Research Article
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Health literacy in elderly people: A quantitative research example from the Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey

Year 2021, , 41 - 54, 23.04.2021


Objective: The aim of the study was to determine the health literacy status of people
aged 65 and over in Turkey. Methods: This study is descriptive and cross-sectional.
The population consisted of people aged 65 and over living in the centre of a province.
2017 data from the Turkish Statistical Institute were used for the sample size.
Following the calculations, sampling was taken from 486 people. Data were collected
between January and May 2018. Ethical permission was obtained prior to the study.
Participants were selected according to the improbable method among those who
came to primary health institutions. A survey form was used as a data collection tool.
The first part of the form determined the socio-demographic characteristics of the
participants. TSOY-32 was used in the second section. A score 0 indicated the lowest
HL and the score 50 indicated the highest HL in the scale. Results: The average score
of the study participants in the ‘Turkey Health Literacy-32’ test was 24.40 ± 7.70. In
this study, score means were high among people with regular health checks, those
who did not use unprescribed medication, those who quit smoking, who exercised
regularly and who had adequate nutrition. Conclusion: Health literacy of individuals
aged 65 and over was found to be inadequate.

Supporting Institution

Giresun University Scientific Research Project Unit (GRU: SAĞ-BAP-160317-77) has financed this research.

Project Number



The authors would like to thank all the parents who participated in the study


  • Ministry of Health Public Health Agency of Turkey. Turkey and healthy ageing action plan and ımplementation program 2015- 2020. Available at: ites/default/files/planning_cycle_reposito ry/turkey/turkey_health_aging_action_pla n_and_implementation_program_2015- 2020.pdf. Accessed: 25.03.2019.
  • Gazmararian JA, Baker D, Williams M, et al. Health literacy among medicare enrollees in a managed care organisation. Journal of American Medical Association 1999;281:545-551.
  • Akbulut Y. Evaluation of health literacy in terms of health expenditures and health services. Ed. Yıldırım F, Keser A. Health Literacy. Ankara University Faculty of Health Sciences 2015;3:113-132.
  • Simonds SK. Health education as social policy. Health Education Monograph 2018;2:1-25. Available at: 0.1177/10901981740020S102. Accessed 24.06.2018
  • Ciler Erdag G. Health literacy as a key determinant of health. Ed.Yıldırım F, Keser A. Health Literacy. Ankara University Faculty of Health Sciences 2015;3:1-14.
  • Nielsen-Bohlman L, Panzer AM, Kindig DA. Health literacy: A Prescription to end the confusion. Washington. National Academies Press 2004;31-55.
  • Okyay P, Abacıgil F. Turkey health literacy scale study reliability and validity. Ministry of Health 2016;1025:1. Printing. ISBN: 978-975-590-594-5
  • Durusu Tanrıöver M, Yıldırım HH, Demiray Ready N, et al. Turkey health literacy survey. Health and Social Workers Union [Internet] Available from: s/gallery/pdf/8dcec50aa18c21cdaf86a2b 33001a409.pdf. Accessed 30.03.2016
  • Sørensen K, Pelikan M Jürgen, Röthlin F, et al. Health literacy in Europe: comparative results of the European health literacy survey (HLS-EU). European Journal of Public Health, 2015;25(6):, 1053–1058
  • Bilir N. Health literacy. Turkish Journal of Public Health 2014;12(1):61-68.
  • Sayah FA, Williams B. An integrated model of health literacy, using diabetes as an example. Canadian Journal of Diabetes 2012;36:27-31.
  • Yigitbas C, Deveci SE. Disability in the elderly in terms of public health. Bakirkoy Medical Journal 2016;12:57-63.
  • Turkish Statistical Institute. “Elderly people with statistics” [Internet] Available from: Accessed 11.06.2018.
  • Özkan S, Baran aksakal N, Çalışkan D et al. Turkey health literacy level and related factors research. T.C. Ministry of Health General Directorate of Health Promotion 2018, Publşication Number 1103, ISBN: 978-975-590-689-8 file:///C:/%C3%87A%C4%9ELA/H- %20HADYEK/_Ekutuphane_kitaplar_SOY A%20RAPOR.pdf
  • Yılmaz M, Tiryaki Z. What is health literacy, how assessment? DEUHFED 2016;9(4):142-147.
  • Aslan Ş, Akman Dömbekci H, Yağcı Özen M. An important factor in reducing unnecessary applications to emergency health services: Health literacy. Eurasian Journal of Social and Economic Research (ASEAD) 2017;4(12):47-62.
  • Bozkurt H, Demirci H. Health literacy among older persons in Turkey. The Aging 2018; DOI: 10.1080/13685538.2018.1437901.
  • Fernandez DM, Larson JL, Brian J, et al. Associations between health literacy and preventive health behaviours among older adults: findings from the health and retirement study. BMC Public Health 2016; 16:596-603.
  • Slonska ZA, Borowiec AA, Aranowska AE. Health literacy and health among the elderly: status and challenges in the context of the Polish population ageing process. Anthropological Review 2015;78(3):297–307.
  • Tiller D, Herzog B, Kluttig A, Haerting J. Health literacy in an urban elderly EastGerman population – results from the population-based CARLA study. BMC Public Health 2015;15:883.
  • Catı K, Karagöz Y, Yalman F, et al. The effect of health literacy on patient satisfaction. Journal of Economic and Social Research 2018;14(1):67-88
  • Caylan A, Yayla K, Oztora S, et al. Assessing health literacy, the factors affecting it and their relation to some health behaviours among adults. Biomedical Research 2017;28(15):6803-6807.
  • Çimen Z, Bayık Temel A. Investigation of health literacy, the perception of health and related factors in elderly patients with chronic illness. Journal of Ege University Faculty of Nursing 2017;33(3):105-125.
  • Federman AD, Wolf MS, Sofianou A, et al. Asthma outcomes are poor among older adults with low health literacy. Journal of Asthma 2014;51(2):162-167.
  • Chung MH, Chen LK, Peng LN, et al. Development and validation of the health literacy assessment tool for older people in Taiwan: Potential impacts of cultural differences. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 2015;61:289-295.
  • Lee SS, Choi YS, Lee DS, Nam SH. A study on the health literacy of the elderly in a rural area. Biomedical Research 2017;28(17):7567-7573.
  • Liu YB, Liu L, Liu YF, et al. Relationship between health literacy, health-related behaviours and health status: A survey of elderly Chines. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public. Health 2015;12:9714-9725.
  • Halverson J, Martinez-Donate A, Trentham-Dietz A, et al. Health literacy and urbanicity among cancer patients. The Journal of Rural Health 2013;29:392–402.
  • Mosher HJ, Lund BC, Krıpalanı S, et al. An Association of health literacy with medication knowledge, adherence, and adverse drug events among elderly veterans. Journal of Health Communication 2012;17:241–251.
  • MacLeod S, Musich S, Gulyas S, et al. The impact of inadequate health literacy on patient satisfaction, healthcare utilisation, and expenditures among older adults. Geriatric Nursing 2017;38:334-341.

