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Primary Objective of Social Work: Social Justice - From Rhetoric to Practice Through Empowerment

Year 2006, Volume: 17 Issue: 1, 53 - 70, 15.04.2006


This article discusses the relationship between social
justice and social work in a theoretical framework which is structured in the
basis of the empowerment approach. It is emphasized that as an academic
discipline and also a profession, the primary objective of social work is to
ensure social justice. Throughout its development process from beginning to
this time, connectedness of social work with social justice is analyzed through
critical thinking. In every practice setting, both psychosocial improvement and
development focus on the micro level and social change and policy practice
focus on the macro level, social work requires a paradigm change to ensure the
objective of social justice. To satisfy this requirement, both in an
individual’s subjective life, and in the process of meeting the needs of large
part of a society, the paradigm of empowerment mainly focuses on solutions rather
than problems and sees people as actors in their own lives and solutions.
Consequently, it is emphasized that, in various practice settings, from
individual, group and family level to societal and policy practice level,
professional practices which are structured in the basis of empowerment
approach will directly serve the objective of social justice.


  • Adams, R., Dominelti, L. ve Payne, M. (ed.). (1998) Social Work: Themes, Issues and Critical Debates, Basingstoke, Macmillan.
  • Bandura, A. (1978) “The Self System in Reciprocal Determinism”, American Psychologist, September:1175-1185.
  • Barker, R., L. (1999) The Social Work Dictionary, 4th edition, Washington DC, NASW Press.
  • Becker, S. ve MacPherson, S. (ed.). (1988) Public Issues, Private Pain, London, Insight.
  • Bisman, C. (2004) "Social Work Values: The Moral Core of the Profession”, British Journal of Social Work, 34(1):109- 123.
  • Boehm, A. ve Staples, L.,H. (2002) “The Functions of the Social Worker in Empowering: The Voices of Consumers and Professionals”, Social Work, (47)4:449- 460.
  • Cearley, S. (2000) Factors that Influence the Empowerment of Child Welfare Workers. University of South Carolina, College of Social Work, UMl.
  • Clark, J.W. (2005) Social Justice Beliefs, Practice Behaviors of Social Workers and The Social Work Mission, Walden University School of Health and Human Services, UMI.
  • Craig, G. (2002) "Poverty, Social VVork and Social Justice”, British Journal of Social VVork, 32:669-682.
  • Dubois, M. ve Miley, K. (1996) Social VVork An Empowering Profession, 2nd Edition, Allyn and Bacon.
  • Dunst, C.,J., Trivette, C.,M. ve Deal, A..G. (ed.). (1994) Supporting and Strengthening Families: Methods, Strategies, and Practices, vol.1, Cambridge, Brookline Books.
  • Freedman, J. ve Combs, G. (1996) Narrative therapy: The Social Construction of Preferred Realities, New York, W.W.Norton.
  • Freire, P. (2003) Ezilenlerin Pedagojisi. Dördüncü baskı, (Dilek Hattatoğlu ve Erol Özbek, çev.), İstanbul, Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • Gibelman, M. ve Schervish, P.,H. (1997) Who We Are: A Second Look, Washington DC, NASW Press.
  • Gibson, C.,H. (1991) "A Concept Analyses of Empowerment", Journal of advanced nursing, 16:354-361.
  • Gutierrez, L.,M. (1990) "Working with Women of Color: An Empowerment Perspective", Social Work, 35:149-153.
  • Hawkins, L., Fook, J. ve Ryan, M. (2001) “Social Worker's Use of the Language of Social Justice", British Journal of Social Work, 31(1):1-13.
  • Jones, P.,S. ve Meleis, A.,l. (1993) "Health is Empowerment”, Advances in Nursing Science, 15(3):1-4.
  • Kadushîn, A. (1974) “Supervisor- Supervisee: A Survey”, Social Work, 19:228-297.
  • Lee, J.,A.,B. (2001) The Empowerment Approach to Social Work Practice. 2nd edition, New York, Columbia University Press.
  • Leslie, D.,R., Holzhalb, C.,M. ve Hollan, T.,P. (1998) "Measuring Staff Empowerment: Development of a Worker Empowerment Scale". Research on Social Work Practice, 8:212-222.
  • Lynn, E. (1999) “Value Bases in Social Work Education”, British Journal of Social Work, 29(6):939-953.
