Research Article
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Year 2024, Issue: 111, 361 - 380, 16.09.2024


This study focuses on Turkish immigrants living in Germany for over 60 years and their
incorporation into the local religious system. Germany’s history of religious conflicts has
contributed to the evaluation of a society where confessions coexist. This historical situation resulted in the developing of a religious recognition system that tried to provide equal rights
to all religious groups. Turks in Germany have institutionalized chiefly based on their religion,
recognizing the advantages of this system. However, among those groups, only the Alevi
Community in Germany (AABF) has achieved full recognition in this system. The situation
of other Turkish religious groups in Germany is not even close to that position. They are not
even recognized as a religious community in many parts of the country. Taking this situation
as a starting point, this article aims to understand how Alevis achieved full recognition while
others still face enormous challenges. As an answer to that, our study offers a new theoretical
framework. This approach combines political opportunity structures, path dependence, and
transnational linkages in an eclectic frame and claims to explain the situation in the diaspora in
a generalizable way. Accordingly, the institutionalization of Turks in Germany was framed by
four vital factors: the projection of permanency, political opportunity structures, transnational
linkages, and path dependency developed by the latter two. As it became clear that they
would be permanent in Germany, Turks established and improved religious organizations.
As said, they used the advantages of political opportunity structures available to them from
the beginning. However, they were also transnational organizations, and those transnational
linkages and initiatives resulted in delays in localization and organizational transformations for
recognition. Especially those dependent on those transnational linkages due to human resources
and funding, which have created path dependencies that cannot be changed even today. Those
religious organizations have oscillated between political opportunities and resources provided
by transnational linkages. AABF had distinct transnational linkages that did not result in
creating a dependency, unlike other organizations. This allowed the organization to make
necessary changes in its structure and follow a successful strategy for recognition.


  • Abadan-Unat, Nermin. Bitmeyen Göç : Konuk İşç ilikten Ulus-Ötesi Yurttaşlığa. Istanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 3rd Ed., 2017.
  • Arkilic, Ayca. “The Limits of European Islam: Turkish Islamic Umbrella Organizations and Their Relations with Host Countries - France and Germany.” Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs 35/1 (2015), 17–42.
  • Arslan, Zeynep. “Alevi Diasporası ve ‘Resmi Din’ Olarak Alevilikte Çoklu Kimlik.” Göç Dergisi 4/2 (2017), 153–184.
  • Arslan, Zeynep. “The Alevi Diaspora – Its Emergence as a Political Actor and Its Impact on the Homeland.” Border Crossing 6/2 (2016), 342–353.
  • Bauböck, Rainer. “Towards a Political Theory of Migrant Transnationalism.” International Migration Review 37/3 (2003), 700–723. tb00155.x
  • Bayrakli, Enes et al. “Engineering a European Islam: An Analysis of Attempts to Domesticate European Muslims in Austria, France, and Germany.” Insight Turkey 20/3 (June 1, 2018), 131–156.
  • Breton, Raymond. “Institutional Completeness of Ethnic Communities and the Personal Relations of Immigrants.” American Journal of Sociology 70/2 (1964), 193–205. https://
  • Brubaker, Rogers. Fransa ve Almanya’da Vatandaşlık ve Ulus Bilinci. ed. Çev: Ezgi Su Dağabak. Ankara: Gav Perspektif, 2022.
  • Çamuroğlu, Reha. “Alevi Revivalism in Turkey.” Alevi Identity: Cultural, Religious, and Sociological Perspectives: Papers Read at a Conference Held at the Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul. Richmond: Curzon, 1996.
  • Castles, Stephen. “How Nation-States Respond to Immigration and Ethnic Diversity.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 21/3 (1995), 293–308. https://doi. org/10.1080/1369183X.1995.9976493
  • Çoşan EKE, Deniz. “Embodiment of Recognizing Differences: Alevis in Germany.” ed. Güven Şeker et al. 252–259. London: Transnational Press London, 2015.
  • Çoşan EKE, Deniz. “Transnational Communities: Alevi Immigrants in Europe.” Alevilik- Bektasilik Arastirmalari Dergisi 10 (2014), 167–194.
  • Hofhansel, Claus. “Accommodating Islam and the Utility of National Models: The German Case.” West European Politics 33/2 (2010), 191–207.
