Year 2011,
Volume: 12 Issue: 1, 23 - 34, 05.08.2016
Elman Bahar
İlknur Korkutal
Canel Kurt
türlerin, kurağa dayanıklılık mekanizmasının belirlenmesi ve buna yönelik araştırmalar giderek önem kazanmaktadır. Bitkinin ve toprağın su potansiyeli Scholander Basınç Odası ile belirlenmektedir. Bu ölçümler şafak vakti su potansiyeli (güneş doğmadan 2 saat önce) ve gün ortası (12:00-14:00) olmak üzere iki zamanda yapılır. Aynı zamanda kuraklığın meydana geldiği gelişme aşaması da (çiçeklenme, ben düşme, olgunlaşma, aşırı olgunluk) önemlidir. Şaraplık üzüm çeşitleri yetiştiriciliğinde en uygun sulama stratejisinin belirlenmesi önemli bir sorundur. Bu derlemede su stresinin üzüm tanesinin büyüme, gelişme ve kalitesine etkileri incelenmiştir
- Ağaoğlu, Y.S., 2002. Bilimsel ve Uygulamalı Bağcılık (Asma Fizyolojisi). Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi 445.
- Baloğlu, C., Öncü, F., ve İ. Nisa., 2010. Küresel Isınma ve Tarla Bitkileri Açısından Değerlendirilmesi. http://www.akdeniz.edu.tr/ziraat/tr/ekaynak/ts005.pdf (Erişim tarihi: 26.01.2010).
- Carbonneau, A., Champagnol, F., Deloire, A. ve F. Sevilla., 1998. Récolte et Qualité du Raisin, in C. Flanzy. Fondements Scientifiques et Technologiques. Lavoisier Tec&Doc ed, 1311.
- Carbonneau, A., Deloire, A., ve B. Jaillard, 2007. The Grapevine: Physiology, Terroir, Growing. Dunod,. 442. Paris; France
- Carbonneau, A. ve E. Bahar., 2009. Vine and Berry Responses to Contrasted Water Fluxes in Ecotron Around ‘Veraison’. Manipulation of Berry Shrivelling and Consequences on Berry Growth, Sugar Loading and Maturation. Proceedings of the 16th International GiESCO Symposium July 12-15, 2009. University of California, Davis 145-152. USA.
- Champagnol F., 1998. Critéres de Qualitié de la Vendange. In: C. Flanzy (Ed) Oenologie, Fondements Scientifiques et Technologiques, 653-659. Lavoisier Tec & Doc, Paris.
- Considine, J.A. ve R.B. Knox., 1981. Tissue Origins Cell, Lineages and Latterns of Cell Division in the Developing Dermal System of the Fruits of Vitis vinifera L. Planta, 151: 403-412.
- Coombe, B.G., 1976. The Development of Fleshy Fruits. Annual Review of Plant Physiology 27, 207-228.
- Coombe, B.G., 2001. Ripening Berries - a Critical Issue. Australian Vitic. 5: 28-33.
- 0. Coombe, B. G. ve M.G. McCarthy., 2000. Dynamics of Grape Berry Growth and Physiology of Ripening. Aust. J. Grape Wine Res. 6, 131-135.
- 1. Deloire, A., Carbonneau, A., Wang, Z. ve H. Ojeda., 2004. Vine and Water. J. Int. Sci. Vigne Vin, 38(1): 1-13.
- 2. Esteban, M.A., Villanueva, M.J. ve J.R. Lissarrague., 1999. Effect of Irrigation on Changes in Berry Composition of Tempranillo During Maturation. Sugars, Organic Acids, and Mineral Elements. Amer. J. Enol. and Vitic. 50, 418-434.
- 3. Esteban, M.A., Villanueva, M.J. ve J.R. Lissarrague., 2001. Effect of Irrigation on Changes in the Anthocyanin Composition of the Skin of cv. Tempranillo (Vitis vinifera L.) Grape Berries During Ripening. Journal of the Sci. of Food and Agric. 81, 409-420.
- 4. Girona, J., Marshal, J., Mata, M., Del Campo, J. ve B. Basile., 2009. Phenological Sensitivity of Berry Growth and Composition of Tempranillo Grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.) to Water Stress. Australian J. Grape and Wine Res. Vol 15(3): 268-277.