  • McDonough, J,,F. (1993) “Policy Practice: The Negiected Side of Social Work Intervention", Social Work, (38)2:179-188.
  • Mok, E. (2001) A Model of Empowerment for Honk Kong Chinese Cancer Patients and the Role of Self- help Groups in the Empowering Process, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Department of Nursing and Health Sciences, UMI.
  • National Association of Social Workers (NASW), (1996) Code of Ethics of the National Association of Social Workers, Washington DC, NASW Press.
  • National Association of Social Workers (NASW), (2002) Practice Research Network (1)3, Washington DC, NASW Press.
  • O’Brian, C. (2003) "Resource and Edu¬cation Empovverment: A Social Work Paradigm for the Disenfranchised”, Re¬search on Social Work Practice, 13(3):388-399.
  • Pelton, L.,H. (2001) “Social Justice and Social Work”, Journal of Social Work Education, 37:433-439.
  • Pinderhughes, E. (1983) "Empowerment: For Our Clients and Ourselves”, Social Casework, 64:312-314.
  • Rafael, A. (1995) “Advocacy and Empowerment: Dichotomous or Synchronous Concepts?”, Advenced Nursing, 18(2):25-32.
  • Rappaport, J. (1981) “In Praise of Paradox: A Social Policy of Empowerment over Prevention”, American Journal of Community Psychology, 9(1): 1-25.
  • Rappaport, J. (1987) “Terms of Empowerment/Exemplars of Prevention: Toward a Theory for Community Psychology”, American Journal of Community Psychology, 15(2):51-59.
  • Reeser, L.,C. ve Epstein, I. (1990) Professionalization and Activism in Social Work: The Sixties, Eighties and the Future, New York, Columbia University Press.
  • Reisch, M. (2002) “Defining Social Justice in a Socially Unjust World", Families in Society, 83(4):343-355,
  • Rubenstein, H. ve Lawler, S.,K. (1990) "Toward a Psychological Empowerment of Women”, Affilia, 5:27-38.
  • Saleebey, D. (1992) The Strengths Perspective, NewYork, Longman Press.
  • Saleebey, D. (1994) "Culture, Theory, and Narrative: The Intersection of Meanings in Practice”, Social Work, 39:351- 359.
  • Shera, W. ve Page, J. (1995) "Creating More Effective Human Service Organizations through Strategies of Empower¬ment”, Administration in Social Work, 19(4):1-15.
  • Simon, B. (1994) The Empowerment Tradition in American Social Work, New York, Columbia University Press.
  • Solomon, B. (1976) Black Empower¬ment: Social Work in Oppressed Communities, New York, Columbia University Press.
  • Specht, H. ve Courtney, M. (1994) Unfaithful Angels: How Social Work has Abandoned its Mission, New York, Free Press.
  • Swenson, C.,R. (1998) “Clinical Social Work's Contribution to a Social Justice Perspective”, Social Work, 43(6):527- 537.
  • Thompson, N. (2002) “Social Movements, Social Justice and Social Work", British Journal of Social Work, 32:711- 722.
  • Van Soest, D. (1995) “Peace and Social Justice”, R.,L. Edvvards (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Social Work, 19th edition, Washington DC, NASW Press, vol.3:1810- 1817.
  • Wakefield, J.,C. (1988a) "Psychotherapy, Distributive Justice, and Social Work: Part l, Distributive Justice as a Conceptual Framework for Social Work”, Social Service Review, 62:187-210.
  • Wakefield, J.,C. (1988b). "Psychotherapy, Distributive Justice, and Social Work: Part II, Psychotherapy and the Pursuit of Justice”, Social/ Service Re¬view, 62:353-382.
  • Weick, A. ve Saleebey, D. (1995) A Postmodern Approach to Social Work Practice, Adelphi University, School of Social Work, Garden City, NY.
  • Weick, A., Rapp, C., Sullivan, W.,P. ve Kisthardt, W. (1989) “A Strengths Per¬spective for Social Work Practice", Social Work, 34:350-354.
  • Weiss, I. (2005) "Is There a Global Common Core to Social Work? A-cross national Comparative Study of BSW Graduate Students", Social Work, 50(2):101-111.
  • Wendorf, C.,A., Alexander, S. and Firestone, I..J. (2002) “Social Justice and Moral Reasoning: An Empirical Integration of two Paradigma İn Psychological Research”, Social Justice Research, 15(1):19-39.
  • White, M. (1995) Re-authoring Lives: lnterviews and Essays, Adelaide, Australia, Duiwich Centre Publications.
  • White, M. ve Epston, D. (1990) Story, Knowledge and Power. In Narrative Means to Therapeutic Ends, New York, W.W.Norton Press.