  • Hofhansel, Claus. “Recognition Regimes for Religious Minorities in Europe: Institutional Change and Reproduction.” Journal of Church and State 57/1 (2015), 90–118. https://doi. org/10.1093/jcs/cst030
  • Hooghe, Marc. “Ethnic Organisations and Social Movement Theory: The Political Opportunity Structure for Ethnic Mobilisation in Flanders.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 31/5 (September 2005), 975–990.
  • İkizler, Metin. “Alman Dernekler Hukukundaki Reform Çalışmalarına Bir Bakış.” AÜHFD 57/3 (2008), 409–454.
  • Kaplan, İsmail. Das Alevitentum: Eine Glaubens- Und Lebensgemeinschaft in Deutschland. Köln: AABF, 2004.
  • Kastoryano, Riva. “Religion and Incorporation: Islam in France and Germany.” International Migration Review 38/3 (2004), 1234–1255.
  • Kaya, Ayhan. “Euro-Türkler , Kuşaklararası Farklılıkları İslam ve Entegrasyon Tartışmaları.” Göç Araştırmaları Dergisi 1/1 (2015), 44–79.
  • Kaya, Ayhan - Drhimeur, Amina. “Diaspora Politics and Religious Diplomacy in Turkey and Morocco.” Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 1–21. 3857.2022.2095703
  • Kaya, Ayhan - Kentel, Ferhat. “Euro-Turks. A Bridge or a Breach between Turkey and the European Union? A Comparative Study of German-Turks and French-Turks.” Centre for European Policy Studies.
  • Kortmann, Matthias. “Religious Governance and Integration Policies in Germany and the Netherlands: The Impact on the Self-Portrayal and Strategies of Muslim Organizations.” Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies 10/3 (2012), 299–318. 15562948.2012.693038
  • Lecours, André. New Institutionalism: Theory and Analysis. Toronto: Toronto University Press, 2005.
  • Massicard, Elise. The Alevis in Turkey and Europe. New York: Routledge, 2013. Massicard, Elise. Türkiye’den Avrupa’ya Alevi Hareketinin Siyasallaşması. Istanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2017.
  • Mazlum, Mahmut. “Reflections of ‘European Islam’ Discourse to Germany and Recognition of Turkish-Islam.” Bilig 104 (January 30, 2023), 153–178. bilig.10406
  • Mazlum, Mahmut. Transnational Linkages and Recognition: The Case of Immigrants’ Religious Organizations in Germany. Munich: Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, PhD Dissertation, 2021.
  • Nordin, Magdalena - Otterbeck, Jonas. Migration and Religion. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.
  • Özyürek, Esra. “‘The Light of the Alevi Fire Was Lit in Germany and Then Spread to Turkey’: A Transnational Debate on the Boundaries of Islam.” Turkish Studies 10/2 (2009), 233–253.
  • Pries, Ludger. “Transnationalism.” IMISCOE Research Series. 233–247. Springer Science and Business Media B.V., 2022.
  • Pries, Ludger - Tuncer-Zengingül, Tülay. “Neither Omnipotent nor a Paper Tiger: The Federation of the Alevi Communities in Germany and the Dynamics of Its Multidimensional Area of Activity.” Islamic Organizations in Europe and the USA. ed. Matthias Kortmann - Kerstin Rosenow-Williams. 150–166. Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2013. https://doi. org/10.1057/9781137305589_9
  • Rohe, Mathias. “Islamic Norms in Germany and Europe.” Islam and Muslims in Germany. ed. Ala Al-Hamarneh - Jorn Thielmann. 49–81. Leiden: Brill, 2008. ej.9789004158665.I-592.17
  • Rosenow-Williams, Kerstin. Organizing Muslims and Integrating Islam in Germany. Leiden: Brill, 2012.
  • Schrover, Marlou - Vermeulen, Floris. “Immigrant Organisations.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 31/5 (September 2005), 823–832.
  • Şen, Faruk. “Euro-Islam: Some Empirical Evidences.” Islam and Muslims in Germany. ed. Ala Al-Hamarneh - Jorn Thielmann. 33–49. Leiden [u.a.]: Brill, 2008.
  • Şirin, Çiǧdem V. “Analyzing the Determinants of Group Identity Among Alevis in Turkey: A National Survey Study.” Turkish Studies 14/1 (2013), 74–91. 3849.2013.766983
  • Sökefeld, Martin. “Die Geschichte Der Alevitischen Bewegung in Deutschland.” Aleviten in Deutschland: Grundlagen, Veranderungsprozesse, Perspektiven. ed. Friedmann Eißler. 18*29. Berlin: Evangelishe Zentralstelle für Weltanschauungsfragen, 2010.
