Turkey (the PatenT study) in 2003. J Hypertens 2005;23(10):1817-1823. DOI:10.1097/01.hjh.0000176789.89505.59
  • 13. Uzun S, Kara B, Yokusoglu M, Arslan F, Yilmaz MB, Karaeren H. The assessment of adherence of hypertensive individuals to treatment and lifestyle change recommendations. Anadolu Kardiyol Derg 2009;9(2):102-109.
  • 14. Guitard Sein-Echaluce ML, Torres Puig-gros J, Farreny Justribo D, Gutierrez Vilaplana JM, Martinez Orduna M, Artigues Barbera EM. Adherence to physical activity recommendations in a hypertensive primary care population. Gac Sanit 2013;27(4):365-368. DOI:10.1016/j.gaceta.2012.11.004
  • 15. Çöl M, Özdemir O, Ocaktan M. Treatment-control situations and behavioral factors on hypertensives over 35 years of age at Park Health Center region. Journal of Ankara University Faculty of Medicine 2006;59(4):144-150.
  • 16. Mert H, Özçakar N, Kuruoğlu E. A multidisciplinary special study module research: treatment compliance of patients with hypertension. Turkish Journal of Family Practice 2011;15(1):7-12. Doi: 10.2399/tahd.11.007
  • 17. Troyer JL, Racine EF, Ngugi GW, McAuley WJ. The effect of home-delivered Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension (DASH) meals on the diets of older adults with cardiovascular disease. Am J Clin Nutr 2010;91(5):1204-1212. DOI:10.3945/ajcn.2009.28780
  • 18. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute [Internet]. Description of the DASH Eating Plan. [Cited: 27.01.2016]. Available from:
  • 19. Epstein DE, Sherwood A, Smith PJ, Craighead L, Caccia C, Lin PH, et al. Determinants and consequences of adherence to the dietary approaches to stop hypertension diet in African-American and white adults with high blood pressure: results from the ENCORE trial. J Acad Nutr Diet 2012;112(11):1763-1773. DOI:10.1016/j.jand.2012.07.007
  • 20. Bastos-Barbosa RG, Ferriolli E, Moriguti JC, Nogueira CB, Nobre F, Ueta J, et al. Treatment adherence and blood pressure control in older individuals with hypertension. Arq Bras Cardiol 2012;99(1):636-641. DOI:10.1590/s0066-782x2012005000054
  • 21. Sun F, Norman IJ, While AE. Physical activity in older people: a systematic review. BMC Public Health 2013;13:449. DOI:10.1186/1471-2458-13-449
  • 22. Lim K, Taylor L. Factors associated with physical activity among older people—a population-based study. Prev Med 2005;40(1):33-40. DOI:10.1016/j.ypmed.2004.04.046
  • 23. Mummery WK, Kolt G, Schofield G, McLean G. Associations between physical activity and other lifestyle behaviors in older New Zealanders. J Phys Act Health 2007;4(4):411-422. 24. Erdem Y, Arici M, Altun B, Turgan C, Sindel S, Erbay B, et al. The relationship between hypertension and salt intake in Turkish population: SALTURK study. Blood Press 2010;19(5):313-318.
  • 25. Tangney CC, Li H, Wang Y, Barnes L, Schneider JA, Bennett DA, et al. Relation of DASH- and Mediterranean-like dietary patterns to cognitive decline in older persons. Neurology 2014;83(16):1410-1416. DOI:10.1212/WNL.0000000000000884
  • 26. Racine E, Troyer JL, Warren-Findlow J, McAuley WJ. The effect of medical nutrition therapy on changes in dietary knowledge and DASH diet adherence in older adults with cardiovascular disease. J Nutr Health Aging 2011;15(10):868-876.
  • 27. Folsom AR, Parker ED, Harnack LJ. Degree of concordance with DASH diet guidelines and incidence of hypertension and fatal cardiovascular disease. Am J Hypertens 2007;20(3):225-232.

