Research Article
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Year 2022, , 61 - 66, 25.11.2022



  • Abecia J, Forcada F, González-bulnes A. Hormonal control of reproduction in small ruminants. Anim Reprod Sci. 2012; 130:173-179.
  • Ataman MB, Aköz M, Akman O. Induction of synchronized oestrus in akkaraman cross-bred ewes during breeding and anestrus seasons: The use of short-term and long-term progesterone treatments. Rev Med Vet. 2006; 157:257-260.
  • Barrett DMW, Bartlewski PM, Batista-Arteaga M, Symington A, Rawlings NC. Ultrasound and endocrine evaluation of the ovarian response to a single dose of 500 IU of eCG following a 12-day treatment with progestogen-releasing intravaginal sponges in the breeding and nonbreeding seasons in ewes. Theriogenology. 2004; 61:311-327.
  • Ben Saïd S, Lomet D, Chesneau D, et al. Differential estradiol requirement for the induction of estrus behavior and the luteinizing hormone surge in two breeds of sheep. Biol Reprod. 2007; 76:673-680.
  • Bruno-Galarraga M, Cano-Moreno V, Lago-Cruz B, Encinas T, Gonzalez-Bulnes A, Martinez-Ros P. The use of hcg for inducing ovulation in sheep estrus synchronization impairs ovulatory follicle growth and fertility. Animals. 2021; 11:10-17.
  • Casas E, Freking BA, Leymaster KA.. Evaluation of Dorset, Finnsheep, Romanov, Texel, and Montadale breeds of sheep: III. Wool characteristics of F1 ewes. J Anim Sci. 2005; 83:2743-2751.
  • Cavalcanti AS, Brandão FZ, Nogueira LAG, da Fonseca JF. Effects of GnRH administration on ovulation and fertility in ewes subjected to estrous synchronization. Rev Bras Zootec. 2012; 41:1412-1418.
  • Đuričić D, Benić M, Žaja IŽ, Valpotić H, Samardžija M. Influence of season, rainfall and air temperature on the reproductive efficiency in Romanov sheep in Croatia. Int J Biometeorol. 2019; 63:817-824.
  • Đuričić D, Dobos A, Grbavac J, et al. Climate impacts on reproductive performance of Romanov sheep in the moderate climate. J Anim Behav Biometeorol. 2022; 10(1):1-6.
  • Gonzalez-Bulnes A, Menchaca A, Martin GB, Martinez-Ros P. Seventy years of progestagen treatments for management of the sheep oestrous cycle: Where we are and where we should go. Reprod Fertil Dev. 2020; 32:441-452.
  • Guner B, Kulaksiz R, Saat N, et al. Effect of pre-synchronisation with progestogen and eCG on reproductive activity in synchronised ewes during anoestrous season. Vet Med. 2022; 67(5):231-239.
  • Guner B, Saat N. Comparison of pregnancy rates after short-term and long-term synchronization protocol in ewes- Pilot study. Erciyes Üniversitesi Vet Fakültesi Derg. 2021; 13(3):69-74.
  • Kutluca Korkmaz M, Emsen E. Growth and reproductive traits of purebred and crossbred Romanov lambs in Eastern Anatolia. Anim Reprod. 2016; 13:3-6.
  • Macías-Cruz U, Ponce-Covarrubias JL, Álvarez-Valenzuela FD, Correa-Calderón A, Meza-Herrera CA, Avendaño-Reyes L. Reproductive efficiency of Pelibuey and Romanov × Pelibuey ewes synchronized with synthetic progesterone and low doses of PMSG under a hot environment. Czech J Anim Sci. 2013; 58(12):546-553.
  • Martemucci G, D’Alessandro AG. Synchronization of oestrus and ovulation by short time combined FGA, PGF2α, GnRH, eCG treatments for natural service or AI fixed-time. Anim Reprod Sci. 2011; 123:32-39.
  • Martinez-Ros P, Gonzalez-Bulnes A. Efficiency of CIDR-based protocols including GnRH instead of eCG for estrus synchronization in sheep. Animals. 2019; 9(4):1-11.
  • Martinez-Ros P, Gonzalez-Bulnes A, Garcia-Rosello E, Rios-Abellan A, Astiz S. Effects of short-term intravaginal progestagen treatment on fertility and prolificacy after natural breeding in sheep at different reproductive seasons. J Appl Anim Res. 2019; 47(1):201-205.