- 5. Hardie, W.J. ve J.A. Considine., 1976. Response of Grapes to Water Deficit Stress in Particular Stages of Development. Am. J. Enol. Vitic 27: 55-61.
- 6. Holt, H.E., Francis, I.L., Field, J., Herderich, M.J. ve P.G. Iland., 2008. Relationships Between Berry Size, Berry Phenolic Composition and Wine Quality Scores for Cabernet Sauvignon (Vitis vinifera L.) From Different Pruning Treatments and Different Vintages. Australian J. Grape and Wine Res. 14: 191-202.
- 7. Jona, R. ve R. Botta, 1988. Fruit Set and Early Berry Development in Two Grapevine Cultivars. Israel Bot. 37, 203-216.
- 8. Kacar B., Katkat V. ve Ş. Öztürk., 2006. Bitki Fizyolojisi. Bursa 563.
- 9. Matthews, M.A., Anderson, M.M. ve H.R. Schultz., 1987. Phenologic and Growth Responses to Early and Late Season Water Deficits in Cabernet Franc. Vitis 26, 147-160.
- 0. Matthews M. A. ve M.M. Anderson., 1988. Fruit Ripening in Vitis vinifera L. Responses to Seasonal Water Deficits. Amer. J. Enol. Vitic., 39: 4.
- 1. Matthews, M. A., Isii, R., Anderson, M. M. ve O’Mahony, M., 1990. Depence of Wine Sensory Attributes on Vine Water Status, J. Sci.Food Agric. 51, 321-325.
- 2. Matthews. M.A. ve V. Nuzzo., 2007. Berry Size And Yield Paradigm on Grapes and Wine Quality. Acta Hort. 754, 423-435.
- 3. McCarthy, M.G., 1997. The Effect of Transient Water Deficit on Berry Development of cv. Syrah (Vitis vinifera L). Aust. J. Grape Wine Res. 3, 102-108.
- 4. Mullins, M.G., Bouquet, A. ve Williams, L.E., 1992. Biology of the Grapevine. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.
- 5. Ojeda, H., Deloire, A., Carbonneau, A., Ageorges, A. ve C., Romieu, 1999. Berry Development of Grapevines: Relations Between the Growth of Berries and their DNA Content Indicate Cell Multiplication and Enlargement. Vitis 38, 145-150.
- 6. Ojeda, H., Deloire, A. ve A. Carbonneau., 2001. Influence of Water Deficits on Grape Berry Growth. Vitis 40(3): 141-145.
- 7. Ojeda, H., Andary, C., Kraeva, E., Carbonneau, A. ve A. Deloire., 2002. Influence of Pre- and PostVeraison Water Deficit on Synthesis and Concentration of Skin Phenolic Compounds During Berry Growth of Vitis vinifera cv. Shiraz. American J. Enol. and Vitic. 53: 261-267.
- 8. Poni, S., Lakso, A.N., Turner, J. R. ve R. E. Melious, 1994. Interactions of Crop Level and Last Season Water Stress on Growth and Physiology of Field-Grown Concord Grapevines. Am. J. Enol. Vitic. 45(2): 52-258.
- 9. Reynolds, A.G., Lowrey, W.D., Tomek, L., Hakimi, J. ve C. de Savigny., 2007. Influence of Irrigation on Vine Performance, Fruit Composition, and Wine Quality of Chardonnay in a Cool, Humid Climate. American J. Enol. and Vitic. 58: 217-228.
- 0. Roby, G., Harbertson, J.F., Adams, D.A. ve M.A. Matthews., 2004. Berry Size and Vine Water Deficits as Factors in Winegrape Composition: Anthocyanins and Tannins. Australian J. Grape and Wine Res. 10: 100107.
- 1. Rogiers, S.Y., Hatfield, J.M. ve M. Keller., 2004. Irrigation, Nitrogen, and Rootstock Effects on Volume Loss of Berries from Potted Shiraz Vines. Vitis (1): 1-6.
- 2. Smith, R. ve T. Prichard., 2002. UC Cooperative Extension August http://ucce.ucdavis.edu/files/filelibrary/ 2161/ 41093.pdf. (Erişim tarihi: 13.12.2009).
- 3. Williams, L.E. ve M.A. Matthews., 1990. Grapevine. in Irrigation of Agricultural Crops. (Agronomy Monograph No. 30). Eds. B.A. Steward and D.R. Nielsen (ASA-CSSA-SSSA: Madison, WI) : 1019-1055.