Isparta il merkezinde yaşayan yaşlı hipertansif hastaların fizik aktivite ve diyet uyumunu belirleyen etmenler: Kesitsel bir çalışma

Year 2020, , 170 - 182, 27.12.2020


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı Isparta il merkezinde yaşayan yaşlı ve hipertansif hastalarda fizik aktivite ve diyet uyumu ve bunları belirleyen etmenlerin belirlenmesidir. Yöntem: Kesitsel tipteki çalışmanın evreni Isparta il merkezinde yaşayan 65 yaş ve üzeri hipertansiyon hastalarıdır. Araştırmanın örnek büyüklüğü 447 kişi olarak belirlenmiştir ve örnek büyüklüğü fizik aktivite ve diyet uyumu için ayrı ayrı hesaplanmıştır. 411 kişiye ulaşılmıştır. Ulaşma oranı %91.9’dur. Araştırmanın bağımlı değişkenleri fizik aktivite ve diyet uyumu, bağımsız değişkenleri sosyodemografik ve hipertansiyonla ilgili özelliklerdir. Veri yüz-yüze görüşme yöntemiyle toplanmıştır. Verinin değerlendirilmesinde sayı, yüzde, ortalama, standart sapma, minimum ve maksimum değerler, Ki-kare, Fisher’in kesin testi, bağımsız gruplarda t testi, Mann-Whitney U, ANOVA, Lojistik ve Çoklu Regresyon Analizi kullanılmıştır. Bulgular: Fizik aktivite uyumu %43.6, diyet uyum puanı ortalaması ise 5.3±0.9 bulunmuştur. Fiziksel aktivite uyumu erkeklerde 3.58 kat (p <0.001, %95 GA= 2.18-5.88), düzenli sağlık kontrolüne gidenlerde 2.01 kat (p = 0.004, %95 GA = 1.25-3.23), sağlık algısı iyi/çok iyi olan grupta 5.84 kat (p <0.001, %95 GA = 3.28-10.40), hipertansiyon dışında komorbiditesi olmayan grupta 2.49 kat (p = 0.008, %95 GA= 1.26-4.92), 1-2 yandaş hastalığı olan grupta 2.21 kat (p = 0.008, %95 GA = 1.22-3.98), 65-69 yaş grubunda 75 yaş ve üzeri gruba göre 2.10 kat (p = 0.013, %95 GA= 1.16-3.79), normal VKİ'de obezlere göre 2.72 kat (p = 0.002, %95 GA = 1.46-5.05), fazla kilolularda obezlere göre 2.41 kat (p = 0.002, %95 GA= 1.37-4.21) daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Çoklu regresyon analizi sonuçlarına göre, düzenli sağlık kontrollerine gitme (p=0.002) ve polifarmasi (p=0.016) değişkenlerinin diyet uyumu üzerine etkisi anlamlıdır. Sonuç: Isparta il merkezinde yaşayan yaşlı hipertansiyon hastalarında fizik aktivite ve diyet uyumu düşüktür. Fizik aktivite ve diyet uyumunu artırmak için hipertansiyonda ilaç dışı tedavinin olumlu etkileriyle ilgili farkındalığın artırılması önerilmektedir.