  • Maurel MC, Roy F, Hervé V, et al. Réponse immunitaire à la eCG utilisée dans le traitement de l’induction d’ovulation chez la chèvre et la brebis. Gynecol Obstet Fertil. 2003; 31(9):766-769.
  • Menchaca A, dos Santos-Neto PC, Cuadro F, Souza-Neves M, Crispo M. From reproductive technologies to genome editing in small ruminants: An embryo’s journey. Anim Reprod. 2018; 15:984-995.
  • Murphy TW, Freking BA. Comparison of performance of F1 Romanov crossbred ewes with wool and hair breeds during fall lambing and body weight and longevity through six production years. J Anim Sci. 2021; 99(1):1-7.
  • Özyurtlu N, Ay S, Küçükaslan İ, Güngör Ö, Aslan S. Effect of subsequent two short-term, short-term, and long-term progestagen treatments on fertility of Awassi ewes out of the breeding season. Ankara Üniversitesi Vet Fakültesi Derg. 2011; 58(2):105-109.
  • Reyna J, Thomson PC, Evans G, Maxwell WMC. Synchrony of ovulation and follicular dynamics in Merino ewes treated with GnRH in the breeding and non-breeding seasons. Reprod Domest Anim. 2007; 42:410-417.
  • Ricordeau G, Thimonier J, Poivey JP, Driancourt MA, Hochereau De Reviers MT, Tchamitchian L. I.N.R.A. Research on the Romanov sheep breed in France: a Review. Livest Prod Sci. 1990; 24:305-332.
  • Roy F, Maurel MC, Combes B, et al. The negative effect of repeated equine chorionic gonadotropin treatment on subsequent fertility in Alpine goats is due to a humoral immune response involving the major histocompatibility complex. Biol Reprod. 1999; 60(4):805-813.
  • Santos-Jimenez Z, Martinez-Herrero C, Encinas T, Martinez-Ros P, Gonzalez-Bulnes A. Comparative efficiency of oestrus synchronization in sheep with progesterone/eCG and progesterone/GnRH during breeding and non-breeding season. Reprod Domest Anim2020; 55:882-884.
  • Silva BDM, Silva TASN, Moreira NH, et al. Ovulation induction in ewes using GnRH in long and short-term synchronization protocols. Anim Reprod. 2015; 12:312-315.
  • Ungerfeld R, Rubianes E. Short term primings with different progestogen intravaginal devices (MAP, FGA and CIDR) for eCG-estrous induction in anestrus ewes. Small Rumin Res. 2002; 46(1):63-66.
  • Uriol M, Martinez-Ros P, Rios A, Encinas T, Gonzalez-Bulnes A. Onset of oestrus and periovulatory events in sheep exposed to 5 and 14 days of CIDR treatment with and without eCG. Reprod Domest Anim. 2019; 54:1489-1492.
  • Ustuner B, Gunay U, Nur Z, Ustuner H. Effects of long and short-term progestagen treatments combined with PMSG on oestrus synchronization and fertility in Awassi ewes during the breeding season. Acta Vet Brno. 2007; 76:391-397.
  • Vilanova XM, De Briyne N, Beaver B, Turner PV. Horse welfare during equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) production. Animals. 2019; 9(12):1-10.
  • Vinoles C, Forsberg M, Banchero G, Rubianes E. Effect of long-term and short-term progestagen treatment on follicular development and pregnancy rate in cyclic ewes. Theriogenology. 2001; 55:993-1004.
  • Vinoles C, Meikle A, Forsberg M, Rubianes E. The Effect of Subluteal Levels of Exogenous Progesterone on Follicular Dynamics and Endocrine Patterns During the Early Luteal Phase of the Ewe. Theriogenology. 1999; 51:1351-1361.
  • Wildeus S. Current concepts in synchronization of estrus and ovulation of dairy cows. J Anim Sci. 2000; 77(E-Suppl):1-14.
  • Zonturlu AK, Kaçar C, Kaya S, Emre B, Korkmaz Ö, Arı UÇ. Effect of double GnRH injections on reproductive parameters in Awassi ewes receiving long-term progesterone. J Appl Anim Res. 2018; 46:1103-1107.