Yaşlılarda sağlık okuryazarlığı: Türkiye Doğu Karadeniz örneğinde nicel bir araştırma

Year 2021, , 41 - 54, 23.04.2021


Amaç: Araştırmanın amacı 65 yaş ve üşüt kişilerin sağlık okuryazarlığını belirlemektir.
Yöntem: Araştırma tanımlayıcı kesitsel tiptedir. Evren bir ilin merkezinde yaşayan
65 yaş ve üstü kişilerden oluşmaktadır. Örneklem büyüklüğü için Türkiye İstatistik
Kurumunun 2017 verileri kullanılmıştır. Hesaplamalar sonrası örnekleme 486
kişi alınmıştır. Veriler ocak-Mayıs 2018 arasında toplanmıştır. Katılımcılar birinci
basamak sağlık kurumlarına gelenler arasından olasılıksız yönteme göre seçilmiştir.
Veri toplama aracı olarak anket formu kullanılmıştır. Formun ilk bölümü katılımcıların
sosyo-demografik özelliklerini saptamaktadır. İkinci bölümde TSOY-32 kullanılmıştır.
Çalışma; Ocak-Mayıs 2018 tarihleri arasında yürütülmüştür. Araştırmanın evrenini İlin
Merkezinde yaşayan yaşlı nüfus oluşturmuştur. Bulgular: Araştırmadaki katılımcılar
için “Türkiye Sağlık Okuryazarlığı-32 Ölçeği” genel toplam puan ortalaması 24.40 ±
7.70 olup yetersiz SOY kategorisindedir. Bu araştırmada ölçeğin; genel, boyut ve süreç
puan ortalama indekslerinin; yaş arttıkça düşme gösterdiği, erkeklerde, yaşamının
çoğunluğunu kentsel alanda geçirenlerde, eğitim düzeyi yüksek olanlarda, evlilerde,
halen çalışıyor olanlarda, ailede alınan kararlara katılıyor olanlarda yüksek olduğu
tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç: Araştırmada ölçeğin genel puan ortalama indeksinin; düzenli
sağlık kontrolü yaptıranlarda, reçetesiz ilaç kullanma alışkanlığı olmayanlarda,
sigarayı bırakmış olanlarda, düzenli egzersiz yapanlarda ve düzenli beslenenlerde
daha yüksek olduğu tespit edilmiştir