  • 1. WHO [Internet]. A global brief on hypertension: silent killer, global public health crisis, 2013 [Cited: 01.03.2018]. Available from:
  • 2. Chobanian AV, Bakris GL, Black HR, Cushman WC, Green LA, Izzo JL Jr, et al. The seventh report of the joint national committee on prevention, detection, evaluation, and treatment of high blood pressure: the JNC 7 report. JAMA 2003;289(19):2560-2571. , DOI:10.1001/jama.289.19.2560
  • 3. Onat A, editör. TEKHARF 2017, Chronic diseases of the medical yper lead the approach. İstanbul: Logos; 2017. 104-117 p.
  • 4. Aronow WS, Fleg JL, Pepine CJ, Artinian NT, Bakris G, Brown AS, et al. ACCF/AHA 2011 expert consensus document on hypertension in the elderly: a report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation Task Force on clinical expert consensus documents developed in collaboration with the American Academy of Neurology, ... J Am Coll Cardiol 2011;57(20):2037-2114. DOI:10.1016/j.jacc.2011.01.008
  • 5. Williams B, Mancia G, Spiering W, Agabiti Rosei E, Azizi M, Burnier M, et al. 2018 ESC/ESH Guidelines yperte management of arterial hypertension: The Task Force for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Cardiology and the European Society of Hypertension: The Task Force for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Cardiology and the European Society of Hypertension. J Hypertens 2018;36(10):1953-2041. DOI:10.1097/HJH.0000000000002026
  • 6. Ferrara LA, Ricci F, Viola S, DE Luca G, Ferrara F, DI Fronzo V et al. Dietary pattern and blood pressure control in a hypertension outpatient clinic. Hypertens Res 2007; 30(11): 1043-1050. DOI:10.1291/hypres.30.1043
  • 7. Seangpraw K, Auttama N, Tonchoy P, Panta P. The effect of the behavior modification program Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) on reducing the risk of hypertension among elderly patients in the rural community of Phayao, Thailand. J Multidiscip Healthc 2019;12:109-118. DOI:10.2147/JMDH.S185569
  • 8. Stokes GS. Management of hypertension in the elderly patient. Clin Interv Aging. 2009;4:379-389. DOI:10.2147/cia.s5242
  • 9. WHO [Internet]. Global recommendations on physical activity for health, 65 years and above, 2010. [Cited: 27.01.2016]. Available from:
  • 10. Graves JW. Management of difficult-to-control hypertension. Mayo Clin Proc 2000;75(3):278-284. DOI:10.4065/75.3.278
  • 11. Uchmanowicz B, Jankowska EA, Uchmanowicz I, Morisky DE. Self-reported medication adherence measured with Morisky Medication Adherence Scales and its determinants in hypertensive patients aged ≥60 years: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Front Pharmacol 2019;10:168. DOI:10.3389/fphar.2019.00168
  • 12. Altun B, Arici M, Nergizoglu G, Derici U, Karatan O, Turgan C, et al. Prevalence, awareness, treatment and control of hypertension in Turkey (the PatenT study) in 2003. J Hypertens 2005;23(10):1817-1823. DOI:10.1097/01.hjh.0000176789.89505.59
  • 13. Uzun S, Kara B, Yokusoglu M, Arslan F, Yilmaz MB, Karaeren H. The assessment of adherence of hypertensive individuals to treatment and lifestyle change recommendations. Anadolu Kardiyol Derg 2009;9(2):102-109.
  • 14. Guitard Sein-Echaluce ML, Torres Puig-gros J, Farreny Justribo D, Gutierrez Vilaplana JM, Martinez Orduna M, Artigues Barbera EM. Adherence to physical activity recommendations in a hypertensive primary care population. Gac Sanit 2013;27(4):365-368. DOI:10.1016/j.gaceta.2012.11.004
  • 15. Çöl M, Özdemir O, Ocaktan M. Treatment-control situations and behavioral factors on hypertensives over 35 years of age at Park Health Center region. Journal of Ankara University Faculty of Medicine 2006;59(4):144-150.
  • 16. Mert H, Özçakar N, Kuruoğlu E. A multidisciplinary special study module research: treatment compliance of patients with hypertension. Turkish Journal of Family Practice 2011;15(1):7-12. Doi: 10.2399/tahd.11.007
  • 17. Troyer JL, Racine EF, Ngugi GW, McAuley WJ. The effect of home-delivered Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension (DASH) meals on the diets of older adults with cardiovascular disease. Am J Clin Nutr 2010;91(5):1204-1212. DOI:10.3945/ajcn.2009.28780
  • 18. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute [Internet]. Description of the DASH Eating Plan. [Cited: 27.01.2016]. Available from:
  • 19. Epstein DE, Sherwood A, Smith PJ, Craighead L, Caccia C, Lin PH, et al. Determinants and consequences of adherence to the dietary approaches to stop hypertension diet in African-American and white adults with high blood pressure: results from the ENCORE trial. J Acad Nutr Diet 2012;112(11):1763-1773. DOI:10.1016/j.jand.2012.07.007
  • 20. Bastos-Barbosa RG, Ferriolli E, Moriguti JC, Nogueira CB, Nobre F, Ueta J, et al. Treatment adherence and blood pressure control in older individuals with hypertension. Arq Bras Cardiol 2012;99(1):636-641. DOI:10.1590/s0066-782x2012005000054
  • 21. Sun F, Norman IJ, While AE. Physical activity in older people: a systematic review. BMC Public Health 2013;13:449. DOI:10.1186/1471-2458-13-449
  • 22. Lim K, Taylor L. Factors associated with physical activity among older people—a population-based study. Prev Med 2005;40(1):33-40. DOI:10.1016/j.ypmed.2004.04.046
  • 23. Mummery WK, Kolt G, Schofield G, McLean G. Associations between physical activity and other lifestyle behaviors in older New Zealanders. J Phys Act Health 2007;4(4):411-422. 24. Erdem Y, Arici M, Altun B, Turgan C, Sindel S, Erbay B, et al. The relationship between hypertension and salt intake in Turkish population: SALTURK study. Blood Press 2010;19(5):313-318.
  • 25. Tangney CC, Li H, Wang Y, Barnes L, Schneider JA, Bennett DA, et al. Relation of DASH- and Mediterranean-like dietary patterns to cognitive decline in older persons. Neurology 2014;83(16):1410-1416. DOI:10.1212/WNL.0000000000000884
  • 26. Racine E, Troyer JL, Warren-Findlow J, McAuley WJ. The effect of medical nutrition therapy on changes in dietary knowledge and DASH diet adherence in older adults with cardiovascular disease. J Nutr Health Aging 2011;15(10):868-876.
  • 27. Folsom AR, Parker ED, Harnack LJ. Degree of concordance with DASH diet guidelines and incidence of hypertension and fatal cardiovascular disease. Am J Hypertens 2007;20(3):225-232.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Original Research