Comparison of fertility parameters in Romanov sheep synchronized with progesterone-based protocol plus PMSG or GnRH

Year 2022, , 61 - 66, 25.11.2022


Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the fertility parameters in response to pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (conventional treatment) or gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (alternative treatment) in Romanov sheep subjected to a 7-d short-term protocol out of breeding season.
Materials and Methods: Sheep (n=57) received an intravaginal sponge impregnated with 20 mg fluorogestone acetate for 7 days and 125 µg cloprostenol at sponge removal. Sheep were randomly assigned to receive no treatment (CON, n=16), 240 IU pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG, n=24) at sponge removal or 10 µg busereline acetate (GnRH, n=17) at 30 h after sponge removal.
Results: Estrous response and pregnancy rate were 86% and 75.4% in all sheep, respectively. Estrous response was numerically higher about 7% (p>0.05) in treatment groups (PMSG, 87.5%; GnRH, 88.2%) than CON (81.2%). However, pregnancy rate was numerically higher in PMSG (83.3%) than GnRH (70.6%) and CON (68.7%). As in pregnancy rate, lambing rate was approximately 15% numerically greater (p>0.05) in the PMSG (79.1%) than in GnRH (64.7%) and CON (62.5%) groups. Similarly, litter size numerically higher (p>0.05) in PMSG (2.1) than GnRH (1.9) and CON (1.9) groups.
Conclusion: The use of GnRH offered similar estrous response compared to PMSG in Romanov sheep synchronized with short-term protocol. However, PMSG had numerically higher pregnancy rate, lambing rate, and litter size than GnRH. Considering the serious ethical concerns and animal welfare for the production of PMSG, it is necessary to use alternatively gonadotropins. Comprehensive studies are needed to compare the fertility parameters between PMSG and GnRH in Romanov sheep.


  • Abecia J, Forcada F, González-bulnes A. Hormonal control of reproduction in small ruminants. Anim Reprod Sci. 2012; 130:173-179.
  • Ataman MB, Aköz M, Akman O. Induction of synchronized oestrus in akkaraman cross-bred ewes during breeding and anestrus seasons: The use of short-term and long-term progesterone treatments. Rev Med Vet. 2006; 157:257-260.
  • Barrett DMW, Bartlewski PM, Batista-Arteaga M, Symington A, Rawlings NC. Ultrasound and endocrine evaluation of the ovarian response to a single dose of 500 IU of eCG following a 12-day treatment with progestogen-releasing intravaginal sponges in the breeding and nonbreeding seasons in ewes. Theriogenology. 2004; 61:311-327.
  • Ben Saïd S, Lomet D, Chesneau D, et al. Differential estradiol requirement for the induction of estrus behavior and the luteinizing hormone surge in two breeds of sheep. Biol Reprod. 2007; 76:673-680.
  • Bruno-Galarraga M, Cano-Moreno V, Lago-Cruz B, Encinas T, Gonzalez-Bulnes A, Martinez-Ros P. The use of hcg for inducing ovulation in sheep estrus synchronization impairs ovulatory follicle growth and fertility. Animals. 2021; 11:10-17.
  • Casas E, Freking BA, Leymaster KA.. Evaluation of Dorset, Finnsheep, Romanov, Texel, and Montadale breeds of sheep: III. Wool characteristics of F1 ewes. J Anim Sci. 2005; 83:2743-2751.
  • Cavalcanti AS, Brandão FZ, Nogueira LAG, da Fonseca JF. Effects of GnRH administration on ovulation and fertility in ewes subjected to estrous synchronization. Rev Bras Zootec. 2012; 41:1412-1418.
  • Đuričić D, Benić M, Žaja IŽ, Valpotić H, Samardžija M. Influence of season, rainfall and air temperature on the reproductive efficiency in Romanov sheep in Croatia. Int J Biometeorol. 2019; 63:817-824.
  • Đuričić D, Dobos A, Grbavac J, et al. Climate impacts on reproductive performance of Romanov sheep in the moderate climate. J Anim Behav Biometeorol. 2022; 10(1):1-6.
  • Gonzalez-Bulnes A, Menchaca A, Martin GB, Martinez-Ros P. Seventy years of progestagen treatments for management of the sheep oestrous cycle: Where we are and where we should go. Reprod Fertil Dev. 2020; 32:441-452.