Project Number



  • Ministry of Health Public Health Agency of Turkey. Turkey and healthy ageing action plan and ımplementation program 2015- 2020. Available at: ites/default/files/planning_cycle_reposito ry/turkey/turkey_health_aging_action_pla n_and_implementation_program_2015- 2020.pdf. Accessed: 25.03.2019.
  • Gazmararian JA, Baker D, Williams M, et al. Health literacy among medicare enrollees in a managed care organisation. Journal of American Medical Association 1999;281:545-551.
  • Akbulut Y. Evaluation of health literacy in terms of health expenditures and health services. Ed. Yıldırım F, Keser A. Health Literacy. Ankara University Faculty of Health Sciences 2015;3:113-132.
  • Simonds SK. Health education as social policy. Health Education Monograph 2018;2:1-25. Available at: 0.1177/10901981740020S102. Accessed 24.06.2018
  • Ciler Erdag G. Health literacy as a key determinant of health. Ed.Yıldırım F, Keser A. Health Literacy. Ankara University Faculty of Health Sciences 2015;3:1-14.
  • Nielsen-Bohlman L, Panzer AM, Kindig DA. Health literacy: A Prescription to end the confusion. Washington. National Academies Press 2004;31-55.
  • Okyay P, Abacıgil F. Turkey health literacy scale study reliability and validity. Ministry of Health 2016;1025:1. Printing. ISBN: 978-975-590-594-5
  • Durusu Tanrıöver M, Yıldırım HH, Demiray Ready N, et al. Turkey health literacy survey. Health and Social Workers Union [Internet] Available from: s/gallery/pdf/8dcec50aa18c21cdaf86a2b 33001a409.pdf. Accessed 30.03.2016
  • Sørensen K, Pelikan M Jürgen, Röthlin F, et al. Health literacy in Europe: comparative results of the European health literacy survey (HLS-EU). European Journal of Public Health, 2015;25(6):, 1053–1058
  • Bilir N. Health literacy. Turkish Journal of Public Health 2014;12(1):61-68.
  • Sayah FA, Williams B. An integrated model of health literacy, using diabetes as an example. Canadian Journal of Diabetes 2012;36:27-31.
  • Yigitbas C, Deveci SE. Disability in the elderly in terms of public health. Bakirkoy Medical Journal 2016;12:57-63.
  • Turkish Statistical Institute. “Elderly people with statistics” [Internet] Available from: Accessed 11.06.2018.
  • Özkan S, Baran aksakal N, Çalışkan D et al. Turkey health literacy level and related factors research. T.C. Ministry of Health General Directorate of Health Promotion 2018, Publşication Number 1103, ISBN: 978-975-590-689-8 file:///C:/%C3%87A%C4%9ELA/H- %20HADYEK/_Ekutuphane_kitaplar_SOY A%20RAPOR.pdf
  • Yılmaz M, Tiryaki Z. What is health literacy, how assessment? DEUHFED 2016;9(4):142-147.
  • Aslan Ş, Akman Dömbekci H, Yağcı Özen M. An important factor in reducing unnecessary applications to emergency health services: Health literacy. Eurasian Journal of Social and Economic Research (ASEAD) 2017;4(12):47-62.
  • Bozkurt H, Demirci H. Health literacy among older persons in Turkey. The Aging 2018; DOI: 10.1080/13685538.2018.1437901.
  • Fernandez DM, Larson JL, Brian J, et al. Associations between health literacy and preventive health behaviours among older adults: findings from the health and retirement study. BMC Public Health 2016; 16:596-603.
  • Slonska ZA, Borowiec AA, Aranowska AE. Health literacy and health among the elderly: status and challenges in the context of the Polish population ageing process. Anthropological Review 2015;78(3):297–307.
  • Tiller D, Herzog B, Kluttig A, Haerting J. Health literacy in an urban elderly EastGerman population – results from the population-based CARLA study. BMC Public Health 2015;15:883.
  • Catı K, Karagöz Y, Yalman F, et al. The effect of health literacy on patient satisfaction. Journal of Economic and Social Research 2018;14(1):67-88
  • Caylan A, Yayla K, Oztora S, et al. Assessing health literacy, the factors affecting it and their relation to some health behaviours among adults. Biomedical Research 2017;28(15):6803-6807.
  • Çimen Z, Bayık Temel A. Investigation of health literacy, the perception of health and related factors in elderly patients with chronic illness. Journal of Ege University Faculty of Nursing 2017;33(3):105-125.
  • Federman AD, Wolf MS, Sofianou A, et al. Asthma outcomes are poor among older adults with low health literacy. Journal of Asthma 2014;51(2):162-167.
  • Chung MH, Chen LK, Peng LN, et al. Development and validation of the health literacy assessment tool for older people in Taiwan: Potential impacts of cultural differences. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 2015;61:289-295.
  • Lee SS, Choi YS, Lee DS, Nam SH. A study on the health literacy of the elderly in a rural area. Biomedical Research 2017;28(17):7567-7573.
  • Liu YB, Liu L, Liu YF, et al. Relationship between health literacy, health-related behaviours and health status: A survey of elderly Chines. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public. Health 2015;12:9714-9725.
  • Halverson J, Martinez-Donate A, Trentham-Dietz A, et al. Health literacy and urbanicity among cancer patients. The Journal of Rural Health 2013;29:392–402.
  • Mosher HJ, Lund BC, Krıpalanı S, et al. An Association of health literacy with medication knowledge, adherence, and adverse drug events among elderly veterans. Journal of Health Communication 2012;17:241–251.
  • MacLeod S, Musich S, Gulyas S, et al. The impact of inadequate health literacy on patient satisfaction, healthcare utilisation, and expenditures among older adults. Geriatric Nursing 2017;38:334-341.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Original Research

