This study examines online Islamophobic hate speech through 'internet memes', commonly known as 'caps' in Turkey, and the representation of Muslims in Islamophobic memes. Islamophobic memes were divided into themes and sub-themes through thematic analysis, which is a qualitative research method. Thus, the nature of the online representation of Islamophobic hate speech through memes has been tried to be explored. First, a category of content was created: memes with offensive text and harmless images, memes with harmless text and offensive images, and memes with both offensive text and offensive images, and secondly, by coding the content in the dataset, the themes of 'Violence,' 'Sexism,' 'Stereotyping,' and 'Dehumanization' were reached. These categorizations and themes were created according to the output obtained from the data. It is not a new phenomenon that the media and the far-right cast stereotypes on Muslims through ‘Terror’ and ‘Violence’. However, the dehumanizing approaches of Muslims by memes with offensive and dark humor show how far the dimension of Islamophobia can go in an environment where there is no mechanism to prevent any hateful behavior.