  • Guner B, Kulaksiz R, Saat N, et al. Effect of pre-synchronisation with progestogen and eCG on reproductive activity in synchronised ewes during anoestrous season. Vet Med. 2022; 67(5):231-239.
  • Guner B, Saat N. Comparison of pregnancy rates after short-term and long-term synchronization protocol in ewes- Pilot study. Erciyes Üniversitesi Vet Fakültesi Derg. 2021; 13(3):69-74.
  • Kutluca Korkmaz M, Emsen E. Growth and reproductive traits of purebred and crossbred Romanov lambs in Eastern Anatolia. Anim Reprod. 2016; 13:3-6.
  • Macías-Cruz U, Ponce-Covarrubias JL, Álvarez-Valenzuela FD, Correa-Calderón A, Meza-Herrera CA, Avendaño-Reyes L. Reproductive efficiency of Pelibuey and Romanov × Pelibuey ewes synchronized with synthetic progesterone and low doses of PMSG under a hot environment. Czech J Anim Sci. 2013; 58(12):546-553.
  • Martemucci G, D’Alessandro AG. Synchronization of oestrus and ovulation by short time combined FGA, PGF2α, GnRH, eCG treatments for natural service or AI fixed-time. Anim Reprod Sci. 2011; 123:32-39.
  • Martinez-Ros P, Gonzalez-Bulnes A. Efficiency of CIDR-based protocols including GnRH instead of eCG for estrus synchronization in sheep. Animals. 2019; 9(4):1-11.
  • Martinez-Ros P, Gonzalez-Bulnes A, Garcia-Rosello E, Rios-Abellan A, Astiz S. Effects of short-term intravaginal progestagen treatment on fertility and prolificacy after natural breeding in sheep at different reproductive seasons. J Appl Anim Res. 2019; 47(1):201-205.
  • Maurel MC, Roy F, Hervé V, et al. Réponse immunitaire à la eCG utilisée dans le traitement de l’induction d’ovulation chez la chèvre et la brebis. Gynecol Obstet Fertil. 2003; 31(9):766-769.
  • Menchaca A, dos Santos-Neto PC, Cuadro F, Souza-Neves M, Crispo M. From reproductive technologies to genome editing in small ruminants: An embryo’s journey. Anim Reprod. 2018; 15:984-995.
  • Murphy TW, Freking BA. Comparison of performance of F1 Romanov crossbred ewes with wool and hair breeds during fall lambing and body weight and longevity through six production years. J Anim Sci. 2021; 99(1):1-7.
  • Özyurtlu N, Ay S, Küçükaslan İ, Güngör Ö, Aslan S. Effect of subsequent two short-term, short-term, and long-term progestagen treatments on fertility of Awassi ewes out of the breeding season. Ankara Üniversitesi Vet Fakültesi Derg. 2011; 58(2):105-109.
  • Reyna J, Thomson PC, Evans G, Maxwell WMC. Synchrony of ovulation and follicular dynamics in Merino ewes treated with GnRH in the breeding and non-breeding seasons. Reprod Domest Anim. 2007; 42:410-417.
  • Ricordeau G, Thimonier J, Poivey JP, Driancourt MA, Hochereau De Reviers MT, Tchamitchian L. I.N.R.A. Research on the Romanov sheep breed in France: a Review. Livest Prod Sci. 1990; 24:305-332.
  • Roy F, Maurel MC, Combes B, et al. The negative effect of repeated equine chorionic gonadotropin treatment on subsequent fertility in Alpine goats is due to a humoral immune response involving the major histocompatibility complex. Biol Reprod. 1999; 60(4):805-813.
  • Santos-Jimenez Z, Martinez-Herrero C, Encinas T, Martinez-Ros P, Gonzalez-Bulnes A. Comparative efficiency of oestrus synchronization in sheep with progesterone/eCG and progesterone/GnRH during breeding and non-breeding season. Reprod Domest Anim2020; 55:882-884.
  • Silva BDM, Silva TASN, Moreira NH, et al. Ovulation induction in ewes using GnRH in long and short-term synchronization protocols. Anim Reprod. 2015; 12:312-315.
  • Ungerfeld R, Rubianes E. Short term primings with different progestogen intravaginal devices (MAP, FGA and CIDR) for eCG-estrous induction in anestrus ewes. Small Rumin Res. 2002; 46(1):63-66.