Sosyal Hizmetin Temel Hedefi: Sosyal Adalet Güçlendirmeyle Retorikten Pratiğe

Year 2006, Volume: 17 Issue: 1, 53 - 70, 15.04.2006


Güçlendirme yaklaşımı temelinde yapılandı­rılan bu makalede, sosyal adalet ve sosyal hizmet arasındaki ilişki teorik çerçevede tartışılmaktadır. Bir disiplin ve meslek olan sosyal hizmetin nihai hedefinin sosyal adale­tin sağlanması olduğu görüşü vurgulanmak­tadır. Başlangıcından günümüze uzanan gelişme sürecinde sosyal hizmetin sosyal adaletle bağlantısı eleştirel bir bakışla tahlil edilmektedir. Mikro düzeyde psikososyal iyileştirme-geliştirme odaklı, makro düzeyde sosyal değişme ve politika odaklı her uygu­lama ortamında sosyal adalet nihai hedefine ulaşmada sosyal hizmetin ihtiyacı paradigma değişikliğidir. Bu ihtiyaca yanıt üreten, hem tekil olarak bireyin öznel yaşamında, hem de büyük ölçekte toplumun geniş kesimlerinin gereksinimlerini karşılamada, sorundan çok çözüme odaklanan ve sorunun sahiplerini çözümün baş aktörleri olarak gören para­digma güçlendirmedir. Dolayısıyla, profes­yonel uygulamaların birey, grup, aile düze­yinden toplum ve politika düzeyine değin çeşitlilik arz eden uygulama ortamlarında, güçlendirme yaklaşımı temelinde yapılandı­rılmasıyla sosyal adalet hedefine doğrudan hizmet edileceği görüşü savunulmaktadır.