Cagla Yıgıtbas 0000-0002-3789-1156

Fatma Genç 0000-0001-8777-4276

Project Number SAĞ-BAP-160317-77
Publication Date April 23, 2021
Submission Date March 7, 2020
Acceptance Date February 20, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Yıgıtbas, C., & Genç, F. (2021). Health literacy in elderly people: A quantitative research example from the Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Public Health, 19(1), 41-54.
AMA Yıgıtbas C, Genç F. Health literacy in elderly people: A quantitative research example from the Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey. TJPH. April 2021;19(1):41-54. doi:10.20518/tjph.700390
Chicago Yıgıtbas, Cagla, and Fatma Genç. “Health Literacy in Elderly People: A Quantitative Research Example from the Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey”. Turkish Journal of Public Health 19, no. 1 (April 2021): 41-54.
EndNote Yıgıtbas C, Genç F (April 1, 2021) Health literacy in elderly people: A quantitative research example from the Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Public Health 19 1 41–54.
IEEE C. Yıgıtbas and F. Genç, “Health literacy in elderly people: A quantitative research example from the Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey”, TJPH, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 41–54, 2021, doi: 10.20518/tjph.700390.
ISNAD Yıgıtbas, Cagla - Genç, Fatma. “Health Literacy in Elderly People: A Quantitative Research Example from the Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey”. Turkish Journal of Public Health 19/1 (April 2021), 41-54.
JAMA Yıgıtbas C, Genç F. Health literacy in elderly people: A quantitative research example from the Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey. TJPH. 2021;19:41–54.
MLA Yıgıtbas, Cagla and Fatma Genç. “Health Literacy in Elderly People: A Quantitative Research Example from the Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey”. Turkish Journal of Public Health, vol. 19, no. 1, 2021, pp. 41-54, doi:10.20518/tjph.700390.
Vancouver Yıgıtbas C, Genç F. Health literacy in elderly people: A quantitative research example from the Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey. TJPH. 2021;19(1):41-54.

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