  • Uriol M, Martinez-Ros P, Rios A, Encinas T, Gonzalez-Bulnes A. Onset of oestrus and periovulatory events in sheep exposed to 5 and 14 days of CIDR treatment with and without eCG. Reprod Domest Anim. 2019; 54:1489-1492.
  • Ustuner B, Gunay U, Nur Z, Ustuner H. Effects of long and short-term progestagen treatments combined with PMSG on oestrus synchronization and fertility in Awassi ewes during the breeding season. Acta Vet Brno. 2007; 76:391-397.
  • Vilanova XM, De Briyne N, Beaver B, Turner PV. Horse welfare during equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) production. Animals. 2019; 9(12):1-10.
  • Vinoles C, Forsberg M, Banchero G, Rubianes E. Effect of long-term and short-term progestagen treatment on follicular development and pregnancy rate in cyclic ewes. Theriogenology. 2001; 55:993-1004.
  • Vinoles C, Meikle A, Forsberg M, Rubianes E. The Effect of Subluteal Levels of Exogenous Progesterone on Follicular Dynamics and Endocrine Patterns During the Early Luteal Phase of the Ewe. Theriogenology. 1999; 51:1351-1361.
  • Wildeus S. Current concepts in synchronization of estrus and ovulation of dairy cows. J Anim Sci. 2000; 77(E-Suppl):1-14.
  • Zonturlu AK, Kaçar C, Kaya S, Emre B, Korkmaz Ö, Arı UÇ. Effect of double GnRH injections on reproductive parameters in Awassi ewes receiving long-term progesterone. J Appl Anim Res. 2018; 46:1103-1107.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section 2022 Volume 6 Number 2

Barış Güner 0000-0001-6414-6752

Ebru Karakaya Bilen 0000-0003-4837-1858

Publication Date November 25, 2022
Submission Date May 23, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Güner, B., & Karakaya Bilen, E. (2022). Comparison of fertility parameters in Romanov sheep synchronized with progesterone-based protocol plus PMSG or GnRH. Turkish Journal of Veterinary Research, 6(2), 61-66.
AMA Güner B, Karakaya Bilen E. Comparison of fertility parameters in Romanov sheep synchronized with progesterone-based protocol plus PMSG or GnRH. TJVR. November 2022;6(2):61-66. doi:10.47748/tjvr.1120029
Chicago Güner, Barış, and Ebru Karakaya Bilen. “Comparison of Fertility Parameters in Romanov Sheep Synchronized With Progesterone-Based Protocol Plus PMSG or GnRH”. Turkish Journal of Veterinary Research 6, no. 2 (November 2022): 61-66.
EndNote Güner B, Karakaya Bilen E (November 1, 2022) Comparison of fertility parameters in Romanov sheep synchronized with progesterone-based protocol plus PMSG or GnRH. Turkish Journal of Veterinary Research 6 2 61–66.
IEEE B. Güner and E. Karakaya Bilen, “Comparison of fertility parameters in Romanov sheep synchronized with progesterone-based protocol plus PMSG or GnRH”, TJVR, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 61–66, 2022, doi: 10.47748/tjvr.1120029.
ISNAD Güner, Barış - Karakaya Bilen, Ebru. “Comparison of Fertility Parameters in Romanov Sheep Synchronized With Progesterone-Based Protocol Plus PMSG or GnRH”. Turkish Journal of Veterinary Research 6/2 (November 2022), 61-66.
JAMA Güner B, Karakaya Bilen E. Comparison of fertility parameters in Romanov sheep synchronized with progesterone-based protocol plus PMSG or GnRH. TJVR. 2022;6:61–66.
MLA Güner, Barış and Ebru Karakaya Bilen. “Comparison of Fertility Parameters in Romanov Sheep Synchronized With Progesterone-Based Protocol Plus PMSG or GnRH”. Turkish Journal of Veterinary Research, vol. 6, no. 2, 2022, pp. 61-66, doi:10.47748/tjvr.1120029.
Vancouver Güner B, Karakaya Bilen E. Comparison of fertility parameters in Romanov sheep synchronized with progesterone-based protocol plus PMSG or GnRH. TJVR. 2022;6(2):61-6.