Case Report
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A Case of Penile Urethral Diverticulum in a Male Crossbreed Kid

Year 2022, , 33 - 36, 29.03.2022


A 19-day-old, male crossbreed kid with complications of difficulty in urination was referred to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Aydin Adnan Menderes University. A purple thin-walled, fluid-filled structure was noticed on the ventral midline and was associated with the prepuce. The cystic structure was sharply incised, and the incision was extended from the most cranial to the most caudal extent of the dilatation. Penil urethral diverticuloctomy was performed by the guidance of the urethral catheter. Postoperative attempts at urination resulted in free-flowing streams, and the kid did not have strangury. Sutures and urethral catheter were removed 10 days after surgery.


  • 1. Ali MM, Hussein KH, Sadek A, Abdelbaset AE. Congenital urethral dilatation in cattle calves: Diagnosis and surgical intervention. Vet World. 2020; 13(2): 261.
  • 2. Almubarak AM, Abdelghafar RM, Gameel AA, Osman NM. Penile urethral hypospadias with two fistulae and diverticulum in a Saanen kid. Case Rep Vet Med. 2016;1-3.
  • 3. Anderson DE, Wallace CE, Williamson L, Mahaffey MB. Urethral recess dilatation in a charolais-cross bull calf. Can Vet J. 1993; 34(4): 234-235.
  • 4. Blood DC, Radostits OM, Henderson JA. Veterinary Medicine. Bailliere Tindall, London 6th, 1983; 366-367.
  • 5. Bodh D, Jadon NS. Surgical Management of Penile Urethral Diverticulum in a Kid. Intas Polivet. 2017;18(2): 413-414.
  • 6. Cruz-Arambulo RJ, Tan L, Callan RJ, Van Metre DC, Park RD. What is your diagnosis? (Communication between the urethra and corpus spongiosum, urethral stricture mild cystitis, and presence of a urethral diverticulum). J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2003; 222: 1211-1212.
  • 7. Fuller DT, Baird AN, Morris EL, Kraemer DC. What is your diagnosis? (Hypospadias and urethral diverticulum in goat). J A Vet Med A. 1992; 201: 1431-1432.
  • 8. Gasthuys F, Martens A, De Moor A. Surgical treatment of urethral dilatation in seven male cattle. Vet Rec. 1996; 138: 17-19.
  • 9. Gasthuys F, Steenhaut M, De Moor A, Sercu K. Surgical treatment of urethral obstruction due to urolithiasis in male cattle: a review of 85 cases. Vet Rec. 1993; 133: 522-526.
  • 10.Javdani GM, Dehghani NS, Raayat JAR. Congenital penile urethral aplasia in a 4-day-old calf. Iran J Vet Res. 2009; 10: 87-89.
  • 11. Karras S, Modransky P, Welker B. Surgical correction of urethral dilation in an intersex goat. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1992; 201: 1584-1586.
  • 12. King WW, Young ME, Fox ME. Multiple congenital genitourinary anomalies in a polled goat. J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci. J Am Lam Anim. 2002; 2 41: 39-42.
  • 13. Magda MA, Youssef HA. Surgical management of congenital malformations in ruminants., Accessed: 14 July. 2009.
  • 14. Omidi A, Monjezi S, Nabipour A. Hypospadias, diverticulum, and agenesis in the penile shaft of a goat kid (Capra hircus). Comp Clin Path. 2011; 20(4): 417-419.
  • 15. Rousseaux CG, Ribble CS. Developmental anomalies in farm animals II defining etiology. Can Vet J. 1988; 29: 30-39.
  • 16. Sylla L, Crociati M, Pistolesi A, Pisello L, Caivano D, Angeli G. Urethrostomy in an Alpine kid secondary to congenital penile urethral diverticulum. Large Anim Rev. 2019; 25(4): 153-156.
  • 17. Sedeek AM, Bakr HA. Comparison between urethrostomy and penile resection for treatment of congenital penile urethral dilatation in calves. J Vet Med. 2009; 19: 1-6.
  • 18. Şindak N, Sahin T, Selçukbiricik H. Urethral dilatation, ectopic testis, hypoplasia penis, and phimosis in a kilis goat kid. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2010; 16: 147-150.
  • 19. Temizsoylu MD. Penile urethral diverticulum in a kid. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2005; 52: 185-187.
  • 20. Weaver AD, Johnson GC, Hill J. Congenital megalourethra in a male Charolais calf. Can Vet J. 1992; 33: 270-272.
  • 21. Wolfe DF. Surgical procedure of the reproductive system of the bull. In: Morrow, DA (Ed.), Current Therapy in Theriogenology 2. WB Saunders Co, Philadelphia, 2nd ed, 1986; 353-397.
Year 2022, , 33 - 36, 29.03.2022