Water Deficit Effect on Different Phenologic Growth Stages in Grape Berry Growing, Development And Quality
Year 2011,
Volume: 12 Issue: 1, 23 - 34, 05.08.2016
Elman Bahar
İlknur Korkutal
Canel Kurt
Global warming is a huge problem in the world. For that reason novadays determining the species which are resist for the water deficit and their water deficit mechanism’s are gradually having an importance. Plant and soil water potential measured by Scholander Pressure Chamber. This measurements are predawn leaf water potential Ψpd (2 hours before sunrise) and midday leaf water potential Ψmd (at 12:00-14:00 P.M.). Also water deficit consisting period (flowering, veraison, maturation, late maturation) is important. There is a significant case is defining optimal irrigation strategy in wine grapes. Water deficit effect on grape berry growing, berry development and berry quality is examined in this paper
- Ağaoğlu, Y.S., 2002. Bilimsel ve Uygulamalı Bağcılık (Asma Fizyolojisi). Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi 445.
- Baloğlu, C., Öncü, F., ve İ. Nisa., 2010. Küresel Isınma ve Tarla Bitkileri Açısından Değerlendirilmesi. http://www.akdeniz.edu.tr/ziraat/tr/ekaynak/ts005.pdf (Erişim tarihi: 26.01.2010).
- Carbonneau, A., Champagnol, F., Deloire, A. ve F. Sevilla., 1998. Récolte et Qualité du Raisin, in C. Flanzy. Fondements Scientifiques et Technologiques. Lavoisier Tec&Doc ed, 1311.
- Carbonneau, A., Deloire, A., ve B. Jaillard, 2007. The Grapevine: Physiology, Terroir, Growing. Dunod,. 442. Paris; France
- Carbonneau, A. ve E. Bahar., 2009. Vine and Berry Responses to Contrasted Water Fluxes in Ecotron Around ‘Veraison’. Manipulation of Berry Shrivelling and Consequences on Berry Growth, Sugar Loading and Maturation. Proceedings of the 16th International GiESCO Symposium July 12-15, 2009. University of California, Davis 145-152. USA.
- Champagnol F., 1998. Critéres de Qualitié de la Vendange. In: C. Flanzy (Ed) Oenologie, Fondements Scientifiques et Technologiques, 653-659. Lavoisier Tec & Doc, Paris.
- Considine, J.A. ve R.B. Knox., 1981. Tissue Origins Cell, Lineages and Latterns of Cell Division in the Developing Dermal System of the Fruits of Vitis vinifera L. Planta, 151: 403-412.
- Coombe, B.G., 1976. The Development of Fleshy Fruits. Annual Review of Plant Physiology 27, 207-228.
- Coombe, B.G., 2001. Ripening Berries - a Critical Issue. Australian Vitic. 5: 28-33.
- 0. Coombe, B. G. ve M.G. McCarthy., 2000. Dynamics of Grape Berry Growth and Physiology of Ripening. Aust. J. Grape Wine Res. 6, 131-135.
- 1. Deloire, A., Carbonneau, A., Wang, Z. ve H. Ojeda., 2004. Vine and Water. J. Int. Sci. Vigne Vin, 38(1): 1-13.
- 2. Esteban, M.A., Villanueva, M.J. ve J.R. Lissarrague., 1999. Effect of Irrigation on Changes in Berry Composition of Tempranillo During Maturation. Sugars, Organic Acids, and Mineral Elements. Amer. J. Enol. and Vitic. 50, 418-434.
- 3. Esteban, M.A., Villanueva, M.J. ve J.R. Lissarrague., 2001. Effect of Irrigation on Changes in the Anthocyanin Composition of the Skin of cv. Tempranillo (Vitis vinifera L.) Grape Berries During Ripening. Journal of the Sci. of Food and Agric. 81, 409-420.
- 4. Girona, J., Marshal, J., Mata, M., Del Campo, J. ve B. Basile., 2009. Phenological Sensitivity of Berry Growth and Composition of Tempranillo Grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.) to Water Stress. Australian J. Grape and Wine Res. Vol 15(3): 268-277.
- 5. Hardie, W.J. ve J.A. Considine., 1976. Response of Grapes to Water Deficit Stress in Particular Stages of Development. Am. J. Enol. Vitic 27: 55-61.
