Bilateral double contour on the cardiac borders and a review of the literature
Year 2022,
Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 30 - 32, 31.01.2022
Uğur Gönlügür
Merve Yılmaz
Mustafa Reşorlu
Hasan Oğuz Kapıcıbaşı
There is not a systematic review about double contour in thoracic radiography in the literature. We present a 64-year-old male patient with bilateral double density sign in chest X-ray. The case was admitted with complaints of syncope to the emergency department. Arterial blood gas analysis was consistent with respiratory failure. A mucoid impac-tion in the right lower lobe was aspirated during bronchos-copy. Chest computerized tomography demonstrated a huge diaphragmatic hernia and intrathoracic stomach in the posterior mediastinum. The patient was treated with intra-venous diazepam for delirium tremens. All related papers were reviewed with Google and Pubmed search using keywords “double contour sign” or “double density sign”. In conclusion, pulmonary, cardiac, and retrocardiac medi-astinal diseases can cause double density sign.
- 1. Marshall GB, Farnquist BA, MacGregor JH, Burrowes PW. Signs in thoracic imaging. J Thorac Imaging 2006;21(1):76-90.
- 2. Çelik M, Güner A, Alpay E, Toprak C, Kahveci G. Case Image: A ping pong ball in the left atrium. Turk Kardiyol Dern Ars 2018;46(3):237.
- 3. Hirata K, Shimabukuro Y, Takahashi T, Wake M. Syn-cope due to intracavitary left ventricular obstruction second-ary to giant esophageal hiatus hernia. Am J Med Case Rep 2017;5(4):89-93.
- 4. Vanerio G. Syncope caused by huge hiatal hernia. Case Rep Cardiol 2011; 2011:560734.
- 5. Buss G, Mosimann PJ, Moix PA, Hugli O. Acute right and left heart failure caused by an intrathoracic stomach. Am J Emerg Med 2012;30(8): 1658.e1-3.
- 6. Hoelen DWM, van Duijn AL, Meuwese CL, Ruurda JP, Sikma MA. Intrathoracic gastric herniation as a rare cause of cardiac arrest. Netherlands Journal of Critical Care 2014; 18:19-20.
- 7. Soon E, Vickery C, Pulimood T. Stomach versus lungs: The case of a giant hiatal hernia. Thorax 2015;70(2):200-1.
- 8. Anderson GB, Walsh TE, Swartz SE. Tracheal occlusion from an intrathoracic stomach. Chest 1993;103(2):622-3.
- 9. Lo LJ, Nucho RC, Allen JW, Rohde RL, Lau FY. Left atrial cardiac hemangioma associated with shortness of breath and palpitations. Ann Thorac Surg 2002;73(3):979-81.
- 10. Hirsch JD, Ho VB. Radiology corner. Answer to last month's radiology case and image: Left atrial myxoma. Mil Med 2006;171(9): iv-vi.
- 11. Prasad R, Garg R, Verma SK. Intralobar sequestration of lung. Lung India 2009;26(4):159-61.
- 12. Queiroz RM, Santana DBF, Nastri Filho R, et al. En-dobronchial carcinoid tumor: Radiological findings of a clinical case. Rev Assoc Med Bras (1992) 2018;64(1):15-8.
- 13. Tudos Z, Kocher M, Cerna M, et al. “Sun Ray” appear-ance in a case of cardiac angiosarcoma: A comparison of MRI and PET/CT. Magn Reson Med Sci 2017;16(2):176-80.
- 14. Koch KE, Raiszadeh F, Godelman A, Palma E, Forman R. Giant left ventricular pseudoaneurysm and myocardial dissection as a complication of multiple ventricular tachy-cardia ablations in a patient with cardiac sarcoidosis. Clin Med Insights Cardiol 2015; 9:105-7.
- 15. Wang YW, Lin WT. A retrocardiac opacity in a cirrhot-ic patient - Esophageal varices. International Journal of Clinical & Medical Images 2015; 2(3):1000288.
- 16. Malone JC, Ussavarungsi K, Jolles HI, Johnson MM. An unusual retrocardiac density. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2013;188(10):1262.
- 17. Dhawan SS, Khouzam R. Atypical mediastinal lipoma-tosis. Heart Lung 2007;36(3):223-5.
- 18. Puttarajappa C, Dhoble A. Mediastinal lipomatosis as a cause of low voltage complexes on electrocardiogram and widened mediastinum: A case report. Cases J 2008;1(1):171.
- 19. Marchiori E, Escuissato DL, Irion KL, et al. Extrame-dullary hematopoiesis: Findings on computed tomography scans of the chest in 6 patients. J Bras Pneumol 2008;34(10):812-6.