  • 1. Ali MM, Hussein KH, Sadek A, Abdelbaset AE. Congenital urethral dilatation in cattle calves: Diagnosis and surgical intervention. Vet World. 2020; 13(2): 261.
  • 2. Almubarak AM, Abdelghafar RM, Gameel AA, Osman NM. Penile urethral hypospadias with two fistulae and diverticulum in a Saanen kid. Case Rep Vet Med. 2016;1-3.
  • 3. Anderson DE, Wallace CE, Williamson L, Mahaffey MB. Urethral recess dilatation in a charolais-cross bull calf. Can Vet J. 1993; 34(4): 234-235.
  • 4. Blood DC, Radostits OM, Henderson JA. Veterinary Medicine. Bailliere Tindall, London 6th, 1983; 366-367.
  • 5. Bodh D, Jadon NS. Surgical Management of Penile Urethral Diverticulum in a Kid. Intas Polivet. 2017;18(2): 413-414.
  • 6. Cruz-Arambulo RJ, Tan L, Callan RJ, Van Metre DC, Park RD. What is your diagnosis? (Communication between the urethra and corpus spongiosum, urethral stricture mild cystitis, and presence of a urethral diverticulum). J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2003; 222: 1211-1212.
  • 7. Fuller DT, Baird AN, Morris EL, Kraemer DC. What is your diagnosis? (Hypospadias and urethral diverticulum in goat). J A Vet Med A. 1992; 201: 1431-1432.
  • 8. Gasthuys F, Martens A, De Moor A. Surgical treatment of urethral dilatation in seven male cattle. Vet Rec. 1996; 138: 17-19.
  • 9. Gasthuys F, Steenhaut M, De Moor A, Sercu K. Surgical treatment of urethral obstruction due to urolithiasis in male cattle: a review of 85 cases. Vet Rec. 1993; 133: 522-526.
  • 10.Javdani GM, Dehghani NS, Raayat JAR. Congenital penile urethral aplasia in a 4-day-old calf. Iran J Vet Res. 2009; 10: 87-89.
  • 11. Karras S, Modransky P, Welker B. Surgical correction of urethral dilation in an intersex goat. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1992; 201: 1584-1586.
  • 12. King WW, Young ME, Fox ME. Multiple congenital genitourinary anomalies in a polled goat. J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci. J Am Lam Anim. 2002; 2 41: 39-42.
  • 13. Magda MA, Youssef HA. Surgical management of congenital malformations in ruminants., Accessed: 14 July. 2009.
  • 14. Omidi A, Monjezi S, Nabipour A. Hypospadias, diverticulum, and agenesis in the penile shaft of a goat kid (Capra hircus). Comp Clin Path. 2011; 20(4): 417-419.
  • 15. Rousseaux CG, Ribble CS. Developmental anomalies in farm animals II defining etiology. Can Vet J. 1988; 29: 30-39.
  • 16. Sylla L, Crociati M, Pistolesi A, Pisello L, Caivano D, Angeli G. Urethrostomy in an Alpine kid secondary to congenital penile urethral diverticulum. Large Anim Rev. 2019; 25(4): 153-156.
  • 17. Sedeek AM, Bakr HA. Comparison between urethrostomy and penile resection for treatment of congenital penile urethral dilatation in calves. J Vet Med. 2009; 19: 1-6.
  • 18. Şindak N, Sahin T, Selçukbiricik H. Urethral dilatation, ectopic testis, hypoplasia penis, and phimosis in a kilis goat kid. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2010; 16: 147-150.
  • 19. Temizsoylu MD. Penile urethral diverticulum in a kid. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2005; 52: 185-187.
  • 20. Weaver AD, Johnson GC, Hill J. Congenital megalourethra in a male Charolais calf. Can Vet J. 1992; 33: 270-272.
  • 21. Wolfe DF. Surgical procedure of the reproductive system of the bull. In: Morrow, DA (Ed.), Current Therapy in Theriogenology 2. WB Saunders Co, Philadelphia, 2nd ed, 1986; 353-397.
There are 21 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section 2022 Volume 6 Number 1

Ali Belge 0000-0003-3346-6926

Rahime Yaygıngül 0000-0001-7402-9031

Onur Özgün Derincegöz This is me 0000-0001-8701-1439

Publication Date March 29, 2022
Submission Date November 24, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Belge, A., Yaygıngül, R., & Derincegöz, O. Ö. (2022). A Case of Penile Urethral Diverticulum in a Male Crossbreed Kid. Turkish Journal of Veterinary Research, 6(1), 33-36.
AMA Belge A, Yaygıngül R, Derincegöz OÖ. A Case of Penile Urethral Diverticulum in a Male Crossbreed Kid. TJVR. March 2022;6(1):33-36. doi:10.47748/tjvr.1027439
Chicago Belge, Ali, Rahime Yaygıngül, and Onur Özgün Derincegöz. “A Case of Penile Urethral Diverticulum in a Male Crossbreed Kid”. Turkish Journal of Veterinary Research 6, no. 1 (March 2022): 33-36.
EndNote Belge A, Yaygıngül R, Derincegöz OÖ (March 1, 2022) A Case of Penile Urethral Diverticulum in a Male Crossbreed Kid. Turkish Journal of Veterinary Research 6 1 33–36.
IEEE A. Belge, R. Yaygıngül, and O. Ö. Derincegöz, “A Case of Penile Urethral Diverticulum in a Male Crossbreed Kid”, TJVR, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 33–36, 2022, doi: 10.47748/tjvr.1027439.
ISNAD Belge, Ali et al. “A Case of Penile Urethral Diverticulum in a Male Crossbreed Kid”. Turkish Journal of Veterinary Research 6/1 (March 2022), 33-36.
JAMA Belge A, Yaygıngül R, Derincegöz OÖ. A Case of Penile Urethral Diverticulum in a Male Crossbreed Kid. TJVR. 2022;6:33–36.
MLA Belge, Ali et al. “A Case of Penile Urethral Diverticulum in a Male Crossbreed Kid”. Turkish Journal of Veterinary Research, vol. 6, no. 1, 2022, pp. 33-36, doi:10.47748/tjvr.1027439.
Vancouver Belge A, Yaygıngül R, Derincegöz OÖ. A Case of Penile Urethral Diverticulum in a Male Crossbreed Kid. TJVR. 2022;6(1):33-6.