Year 2020,
, 181 - 196, 01.01.2020
Nahid Yarahmadzehı
Mostafa Goodarzı
- Ainsworth, L. (2006). Common formative assessments: How to connect standards based instruction and assessment.
Thousand Oaks, California: Crown Press.
Al-Amri, S., 2007. Computer-based vs. paper-based testing: are they the same? IN: Khandia, F. (ed.). 11th
CAA International Computer Assisted Conference: Proceedings of the Conference on 10th &
11th July 2007 at Loughborough University, Loughborough, 3-13.
Allagui. B. (2014). Writing through WhatsApp: an evaluation of students writing performance. International
Journal of Mobile Learning and Organization, 8 (3/4), 216 – 231.
Bachman, L. (2004). Statistical analysis for language assessment. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Baleghizadeh S., & Oladrostam, E. (2010). The effect of mobile assisted language learning (MALL) on
grammatical accuracy of EFL students. MEXTESOL Journal, 34(2), 1-10
Black, P. & Wiliam, D. (1998). Assessment and Classroom Learning. Assessment in Education: Principles,
Policy & Practice. 5(1), 7 - 74
Brown, G. A., Bull, J., & Pendlebury, M. (1997). Assessing student learning in higher education. New York:
Brown, S., Race, P. & Smith, B. (2000). 500 tips on assessment. (1st ed.) London: Kogan Page Limited.
Chapelle, C. (2001). Computer applications in second language acquisition: Foundations for teaching, testing,
and research. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Chen, C. M., & Hsu, S. H. (2008). Personalized intelligent mobile learning system for supporting effective
English learning. Educational Technology & Society, 11(3), 153-180.
Chickering, A. W., & Ehrmann, S. C. (1996). Implementing the seven principles: Technology as lever. AAHE
Bulletin, 49, 3-6
Chinnery, G. (2006). Going to the MALL: mobile assisted language learning. Language Learning and
Technology, 10(1), 9–16.
Ducate, L., & Lomicka, L. (2009). Podcasting: An effective tool for honing language students’ pronunciation?
Language Learning & Technology, 13(3), 66-86
Duncan, A. & Dunn, W. (1988). What Primary Teachers should know about Assessment. London: Hodder &
Fleming, S. & Hiple, D. (2004). Foreign language distance education at the University of Hawai’i. In C. A.
Spreen, (Ed.), New technologies and language learning: issues and options (Tech. Rep. No.25) (pp.
13-54). Honolulu, HI: University of Hawai’i, Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center.
Khodabakhshzadeh, H., Kafi, Z., & Hosseinnia, M,. Investigating EFL Teachers’ Conceptions and Literacy
of Formative Assessment: Constructing and Validating an Inventory, International Journal of
Instruction, January 2018.
Kukulska-Hulme, A. (2009). Will mobile learning change language learning? ReCALL, 21(2), 157-165.
Kukulska-Hulme, A., Norris, L. and Donohue, J. (2015). Mobile pedagogy for English language teaching:
a guide for teachers. British Council ELT Research Papers, [pdf] 14.07. Available at: http://
Khoshsima, H., & Hashemi Torujeni, M. (2017). Comparability of Computer-Based Testing and PaperBased Testing: Testing Mode Effect, Testing Mode Order, Computer Attitudes and Testing Mode
preference. International Journal of Computer (IJC). 24(1), 80-99.
Klimova, B. (2017). Mobile phones and/or smartphones and their apps for teaching English as a foreign
language, Education and Information Technologies, The Official Journal of the IFIP Technical
Committee on Education. doi: 10.1007/s10639-017-9655-5.
Liu, I., Chen, M.C., Sun, Y.S., Wible, D., & Kuo, C. (2010). Extending the TAM model to explore the
factors that affect intention to use an online learning community. Computer & Education, 52, 600-
610. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2009.09.009.
Rezaei, M., & Golshan, M. (2015). Computer Adaptive Test (CAT): Advantages and Limitations.
International Journal of Educational Investigations. 2(5): 128-137.
Read, J. (2000). Assessing vocabulary. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Read, J. (1988). Measuring the vocabulary knowledge of second language learners. RELC Journal, 19(2),
Sahan, O., Coban, M., & Razi, S. (2016). Students learn English idioms through WhatsApp: Extensive use
of smartphones. Erzincan University Journal of Education Faculty, 18(2), 1230-1251.