Pınar Ersoy 0000-0001-7367-7336

Yonca Sönmez 0000-0001-8059-7975

İbrahim Ersoy 0000-0002-9553-8801

Publication Date December 27, 2020
Submission Date November 12, 2019
Acceptance Date November 20, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Ersoy, P., Sönmez, Y., & Ersoy, İ. (2020). An evaluation of the diet and physical activity compliance of elderly hypertensive patients in Isparta city centre: A cross-sectional study. Turkish Journal of Public Health, 18(3), 170-182.
AMA Ersoy P, Sönmez Y, Ersoy İ. An evaluation of the diet and physical activity compliance of elderly hypertensive patients in Isparta city centre: A cross-sectional study. TJPH. December 2020;18(3):170-182. doi:10.20518/tjph.645024
Chicago Ersoy, Pınar, Yonca Sönmez, and İbrahim Ersoy. “An Evaluation of the Diet and Physical Activity Compliance of Elderly Hypertensive Patients in Isparta City Centre: A Cross-Sectional Study”. Turkish Journal of Public Health 18, no. 3 (December 2020): 170-82.
EndNote Ersoy P, Sönmez Y, Ersoy İ (December 1, 2020) An evaluation of the diet and physical activity compliance of elderly hypertensive patients in Isparta city centre: A cross-sectional study. Turkish Journal of Public Health 18 3 170–182.
IEEE P. Ersoy, Y. Sönmez, and İ. Ersoy, “An evaluation of the diet and physical activity compliance of elderly hypertensive patients in Isparta city centre: A cross-sectional study”, TJPH, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 170–182, 2020, doi: 10.20518/tjph.645024.
ISNAD Ersoy, Pınar et al. “An Evaluation of the Diet and Physical Activity Compliance of Elderly Hypertensive Patients in Isparta City Centre: A Cross-Sectional Study”. Turkish Journal of Public Health 18/3 (December 2020), 170-182.
JAMA Ersoy P, Sönmez Y, Ersoy İ. An evaluation of the diet and physical activity compliance of elderly hypertensive patients in Isparta city centre: A cross-sectional study. TJPH. 2020;18:170–182.
MLA Ersoy, Pınar et al. “An Evaluation of the Diet and Physical Activity Compliance of Elderly Hypertensive Patients in Isparta City Centre: A Cross-Sectional Study”. Turkish Journal of Public Health, vol. 18, no. 3, 2020, pp. 170-82, doi:10.20518/tjph.645024.
Vancouver Ersoy P, Sönmez Y, Ersoy İ. An evaluation of the diet and physical activity compliance of elderly hypertensive patients in Isparta city centre: A cross-sectional study. TJPH. 2020;18(3):170-82.

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