  • Sökefeld, Martin. “From Culture to Religion: Reframing Alevism for Recognition in Germany.” The Alevis in Modern Turkey and the Diaspora: Recognition, Mobilisation and Transformation. ed. Derya Özkul - Heege Markussen. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2022.
  • Sökefeld, Martin. “Mobilizing in Transnational Space: A Social Movement Approach to the Formation of Diaspora.” Global Networks 6/3 (July 2006), 265–284. https://doi. org/10.1111/j.1471-0374.2006.00144.x
  • Spielhaus, Riem - Herzog, Martin. “Finding a Place for Islam in Germany: Islamic Organisations under Private and Public Law.” Journal of Religion in Europe 8/3–4 (2015), 419–443.
  • Steinmo, Sven. “Historical Institutionalism.” Approaches and Methologies in the Social Sciences: A Pluralist Perspective. ed. Donatella della Porta - Michael Keating. 118–139. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008.
  • Sunier, Thijl - van der Linden, Heleen - van de Bovenkamp, Ellen. “The long arm of the state? Transnationalism, Islam, and nation-building: the case of Turkey and Morocco.” Contemporary Islam 10/3 (2016) 401–420.
  • Sydow, Gernot. “The Legal Status of Muslim Communities in Germany.” Transformation of Church and State Relations in Great Britain and Germany. ed. Antje von Ungern-Sternberg - Christian Walter. 241–250. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 1st Ed., 2013.
  • Tarrow, Sidney. “States and Opportunities.” Comparative Perspectives on Social Movements. ed. D. McAdam et al. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996.
  • Thielmann, Jorn. “The Turkish Bias and Some Blind Spots: Research on Muslims in Germany.” Muslim Organizations and the State - European Perspectives. ed. A. Kreienbrink - M. Bodenstein. 169–196. Nürnberg: Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge, 2010.
  • Wunn, Ina et al. Muslimische Gruppierungen in Deutschland: Ein Handbuch. ed. Ina Wunn et al. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2007.
  • Belgeler Belge 1, Sachstand, “Gesetzliche Regelungen mit Bezug zu islamischen Religionsgemeinschaften”, Wissenschaftliche Dienste, Bundestag, no: WD 3 – 3000 – 259/16, 01.12.2016
  • Belge 2, Ausarbeitung, “Verfassungrechtliche Bedenken gegen die Anerkennung der Yeziden als Religionsgemeinschaft in Deutschland“, Wissenschaftliche Dienste, Bundestag, no: WD 10 – 3000 – 017/16, 24.03.2016
  • Belge 3, Ausarbeitung, “Rechtlicher Status der DİTİB”, Wissenschaftliche Dienste, Bundestag, no: WD 10 – 3000 – 053/18, 19.07.2018
  • Belge 4, Ausarbeitung, “Die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen des Verhältnisses von Staat und Religionsgemeinschaften in Deutschland: Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Rahmenbedingungen für Muslime”, Wissenschaftliche Dienste, Bundestag, no: WD 10 - 3000 - 074/08, 29.08.2008
  • Belge 5, Ausarbeitung, “Fragen zur religionsrechtlichen Anerkennung des Islam in Frankreich und Deutschland”, Wissenschaftliche Dienste, Bundestag, no: WF III – 079/06, 20.03.2006 Belge 6, Drucksache, “Religionsrechtliche Regelungen für Juden und Muslime”, Wissenschaftliche Dienste, Bundestag, no: WF III G – 151/06, 20.04.2006


Year 2024, Issue: 111, 361 - 380, 16.09.2024


Bu çalışma, Almanya’da artık uzunca bir süredir yaşayan Türklerin bu ülkedeki din devlet
ilişkileri sistemine entegrasyonlarına odaklanmaktadır. Etnik farklılıklara yönelik resmi
bir tanınma sistemi olmayan Almanya, tarihsel olarak farklı mezheplerin bir arada yaşadığı
bir ülke olması hasebiyle ülkede yaşayan dini farklılıklara sahip toplulukların eşit olarak
tanınmasına olanak sağlayan bir sisteme sahiptir. Nitekim bu durum Almanya’da yaşayan
Türkler tarafından da fark edilmiş, bu sebeple de kurumsallaşma çabaları ve tanınma talepleri