- 6. Holt, H.E., Francis, I.L., Field, J., Herderich, M.J. ve P.G. Iland., 2008. Relationships Between Berry Size, Berry Phenolic Composition and Wine Quality Scores for Cabernet Sauvignon (Vitis vinifera L.) From Different Pruning Treatments and Different Vintages. Australian J. Grape and Wine Res. 14: 191-202.
- 7. Jona, R. ve R. Botta, 1988. Fruit Set and Early Berry Development in Two Grapevine Cultivars. Israel Bot. 37, 203-216.
- 8. Kacar B., Katkat V. ve Ş. Öztürk., 2006. Bitki Fizyolojisi. Bursa 563.
- 9. Matthews, M.A., Anderson, M.M. ve H.R. Schultz., 1987. Phenologic and Growth Responses to Early and Late Season Water Deficits in Cabernet Franc. Vitis 26, 147-160.
- 0. Matthews M. A. ve M.M. Anderson., 1988. Fruit Ripening in Vitis vinifera L. Responses to Seasonal Water Deficits. Amer. J. Enol. Vitic., 39: 4.
- 1. Matthews, M. A., Isii, R., Anderson, M. M. ve O’Mahony, M., 1990. Depence of Wine Sensory Attributes on Vine Water Status, J. Sci.Food Agric. 51, 321-325.
- 2. Matthews. M.A. ve V. Nuzzo., 2007. Berry Size And Yield Paradigm on Grapes and Wine Quality. Acta Hort. 754, 423-435.
- 3. McCarthy, M.G., 1997. The Effect of Transient Water Deficit on Berry Development of cv. Syrah (Vitis vinifera L). Aust. J. Grape Wine Res. 3, 102-108.
- 4. Mullins, M.G., Bouquet, A. ve Williams, L.E., 1992. Biology of the Grapevine. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.
- 5. Ojeda, H., Deloire, A., Carbonneau, A., Ageorges, A. ve C., Romieu, 1999. Berry Development of Grapevines: Relations Between the Growth of Berries and their DNA Content Indicate Cell Multiplication and Enlargement. Vitis 38, 145-150.
- 6. Ojeda, H., Deloire, A. ve A. Carbonneau., 2001. Influence of Water Deficits on Grape Berry Growth. Vitis 40(3): 141-145.
- 7. Ojeda, H., Andary, C., Kraeva, E., Carbonneau, A. ve A. Deloire., 2002. Influence of Pre- and PostVeraison Water Deficit on Synthesis and Concentration of Skin Phenolic Compounds During Berry Growth of Vitis vinifera cv. Shiraz. American J. Enol. and Vitic. 53: 261-267.
- 8. Poni, S., Lakso, A.N., Turner, J. R. ve R. E. Melious, 1994. Interactions of Crop Level and Last Season Water Stress on Growth and Physiology of Field-Grown Concord Grapevines. Am. J. Enol. Vitic. 45(2): 52-258.
- 9. Reynolds, A.G., Lowrey, W.D., Tomek, L., Hakimi, J. ve C. de Savigny., 2007. Influence of Irrigation on Vine Performance, Fruit Composition, and Wine Quality of Chardonnay in a Cool, Humid Climate. American J. Enol. and Vitic. 58: 217-228.
- 0. Roby, G., Harbertson, J.F., Adams, D.A. ve M.A. Matthews., 2004. Berry Size and Vine Water Deficits as Factors in Winegrape Composition: Anthocyanins and Tannins. Australian J. Grape and Wine Res. 10: 100107.
- 1. Rogiers, S.Y., Hatfield, J.M. ve M. Keller., 2004. Irrigation, Nitrogen, and Rootstock Effects on Volume Loss of Berries from Potted Shiraz Vines. Vitis (1): 1-6.
- 2. Smith, R. ve T. Prichard., 2002. UC Cooperative Extension August http://ucce.ucdavis.edu/files/filelibrary/ 2161/ 41093.pdf. (Erişim tarihi: 13.12.2009).
- 3. Williams, L.E. ve M.A. Matthews., 1990. Grapevine. in Irrigation of Agricultural Crops. (Agronomy Monograph No. 30). Eds. B.A. Steward and D.R. Nielsen (ASA-CSSA-SSSA: Madison, WI) : 1019-1055.