Kalp sınırlarında iki taraflı çift kontur ve literatürün incelenmesi
Year 2022,
Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 30 - 32, 31.01.2022
Uğur Gönlügür
Merve Yılmaz
Mustafa Reşorlu
Hasan Oğuz Kapıcıbaşı
Literatürde toraks radyografisinde çift konturdan bahseden sistematik bir derleme yoktur. Akciğer grafisinde bilateral çift dansite olan 64 yaşındaki erkek olguyu sunuyoruz. Olgu acil servise bayılma yakınması ile başvurmuştu. Arter kan gazı analizi solunum yetmezliği ile uyumluydu. Sağ alt lobdaki mukus tıkacı bronkoskopi ile aspire edildi. Göğüs bilgisayarlı tomografisi dev bir diyafragma hernisini ve arka mediyastende intratorasik midenin varlığını gösterdi. Hasta deliryum tremens nedeniyle intravenöz diazepam ile tedavi edildi. Google ve Pubmed “çift kontur bulgusu” veya “çift dansite bulgusu” anahtar kelimeleri ile taranıp tüm ilişkili yazılar incelendi. Sonuç olarak pulmoner, kardiyak veya arka mediyastinal hastalıklar çift dansite bulgusuna neden olabilir.
- 1. Marshall GB, Farnquist BA, MacGregor JH, Burrowes PW. Signs in thoracic imaging. J Thorac Imaging 2006;21(1):76-90.
- 2. Çelik M, Güner A, Alpay E, Toprak C, Kahveci G. Case Image: A ping pong ball in the left atrium. Turk Kardiyol Dern Ars 2018;46(3):237.
- 3. Hirata K, Shimabukuro Y, Takahashi T, Wake M. Syn-cope due to intracavitary left ventricular obstruction second-ary to giant esophageal hiatus hernia. Am J Med Case Rep 2017;5(4):89-93.
- 4. Vanerio G. Syncope caused by huge hiatal hernia. Case Rep Cardiol 2011; 2011:560734.
- 5. Buss G, Mosimann PJ, Moix PA, Hugli O. Acute right and left heart failure caused by an intrathoracic stomach. Am J Emerg Med 2012;30(8): 1658.e1-3.
- 6. Hoelen DWM, van Duijn AL, Meuwese CL, Ruurda JP, Sikma MA. Intrathoracic gastric herniation as a rare cause of cardiac arrest. Netherlands Journal of Critical Care 2014; 18:19-20.
- 7. Soon E, Vickery C, Pulimood T. Stomach versus lungs: The case of a giant hiatal hernia. Thorax 2015;70(2):200-1.
- 8. Anderson GB, Walsh TE, Swartz SE. Tracheal occlusion from an intrathoracic stomach. Chest 1993;103(2):622-3.
- 9. Lo LJ, Nucho RC, Allen JW, Rohde RL, Lau FY. Left atrial cardiac hemangioma associated with shortness of breath and palpitations. Ann Thorac Surg 2002;73(3):979-81.
- 10. Hirsch JD, Ho VB. Radiology corner. Answer to last month's radiology case and image: Left atrial myxoma. Mil Med 2006;171(9): iv-vi.
- 11. Prasad R, Garg R, Verma SK. Intralobar sequestration of lung. Lung India 2009;26(4):159-61.
- 12. Queiroz RM, Santana DBF, Nastri Filho R, et al. En-dobronchial carcinoid tumor: Radiological findings of a clinical case. Rev Assoc Med Bras (1992) 2018;64(1):15-8.
- 13. Tudos Z, Kocher M, Cerna M, et al. “Sun Ray” appear-ance in a case of cardiac angiosarcoma: A comparison of MRI and PET/CT. Magn Reson Med Sci 2017;16(2):176-80.
- 14. Koch KE, Raiszadeh F, Godelman A, Palma E, Forman R. Giant left ventricular pseudoaneurysm and myocardial dissection as a complication of multiple ventricular tachy-cardia ablations in a patient with cardiac sarcoidosis. Clin Med Insights Cardiol 2015; 9:105-7.
- 15. Wang YW, Lin WT. A retrocardiac opacity in a cirrhot-ic patient - Esophageal varices. International Journal of Clinical & Medical Images 2015; 2(3):1000288.
- 16. Malone JC, Ussavarungsi K, Jolles HI, Johnson MM. An unusual retrocardiac density. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2013;188(10):1262.
- 17. Dhawan SS, Khouzam R. Atypical mediastinal lipoma-tosis. Heart Lung 2007;36(3):223-5.
- 18. Puttarajappa C, Dhoble A. Mediastinal lipomatosis as a cause of low voltage complexes on electrocardiogram and widened mediastinum: A case report. Cases J 2008;1(1):171.
- 19. Marchiori E, Escuissato DL, Irion KL, et al. Extrame-dullary hematopoiesis: Findings on computed tomography scans of the chest in 6 patients. J Bras Pneumol 2008;34(10):812-6.