tarihsel olarak genelde dini alanda yoğunlaşmıştır. Ancak Almanya’da yaşayan Türklerin
kurduğu dini örgütlenmeler arasında sadece Almanya Alevi Cemaati (AABF) tam anlamıyla
başarı göstermiş ve Alevilerin yaşadığı birçok eyalette yerleşik kiliselerle eşit hakları elde
edebilmiştir. Ülkede Türklerin kurdukları İslami örgütlenmeler henüz birçok eyalette dini
cemaat olarak bile görülmemektedir. Bu meseleyi merkezine alan çalışmamız, bütün bu örgütler
arasında sadece AABF’nin tanınmış olması durumunu açıklamak amacıyla yeni bir teorik
çerçeve önermektedir. Politik fırsat yapıları, izlek bağlılığı ve ulus ötesi bağlantıları bir araya
getiren bu eklektik çerçeve, durumu genellenebilir bir şekilde açıklama iddiasındadır. Buna
göre Almanya’daki Türk örgütlenmelerinin kurumsallaşması kalıcılık projeksiyonu, politik
fırsat yapıları, ulus ötesi bağlar ve bunların oluşturduğu izlek bağlılığı dinamikleri tarafından
şekillendirilmiştir. Türklerin burada kalıcı oldukları netleştikçe örgütlenmeler politik fırsat
yapılarından yararlanma çabasına girmişler ancak bu örgütlerin ulus ötesi bağları bu durumu
genel olarak geciktirici ya da engelleyici bir mahiyet göstermiştir. Özellikle insan ve finans
kaynağı gibi konularda ulus ötesi bağlara mecbur olan bazı örgütlerde, bu bağlar ciddi bir izlek
bağlılığı yaratmış ve bu örgütleri politik fırsat yapılarından yararlanarak tanınma ya da ulus
ötesi bağlarını devam ettirme kutupları arasında bırakmıştır. Ulus ötesi bağların daha zayıf izlek
bağlılıkları yarattığı AABF örneğinde ise, yerelleşme ve sisteme uygun reform kararları çok
daha hızlı alınarak, tanınma süreci sorunsuz tamamlanabilmiştir


  • Abadan-Unat, Nermin. Bitmeyen Göç : Konuk İşç ilikten Ulus-Ötesi Yurttaşlığa. Istanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 3rd Ed., 2017.
  • Arkilic, Ayca. “The Limits of European Islam: Turkish Islamic Umbrella Organizations and Their Relations with Host Countries - France and Germany.” Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs 35/1 (2015), 17–42.
  • Arslan, Zeynep. “Alevi Diasporası ve ‘Resmi Din’ Olarak Alevilikte Çoklu Kimlik.” Göç Dergisi 4/2 (2017), 153–184.
  • Arslan, Zeynep. “The Alevi Diaspora – Its Emergence as a Political Actor and Its Impact on the Homeland.” Border Crossing 6/2 (2016), 342–353.
  • Bauböck, Rainer. “Towards a Political Theory of Migrant Transnationalism.” International Migration Review 37/3 (2003), 700–723. tb00155.x
  • Bayrakli, Enes et al. “Engineering a European Islam: An Analysis of Attempts to Domesticate European Muslims in Austria, France, and Germany.” Insight Turkey 20/3 (June 1, 2018), 131–156.
  • Breton, Raymond. “Institutional Completeness of Ethnic Communities and the Personal Relations of Immigrants.” American Journal of Sociology 70/2 (1964), 193–205. https://
  • Brubaker, Rogers. Fransa ve Almanya’da Vatandaşlık ve Ulus Bilinci. ed. Çev: Ezgi Su Dağabak. Ankara: Gav Perspektif, 2022.
  • Çamuroğlu, Reha. “Alevi Revivalism in Turkey.” Alevi Identity: Cultural, Religious, and Sociological Perspectives: Papers Read at a Conference Held at the Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul. Richmond: Curzon, 1996.
  • Castles, Stephen. “How Nation-States Respond to Immigration and Ethnic Diversity.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 21/3 (1995), 293–308. https://doi. org/10.1080/1369183X.1995.9976493
  • Çoşan EKE, Deniz. “Embodiment of Recognizing Differences: Alevis in Germany.” ed. Güven Şeker et al. 252–259. London: Transnational Press London, 2015.
  • Çoşan EKE, Deniz. “Transnational Communities: Alevi Immigrants in Europe.” Alevilik- Bektasilik Arastirmalari Dergisi 10 (2014), 167–194.
  • Hofhansel, Claus. “Accommodating Islam and the Utility of National Models: The German Case.” West European Politics 33/2 (2010), 191–207.