Sorayyaei Azara, A., & Nasiri, H. (2014), Students learn English idioms through WhatsApp: Extensive use
of smartphones. Uremia University, Iran. doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.03. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Spector, J. M., Ifenthaler, D., Samspon, D., Yang, L., Mukama, E., Warusavitarana, A., et al. (2016).
Technology enhanced formative assessment for 21st century learning. Educational Technology &
Society, 19(3), 58_71.
Stobart, G. & Gipps, C. (1997). Assessment: A teacher’s guide to the issues. London: Hodder & Stoughton
Stahl, S.A. (2005). Four problems with teaching word meanings (and what to do to make vocabulary an integral
part of instruction). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Tseng, W. (2017). Measuring English vocabulary size via computerized adaptive Testing. Computers &
Education, 97, 69-85.
Trumbull, E. & Lash, A. (2013). Understanding formative assessment: Insights from learning theory and
measurement theory. San Franciso, CA: WestEd.
Taki, S. & Khazaei,S. (2011).Learning Vocabulary via Mobile Phone: Persian EFL Learners in Focus. Journal
of Language Teaching and Research, 2(6), 1252-1258.
Varier, D. (2015). A Case Study Examining Formative Assessment in a Postsecondary English Language
Program, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia, Department of Foundations
of Education.
Yang, J. (2013). Mobile assisted language learning: review of the recent applications of emerging mobile
technologies. English Language Teaching, 6(7), 19-25.
Investigating the Role of Formative Mobile Based Assessment in Vocabulary Learning of Pre-Intermediate EFL Learners in Comparison with Paper Based Assessment
Year 2020,
, 181 - 196, 01.01.2020
Nahid Yarahmadzehı
Mostafa Goodarzı
Throughout this study technology and especially mobile phones was utilized in EFL classrooms in order to see whether it can influence the process of vocabulary formative assessment and consequently improve vocabulary learning of Iranian pre-intermediate EFL learners or not. Two groups of pre-intermediate EFL learners participated in this study. Regarding the first group (FMA) the vocabulary learning of learners was assessed formatively during ten sessions using Socrative mobile application. The vocabulary learning of the second group (FPA) was also assessed formatively but paper and pen were the instruments used by instructor and students to take the tests. After applying quasi-experimental research design including pretest, treatment and posttest and after running independent sample t tests to posttest scores, the results showed that those pre-intermediate EFL learners attending in the group where vocabulary gain was assessed formatively using mobile application named Socrative performed significantly better in posttest than group assessed formatively based on paper and pen (Sig=0.03<0.05). The analysis of attitude questionnaire distributed among participants of the group assessed formatively using mobile phone exhibited that they possessed a positive attitude towards mobile based testing.
- Ainsworth, L. (2006). Common formative assessments: How to connect standards based instruction and assessment.
Thousand Oaks, California: Crown Press.
Al-Amri, S., 2007. Computer-based vs. paper-based testing: are they the same? IN: Khandia, F. (ed.). 11th
CAA International Computer Assisted Conference: Proceedings of the Conference on 10th &
11th July 2007 at Loughborough University, Loughborough, 3-13.
Allagui. B. (2014). Writing through WhatsApp: an evaluation of students writing performance. International
Journal of Mobile Learning and Organization, 8 (3/4), 216 – 231.
Bachman, L. (2004). Statistical analysis for language assessment. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Baleghizadeh S., & Oladrostam, E. (2010). The effect of mobile assisted language learning (MALL) on
grammatical accuracy of EFL students. MEXTESOL Journal, 34(2), 1-10
Black, P. & Wiliam, D. (1998). Assessment and Classroom Learning. Assessment in Education: Principles,
Policy & Practice. 5(1), 7 - 74
Brown, G. A., Bull, J., & Pendlebury, M. (1997). Assessing student learning in higher education. New York:
Brown, S., Race, P. & Smith, B. (2000). 500 tips on assessment. (1st ed.) London: Kogan Page Limited.
Chapelle, C. (2001). Computer applications in second language acquisition: Foundations for teaching, testing,
and research. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Chen, C. M., & Hsu, S. H. (2008). Personalized intelligent mobile learning system for supporting effective
English learning. Educational Technology & Society, 11(3), 153-180.