  • Adams, R., Dominelti, L. ve Payne, M. (ed.). (1998) Social Work: Themes, Issues and Critical Debates, Basingstoke, Macmillan.
  • Bandura, A. (1978) “The Self System in Reciprocal Determinism”, American Psychologist, September:1175-1185.
  • Barker, R., L. (1999) The Social Work Dictionary, 4th edition, Washington DC, NASW Press.
  • Becker, S. ve MacPherson, S. (ed.). (1988) Public Issues, Private Pain, London, Insight.
  • Bisman, C. (2004) "Social Work Values: The Moral Core of the Profession”, British Journal of Social Work, 34(1):109- 123.
  • Boehm, A. ve Staples, L.,H. (2002) “The Functions of the Social Worker in Empowering: The Voices of Consumers and Professionals”, Social Work, (47)4:449- 460.
  • Cearley, S. (2000) Factors that Influence the Empowerment of Child Welfare Workers. University of South Carolina, College of Social Work, UMl.
  • Clark, J.W. (2005) Social Justice Beliefs, Practice Behaviors of Social Workers and The Social Work Mission, Walden University School of Health and Human Services, UMI.
  • Craig, G. (2002) "Poverty, Social VVork and Social Justice”, British Journal of Social VVork, 32:669-682.
  • Dubois, M. ve Miley, K. (1996) Social VVork An Empowering Profession, 2nd Edition, Allyn and Bacon.
  • Dunst, C.,J., Trivette, C.,M. ve Deal, A..G. (ed.). (1994) Supporting and Strengthening Families: Methods, Strategies, and Practices, vol.1, Cambridge, Brookline Books.
  • Freedman, J. ve Combs, G. (1996) Narrative therapy: The Social Construction of Preferred Realities, New York, W.W.Norton.
  • Freire, P. (2003) Ezilenlerin Pedagojisi. Dördüncü baskı, (Dilek Hattatoğlu ve Erol Özbek, çev.), İstanbul, Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • Gibelman, M. ve Schervish, P.,H. (1997) Who We Are: A Second Look, Washington DC, NASW Press.
  • Gibson, C.,H. (1991) "A Concept Analyses of Empowerment", Journal of advanced nursing, 16:354-361.
  • Gutierrez, L.,M. (1990) "Working with Women of Color: An Empowerment Perspective", Social Work, 35:149-153.
  • Hawkins, L., Fook, J. ve Ryan, M. (2001) “Social Worker's Use of the Language of Social Justice", British Journal of Social Work, 31(1):1-13.
  • Jones, P.,S. ve Meleis, A.,l. (1993) "Health is Empowerment”, Advances in Nursing Science, 15(3):1-4.
  • Kadushîn, A. (1974) “Supervisor- Supervisee: A Survey”, Social Work, 19:228-297.
  • Lee, J.,A.,B. (2001) The Empowerment Approach to Social Work Practice. 2nd edition, New York, Columbia University Press.
  • Leslie, D.,R., Holzhalb, C.,M. ve Hollan, T.,P. (1998) "Measuring Staff Empowerment: Development of a Worker Empowerment Scale". Research on Social Work Practice, 8:212-222.
  • Lynn, E. (1999) “Value Bases in Social Work Education”, British Journal of Social Work, 29(6):939-953.
  • McDonough, J,,F. (1993) “Policy Practice: The Negiected Side of Social Work Intervention", Social Work, (38)2:179-188.
  • Mok, E. (2001) A Model of Empowerment for Honk Kong Chinese Cancer Patients and the Role of Self- help Groups in the Empowering Process, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Department of Nursing and Health Sciences, UMI.
  • National Association of Social Workers (NASW), (1996) Code of Ethics of the National Association of Social Workers, Washington DC, NASW Press.
  • National Association of Social Workers (NASW), (2002) Practice Research Network (1)3, Washington DC, NASW Press.
  • O’Brian, C. (2003) "Resource and Edu¬cation Empovverment: A Social Work Paradigm for the Disenfranchised”, Re¬search on Social Work Practice, 13(3):388-399.
  • Pelton, L.,H. (2001) “Social Justice and Social Work”, Journal of Social Work Education, 37:433-439.
  • Pinderhughes, E. (1983) "Empowerment: For Our Clients and Ourselves”, Social Casework, 64:312-314.
  • Rafael, A. (1995) “Advocacy and Empowerment: Dichotomous or Synchronous Concepts?”, Advenced Nursing, 18(2):25-32.
  • Rappaport, J. (1981) “In Praise of Paradox: A Social Policy of Empowerment over Prevention”, American Journal of Community Psychology, 9(1): 1-25.
  • Rappaport, J. (1987) “Terms of Empowerment/Exemplars of Prevention: Toward a Theory for Community Psychology”, American Journal of Community Psychology, 15(2):51-59.
  • Reeser, L.,C. ve Epstein, I. (1990) Professionalization and Activism in Social Work: The Sixties, Eighties and the Future, New York, Columbia University Press.
  • Reisch, M. (2002) “Defining Social Justice in a Socially Unjust World", Families in Society, 83(4):343-355,
  • Rubenstein, H. ve Lawler, S.,K. (1990) "Toward a Psychological Empowerment of Women”, Affilia, 5:27-38.
  • Saleebey, D. (1992) The Strengths Perspective, NewYork, Longman Press.
  • Saleebey, D. (1994) "Culture, Theory, and Narrative: The Intersection of Meanings in Practice”, Social Work, 39:351- 359.
  • Shera, W. ve Page, J. (1995) "Creating More Effective Human Service Organizations through Strategies of Empower¬ment”, Administration in Social Work, 19(4):1-15.
  • Simon, B. (1994) The Empowerment Tradition in American Social Work, New York, Columbia University Press.
  • Solomon, B. (1976) Black Empower¬ment: Social Work in Oppressed Communities, New York, Columbia University Press.
  • Specht, H. ve Courtney, M. (1994) Unfaithful Angels: How Social Work has Abandoned its Mission, New York, Free Press.
  • Swenson, C.,R. (1998) “Clinical Social Work's Contribution to a Social Justice Perspective”, Social Work, 43(6):527- 537.
  • Thompson, N. (2002) “Social Movements, Social Justice and Social Work", British Journal of Social Work, 32:711- 722.
  • Van Soest, D. (1995) “Peace and Social Justice”, R.,L. Edvvards (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Social Work, 19th edition, Washington DC, NASW Press, vol.3:1810- 1817.
  • Wakefield, J.,C. (1988a) "Psychotherapy, Distributive Justice, and Social Work: Part l, Distributive Justice as a Conceptual Framework for Social Work”, Social Service Review, 62:187-210.
  • Wakefield, J.,C. (1988b). "Psychotherapy, Distributive Justice, and Social Work: Part II, Psychotherapy and the Pursuit of Justice”, Social/ Service Re¬view, 62:353-382.
  • Weick, A. ve Saleebey, D. (1995) A Postmodern Approach to Social Work Practice, Adelphi University, School of Social Work, Garden City, NY.
  • Weick, A., Rapp, C., Sullivan, W.,P. ve Kisthardt, W. (1989) “A Strengths Per¬spective for Social Work Practice", Social Work, 34:350-354.
  • Weiss, I. (2005) "Is There a Global Common Core to Social Work? A-cross national Comparative Study of BSW Graduate Students", Social Work, 50(2):101-111.
  • Wendorf, C.,A., Alexander, S. and Firestone, I..J. (2002) “Social Justice and Moral Reasoning: An Empirical Integration of two Paradigma İn Psychological Research”, Social Justice Research, 15(1):19-39.
  • White, M. (1995) Re-authoring Lives: lnterviews and Essays, Adelaide, Australia, Duiwich Centre Publications.
  • White, M. ve Epston, D. (1990) Story, Knowledge and Power. In Narrative Means to Therapeutic Ends, New York, W.W.Norton Press.
There are 52 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Sociology (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Tarık Tuncay

Publication Date April 15, 2006
Submission Date February 15, 2006
Published in Issue Year 2006 Volume: 17 Issue: 1


APA Tuncay, T. (2006). Sosyal Hizmetin Temel Hedefi: Sosyal Adalet Güçlendirmeyle Retorikten Pratiğe. Toplum Ve Sosyal Hizmet, 17(1), 53-70.