  • Hofhansel, Claus. “Recognition Regimes for Religious Minorities in Europe: Institutional Change and Reproduction.” Journal of Church and State 57/1 (2015), 90–118. https://doi. org/10.1093/jcs/cst030
  • Hooghe, Marc. “Ethnic Organisations and Social Movement Theory: The Political Opportunity Structure for Ethnic Mobilisation in Flanders.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 31/5 (September 2005), 975–990.
  • İkizler, Metin. “Alman Dernekler Hukukundaki Reform Çalışmalarına Bir Bakış.” AÜHFD 57/3 (2008), 409–454.
  • Kaplan, İsmail. Das Alevitentum: Eine Glaubens- Und Lebensgemeinschaft in Deutschland. Köln: AABF, 2004.
  • Kastoryano, Riva. “Religion and Incorporation: Islam in France and Germany.” International Migration Review 38/3 (2004), 1234–1255.
  • Kaya, Ayhan. “Euro-Türkler , Kuşaklararası Farklılıkları İslam ve Entegrasyon Tartışmaları.” Göç Araştırmaları Dergisi 1/1 (2015), 44–79.
  • Kaya, Ayhan - Drhimeur, Amina. “Diaspora Politics and Religious Diplomacy in Turkey and Morocco.” Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 1–21. 3857.2022.2095703
  • Kaya, Ayhan - Kentel, Ferhat. “Euro-Turks. A Bridge or a Breach between Turkey and the European Union? A Comparative Study of German-Turks and French-Turks.” Centre for European Policy Studies.
  • Kortmann, Matthias. “Religious Governance and Integration Policies in Germany and the Netherlands: The Impact on the Self-Portrayal and Strategies of Muslim Organizations.” Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies 10/3 (2012), 299–318. 15562948.2012.693038
  • Lecours, André. New Institutionalism: Theory and Analysis. Toronto: Toronto University Press, 2005.
  • Massicard, Elise. The Alevis in Turkey and Europe. New York: Routledge, 2013. Massicard, Elise. Türkiye’den Avrupa’ya Alevi Hareketinin Siyasallaşması. Istanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2017.
  • Mazlum, Mahmut. “Reflections of ‘European Islam’ Discourse to Germany and Recognition of Turkish-Islam.” Bilig 104 (January 30, 2023), 153–178. bilig.10406
  • Mazlum, Mahmut. Transnational Linkages and Recognition: The Case of Immigrants’ Religious Organizations in Germany. Munich: Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, PhD Dissertation, 2021.
  • Nordin, Magdalena - Otterbeck, Jonas. Migration and Religion. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.
  • Özyürek, Esra. “‘The Light of the Alevi Fire Was Lit in Germany and Then Spread to Turkey’: A Transnational Debate on the Boundaries of Islam.” Turkish Studies 10/2 (2009), 233–253.
  • Pries, Ludger. “Transnationalism.” IMISCOE Research Series. 233–247. Springer Science and Business Media B.V., 2022.
  • Pries, Ludger - Tuncer-Zengingül, Tülay. “Neither Omnipotent nor a Paper Tiger: The Federation of the Alevi Communities in Germany and the Dynamics of Its Multidimensional Area of Activity.” Islamic Organizations in Europe and the USA. ed. Matthias Kortmann - Kerstin Rosenow-Williams. 150–166. Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2013. https://doi. org/10.1057/9781137305589_9
  • Rohe, Mathias. “Islamic Norms in Germany and Europe.” Islam and Muslims in Germany. ed. Ala Al-Hamarneh - Jorn Thielmann. 49–81. Leiden: Brill, 2008. ej.9789004158665.I-592.17
  • Rosenow-Williams, Kerstin. Organizing Muslims and Integrating Islam in Germany. Leiden: Brill, 2012.
  • Schrover, Marlou - Vermeulen, Floris. “Immigrant Organisations.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 31/5 (September 2005), 823–832.
  • Şen, Faruk. “Euro-Islam: Some Empirical Evidences.” Islam and Muslims in Germany. ed. Ala Al-Hamarneh - Jorn Thielmann. 33–49. Leiden [u.a.]: Brill, 2008.