Chickering, A. W., & Ehrmann, S. C. (1996). Implementing the seven principles: Technology as lever. AAHE
Bulletin, 49, 3-6
Chinnery, G. (2006). Going to the MALL: mobile assisted language learning. Language Learning and
Technology, 10(1), 9–16.
Ducate, L., & Lomicka, L. (2009). Podcasting: An effective tool for honing language students’ pronunciation?
Language Learning & Technology, 13(3), 66-86
Duncan, A. & Dunn, W. (1988). What Primary Teachers should know about Assessment. London: Hodder &
Fleming, S. & Hiple, D. (2004). Foreign language distance education at the University of Hawai’i. In C. A.
Spreen, (Ed.), New technologies and language learning: issues and options (Tech. Rep. No.25) (pp.
13-54). Honolulu, HI: University of Hawai’i, Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center.
Khodabakhshzadeh, H., Kafi, Z., & Hosseinnia, M,. Investigating EFL Teachers’ Conceptions and Literacy
of Formative Assessment: Constructing and Validating an Inventory, International Journal of
Instruction, January 2018.
Kukulska-Hulme, A. (2009). Will mobile learning change language learning? ReCALL, 21(2), 157-165.
Kukulska-Hulme, A., Norris, L. and Donohue, J. (2015). Mobile pedagogy for English language teaching:
a guide for teachers. British Council ELT Research Papers, [pdf] 14.07. Available at: http://
Khoshsima, H., & Hashemi Torujeni, M. (2017). Comparability of Computer-Based Testing and PaperBased Testing: Testing Mode Effect, Testing Mode Order, Computer Attitudes and Testing Mode
preference. International Journal of Computer (IJC). 24(1), 80-99.
Klimova, B. (2017). Mobile phones and/or smartphones and their apps for teaching English as a foreign
language, Education and Information Technologies, The Official Journal of the IFIP Technical
Committee on Education. doi: 10.1007/s10639-017-9655-5.
Liu, I., Chen, M.C., Sun, Y.S., Wible, D., & Kuo, C. (2010). Extending the TAM model to explore the
factors that affect intention to use an online learning community. Computer & Education, 52, 600-
610. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2009.09.009.
Rezaei, M., & Golshan, M. (2015). Computer Adaptive Test (CAT): Advantages and Limitations.
International Journal of Educational Investigations. 2(5): 128-137.
Read, J. (2000). Assessing vocabulary. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Read, J. (1988). Measuring the vocabulary knowledge of second language learners. RELC Journal, 19(2),
Sahan, O., Coban, M., & Razi, S. (2016). Students learn English idioms through WhatsApp: Extensive use
of smartphones. Erzincan University Journal of Education Faculty, 18(2), 1230-1251.
Sorayyaei Azara, A., & Nasiri, H. (2014), Students learn English idioms through WhatsApp: Extensive use
of smartphones. Uremia University, Iran. doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.03. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Spector, J. M., Ifenthaler, D., Samspon, D., Yang, L., Mukama, E., Warusavitarana, A., et al. (2016).
Technology enhanced formative assessment for 21st century learning. Educational Technology &
Society, 19(3), 58_71.
Stobart, G. & Gipps, C. (1997). Assessment: A teacher’s guide to the issues. London: Hodder & Stoughton
Stahl, S.A. (2005). Four problems with teaching word meanings (and what to do to make vocabulary an integral
part of instruction). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Tseng, W. (2017). Measuring English vocabulary size via computerized adaptive Testing. Computers &
Education, 97, 69-85.
Trumbull, E. & Lash, A. (2013). Understanding formative assessment: Insights from learning theory and
measurement theory. San Franciso, CA: WestEd.
Taki, S. & Khazaei,S. (2011).Learning Vocabulary via Mobile Phone: Persian EFL Learners in Focus. Journal
of Language Teaching and Research, 2(6), 1252-1258.
Varier, D. (2015). A Case Study Examining Formative Assessment in a Postsecondary English Language
Program, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia, Department of Foundations
of Education.
Yang, J. (2013). Mobile assisted language learning: review of the recent applications of emerging mobile
technologies. English Language Teaching, 6(7), 19-25.