  • Şirin, Çiǧdem V. “Analyzing the Determinants of Group Identity Among Alevis in Turkey: A National Survey Study.” Turkish Studies 14/1 (2013), 74–91. 3849.2013.766983
  • Sökefeld, Martin. “Die Geschichte Der Alevitischen Bewegung in Deutschland.” Aleviten in Deutschland: Grundlagen, Veranderungsprozesse, Perspektiven. ed. Friedmann Eißler. 18*29. Berlin: Evangelishe Zentralstelle für Weltanschauungsfragen, 2010.
  • Sökefeld, Martin. “From Culture to Religion: Reframing Alevism for Recognition in Germany.” The Alevis in Modern Turkey and the Diaspora: Recognition, Mobilisation and Transformation. ed. Derya Özkul - Heege Markussen. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2022.
  • Sökefeld, Martin. “Mobilizing in Transnational Space: A Social Movement Approach to the Formation of Diaspora.” Global Networks 6/3 (July 2006), 265–284. https://doi. org/10.1111/j.1471-0374.2006.00144.x
  • Spielhaus, Riem - Herzog, Martin. “Finding a Place for Islam in Germany: Islamic Organisations under Private and Public Law.” Journal of Religion in Europe 8/3–4 (2015), 419–443.
  • Steinmo, Sven. “Historical Institutionalism.” Approaches and Methologies in the Social Sciences: A Pluralist Perspective. ed. Donatella della Porta - Michael Keating. 118–139. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008.
  • Sunier, Thijl - van der Linden, Heleen - van de Bovenkamp, Ellen. “The long arm of the state? Transnationalism, Islam, and nation-building: the case of Turkey and Morocco.” Contemporary Islam 10/3 (2016) 401–420.
  • Sydow, Gernot. “The Legal Status of Muslim Communities in Germany.” Transformation of Church and State Relations in Great Britain and Germany. ed. Antje von Ungern-Sternberg - Christian Walter. 241–250. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 1st Ed., 2013.
  • Tarrow, Sidney. “States and Opportunities.” Comparative Perspectives on Social Movements. ed. D. McAdam et al. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996.
  • Thielmann, Jorn. “The Turkish Bias and Some Blind Spots: Research on Muslims in Germany.” Muslim Organizations and the State - European Perspectives. ed. A. Kreienbrink - M. Bodenstein. 169–196. Nürnberg: Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge, 2010.
  • Wunn, Ina et al. Muslimische Gruppierungen in Deutschland: Ein Handbuch. ed. Ina Wunn et al. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2007.
  • Belgeler Belge 1, Sachstand, “Gesetzliche Regelungen mit Bezug zu islamischen Religionsgemeinschaften”, Wissenschaftliche Dienste, Bundestag, no: WD 3 – 3000 – 259/16, 01.12.2016
  • Belge 2, Ausarbeitung, “Verfassungrechtliche Bedenken gegen die Anerkennung der Yeziden als Religionsgemeinschaft in Deutschland“, Wissenschaftliche Dienste, Bundestag, no: WD 10 – 3000 – 017/16, 24.03.2016
  • Belge 3, Ausarbeitung, “Rechtlicher Status der DİTİB”, Wissenschaftliche Dienste, Bundestag, no: WD 10 – 3000 – 053/18, 19.07.2018
  • Belge 4, Ausarbeitung, “Die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen des Verhältnisses von Staat und Religionsgemeinschaften in Deutschland: Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Rahmenbedingungen für Muslime”, Wissenschaftliche Dienste, Bundestag, no: WD 10 - 3000 - 074/08, 29.08.2008
  • Belge 5, Ausarbeitung, “Fragen zur religionsrechtlichen Anerkennung des Islam in Frankreich und Deutschland”, Wissenschaftliche Dienste, Bundestag, no: WF III – 079/06, 20.03.2006 Belge 6, Drucksache, “Religionsrechtliche Regelungen für Juden und Muslime”, Wissenschaftliche Dienste, Bundestag, no: WF III G – 151/06, 20.04.2006
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Alawism Bektashism Studies, Migration, Sociology of Migration, Ethnicity and Multiculturalism, Religious Studies (Other)
Journal Section Research Article

Mahmut Mazlum 0000-0002-4139-7134

Early Pub Date September 10, 2024
Publication Date September 16, 2024
Submission Date October 23, 2023
Acceptance Date May 14, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Issue: 111


ISNAD Mazlum, Mahmut. “ALMANYA’DA TÜRKLER, DİNİ TANINMA VE ALEVİLERİN BİR DİNİ CEMAAT OLARAK TANINMASI”. Türk Kültürü ve Hacı Bektaş Veli Araştırma Dergisi 111 (September 2024), 361-380.

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